Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar, but continue to bear false witness, against Him? Immoral sexual behavior is a sin, same as "bearing false witness", or coveting, or any of the more serious sins. You are a person, you have no, NO authority to declare a behavior the Lord declared "sinful", not so. Please quit lying to people.

I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

Did Yeshua say that immoral sex was sinful behavior?
Did Yeshua say that lewdness was sinful behavior?

That "Book" is what your preacher uses to teach (even though he twists it for his own purposes). That Book is our link to the Lord.
Thank you for showing just what type of "Christian" you are, that would be a cafeteria Christian (you know, pick and choose what "you" want, not what the Lord teaches).

Please demonstrate where I persecuted, anyone. I have stated that several behaviors were sinful (some of which I am also guilty). Unlike you, that choose to deliberately misrepresent the "Word" and lie to others, possibly causing them to sin more.

You are not interested in "facts". They were presented in this thread and you acted like you could not even read what was in front of your face. You are calling me a liar? What have I lied about?

It figures, you are a dawg fan.

Just exactly WHO determines what is "immoral"? Christine O'donnell? Shit.....that woman thinks that masturbation is a sin because it incorporates lust. And exactly WHAT constitutes "lewd" behavior? Because of the moral standard that you impose based on your narrow beliefs?

Let me ask it "lewd" to notice a nice pair of tits that are bare and bouncing while walking along the beach? Because it's normal behavior in Europe and the Med.

You don't think you persecute anyone? Really? Because you sure as hell go after those who don't fit in your own little narrow slice of what you concieve God as being.

The only sin is to limit the Is. Don't. (from Illusions by Richard Bach).
The Bible has been trnaslated so many times over the years and it was men that did the translating.
This "inspired by and spoken to by God" BS that I hear concerning the many scribes that translated the King James version is laughable.
Ordinary men, with their bias', marching orders of the day and conflicting text to conversion all contributed to the translations.
Bottom line there is nothing wrong with gay folk. Anyone that quotes 2000 year old Jewish customs is just a little kooky but we all know the real reason they do it and it has nothing to do with the Bible.
They look down on gays the same way blacks and others were and have always have been looked down upon.
Some folks have to condemn somebody, anybody just to make them feel better about themselves.
The sick part about it is they claim their religion forces them to.

So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar, but continue to bear false witness, against Him? Immoral sexual behavior is a sin, same as "bearing false witness", or coveting, or any of the more serious sins. You are a person, you have no, NO authority to declare a behavior the Lord declared "sinful", not so. Please quit lying to people.

I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

I hate to disagree with you but: there's nothing christlike about being gay. You can say the bible doesn't condemn it but, it doesn't condemn cigarettes, crack, heroine, polygamy,or racism either. Does that make those things o.k.? people say they are born gay. o.k. let's say that's true. Are people born killers as well? how about bi-polar? maybe... with asthma? My point is, because you believe you are born this way, doesn't make it o.k. If you do then why wear condoms? God may not have covered gays to your satisfaction, but he did say to be fruitful and multiply. Can you do that without science? Don't get me wrong, I don't care if you're gay, I just take exception when you try to use the bible as a backdrop. Nothing could be more to the contrary of what the bible teaches. Now you go be gay, that's between you and God. Is he's o.k. with it? you'll know soon enough. In the mean time just because reverend make me rich accepts all denominations (10s and 20s mostly) doesn't mean all is well. You said yourself man has no authority to judge, nor can he abide in good faith, your behavior because it's not your desire BUT your behavior that is off putting to most . If you think I'm wrong, test his faith and ask him where he stood on this subject 10 years ago, 20, or longer. See how forthcoming he is. Remember even if you don't believe in god,or believe you defying him, you ARE defying the law of nature. Think about that for awhile.
Isn't drinking alcohol also technically a sin in the Bible?

Nope, Jesus drank wine.

There is also a Bible verse that states "wine is a gift from God to gladden the hearts of men".

No.........contrary to what the Baptists and others tell you, drinking is NOT a sin.

However, getting drunk and sloppy isn't really approved. For answers to that, see the Song of Solomon.

F.Y.I. Alcohol refers to spirits, not wine, so don't run out for your absolute just yet mkay.
I am more than happy to go to hell for the love of my life. Not so much for eating catfish.

The Lord is loving and merciful. Maybe He will bestow His mercy on us all. He is a "just" Lord and we will still have to pay for our sins, but maybe, He will grant mercy.

HE IS? You really MUST read the book of job, or about lot's wife. Amazing what he takes offense to that's a smaller issue than being gay. Hell job was as devout as christ, look what god let happen or should I say "did" to him. You better read the whole bible, not just the parts that make you think you'll get a pass.
I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

Did Yeshua say that immoral sex was sinful behavior?
Did Yeshua say that lewdness was sinful behavior?

That "Book" is what your preacher uses to teach (even though he twists it for his own purposes). That Book is our link to the Lord.
Thank you for showing just what type of "Christian" you are, that would be a cafeteria Christian (you know, pick and choose what "you" want, not what the Lord teaches).

Please demonstrate where I persecuted, anyone. I have stated that several behaviors were sinful (some of which I am also guilty). Unlike you, that choose to deliberately misrepresent the "Word" and lie to others, possibly causing them to sin more.

You are not interested in "facts". They were presented in this thread and you acted like you could not even read what was in front of your face. You are calling me a liar? What have I lied about?

It figures, you are a dawg fan.

Just exactly WHO determines what is "immoral"? Christine O'donnell? Shit.....that woman thinks that masturbation is a sin because it incorporates lust. And exactly WHAT constitutes "lewd" behavior? Because of the moral standard that you impose based on your narrow beliefs?

Let me ask it "lewd" to notice a nice pair of tits that are bare and bouncing while walking along the beach? Because it's normal behavior in Europe and the Med.

You don't think you persecute anyone? Really? Because you sure as hell go after those who don't fit in your own little narrow slice of what you concieve God as being.

The only sin is to limit the Is. Don't. (from Illusions by Richard Bach).

Defensive are we? Do what you want with your life. jesus said: laugh now cry later, or did I get that wrong?
Nope, Jesus drank wine.

There is also a Bible verse that states "wine is a gift from God to gladden the hearts of men".

No.........contrary to what the Baptists and others tell you, drinking is NOT a sin.

However, getting drunk and sloppy isn't really approved. For answers to that, see the Song of Solomon.

F.Y.I. Alcohol refers to spirits, not wine, so don't run out for your absolute just yet mkay.

Splitting hairs to prove your point and then cherry picking?

Alllllllllrighty then.
There is also a Bible verse that states "wine is a gift from God to gladden the hearts of men".

No.........contrary to what the Baptists and others tell you, drinking is NOT a sin.

However, getting drunk and sloppy isn't really approved. For answers to that, see the Song of Solomon.

F.Y.I. Alcohol refers to spirits, not wine, so don't run out for your absolute just yet mkay.

Splitting hairs to prove your point and then cherry picking?

Alllllllllrighty then.

Noooo, the process for wine making and spirits are two different things. Like said to richard simmons earlier, do what you want with your life. God will judge YOU for one else. I find it funny to listen to pro bad behavior advocates, because you don't argue, in my opinion, to convince me, but yourself. I mean, why does my opinion get under your skin? I don't know you, pay your bills, feed or clothe you. So If you believe you're right, why not just go be right? feel the guilt and are now fishing for a co signer. Misery loves company.
F.Y.I. Alcohol refers to spirits, not wine, so don't run out for your absolute just yet mkay.

Splitting hairs to prove your point and then cherry picking?

Alllllllllrighty then.

Noooo, the process for wine making and spirits are two different things. Like said to richard simmons earlier, do what you want with your life. God will judge YOU for one else. I find it funny to listen to pro bad behavior advocates, because you don't argue, in my opinion, to convince me, but yourself. I mean, why does my opinion get under your skin? I don't know you, pay your bills, feed or clothe you. So If you believe you're right, why not just go be right? feel the guilt and are now fishing for a co signer. Misery loves company.

Tell ya what douchenozzle........MANY Christians have lied to me about the Bible.

Provide chapter and verse where alcohol is forbidden.
logical4u said:
So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar
Oh hell, I'm your huckleberry.

Jesus was a liar. He's not a god, he's not even a demigod, he was a Palestinian Jew that thought he was the only begotten son of an ancient semitic god named Yahweh. He was just a man, nothing more, nothing less. He said he didn't come to change the laws, but to fulfill prophesy, but those prophesies didn't say shit about only the sin free casting stones, working on the sabbath, eating whatever you wanted, etc. He also didn't fulfill the requirements to be the Jewish Messiah.

I actually blame Paul for most of the shit, though. He was an opportunistic little bastard that cashed in big-time on his friend getting beaten half to death, then crucified. Paul was a sinister little creep that got a lot of people killed in horrible ways. Beheading was too good for him.
logical4u said:
So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar
Oh hell, I'm your huckleberry.

Jesus was a liar. He's not a god, he's not even a demigod, he was a Palestinian Jew that thought he was the only begotten son of an ancient semitic god named Yahweh. He was just a man, nothing more, nothing less. He said he didn't come to change the laws, but to fulfill prophesy, but those prophesies didn't say shit about only the sin free casting stones, working on the sabbath, eating whatever you wanted, etc. He also didn't fulfill the requirements to be the Jewish Messiah.

I actually blame Paul for most of the shit, though. He was an opportunistic little bastard that cashed in big-time on his friend getting beaten half to death, then crucified. Paul was a sinister little creep that got a lot of people killed in horrible ways. Beheading was too good for him.

Nice hate filled rant. dopey.

Look. Nobody cares what you believe or don't believe, stupid.

But why do dickheads like you always find it so damn necessary to go out of your way to insult the beliefs of others?

Good grief. You are one miserable little rodent.
The Bible has been trnaslated so many times over the years and it was men that did the translating.
This "inspired by and spoken to by God" BS that I hear concerning the many scribes that translated the King James version is laughable.
Ordinary men, with their bias', marching orders of the day and conflicting text to conversion all contributed to the translations.
Bottom line there is nothing wrong with gay folk. Anyone that quotes 2000 year old Jewish customs is just a little kooky but we all know the real reason they do it and it has nothing to do with the Bible.
They look down on gays the same way blacks and others were and have always have been looked down upon.
Some folks have to condemn somebody, anybody just to make them feel better about themselves.
The sick part about it is they claim their religion forces them to.

So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar, but continue to bear false witness, against Him? Immoral sexual behavior is a sin, same as "bearing false witness", or coveting, or any of the more serious sins. You are a person, you have no, NO authority to declare a behavior the Lord declared "sinful", not so. Please quit lying to people.

I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

Sounds like you're pretty good at judging people too. It's hard for me to believe that you actually go to a "Christian" church. I don't know what church you go to, but any Christian church i've been to over the years taught that the Bible is the Word of God. Yes it's written by man, but with Gods inspiration and direction, when God was more interactive with the people. Besides, God made Adam and Eve...not Adam and Edward :) He said it was not good that man be alone, so he made a WOMAN to be his partner. You can think what you want, but i have a very strong feeling that one day you'll be very sorry. But, God is the Judge, not me.

When i die, i'm not worried that God may tell me that i was wrong about homosexuals, because those were just my thoughts and i didn't sin just by thinking it and misunderstanding His word....i was just wrong. It would be better than being gay and having to listen to God tell me i have sinned my whole life and didn't believe in His word even though many try to help me and i was stubborn and didn't want to believe it. One day we will all know the truth...but in the meantime i'm not worried about my salvation. I think many gays are worried about it, or else they would just stop bringing up the subject and just go about their lives.
So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar, but continue to bear false witness, against Him? Immoral sexual behavior is a sin, same as "bearing false witness", or coveting, or any of the more serious sins. You are a person, you have no, NO authority to declare a behavior the Lord declared "sinful", not so. Please quit lying to people.

I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

Sounds like you're pretty good at judging people too. It's hard for me to believe that you actually go to a "Christian" church. I don't know what church you go to, but any Christian church i've been to over the years taught that the Bible is the Word of God. Yes it's written by man, but with Gods inspiration and direction, when God was more interactive with the people. Besides, God made Adam and Eve...not Adam and Edward :) He said it was not good that man be alone, so he made a WOMAN to be his partner. You can think what you want, but i have a very strong feeling that one day you'll be very sorry. But, God is the Judge, not me.

When i die, i'm not worried that God may tell me that i was wrong about homosexuals, because those were just my thoughts and i didn't sin just by thinking it and misunderstanding His word....i was just wrong. It would be better than being gay and having to listen to God tell me i have sinned my whole life and didn't believe in His word even though many try to help me and i was stubborn and didn't want to believe it. One day we will all know the truth...but in the meantime i'm not worried about my salvation. I think many gays are worried about it, or else they would just stop bringing up the subject and just go about their lives.

This is the first time I've ever heard that telling people to quit lying is "persecution"...

It's one thing to attempt to live by the bible, in honesty and integrity, and to be incorrect about something.

It's another thing entirely to challenge the bible and tell people it's wrong and that they should challenge it as well, or be labeled as "persecutors" or "stupid" or "weak willed".

At least in terms of the hereafter. I've no interest in telling people they're stupid for not believing the bible, and I've no interest in lying to them to bring them around to my way of thinking. If they don't believe the bible, meh, so be it, eventually we'll know who was right and who was wrong. That's not persecuting non-believers. it's a lie to say it is.
So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar, but continue to bear false witness, against Him? Immoral sexual behavior is a sin, same as "bearing false witness", or coveting, or any of the more serious sins. You are a person, you have no, NO authority to declare a behavior the Lord declared "sinful", not so. Please quit lying to people.

I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

I hate to disagree with you but: there's nothing christlike about being gay. You can say the bible doesn't condemn it but, it doesn't condemn cigarettes, crack, heroine, polygamy,or racism either. Does that make those things o.k.? people say they are born gay. o.k. let's say that's true. Are people born killers as well? how about bi-polar? maybe... with asthma? My point is, because you believe you are born this way, doesn't make it o.k. If you do then why wear condoms? God may not have covered gays to your satisfaction, but he did say to be fruitful and multiply. Can you do that without science? Don't get me wrong, I don't care if you're gay, I just take exception when you try to use the bible as a backdrop. Nothing could be more to the contrary of what the bible teaches. Now you go be gay, that's between you and God. Is he's o.k. with it? you'll know soon enough. In the mean time just because reverend make me rich accepts all denominations (10s and 20s mostly) doesn't mean all is well. You said yourself man has no authority to judge, nor can he abide in good faith, your behavior because it's not your desire BUT your behavior that is off putting to most . If you think I'm wrong, test his faith and ask him where he stood on this subject 10 years ago, 20, or longer. See how forthcoming he is. Remember even if you don't believe in god,or believe you defying him, you ARE defying the law of nature. Think about that for awhile.

Now smoking cigarettes means you're going to hell?

What causes people to pretend to take the Bible seriously? Either do or don't, you don't get to add your own editions (well unless you're Joseph Smith) and condemn people to hell based on your edition.

Even though people do exactly that pretty much round the clock.
But why do dickheads like you always find it so damn necessary to go out of your way to insult the beliefs of others?
Because dumbfucks like the guy I responded to freely parade their hate filled bullshit all over the internet. If some guy is going to use their religion to denigrate millions of people, cool shit, I got something for that.
So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar, but continue to bear false witness, against Him? Immoral sexual behavior is a sin, same as "bearing false witness", or coveting, or any of the more serious sins. You are a person, you have no, NO authority to declare a behavior the Lord declared "sinful", not so. Please quit lying to people.

I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

Sounds like you're pretty good at judging people too. It's hard for me to believe that you actually go to a "Christian" church. I don't know what church you go to, but any Christian church i've been to over the years taught that the Bible is the Word of God. Yes it's written by man, but with Gods inspiration and direction, when God was more interactive with the people. Besides, God made Adam and Eve...not Adam and Edward :) He said it was not good that man be alone, so he made a WOMAN to be his partner. You can think what you want, but i have a very strong feeling that one day you'll be very sorry. But, God is the Judge, not me.

When i die, i'm not worried that God may tell me that i was wrong about homosexuals, because those were just my thoughts and i didn't sin just by thinking it and misunderstanding His word....i was just wrong. It would be better than being gay and having to listen to God tell me i have sinned my whole life and didn't believe in His word even though many try to help me and i was stubborn and didn't want to believe it. One day we will all know the truth...but in the meantime i'm not worried about my salvation. I think many gays are worried about it, or else they would just stop bringing up the subject and just go about their lives.

Peace to you also.
Where in the Bible does Jesus condemn homosexuals?
Did God write the Bible in English?
How did we get the English version?
And where was the word homosexual in the Greek version translated from?
Where was it?
Do you know it does not exist and that it was added in by men in the King James version?
When has God told you that gay folk are bad other than your reading of a politically charged translation that is not accurate?
Love thy neighbor.
If you deny that homosexuals have been drastically persecuted 1000 times more than any other "sinner" you are either in serious denial or not able to see the truth.
Being Christlike means to accept everyone for how God made them.
Go ahead and claim your church is better than mine all you want. We are gaining members at a pace of 30% a year.
Christians have tired of the persecution of others. Wake up and quit swallowing the lies.
Splitting hairs to prove your point and then cherry picking?

Alllllllllrighty then.

Noooo, the process for wine making and spirits are two different things. Like said to richard simmons earlier, do what you want with your life. God will judge YOU for one else. I find it funny to listen to pro bad behavior advocates, because you don't argue, in my opinion, to convince me, but yourself. I mean, why does my opinion get under your skin? I don't know you, pay your bills, feed or clothe you. So If you believe you're right, why not just go be right? feel the guilt and are now fishing for a co signer. Misery loves company.

Tell ya what douchenozzle........MANY Christians have lied to me about the Bible.

Provide chapter and verse where alcohol is forbidden.

I'm not a christian dumbass! I'm also not some co dependent pickle smootcher like you who clearly didn't read/comprehend the post you were set off by.:confused:
logical4u said:
So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar
Oh hell, I'm your huckleberry.

Jesus was a liar. He's not a god, he's not even a demigod, he was a Palestinian Jew that thought he was the only begotten son of an ancient semitic god named Yahweh. He was just a man, nothing more, nothing less. He said he didn't come to change the laws, but to fulfill prophesy, but those prophesies didn't say shit about only the sin free casting stones, working on the sabbath, eating whatever you wanted, etc. He also didn't fulfill the requirements to be the Jewish Messiah.

I actually blame Paul for most of the shit, though. He was an opportunistic little bastard that cashed in big-time on his friend getting beaten half to death, then crucified. Paul was a sinister little creep that got a lot of people killed in horrible ways. Beheading was too good for him.

Nice hate filled rant. dopey.

Look. Nobody cares what you believe or don't believe, stupid.

But why do dickheads like you always find it so damn necessary to go out of your way to insult the beliefs of others?

Good grief. You are one miserable little rodent.

Sounds like you care to me. :poop:

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