Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

christians always need at least one group to discriminate against and always manage to justify it with the bible.... first it was keeping slaves in america, then it was giving black people rights, then it was interracial marriage, now its gay people... I wonder who will be next?

Poor poor gays..

Christians are stoning and hanging them from cranes. Not like the peaceful Muslims who protect them.

No wonder you leftists hate Christians and love Muslims.


Damn Christians.

There you have it again, 1.7 billion muslims are stoning and hanging gays from cranes.

Keep it coming, then tell me out of the other side of your mouth you aren't a bigot.

It's great entertainment.
So Jesus never said homosexuality was a bad thing? Wow. Homophobes, comments?

Typically homophobes are the one hour a week type of christians. The love your neighbor stuff and the golden rule, jibberish the rest of the week.
What extremist Christian groups promote terrorism?

Al Christa, led by Osama bin Jesus. Just ask Drock or DumberThanShit!

Lol what an idiot, it gets worse by the day.

Name anything I've said that even marginally implies anything you just said.

I said the worst version of christians that represent about .00001% of them are terrorists, how is that insulting? Wouldn't the worst .000001% of anyone with any background be a pretty bad group of people.

Being the bigot you are, I doubt you have the common sense to be aware of such a thing.

The nonsensical and irrational assumption that because Islam and Christianity are both religions, they are BOTH equally guilty of promoting terrorism is just that..nonsensical and irrational.

And not true besides.
christians always need at least one group to discriminate against and always manage to justify it with the bible.... first it was keeping slaves in america, then it was giving black people rights, then it was interracial marriage, now its gay people... I wonder who will be next?

Gays have a lot of money, so I'm confident the gay hating will quiet down quickly.

Of course they do. If they're dating someone their same size, one wardrobe.
Lol what an idiot, it gets worse by the day.

Name anything I've said that even marginally implies anything you just said.

Your retardation is progressing.

You keep hunting those Al Christa terrorists, Allah is depending on you to keep America safe from the terrorists...

I'll give you that, morally the KKK and Al-Qaeda are on the same level. However the difference between disgusting bigots like you and fair minded people like me is you equate all muslims to Al-Qaeda, and I assume 99.999999% of christians are nothing like the KKK.

Which I've already stated, and repeated, was the purpose of showing that christian terrorists exist. It's impossible for a group of humans, religious or non-religious, to not have a disgusting group of immoral people in its bottom .00001%.
Al Christa, led by Osama bin Jesus. Just ask Drock or DumberThanShit!

Lol what an idiot, it gets worse by the day.

Name anything I've said that even marginally implies anything you just said.

I said the worst version of christians that represent about .00001% of them are terrorists, how is that insulting? Wouldn't the worst .000001% of anyone with any background be a pretty bad group of people.

Being the bigot you are, I doubt you have the common sense to be aware of such a thing.

The nonsensical and irrational assumption that because Islam and Christianity are both religions, they are BOTH equally guilty of promoting terrorism is just that..nonsensical and irrational.

And not true besides.

Where did I say they equally promote terrorism? I'd never say something that stupid, it's impossible to measure such a thing.

The overwhelming majority of christians and muslims are good peaceful people, it's too bad others refuse to see such an obvious truth.
and another Uncensored lie, his quota is going up, I've never promoted Islam in my life and certainly haven't on this thread.

Islam is stupid, I wish it never existed. Now spin that into a promotion lol.
For fish to be considered clean to eat they must have fins and scales. It is in Leviticus. I can't quote chapter and verse though.
the same book that says hosexuality is a sin as well.
And a sin is a sin.

That's the same place where the Jehovah's Witnesses get that they shouldn't eat blood, therefore they refuse blood transfusions because they see it as "eating" blood - this is all taken out of context. Reading the entire chapter shows that they are talking about back then whenever this was written.

As far as I'm concerned, if it isn't in the 10 commandments, it isn't meant to be. There is no commandment that says "thou shalt not eat blood, nonscaly fish, etc."
Lol what an idiot, it gets worse by the day.

Name anything I've said that even marginally implies anything you just said.

I said the worst version of christians that represent about .00001% of them are terrorists, how is that insulting? Wouldn't the worst .000001% of anyone with any background be a pretty bad group of people.

Being the bigot you are, I doubt you have the common sense to be aware of such a thing.

The nonsensical and irrational assumption that because Islam and Christianity are both religions, they are BOTH equally guilty of promoting terrorism is just that..nonsensical and irrational.

And not true besides.

Where did I say they equally promote terrorism? I'd never say something that stupid, it's impossible to measure such a thing.

The overwhelming majority of christians and muslims are good peaceful people, it's too bad others refuse to see such an obvious truth.

You did it right there. "It's impossible to measure..." No, it's not.

"the overwhelming majority of christians and muslims..." just said it's impossible to measure....AND you said they don't equally promote terrorism..and yet you claim they are parallel right here.

You need to make up your mind and get down to specifics instead of all this silly feel-good gobbledygook.
christians always need at least one group to discriminate against and always manage to justify it with the bible.... first it was keeping slaves in america, then it was giving black people rights, then it was interracial marriage, now its gay people... I wonder who will be next?

Gays have a lot of money, so I'm confident the gay hating will quiet down quickly.

Of course they do. If they're dating someone their same size, one wardrobe.

I'd say more because most of them don't have children.
I'll give you that, morally the KKK and Al-Qaeda are on the same level.

Oh, you'll give me that, huh?

Yeah, I still remember 5/7, when the KKK flew planes into the Empire State building...

Yep, the KKK is just like Al Qaeda, it's a constant threat. Just LOOK at all the acts of violence the KKK perpetrates?

Say, I heard there are more FBI agents in Al Qaeda than there are actual members, because the organization has been virtually dead since the 1950's.

Oh wait, that was the Klan... But you say they're exactly the same..

However the difference between disgusting bigots like you and fair minded people like me


Fair minded? A bigot like you? A stupid fuck who makes the most absurd posts to try and paint Christians as if they were Al Qaeda?

Which I've already stated, and repeated, was the purpose of showing that christian terrorists exist.

Your reason is known, you are an anti-Christian bigot who wants to smear Christians as the same as Muslim. You don't mind bending the truth and outright lying to do it.

You're kind of a scumbag, ya know?
The nonsensical and irrational assumption that because Islam and Christianity are both religions, they are BOTH equally guilty of promoting terrorism is just that..nonsensical and irrational.

And not true besides.

Where did I say they equally promote terrorism? I'd never say something that stupid, it's impossible to measure such a thing.

The overwhelming majority of christians and muslims are good peaceful people, it's too bad others refuse to see such an obvious truth.

You did it right there. "It's impossible to measure..." No, it's not.

"the overwhelming majority of christians and muslims..." just said it's impossible to measure....AND you said they don't equally promote terrorism..and yet you claim they are parallel right here.

You need to make up your mind and get down to specifics instead of all this silly feel-good gobbledygook.

It's not? Please provide me the scientific report that measures such a thing.

It's not impossible to measure the overwhelming majority of christians and muslims are peaceful, the world would be expolding if they weren't. Good is more subjective and can't be measured, but I stand by that and am confident I'm right.

Feel good gobbledygook? That's how you characterize me saying most christians and muslims are good peaceful people? I'm sorry you have such a miserable opinion of your fellow man.
I didn't say all christians are homophobes, the majority are not.

Hey stupid fuck, does Islam treat homosexuals the same way Christians do?

That is an Islamic Theocracy with 200 million people that did that. It sits next to a dozen other Islamic theocracies totaling nearly a billion people, which do the same thing.

Oh, but it's the Christians we should hate..
We should fear US Christians because they promote freedom of religion and speech, and exercise it...we should create laws which prevent them from doing so...

But we're Islamophobes if we fear Muslims who have set up theocracies and commit human rights violations all over the world.
I'll give you that, morally the KKK and Al-Qaeda are on the same level.

Oh, you'll give me that, huh?

Yeah, I still remember 5/7, when the KKK flew planes into the Empire State building...

Yep, the KKK is just like Al Qaeda, it's a constant threat. Just LOOK at all the acts of violence the KKK perpetrates?

Say, I heard there are more FBI agents in Al Qaeda than there are actual members, because the organization has been virtually dead since the 1950's.

Oh wait, that was the Klan... But you say they're exactly the same..

However the difference between disgusting bigots like you and fair minded people like me


Fair minded? A bigot like you? A stupid fuck who makes the most absurd posts to try and paint Christians as if they were Al Qaeda?

Which I've already stated, and repeated, was the purpose of showing that christian terrorists exist.

Your reason is known, you are an anti-Christian bigot who wants to smear Christians as the same as Muslim. You don't mind bending the truth and outright lying to do it.

You're kind of a scumbag, ya know?

Morals=Threat? That's cute, I never referenced anything about threat level. I view neither as much of a threat.

Me saying .000001% of christians are terrorists and that the overwhelming majority are good peaceful people=me painting all christians as terrorists? Keep it coming, I'm loving your lunacy.

I have never and would never compare 2.1 billion people to 1.7 billion people, that's impossible. You're the one with an amazing ability to compare dozens of people, or in other cases hundreds of people to billions of people.
I didn't say all christians are homophobes, the majority are not.

Hey stupid fuck, does Islam treat homosexuals the same way Christians do?

That is an Islamic Theocracy with 200 million people that did that. It sits next to a dozen other Islamic theocracies totaling nearly a billion people, which do the same thing.

Oh, but it's the Christians we should hate..

So billions of muslims run those governments? I didn't think you could look any dumber, but with each post you make you prove me wrong.

Of course, I've never stated anything in the ballpark of we should hate christians, we should love christians as our brothers and sisters.

Hence why I have great quotes from great christians in my signature.

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