Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

I hate to disagree with you but: there's nothing christlike about being gay. You can say the bible doesn't condemn it but, it doesn't condemn cigarettes, crack, heroine, polygamy,or racism either. Does that make those things o.k.? people say they are born gay. o.k. let's say that's true. Are people born killers as well? how about bi-polar? maybe... with asthma? My point is, because you believe you are born this way, doesn't make it o.k. If you do then why wear condoms? God may not have covered gays to your satisfaction, but he did say to be fruitful and multiply. Can you do that without science? Don't get me wrong, I don't care if you're gay, I just take exception when you try to use the bible as a backdrop. Nothing could be more to the contrary of what the bible teaches. Now you go be gay, that's between you and God. Is he's o.k. with it? you'll know soon enough. In the mean time just because reverend make me rich accepts all denominations (10s and 20s mostly) doesn't mean all is well. You said yourself man has no authority to judge, nor can he abide in good faith, your behavior because it's not your desire BUT your behavior that is off putting to most . If you think I'm wrong, test his faith and ask him where he stood on this subject 10 years ago, 20, or longer. See how forthcoming he is. Remember even if you don't believe in god,or believe you defying him, you ARE defying the law of nature. Think about that for awhile.

Now smoking cigarettes means you're going to hell?

What causes people to pretend to take the Bible seriously? Either do or don't, you don't get to add your own editions (well unless you're Joseph Smith) and condemn people to hell based on your edition.

Even though people do exactly that pretty much round the clock.

You missed the point pinhead. I'll say again. Just because you don't see bullet points in the bible, doesn't mean you get a pass. Do you understand now YOU FUCKING DUMMY!!! It's just a reference, or parable. If you bothered to read the whole post, instead of responding the minute you saw cigarette you wouldn't need to put up that stupid comment. Unless you just like wearing stupid like it's bling. :anj_stfu:
Because dumbfucks like the guy I responded to freely parade their hate filled bullshit all over the internet.

You seem pretty free parading your hate filled bullshit.

Is this the typical leftist "I can but you can't" shit?

How many times did you vote for Obama?

Explain the whole "leftist" thing. I lean more to the left and I don't advocate gay rights. Believe it or not, you don't have to be a back woods sister fucking shit kicker to be a non supporter of the "gay agenda". And considering how many of you seem to be getting outed for YOUR gay tendencies, I'd try not bringing in left versus right if I were you. insert wide stance here :eek:
I hate to disagree with you but: there's nothing christlike about being gay. You can say the bible doesn't condemn it but, it doesn't condemn cigarettes, crack, heroine, polygamy,or racism either. Does that make those things o.k.? people say they are born gay. o.k. let's say that's true. Are people born killers as well? how about bi-polar? maybe... with asthma? My point is, because you believe you are born this way, doesn't make it o.k. If you do then why wear condoms? God may not have covered gays to your satisfaction, but he did say to be fruitful and multiply. Can you do that without science? Don't get me wrong, I don't care if you're gay, I just take exception when you try to use the bible as a backdrop. Nothing could be more to the contrary of what the bible teaches. Now you go be gay, that's between you and God. Is he's o.k. with it? you'll know soon enough. In the mean time just because reverend make me rich accepts all denominations (10s and 20s mostly) doesn't mean all is well. You said yourself man has no authority to judge, nor can he abide in good faith, your behavior because it's not your desire BUT your behavior that is off putting to most . If you think I'm wrong, test his faith and ask him where he stood on this subject 10 years ago, 20, or longer. See how forthcoming he is. Remember even if you don't believe in god,or believe you defying him, you ARE defying the law of nature. Think about that for awhile.

Now smoking cigarettes means you're going to hell?

What causes people to pretend to take the Bible seriously? Either do or don't, you don't get to add your own editions (well unless you're Joseph Smith) and condemn people to hell based on your edition.

Even though people do exactly that pretty much round the clock.

You missed the point pinhead. I'll say again. Just because you don't see bullet points in the bible, doesn't mean you get a pass. Do you understand now YOU FUCKING DUMMY!!! It's just a reference, or parable. If you bothered to read the whole post, instead of responding the minute you saw cigarette you wouldn't need to put up that stupid comment. Unless you just like wearing stupid like it's bling. :anj_stfu:

I did read it, unknot your panties and settle down.

You made reference to smoking cigs as to being somehow wrong for a christian to do or sinful or immoral or whatever. Which is stupid of course.

I don't smoke, I think smoking is idiotic, however I only think it's immoral if a woman is pregnant or if you have younger kids.

People try to pretend there's a connection to condemning gays and the Bible, it's very remote if anything. I don't think there is, as GADawg showed there was no word for homosexual in how the Bible was originally written and Jesus certainly NEVER spoke out against it. If he thought it was important, I'm sure he would have.
I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

Sounds like you're pretty good at judging people too. It's hard for me to believe that you actually go to a "Christian" church. I don't know what church you go to, but any Christian church i've been to over the years taught that the Bible is the Word of God. Yes it's written by man, but with Gods inspiration and direction, when God was more interactive with the people. Besides, God made Adam and Eve...not Adam and Edward :) He said it was not good that man be alone, so he made a WOMAN to be his partner. You can think what you want, but i have a very strong feeling that one day you'll be very sorry. But, God is the Judge, not me.

When i die, i'm not worried that God may tell me that i was wrong about homosexuals, because those were just my thoughts and i didn't sin just by thinking it and misunderstanding His word....i was just wrong. It would be better than being gay and having to listen to God tell me i have sinned my whole life and didn't believe in His word even though many try to help me and i was stubborn and didn't want to believe it. One day we will all know the truth...but in the meantime i'm not worried about my salvation. I think many gays are worried about it, or else they would just stop bringing up the subject and just go about their lives.

Peace to you also.
Where in the Bible does Jesus condemn homosexuals?
Did God write the Bible in English?
How did we get the English version?
And where was the word homosexual in the Greek version translated from?
Where was it?
Do you know it does not exist and that it was added in by men in the King James version?
When has God told you that gay folk are bad other than your reading of a politically charged translation that is not accurate?
Love thy neighbor.
If you deny that homosexuals have been drastically persecuted 1000 times more than any other "sinner" you are either in serious denial or not able to see the truth.
Being Christlike means to accept everyone for how God made them.
Go ahead and claim your church is better than mine all you want. We are gaining members at a pace of 30% a year.
Christians have tired of the persecution of others. Wake up and quit swallowing the lies.

First of all, i know the Bible was translated by man and i would never say that the Bible is COMPLETELY correct. You may not find the word "homosexual" in the original, but that word most likely wasn't even known of at that time. Just like the word "Rapture" isn't in the bible, it was taken from a greek word that means "taking up" or "to rise up". Just because a word that is used today isn't there, doesn't mean that God (or Jesus) didn't talk about it.

Second, i've never said that homosexuals aren't persecuted, they are. I'm not trying to persecute them, believe it or not. I have friends that are gay, they're all good people, fun to be with, and i accept them. I don't have to agree with their lifestyle though because i believe it's wrong. Yes Jesus said Love they Neighbor as yourself..He says Love the sinner but hate the sin. Jesus also told us that in the end days Christians will be persecuted for their beliefs, and that many Christians will turn to a false doctrine (like all the "feel good" churches that are now popping up all over that don't teach the whole Bible, only what they want to accept).

You think i'm accepting lies, and i think you are. So, guess we wait and find out huh??? :)
Explain the whole "leftist" thing.

If someone is stupid and anti-liberty, it's a sure bet they're a leftist.

I lean more to the left and I don't advocate gay rights.

What a shocker, a lefty opposing civil rights - what will they think of next, water that's wet?

Believe it or not, you don't have to be a back woods sister fucking shit kicker to be a non supporter of the "gay agenda".

So you're just a back woods sister fucking shit kicker because you enjoy it?
But why do dickheads like you always find it so damn necessary to go out of your way to insult the beliefs of others?
Because dumbfucks like the guy I responded to freely parade their hate filled bullshit all over the internet. If some guy is going to use their religion to denigrate millions of people, cool shit, I got something for that.

So one person insults your frail ego and your response (with pride and what you think is justification) is to go out of your way to insult and offend all others who share his religious belief?

I'd patiently explain to you how fucking ridiculously stupid that is, but you are clearly too fucking dumb to understand it, anyway.

You are still just a rodent.
You seem pretty free parading your hate filled bullshit.
The difference is that I don't hate people for being different, because of a couple verses in a book.

Is this the typical leftist "I can but you can't" shit?
Lulz, can't stand the vile taste of your own medicine, I see. It's alright to bash gays, talk shit about Muslims and call other religions cults, and dismiss the nonreligious because they're soulless heathens that are going to hell anyway. But if anyone dare say a cross word about Christianity, and it's a horrible attrocity by a hearless bigot that wants to oppress the good god fearing people. What was it you said last time you had a bitch fit? "You don't have a right to not be offended"? Yeah, how's that working out for you?

How many times did you vote for Obama?
Zero. How about you, since you have an obsession with the man.
But why do dickheads like you always find it so damn necessary to go out of your way to insult the beliefs of others?
Because dumbfucks like the guy I responded to freely parade their hate filled bullshit all over the internet. If some guy is going to use their religion to denigrate millions of people, cool shit, I got something for that.

So one person insults your frail ego and your response (with pride and what you think is justification) is to go out of your way to insult and offend all others who share his religious belief?

I'd patiently explain to you how fucking ridiculously stupid that is, but you are clearly too fucking dumb to understand it, anyway.

You are still just a rodent.
Tell it to someone who gives a fuck, shithead.
Because dumbfucks like the guy I responded to freely parade their hate filled bullshit all over the internet. If some guy is going to use their religion to denigrate millions of people, cool shit, I got something for that.

So one person insults your frail ego and your response (with pride and what you think is justification) is to go out of your way to insult and offend all others who share his religious belief?

I'd patiently explain to you how fucking ridiculously stupid that is, but you are clearly too fucking dumb to understand it, anyway.

You are still just a rodent.
Tell it to someone who gives a fuck, shithead.

I did you dopey shit for breath muthafuckah. That's why you're still responding, you whining sissified puss.
You seem pretty free parading your hate filled bullshit.
The difference is that I don't hate people for being different, because of a couple verses in a book.

Unless they have different views of religion that is, then you hate them.

Lulz, can't stand the vile taste of your own medicine, I see. It's alright to bash gays,

I'm sorry, where did bash gays? Yer making shit up again, to support your own bigotry.

talk shit about Muslims and call other religions cults,


When Christians do this, then they will be on par with Muslims, until then....

Come on, you can be honest.

(Funny how no one voted for Dear Leader - not anyone at all....)

How about you, since you have an obsession with the man.

I voted for Bob Barr.
You seem pretty free parading your hate filled bullshit.
The difference is that I don't hate people for being different, because of a couple verses in a book.

Unless they have different views of religion that is, then you hate them.

I'm sorry, where did bash gays? Yer making shit up again, to support your own bigotry.


When Christians do this, then they will be on par with Muslims, until then....

Come on, you can be honest.

(Funny how no one voted for Dear Leader - not anyone at all....)

How about you, since you have an obsession with the man.

I voted for Bob Barr.

Another bigot claiming 1.7 billion muslims had a hand in 9/11.

Just like I'm the same as Mao/Stalin/Hitler lol.

Keep it coming Uncensored, you're a great entertainer I must say.
Another bigot claiming 1.7 billion muslims had a hand in 9/11.

Can you post a link to where I said that?

I mean, unless you're just lying? You DO tend to lie a great deal.

"When Christians do this, then they will be on par with Muslims, until then...."

That's most def saying muslims had a hand in 9/11, you very much on purpose did not call them terrorists or muslim terrorists.

It'd be like me saying christians are picketing soldiers funerals saying god loves dead soldiers, but that'd make me a bigot which I'm not. Instead I'd say idiot Westboro baptists are doing that.

It's really not as complex as you try to pretend to make it. You're just a loud and proud bigot, plain and simple.
"When Christians do this, then they will be on par with Muslims, until then...."

So, as I suspected, you were just lying.

Well, that IS your way.

Cowardly backing away from your claim.

Well at least you know your bigotry is immoral, you don't take responsibility for it like a real man would and instead attack others for calling you out on it, but you're halfway home at least. That's better than most muslim haters.
When Christians do this, then they will be on par with Muslims, until then....
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Not only was your response completely unwarranted, but yeah, 19 fucktards pull off the worst terrorist attack in American history, and idiots like you automatically assume that all 1.6 billion of them are terrorists. Now fade back to my original point that you have so successfully proven, you dipshits parade your bigotry around, and justify it through some passages in a book, but if anybody says anything bad about Christianity, all the little martyrs come out to cry about the terrible intolerance, and bigotry. Fucking lulz, but somehow, I doubt you'll ever get it.

And yes, I was an asshole about it, and went about making my point the wrong way. I make mistakes too.
So one person insults your frail ego and your response (with pride and what you think is justification) is to go out of your way to insult and offend all others who share his religious belief?

I'd patiently explain to you how fucking ridiculously stupid that is, but you are clearly too fucking dumb to understand it, anyway.

You are still just a rodent.
Tell it to someone who gives a fuck, shithead.

I did you dopey shit for breath muthafuckah. That's why you're still responding, you whining sissified puss.


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