Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

So what, the Bible is filled with idiotic notions. All life was created 6000 years ago, yet we find scientific proof that this is not true on a daily basis. If one thing and one thing only proves Christianity to be a complete farce, its carbon dating.
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So what, the Bible is filled with idiotic notions. All life was created 6000 years ago, yet we find scientific proof that this is not true on a daily basis. If one thing and one thing only proves Christianity to be a complete farce, its carbon dating.

Environmentalists say that carbon atoms are evil. Who would want to date evil?
So what, the Bible is filled with idiotic notions. All life was created 6000 years ago, yet we find scientific proof that this is not true on a daily basis. If one thing and one thing only proves Christianity to be a complete farce, its carbon dating.

Environmentalists say that carbon atoms are evil. Who would want to date evil?
I dated evil once, she was good in the sack.
I keep hearing the moral argument.
Who do you folks want to be in charge of what is moral?
Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart, 'Lil Wayne, Snoop Doggy Dog, the posters here, THE GOVERNMENT?

The Bible is a book of growth. It tells us how NOT to sin. It also identifies sin, with deceit being the forerunner to other types of sin. Without morals there is no "society". The Bible encourages each person to take responsibility of their own morals, to improve on their own. It also teaches when you see someone sinning that you should point it out to them. If they continue to sin that is up to them.

The sins/corruption have been identified. Why do you want to "legislate" immorality (encouraging homosexuals to practice homosexual acts)? Why do you embrace sin and pretend that it is not as identified in the Bible.
Corruption? How is being gay "corruption"?

And by the way...........a gay's thought of having sex with someone of the opposite gender pretty much stimulates the same kind of revulsion that straights have when presented with gay sex.

As far as a "stain starting to spread" "and giving rot it's lead", you may wish to consider a scientific fact..........

Gay population on the earth has remained at a pretty much constant 10 percent of the population at large since mankind started walking upright.

So tell me genius, how is that going to "spread"?

And............fwiw...............those that think that they can "become gay" under the influence of some lewd degenerate? Most generally, they are closeted gays, because any suggestion that someone could "turn" you just by being around you generally means (according to shrinks), that you secretly are.

Me? I'm a very secure heterosexual, and yeah........I have gay friends. Matter of fact, lived with 2 lesbians for a couple of years in Va. Beach.

I am not speaking, specifically of homosexuality increasing, but those sins that go along with it: deceit, covetness, blackmail, violence. Once sin/corruption has begun, very rarely does it stop on its own. It might be the homosexuals that are being sinned against in forms of blackmail, protection money, bribes to look the other way. Corruption has a way of causing more corruption (not necessarily the same type).

So "those sins that go along with it (homosexuality)" cause obesity, epidemic diabetes 2 which is 100% preventable, prescription drug abuse, smoking which kills 450,000 a year in USA, alcoholism, wife beating and masturbation?
Can I do it up and until I just need glasses?

You are using the distraction technique. No one has claimed that those are NOT problems. Homosexual acts have been identified as sinful in the Bible. Instead of you acknowledging that, you are turning against the Lord to declare a sinful act (without authority), not sinful. Why would you want to "encourage" sinful acts? Please stay on topic.
Corruption? How is being gay "corruption"?

And by the way...........a gay's thought of having sex with someone of the opposite gender pretty much stimulates the same kind of revulsion that straights have when presented with gay sex.

As far as a "stain starting to spread" "and giving rot it's lead", you may wish to consider a scientific fact..........

Gay population on the earth has remained at a pretty much constant 10 percent of the population at large since mankind started walking upright.

So tell me genius, how is that going to "spread"?

And............fwiw...............those that think that they can "become gay" under the influence of some lewd degenerate? Most generally, they are closeted gays, because any suggestion that someone could "turn" you just by being around you generally means (according to shrinks), that you secretly are.

Me? I'm a very secure heterosexual, and yeah........I have gay friends. Matter of fact, lived with 2 lesbians for a couple of years in Va. Beach.

I am not speaking, specifically of homosexuality increasing, but those sins that go along with it: deceit, covetness, blackmail, violence. Once sin/corruption has begun, very rarely does it stop on its own. It might be the homosexuals that are being sinned against in forms of blackmail, protection money, bribes to look the other way. Corruption has a way of causing more corruption (not necessarily the same type).

So are you saying that there aren't any gays who are good law-abiding citizens and who are a positive force in our society?

I am saying that deceit walks hand in hand with homosexual acts. Can the homosexuals be law-abiding citizens? The answer would be: yes. As for being a positive force in our society, please name some.
So what, the Bible is filled with idiotic notions. All life was created 6000 years ago, yet we find scientific proof that this is not true on a daily basis. If one thing and one thing only proves Christianity to be a complete farce, its carbon dating.

No where in the Bible does it give the "date" of creation. But don't let the truth get in the way of a good tale.
The Bible is a book of growth. It tells us how NOT to sin. It also identifies sin, with deceit being the forerunner to other types of sin. Without morals there is no "society". The Bible encourages each person to take responsibility of their own morals, to improve on their own. It also teaches when you see someone sinning that you should point it out to them. If they continue to sin that is up to them.

The sins/corruption have been identified. Why do you want to "legislate" immorality (encouraging homosexuals to practice homosexual acts)? Why do you embrace sin and pretend that it is not as identified in the Bible.

Homosexual acts have been identified as sinful in the Bible. Instead of you acknowledging that, you are turning against the Lord to declare a sinful act (without authority), not sinful. Why would you want to "encourage" sinful acts?

Without law there is no society as well – and although many laws are predicated on morality, the law is wise enough to place limits on religious dogma, disallowing its secular codification. The law protects each individual’s right to determine a moral context for himself: if your faith teaches you homosexuality is ‘wrong,’ then don’t engage in homosexual acts.

That some consider homosexuality a ‘sin’ or ‘corrupt’ is legally irrelevant. And protecting the equal protection rights of homosexuals does not ‘encourage’ homosexuals to do anything, just as laws criminalizing homosexual acts also had no effect.

Since we’ve established that subjective religious dogma is legally irrelevant, we know that discriminating against homosexuals because of who they are or what they do is a violation of the 14th Amendment.

As the Court concluded in Romer v. Evans (1996):

[Amendment 2, restricting homosexuals access to anti-discrimination laws, in] its sheer breadth is so discontinuous with the reasons offered for it that the amendment seems inexplicable by anything but animus toward the class that it affects; it lacks a rational relationship to legitimate state interests.

We must conclude that Amendment 2 classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This Colorado cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. Amendment 2 violates the Equal Protection Clause, and the judgment of the Supreme Court of Colorado is affirmed.
The Bible is a book of growth. It tells us how NOT to sin. It also identifies sin, with deceit being the forerunner to other types of sin. Without morals there is no "society". The Bible encourages each person to take responsibility of their own morals, to improve on their own. It also teaches when you see someone sinning that you should point it out to them. If they continue to sin that is up to them.

The sins/corruption have been identified. Why do you want to "legislate" immorality (encouraging homosexuals to practice homosexual acts)? Why do you embrace sin and pretend that it is not as identified in the Bible.

Homosexual acts have been identified as sinful in the Bible. Instead of you acknowledging that, you are turning against the Lord to declare a sinful act (without authority), not sinful. Why would you want to "encourage" sinful acts?

Without law there is no society as well – and although many laws are predicated on morality, the law is wise enough to place limits on religious dogma, disallowing its secular codification. The law protects each individual’s right to determine a moral context for himself: if your faith teaches you homosexuality is ‘wrong,’ then don’t engage in homosexual acts.

That some consider homosexuality a ‘sin’ or ‘corrupt’ is legally irrelevant. And protecting the equal protection rights of homosexuals does not ‘encourage’ homosexuals to do anything, just as laws criminalizing homosexual acts also had no effect.

Since we’ve established that subjective religious dogma is legally irrelevant, we know that discriminating against homosexuals because of who they are or what they do is a violation of the 14th Amendment.

As the Court concluded in Romer v. Evans (1996):

[Amendment 2, restricting homosexuals access to anti-discrimination laws, in] its sheer breadth is so discontinuous with the reasons offered for it that the amendment seems inexplicable by anything but animus toward the class that it affects; it lacks a rational relationship to legitimate state interests.

We must conclude that Amendment 2 classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This Colorado cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. Amendment 2 violates the Equal Protection Clause, and the judgment of the Supreme Court of Colorado is affirmed.

This thread is not about the "law". Your post is irrelevant for "this" thread. If you can show where in the Bible the Lord said homosexual acts are sins, no more, that would be relevant. The fourteenth amendment was a bad amendement, it has been used for every excuse to push foreign agendas into this country, since shortly after it was used to "clarify" the Constitution (there is no mention of slavery in the Constitution). It does not mention homosexuals in the fourteenth amendment (and according to the homosexual thought process, that means they are not counted).
The fourteenth amendment was a bad amendement, it has been used for every excuse to push foreign agendas into this country, since shortly after it was used to "clarify" the Constitution (there is no mention of slavery in the Constitution)...

Actually slavery is mentioned in the Constitution.

Under Article 2 Section 2, the Constitution enumerates the method of appropriating the number of representatives and taxes:
  • Free Persons are counted 1:1,
  • Indentured Servants (those committed to a fixed number of years of service) are also counted as 1:1,
  • Untax Indians are not counted because Indian Tribes were considered sovereign nations,
  • That leaves not free persons, or in the language of the Constitution all other persons are counted at the rate of 3:5.

If a person was not a "Free Person", "Indentured Servant", or "Untaxed Indian" - what type of person was then counted at the rate of 3/5th's?


Contrary to the belief of some, Amendments to the Constitutions are additions to it and as such become part of the Constitution. Therefore slavery is mentioned in the Constitution because it was abolished via the 13th Amendment by name. In addition the 14th Amendment voided any debt incurred as a result of insurrection or rebellion as a part of emancipating slaves. Slaves of course being those counted at the 3/5th's rate under Article 2 Section 2.

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I keep hearing the moral argument.
Who do you folks want to be in charge of what is moral?
Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart, 'Lil Wayne, Snoop Doggy Dog, the posters here, THE GOVERNMENT?

The Bible is a book of growth. It tells us how NOT to sin. It also identifies sin, with deceit being the forerunner to other types of sin. Without morals there is no "society". The Bible encourages each person to take responsibility of their own morals, to improve on their own. It also teaches when you see someone sinning that you should point it out to them. If they continue to sin that is up to them.

The sins/corruption have been identified. Why do you want to "legislate" immorality (encouraging homosexuals to practice homosexual acts)? Why do you embrace sin and pretend that it is not as identified in the Bible.

You may believe it is okay to encourage heterosexuals to practice heterosexual acts but I mind my own business.
I do not encourage ANYONE to practice any sexual acts so quit posting lies and bull shit that I never, ever stated. I never stated I embrace sin. Another lie of yours.
Govern yourself accordingly as you claim to be a Christian. Christians do not spread lies like you do.
The fourteenth amendment was a bad amendement, it has been used for every excuse to push foreign agendas into this country, since shortly after it was used to "clarify" the Constitution (there is no mention of slavery in the Constitution)...

Actually slavery is mentioned in the Constitution.

Under Article 2 Section 2, the Constitution enumerates the method of appropriating the number of representatives and taxes:
  • Free Persons are counted 1:1,
  • Indentured Servants (those committed to a fixed number of years of service) are also counted as 1:1,
  • Untax Indians are not counted because Indian Tribes were considered sovereign nations,
  • That leaves not free persons, or in the language of the Constitution all other persons are counted at the rate of 3:5.

If a person was not a "Free Person", "Indentured Servant", or "Untaxed Indian" - what type of person was then counted at the rate of 3/5th's?


Contrary to the belief of some, Amendments to the Constitutions are additions to it and as such become part of the Constitution. Therefore slavery is mentioned in the Constitution because it was abolished via the 13th Amendment by name. In addition the 14th Amendment voided any debt incurred as a result of insurrection or rebellion as a part of emancipating slaves. Slaves of course being those counted at the 3/5th's rate under Article 2 Section 2.


I stand, corrected. Thank you. Still, the fourteenth amendment is not clear and open to all sorts of agenda driven causes, against freedom and against liberty.
The Bible is a book of growth. It tells us how NOT to sin. It also identifies sin, with deceit being the forerunner to other types of sin. Without morals there is no "society". The Bible encourages each person to take responsibility of their own morals, to improve on their own. It also teaches when you see someone sinning that you should point it out to them. If they continue to sin that is up to them.

The sins/corruption have been identified. Why do you want to "legislate" immorality (encouraging homosexuals to practice homosexual acts)? Why do you embrace sin and pretend that it is not as identified in the Bible.

Homosexual acts have been identified as sinful in the Bible. Instead of you acknowledging that, you are turning against the Lord to declare a sinful act (without authority), not sinful. Why would you want to "encourage" sinful acts?

Without law there is no society as well – and although many laws are predicated on morality, the law is wise enough to place limits on religious dogma, disallowing its secular codification. The law protects each individual’s right to determine a moral context for himself: if your faith teaches you homosexuality is ‘wrong,’ then don’t engage in homosexual acts.

That some consider homosexuality a ‘sin’ or ‘corrupt’ is legally irrelevant. And protecting the equal protection rights of homosexuals does not ‘encourage’ homosexuals to do anything, just as laws criminalizing homosexual acts also had no effect.

Since we’ve established that subjective religious dogma is legally irrelevant, we know that discriminating against homosexuals because of who they are or what they do is a violation of the 14th Amendment.

As the Court concluded in Romer v. Evans (1996):

[Amendment 2, restricting homosexuals access to anti-discrimination laws, in] its sheer breadth is so discontinuous with the reasons offered for it that the amendment seems inexplicable by anything but animus toward the class that it affects; it lacks a rational relationship to legitimate state interests.

We must conclude that Amendment 2 classifies homosexuals not to further a proper legislative end but to make them unequal to everyone else. This Colorado cannot do. A State cannot so deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws. Amendment 2 violates the Equal Protection Clause, and the judgment of the Supreme Court of Colorado is affirmed.

This thread is not about the "law". Your post is irrelevant for "this" thread. If you can show where in the Bible the Lord said homosexual acts are sins, no more, that would be relevant. The fourteenth amendment was a bad amendement, it has been used for every excuse to push foreign agendas into this country, since shortly after it was used to "clarify" the Constitution (there is no mention of slavery in the Constitution). It does not mention homosexuals in the fourteenth amendment (and according to the homosexual thought process, that means they are not counted).

"14th Amendment was a bad amendment"
"it has been used for every excuse to push foreign agendas"
I keep hearing the moral argument.
Who do you folks want to be in charge of what is moral?
Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart, 'Lil Wayne, Snoop Doggy Dog, the posters here, THE GOVERNMENT?

The Bible is a book of growth. It tells us how NOT to sin. It also identifies sin, with deceit being the forerunner to other types of sin. Without morals there is no "society". The Bible encourages each person to take responsibility of their own morals, to improve on their own. It also teaches when you see someone sinning that you should point it out to them. If they continue to sin that is up to them.

The sins/corruption have been identified. Why do you want to "legislate" immorality (encouraging homosexuals to practice homosexual acts)? Why do you embrace sin and pretend that it is not as identified in the Bible.

You may believe it is okay to encourage heterosexuals to practice heterosexual acts but I mind my own business.
I do not encourage ANYONE to practice any sexual acts so quit posting lies and bull shit that I never, ever stated. I never stated I embrace sin. Another lie of yours.
Govern yourself accordingly as you claim to be a Christian. Christians do not spread lies like you do.

Didn't you say in this thread that there was nothing wrong with homosexuals being together? Didn't you say in this thread that churches should support homosexual couples, even to the point of marrying them? Sounds like you are supporting sinful acts to me. Didn't you lecture those of us, that acknowledged what was in the Bible, as misguided, and mistaken? You turned your back on the Lord's declaration of sin, and embrace homosexual acts (the love of a homosexual couple). Sounds like you embrace sin to me.
The Bible is a book of growth. It tells us how NOT to sin. It also identifies sin, with deceit being the forerunner to other types of sin. Without morals there is no "society". The Bible encourages each person to take responsibility of their own morals, to improve on their own. It also teaches when you see someone sinning that you should point it out to them. If they continue to sin that is up to them.

The sins/corruption have been identified. Why do you want to "legislate" immorality (encouraging homosexuals to practice homosexual acts)? Why do you embrace sin and pretend that it is not as identified in the Bible.

You may believe it is okay to encourage heterosexuals to practice heterosexual acts but I mind my own business.
I do not encourage ANYONE to practice any sexual acts so quit posting lies and bull shit that I never, ever stated. I never stated I embrace sin. Another lie of yours.
Govern yourself accordingly as you claim to be a Christian. Christians do not spread lies like you do.

Didn't you say in this thread that there was nothing wrong with homosexuals being together? Didn't you say in this thread that churches should support homosexual couples, even to the point of marrying them? Sounds like you are supporting sinful acts to me. Didn't you lecture those of us, that acknowledged what was in the Bible, as misguided, and mistaken? You turned your back on the Lord's declaration of sin, and embrace homosexual acts (the love of a homosexual couple). Sounds like you embrace sin to me.

Where did I state I encourage ANY sex acts?
Where did I state all churches should support anything?
Where did I state all churches should marry anyone?
Someone never washed your mouth out as a youth for telling lies.
You continue to lie.
For the uninformed and ignorant and I count you as one of their leaders:
I encourage NO sex acts as a conservative I mind my own business.
I do not support telling any church what to do as I am a conservative and mind my own business.
You are the one dictating the requirements of what a "Christian" is and isn't.
Shame on you.
I'm against any kind of gay sex, that goes against god, but my wife wants to know if it's ok for me to fuck her in the ass.
I'm against any kind of gay sex, that goes against god, but my wife wants to know if it's ok for me to fuck her in the ass.

Actually, the definition of sodomy itself means anal/penile sex, no matter what gender the anus is attached to.

No, you shouldn't do that.

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