Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Cowardly backing away from your claim.

Your rancid straw man isn't my claim.

This is why you loose every time you engage, you honestly think logical fallacy is reason...

You're right I can't ever win a debate with you because you're mind isn't open to information. People certainly don't become bigots for logical reasons, they become bigots for ignorant reasons, so me bringing logic to you many times in the past fell on deaf ears.

I know better now.
[This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Of course it is.

Not only was your response completely unwarranted

Yeah, we should have apologized for 9/11.

Oh wait, Deal Leader DID...

but yeah, 19 fucktards pull off the worst terrorist attack in American history,

Yeah, but they had no particular philosophy or motivation, it was just random....

Right, brite boi?

and idiots like you automatically assume that all 1.6 billion of them are terrorists.

I like how you added 300 million... Regardless: what if only 1% are actively engaged in following the commands of the Koran and Muhammad? By your inflated figures, that's 16 million terrorists. Ah, but nothing to be concerned with, I mean, Christians sometimes say people will go to hell. Gotta have priorities, right dumbfuck? (You don't mind if I call you "dumbfuck" do you? I'm not trying to be too familiar.)

Now fade back to my original point that you have so successfully proven, you dipshits parade your bigotry around

If there is anything you show expertise at, it's bigotry. I take it some Christian told you that you'd not only grow hair on your palms, but go to hell, right? So you vowed revenge and are determined to extract it....

, and justify it through some passages in a book, but if anybody says anything bad about Christianity, all the little martyrs come out to cry about the terrible intolerance,

Well, we can't all be "tolerant" the way you are, bigot boi....
Yeah, we should have apologized for 9/11.
How many times were you dropped on your head as a child?

Yeah, but they had no particular philosophy or motivation, it was just random....

Right, brite boi?

Oh sure, just like These guys did. So what?

I like how you added 300 million...
Islam is the world's second largest religion after Christianity. According to a 2011 demographic study, Islam has 1.6 billion adherents, making up 23% of the world population

You were saying?

Regardless: what if only 1% are actively engaged in following the commands of the Koran and Muhammad? By your inflated figures, that's 16 million terrorists. Ah, but nothing to be concerned with, I mean, Christians sometimes say people will go to hell. Gotta have priorities, right dumbfuck? (You don't mind if I call you "dumbfuck" do you? I'm not trying to be too familiar.)
Go for it, your ignorance of your own kind is no skin off my nose.

If there is anything you show expertise at, it's bigotry. I take it some Christian told you that you'd not only grow hair on your palms, but go to hell, right? So you vowed revenge and are determined to extract it....
You're really terrible at this. Where's that other guy, he's on the ball with these insults.
But yeah, poor lil ole you, some meanie atheist said some not nice things about Jesus and Paul.

Well, we can't all be "tolerant" the way you are, bigot boi....
Certainly not your brand of 'tolerance'. What was it? "you don't have a right to not be offended"?
The difference is that I don't hate people for being different, because of a couple verses in a book.

Unless they have different views of religion that is, then you hate them.

I'm sorry, where did bash gays? Yer making shit up again, to support your own bigotry.


When Christians do this, then they will be on par with Muslims, until then....

Come on, you can be honest.

(Funny how no one voted for Dear Leader - not anyone at all....)

How about you, since you have an obsession with the man.

I voted for Bob Barr.

Another bigot claiming 1.7 billion muslims had a hand in 9/11.

Just like I'm the same as Mao/Stalin/Hitler lol.

Keep it coming Uncensored, you're a great entertainer I must say.

I don't think anyone believes all 1.7 billion muslims are terrorists....but you get to the point that you don't know which ones you can trust since the majority of other attacks (like Ft Hood, underwear bomber....) or attempted attacks have all been muslims! And you can't deny there are many out there that want to do the US alot of harm.
Unless they have different views of religion that is, then you hate them.

I'm sorry, where did bash gays? Yer making shit up again, to support your own bigotry.


When Christians do this, then they will be on par with Muslims, until then....

Come on, you can be honest.

(Funny how no one voted for Dear Leader - not anyone at all....)

I voted for Bob Barr.

Another bigot claiming 1.7 billion muslims had a hand in 9/11.

Just like I'm the same as Mao/Stalin/Hitler lol.

Keep it coming Uncensored, you're a great entertainer I must say.

I don't think anyone believes all 1.7 billion muslims are terrorists....but you get to the point that you don't know which ones you can trust since the majority of other attacks (like Ft Hood, underwear bomber....) or attempted attacks have all been muslims! And you can't deny there are many out there that want to do the US alot of harm.

He's the one who categorically said it.

It all depends on what you label as attacks, I view our entire foreign policy as disgusting and murderous. We've killed hundreds of thousands of people, all of our bureacrats who install our foreign policy are christians, but I'm not going to blame christianity for our foreign policy or blame all christians for the acts of our christian bureacrats.

What percentage of christians make up our bureacrats? What percentage of muslims make up terrorists? .000001% for both? Not a high enough number certainly for anyone to rationalize being a bigot against either group.
How many times were you dropped on your head as a child?

78% less than you, obviously...

Oh sure, just like These guys did. So what?

Oh my gawd, third world savages being mean to each other...

Damn, that makes Islam the "religion of peace."

You're really terrible at this.

Well, not everyone can be the master that you are.

Bigotry is a hard art to master...

But yeah, poor lil ole you, some meanie atheist said some not nice things about Jesus and Paul.

Damn, and I missed it?

Certainly not your brand of 'tolerance'. What was it? "you don't have a right to not be offended"?

Yep, no one has a right to not be offended.
You mean the right to experience nothing but unmitigated joy and contentment isn't a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT?

Say it isn't so!!!
You mean the right to experience nothing but unmitigated joy and contentment isn't a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT?

Say it isn't so!!!

It's a basic human right only if you're a human that is straight, Christian, and has accepted Jesus into your heart. THEN it's okay to seek joy and contentment.

All others? You must gnash your teeth and tear your clothes in shame until you finally pray away the gay, accept Jesus as the only way, and then start prostelytizing to others.
I hate to disagree with you but: there's nothing christlike about being gay.
I wouldn't say that. Both are men. Both don't sleep with women. Both enjoy a good strawberry daiquiri. Neither like to be persecuted, hated, or crucified. I don't know if I'd say "nothing" is the same there.

You can say the bible doesn't condemn it but, it doesn't condemn cigarettes, crack, heroine, polygamy,or racism either. Does that make those things o.k.? people say they are born gay. o.k. let's say that's true. Are people born killers as well? how about bi-polar? maybe... with asthma? My point is, because you believe you are born this way, doesn't make it o.k.
So apparently anything not in the bible is bad. Computers, cars, Starbucks. All evil, because the bible doesn't say otherwise. Right? I love these contrived explanations hicks come up with to justify their prejudice and hatred, all the while hiding behind their personally constructed deity as the facade that scorns so much spite.

Remember even if you don't believe in god,or believe you defying him, you ARE defying the law of nature. Think about that for awhile.
Laws of nature?! Which laws are those? I don't remember ever coming across those. Are they in the library of congress? Perhaps you keep them under your mattress? Where are these laws you speak of? This should be interesting.
"When Christians do this, then they will be on par with Muslims, until then...."

So, as I suspected, you were just lying.

Well, that IS your way.
What a drama queen. LYING? Really? Go read this thread. And then drop the drama.

Yes, attributing the actions of a handful of people to a religion that comprises millions is generalizing, without you explicitly stating it. The majority of crime in this country comes from Christians. Shall we assume Christianity is to blame? What about extremist or radical Christian groups known to promote terrorism? Shall we also assume the KKK are accurate representations of Christians based on your grossly generalized interpretation of a few people crashing a plane into a building?

Such ignorance. Such drama. You amuse me. Carry on.
What extremist Christian groups promote terrorism?

I don't know of any. I assume you don't, either, or you would have named them. Instead, as usual, it's just the general, bland and vague reference..aka..."lie".
What extremist Christian groups promote terrorism?

I don't know of any. I assume you don't, either, or you would have named them. Instead, as usual, it's just the general, bland and vague reference..aka..."lie".

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was easy.

However the argument made isn't trying to show christians as terrorists, it's showing how stupid it is to paint a broad brush over every follower of a religion based on what the worst .0001% of its members do.
I don't know of any. I assume you don't, either
This is brilliant reasoning. Since you have no knowledge on the matter, instead of running a quick google search to enlighten yourself, you just assume everyone else in the world is just as ignorant. Well done. Oh and I did name one in my previous post as well.

You should read the thread I mentioned in my previous post here too regarding lying. Good drama.


yep. no radical christian groups down here!
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What extremist Christian groups promote terrorism?

I don't know of any. I assume you don't, either, or you would have named them. Instead, as usual, it's just the general, bland and vague reference..aka..."lie".

You must be very young and naive so I give you a full pass on this one.
Having grown up in the 60s in the deep south I know first hand the support the Klan had from almost every church in the south.
And it is still going on but no where near as bad.
You do know about the Klan, don't you?
What extremist Christian groups promote terrorism?

I don't know of any. I assume you don't, either, or you would have named them. Instead, as usual, it's just the general, bland and vague reference..aka..."lie".

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was easy.

However the argument made isn't trying to show christians as terrorists, it's showing how stupid it is to paint a broad brush over every follower of a religion based on what the worst .0001% of its members do.

Lol..the wiki article...did you read it? How funny.

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