Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Read it in the bible and weep folks.

Eating fish without scales is a sin.

Interesting how some churches have catfish dinners...

Guess they should have Homo day as well?
Please don't concern yourself with the splinter in my eye whilst you have a plank in your own.
We ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

I turn your attention to the teachings of Paul to the Romans:
Romans 14 said:
2)For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.3) Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.4) Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

Read it in the bible and weep folks.

Eating fish without scales is a sin.

Interesting how some churches have catfish dinners...

Guess they should have Homo day as well?
Please don't concern yourself with the splinter in my eye whilst you have a plank in your own.
We ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

I turn your attention to the teachings of Paul to the Romans:
Romans 14 said:
2)For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.3) Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.4) Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.


LOL. A bunch of confused Romans after that no doubt.
Read it in the bible and weep folks.

Eating fish without scales is a sin.

Interesting how some churches have catfish dinners...

Guess they should have Homo day as well?
Please don't concern yourself with the splinter in my eye whilst you have a plank in your own.
We ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

I turn your attention to the teachings of Paul to the Romans:
Romans 14 said:
2)For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.3) Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.4) Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.


LOL. A bunch of confused Romans after that no doubt.
I contemplated quoting the NIV to make it easier for ya, but I only read the KJV.
Why? Surely Gods word would not contradict itself?

No the bible does not contridict itself.

With the birth, death, and resurection of Jesus a new covnent was formed between God and man. The old rules and ceremonies are not needed anymore. We dont sacrifice animals for salvation, we dont need to restrict our diet or circumcise ourselves to stand out as God chosen people.

The blood of Christ that was applied to our hearts when we were saved is all we need to be considered Gods child.

Just one old hillbillies opinion. :evil:

then why is the old testament still preached from extensively in christian churches?

If you actually read your bible you would see that the whole old testament is fortelling of the coming of Christ. We are not boung by old testament law because of the new convenant with Christ.

You are not interested in anything anyone has to say that is contrary to what you want to beileve. I will pray for you.
Please don't concern yourself with the splinter in my eye whilst you have a plank in your own.
We ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

I turn your attention to the teachings of Paul to the Romans:


LOL. A bunch of confused Romans after that no doubt.
I contemplated quoting the NIV to make it easier for ya, but I only read the KJV.

I prefer the KJV myself. I thing the NIV is not as beautifully written as the KJV.
The Bible forbids a man lying with a man.

What if they do it standing up?
The Bible forbids a man lying with a man.

What if they do it standing up?

So they can lie only to women? I would hope if you lie to someone you do it face to face and look them in the eye. :lol:

That sounds about right for the bible. :lol:

Now laying with a man would be another story......
No the bible does not contridict itself.

With the birth, death, and resurection of Jesus a new covnent was formed between God and man. The old rules and ceremonies are not needed anymore. We dont sacrifice animals for salvation, we dont need to restrict our diet or circumcise ourselves to stand out as God chosen people.

The blood of Christ that was applied to our hearts when we were saved is all we need to be considered Gods child.

Just one old hillbillies opinion. :evil:

then why is the old testament still preached from extensively in christian churches?

If you actually read your bible you would see that the whole old testament is fortelling of the coming of Christ. We are not boung by old testament law because of the new convenant with Christ.

You are not interested in anything anyone has to say that is contrary to what you want to beileve. I will pray for you.

The whole of the OT is not the foretelling of the coming of Christ. It is in there but it is not the entirety.
The Bible forbids a man lying with a man.

What if they do it standing up?

So they can lie only to women? I would hope if you lie to someone you do it face to face and look them in the eye. :lol:

That sounds about right for the bible. :lol:

Now laying with a man would be another story......

My bad...does that mean the slang term "getting laid" goes all the way back to the bibble?
No the bible does not contridict itself.

With the birth, death, and resurection of Jesus a new covnent was formed between God and man. The old rules and ceremonies are not needed anymore. We dont sacrifice animals for salvation, we dont need to restrict our diet or circumcise ourselves to stand out as God chosen people.

The blood of Christ that was applied to our hearts when we were saved is all we need to be considered Gods child.

Just one old hillbillies opinion. :evil:

then why is the old testament still preached from extensively in christian churches?

If you actually read your bible you would see that the whole old testament is fortelling of the coming of Christ. We are not boung by old testament law because of the new convenant with Christ.

You are not interested in anything anyone has to say that is contrary to what you want to beileve. I will pray for you.

Show me where Jesus said anything negative about homosexuals.
Where is it?
I follow him and accept everyone regardless of their sexual orientation.
Believe what you want and I stand for that but do not come anywhere, anyplace wanting to deny law abiding citizens their rights with your religous beliefs.
Because when you do we are going to stop you.
If we can't stand up for the rights of those that may be different than us then how can anyone stand up for us when someone is trying to take our rights away?
Something about being AMERICAN.
then why is the old testament still preached from extensively in christian churches?

If you actually read your bible you would see that the whole old testament is fortelling of the coming of Christ. We are not boung by old testament law because of the new convenant with Christ.

You are not interested in anything anyone has to say that is contrary to what you want to beileve. I will pray for you.

Show me where Jesus said anything negative about homosexuals.
Where is it?
I follow him and accept everyone regardless of their sexual orientation.
Believe what you want and I stand for that but do not come anywhere, anyplace wanting to deny law abiding citizens their rights with your religous beliefs.
Because when you do we are going to stop you.
If we can't stand up for the rights of those that may be different than us then how can anyone stand up for us when someone is trying to take our rights away?
Something about being AMERICAN.

Jesus said more bad things about bankers and rich people than gays.
Dear USCitizen: The point that I get from your criticism, where I believe
many Christians also agree with you, is that
* enforcing laws literally by the letter fails
* as does enforcing laws by threat of punishment or retribution
The OT is full of genocide and destruction, greed and corruption in
human history, attesting to the fact that man cannot obey laws this way.
We fail, we corrupt and abuse laws, and end up accusing others while excusing ourselves.
We have our own self-serving interests and biases, and are not perfectly just
however we may strive for "equal justice under law." Humans are not that perfect,
and our judgments are going to reflect that, with biases here and there
if not whole systems corrupted by the influence of private interests.

Both the church laws and the state laws suffer abuses by human authority this way.
Not just the Bible, but our civil laws as well. Both religious authority and
legal authority have abused laws to violate rights instead of defending them.

For every moot law you can cite in the Bible, how many cases of
obsolete secular laws are still on the books? How many cases of
people enforcing by the letter but violating the spirit of the law
using civil laws the same way you point out with the Bible?
If you look online, there are as many sites against religious and cult abuse
as there are against legal and judicial abuse (which I think causes worse damage since the civil laws and public authority are mandatory, while religions are optional to follow)

Your point is well-taken, that this way of interpreting/enforcing laws
is not going to work. It has not stopped murder or crime (which is only stopped
when people follow the spirit of the laws and respect others equally, so the letter of the law is upheld naturally as a consequence, not imposed as a condition.)

So with the NT we have a choice
* we can follow the spirit of the laws and the letter will be taken care of in the process
where any conflicts can be resolved in the spirit of truth and justice
* we can keep trying to use the old ways, of playing with the letter of the law
to ensnare people, to accuse or to excuse selectively, and keep on with
the abuses this leads to that goes nowhere. It does not work, it destroys
relationships and whole nations, and creates more problems for humanity
in a vicious cycle of retribution that keeps people stuck in conflicts from the past.

You have a choice, and I choose not to keep doing things the old ways that did not work.

Your message makes that point
of why we would not choose to live by laws that way,
by literal interpretations or by retributive threat of punishment.

This kills relationships, and escalates conflict and oppression
into violence and wars that kill people.

No thank you to that way of life that leads to death.

But thank you for your message
that points out why this approach fails.

Yours truly,
If you actually read your bible you would see that the whole old testament is fortelling of the coming of Christ. We are not boung by old testament law because of the new convenant with Christ.

You are not interested in anything anyone has to say that is contrary to what you want to beileve. I will pray for you.

Show me where Jesus said anything negative about homosexuals.
Where is it?
I follow him and accept everyone regardless of their sexual orientation.
Believe what you want and I stand for that but do not come anywhere, anyplace wanting to deny law abiding citizens their rights with your religous beliefs.
Because when you do we are going to stop you.
If we can't stand up for the rights of those that may be different than us then how can anyone stand up for us when someone is trying to take our rights away?
Something about being AMERICAN.

Jesus said more bad things about bankers and rich people than gays.

He also hung out with hookers.
Why? Surely Gods word would not contradict itself?

No the bible does not contridict itself.

With the birth, death, and resurection of Jesus a new covnent was formed between God and man. The old rules and ceremonies are not needed anymore. We dont sacrifice animals for salvation, we dont need to restrict our diet or circumcise ourselves to stand out as God chosen people.

The blood of Christ that was applied to our hearts when we were saved is all we need to be considered Gods child.

Just one old hillbillies opinion. :evil:

then why is the old testament still preached from extensively in christian churches?

The OT is a book of spiritual growth. It can help you to become a better person if you are willing to learn the lessons there.
The OT also has many prophesies for the then, future that demonstrate things about the Christ before He was born. (It shows that the Lord planned the Christ's life from the beginning)
The OT also has many prophesies for the future, that we will see or have seen in our lifetimes. That is for us to learn and figure out with help from the Holy Spirit.
Before the new Covenant (the Christ), people were held responsible for their ancestors' sins. It was a mercy to the children to kill those that lived a sinful life (their children had a better chance with the Lord). Once the Christ lived, sins were no longer held over from one generation to the next. Better yet, you can be forgiven your sins by sincerely asking the Lord for forgiveness.
then why is the old testament still preached from extensively in christian churches?

If you actually read your bible you would see that the whole old testament is fortelling of the coming of Christ. We are not boung by old testament law because of the new convenant with Christ.

You are not interested in anything anyone has to say that is contrary to what you want to beileve. I will pray for you.

Show me where Jesus said anything negative about homosexuals.
Where is it?
I follow him and accept everyone regardless of their sexual orientation.
Believe what you want and I stand for that but do not come anywhere, anyplace wanting to deny law abiding citizens their rights with your religous beliefs.
Because when you do we are going to stop you.
If we can't stand up for the rights of those that may be different than us then how can anyone stand up for us when someone is trying to take our rights away?
Something about being AMERICAN.

"Lewd" and "perverse" behavior, read it and weep.
If you actually read your bible you would see that the whole old testament is fortelling of the coming of Christ. We are not boung by old testament law because of the new convenant with Christ.

You are not interested in anything anyone has to say that is contrary to what you want to beileve. I will pray for you.

Show me where Jesus said anything negative about homosexuals.
Where is it?
I follow him and accept everyone regardless of their sexual orientation.
Believe what you want and I stand for that but do not come anywhere, anyplace wanting to deny law abiding citizens their rights with your religous beliefs.
Because when you do we are going to stop you.
If we can't stand up for the rights of those that may be different than us then how can anyone stand up for us when someone is trying to take our rights away?
Something about being AMERICAN.

"Lewd" and "perverse" behavior, read it and weep.


I never said anything about stopping gays from anything. As I stated in the other thread i dont oppose gay civil commitments. My point on the whole subject was that God does not apporve of a gay life style and that NY exemption for the clergy would be tested in the liberal courts.

You are going to stop me. Trust me I dont want to go anywhere near people who are exercising that paticular right.

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