Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

What extremist Christian groups promote terrorism?

I don't know of any. I assume you don't, either, or you would have named them. Instead, as usual, it's just the general, bland and vague reference..aka..."lie".

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was easy.

However the argument made isn't trying to show christians as terrorists, it's showing how stupid it is to paint a broad brush over every follower of a religion based on what the worst .0001% of its members do.

Lol..the wiki article...did you read it? How funny.

Wow, in a couple short minutes you were able to read the wiki article debunk that and debunk their 81 references they have to their information.

Please direct me to your spead reading course and please provide a comprehensive breakdown of how you know the information provided is false.

That's interesting. Up here you say
koshergrl said:
Instead, as usual, it's just the general, bland and vague reference..aka..."lie".
And then down here you hand waive all of history's radical Christian organizations with the supporting evidence of:

Lol..the wiki article...did you read it? How funny.

Care to actually support something you're saying?
I don't know of any. I assume you don't, either
This is brilliant reasoning. Since you have no knowledge on the matter, instead of running a quick google search to enlighten yourself, you just assume everyone else in the world is just as ignorant. Well done. Oh and I did name one in my previous post as well.

You should read the thread I mentioned in my previous post here too regarding lying. Good drama.


yep. no radical christian groups down here! when you make a specious claim, it's my job to look it up?

Afraid not. When people refuse to back up their claims, I assume they're lying.
That's interesting. Up here you say
koshergrl said:
Instead, as usual, it's just the general, bland and vague reference..aka..."lie".
And then down here you hand waive all of history's radical Christian organizations with the supporting evidence of:

Lol..the wiki article...did you read it? How funny.

Care to actually support something you're saying?

Hmm...tribal violence attributed to Christianity on wiki, and the same old same old pretense that anti-abortionists and the KKK are radical Christian groups.

Weak, and predictable.
That's interesting. Up here you say
koshergrl said:
Instead, as usual, it's just the general, bland and vague reference..aka..."lie".
And then down here you hand waive all of history's radical Christian organizations with the supporting evidence of:

Lol..the wiki article...did you read it? How funny.

Care to actually support something you're saying?

Hmm...tribal violence attributed to Christianity on wiki, and the same old same old pretense that anti-abortionists and the KKK are radical Christian groups.

Weak, and predictable.

They are radical christian groups, not anti-abortionists in general but anti-abortionists who turn to violence. I'm not sure how you could possibly deny that.

And if I were to judge you based on their actions I'd be a disgusting bigot, like Uncensored since he does that with terrorists and broadly judges all muslims as if they're terrorists.
The difference being that the imams of Islam support terrorism...but you won't find the church speaking in defense of, or funding, the weird little groups here and there who claim they are motivated by God.
But that's a different subject and has nothing to do with the alleged laws being created by graffiti that you all are so afraid of.
christians always need at least one group to discriminate against and always manage to justify it with the bible.... first it was keeping slaves in america, then it was giving black people rights, then it was interracial marriage, now its gay people... I wonder who will be next?
The difference being that the imams of Islam support terrorism...but you won't find the church speaking in defense of, or funding, the weird little groups here and there who claim they are motivated by God.

And I never hear preachers speaking out against those in Uganda or Northern Ireland or the abortion clinic bombers, or the KKK, should I do my best impersonation of an idiot and pretend that means they support the horrible things those people are doing?

No, religious leaders aren't obligated to quell the fear of bigots by denouncing the acts of the worst people in the religion, like you're trying to pretend they are.

"But that's a different subject and has nothing to do with the alleged laws being created by graffiti that you all are so afraid of. "

I'm not afraid of them, just trying to get people to take the Constitution seriously again.
christians always need at least one group to discriminate against and always manage to justify it with the bible.... first it was keeping slaves in america, then it was giving black people rights, then it was interracial marriage, now its gay people... I wonder who will be next?

Gays have a lot of money, so I'm confident the gay hating will quiet down quickly.
What a drama queen. LYING? Really? Go read


oh, did you babble something, dumberthanshit?

Yes, attributing the actions of a handful of people to a religion that comprises millions is generalizing, without you explicitly stating it.

Oh, well how nice.

The majority of crime in this country comes from Christians.

Damn, and they are such a small percentage of the population compared to the Muslim majority.

Shall we assume Christianity is to blame?

A safer assumption is that you're mentally retarded.

What about extremist or radical Christian groups known to promote terrorism?

Christian terrorism is a global problem. Every single day, dozens of terror attacks by Christians occur. Christian youth screaming "Jesus Akbar" rage through the streets of London, Madrid and Detroit. Christian theocratic dictatorship in Iran and Sudan stone women and girls, hang gays from cranes. It's just awful what these Christians are doing.

Retards, what would the left do without them?

DumberThanShit, you live up to your name.
christians always need at least one group to discriminate against and always manage to justify it with the bible.... first it was keeping slaves in america, then it was giving black people rights, then it was interracial marriage, now its gay people... I wonder who will be next?

Gays have a lot of money, so I'm confident the gay hating will quiet down quickly.

Does that mean that Gays are true conservatives?
And then down here you hand waive all of history's radical Christian organizations with the supporting evidence of:

In 1634, a group of Christains burned down a barn...

SEE, they are EXACTLY like the Muslims, SEE, SEE, SEE!

Jeezus Dumberthanshit, you're dumber than shit.

2011.08.25 (Yala, Thailand) - A 3-year-old girl and her father are shot to death by Holy Warriors.
2011.08.24 (Avdesh, India) - Two brothers are abducted and murdered by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2011.08.24 (Ramadi, Iraq) - A suicide car bomber takes out a half dozen Iraqis.
2011.08.24 (Diyala, Iraq) - A woman and child are among five innocents exterminated by Jihadi bombers.
2011.08.24 (Paktia, Afghanistan) - Islamists send rockets into a market, taking out at least three patrons, including a child.
2011.08.23 (Pattani, Thailand) - Buddhist monks are among the casualties of two bombings that claim two lives.

That's not 500 years ago, stupid fuck, that's this week.
What extremist Christian groups promote terrorism?

Al Christa, led by Osama bin Jesus. Just ask Drock or DumberThanShit!

Lol what an idiot, it gets worse by the day.

Name anything I've said that even marginally implies anything you just said.

I said the worst version of christians that represent about .00001% of them are terrorists, how is that insulting? Wouldn't the worst .000001% of anyone with any background be a pretty bad group of people.

Being the bigot you are, I doubt you have the common sense to be aware of such a thing.
christians always need at least one group to discriminate against and always manage to justify it with the bible.... first it was keeping slaves in america, then it was giving black people rights, then it was interracial marriage, now its gay people... I wonder who will be next?

Poor poor gays..

Christians are stoning and hanging them from cranes. Not like the peaceful Muslims who protect them.

No wonder you leftists hate Christians and love Muslims.


Damn Christians.
christians always need at least one group to discriminate against and always manage to justify it with the bible.... first it was keeping slaves in america, then it was giving black people rights, then it was interracial marriage, now its gay people... I wonder who will be next?

Gays have a lot of money, so I'm confident the gay hating will quiet down quickly.

Does that mean that Gays are true conservatives?

There's only a tiny pocket of americans I'd consider conservative, but i'm sure there's some gay people in there.

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