Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

It has been demonstrated where the Savior declared that nothing bad can enter thru your mouth: therefore food is no longed classified as unclean. Paul too, had an experience in Acts, where the Lord let him know that "animals" had been purified, therefore, no longer unclean. (This was done because the Hebrew leaders were concentrating on rituals, over the worship of the Lord)
With homosexual acts, that is not the case. Yeshua re-stated that those behaviors were sinful.

I have no authority to declare something sinful or not sinful. I can tell you according to what I know the Bible says. Like I have told other homosexuals on this board: I pray for homosexuals. I wish them the best. When they are judged as sinners in front of the Lord, I will be at their side as a fellow sinner. The Lord is just and we will be punished for our sins. Those that encourage or deceive others about sinful behavior will be held accountable for those sins done by those that they have deceived, as well as their own. Not only do you deceive others by encouraging sinful behavior, you persecute those that would tell them the truth. I feel sorry for you. In many other areas, your logic is sound, but in this, you seem to be really twisted.

No such thing has been demonstrated, it might be in a book of fiction called the bible, but writing something in a book doesn't necessarily make it so. Just ask Dr Seuss.

Silly boy, this thread is about the Bible's reference to sins. Please, keep up.
That's funny, so do homosexual activists want to tell people how to live. By your logic, that makes ALL homosexual activists, communists. Just sayin' ......

Homos aren't trying to tell YOU how to live, you can marry... They just want you to leave them alone and not be so homophobic. Like why do you even care what gays call their unions? Just ignore them. It's that simple.

Your example implies that homosexual activity can do no harm to society. You are wrong. Homosexual activity is corruption: deceit, blackmail, coveting, stealing, and violence, all are found where there is a lot of homosexual activity. Your statement is like telling someone, ignore the little children with 22 rifles, it is really hard to do any "real" damage with a 22.

oh yes, the heterosexuals never have any of these qualities in their societies :lol:
And for the homophobic bigots here's a few factoids for you to remember;

1.) Most gays are christian
2.) Most americans are christian
3.) Most americans favor gay marriage being valid

If anyone would like, I'll happily provide links and proof of all 3.

You, sir, are a coward. I have asked you to explain why someone that believes the Bible is a bigot. I have asked you to demonstrate a better way to live, than in accordance with the Bible. All you do is throw out childish name-calling, and then change the subject when someone calls you on it.

Christians are tempted by sin, it is no surprise that many homosexuals are Christian. (If they do not try to overcome that sin, they are turning their back on the Lord)

If most Americans are Christians, why do lefties throw such a fit, when parents want "morals" enforced in schools?

If "most" Americans favor gay marriage, then why do elections with secret ballots reject gay marriage, by a majority? (I know the homosexual activists propoganda machine has not infiltrated every social gathering or educational system)

You deceive and you embrace corruption.

You keep speaking in false categories. Most americans think gay marriage should be valid, if they think that they probably don't view being gay as a sin. Most americans are christian. Not everyone shares your "being gay is a sin view", in fact I'll bet you're in the minority as more and more christian churches are happily opening their doors for gays and not tearing down their lifestyle. It's a great thing they're doing, sad you're being stuck in the past on this issue.

I have no idea where you're going with lefties wanting morals enforced in school, if you want your kids to learn their morals from government (public schools) that seems pretty liberal to me.

53% say government should legally recognize gay marriage

53% favor gay marriage being valid, 44% oppose.

Although the conspiracy theory that gays have somehow hijacked this survey is an interesting one to say the least.
And for the homophobic bigots here's a few factoids for you to remember;

1.) Most gays are christian
2.) Most americans are christian
3.) Most americans favor gay marriage being valid

If anyone would like, I'll happily provide links and proof of all 3.

You, sir, are a coward. I have asked you to explain why someone that believes the Bible is a bigot. I have asked you to demonstrate a better way to live, than in accordance with the Bible. All you do is throw out childish name-calling, and then change the subject when someone calls you on it.

Christians are tempted by sin, it is no surprise that many homosexuals are Christian. (If they do not try to overcome that sin, they are turning their back on the Lord)

If most Americans are Christians, why do lefties throw such a fit, when parents want "morals" enforced in schools?

If "most" Americans favor gay marriage, then why do elections with secret ballots reject gay marriage, by a majority? (I know the homosexual activists propoganda machine has not infiltrated every social gathering or educational system)

You deceive and you embrace corruption.

I'd love to see the supporting evidence.

If most Americans were for gay marriage, then it would be legal in most states.
Regarding majority support for gay marriage, that comes from a Gallup poll taken in May of this year. As fast as the issue is moving, this probably understates the support by now.

Here's the link to the poll: For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

By the way, CG has presented a false argument on two points. First, that we have a nationwide majority in support of gay marriage doesn't necessarily mean that a statewide majority supports it in every state and I'm sure that's not true; for example I doubt there is a majority of support yet in Alabama or Utah. Secondly, it takes time for laws to be passed.

I predict that most states will recognize same-sex marriage within the next ten years. The holdouts will be required to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states shortly thereafter when the Supreme Court strikes down the DOMA, which it will as that law clearly violates the Full Faith and Credit clause. Eventually, same-sex marriage will be recognized in every state, but I'm not confident that will happen in my lifetime. Probably in my daughters' lifetimes.
Homos aren't trying to tell YOU how to live, you can marry... They just want you to leave them alone and not be so homophobic. Like why do you even care what gays call their unions? Just ignore them. It's that simple.

Your example implies that homosexual activity can do no harm to society. You are wrong. Homosexual activity is corruption: deceit, blackmail, coveting, stealing, and violence, all are found where there is a lot of homosexual activity. Your statement is like telling someone, ignore the little children with 22 rifles, it is really hard to do any "real" damage with a 22.

So all that "corruption: deceit, blackmail, coveting, stealing, and violence" we have in society is because gays are rampaging? And no straight people do those things? It's like saying only gays have guns and straight people don't.
Please try again soon.

Did I say that? No, I did not.

Don't let the truth get in your way, though. Corruption, no matter how insignificant it seems, never stays as small as it starts. I would prefer to call it as it is, not wait for a huge rotten spot, to say: we should have said something when we first saw that stain starting to spread. But you, seem to want to give rot its lead and worry about the consequences later. Are you on gov't handouts? Do you believe in personal responsibility?
Homos aren't trying to tell YOU how to live, you can marry... They just want you to leave them alone and not be so homophobic. Like why do you even care what gays call their unions? Just ignore them. It's that simple.

Your example implies that homosexual activity can do no harm to society. You are wrong. Homosexual activity is corruption: deceit, blackmail, coveting, stealing, and violence, all are found where there is a lot of homosexual activity. Your statement is like telling someone, ignore the little children with 22 rifles, it is really hard to do any "real" damage with a 22.

oh yes, the heterosexuals never have any of these qualities in their societies :lol:

Where there is sinful behavior, there it is.
Why do we want to "encourage" corruption?
And for the homophobic bigots here's a few factoids for you to remember;

1.) Most gays are christian
2.) Most americans are christian
3.) Most americans favor gay marriage being valid

If anyone would like, I'll happily provide links and proof of all 3.

You, sir, are a coward. I have asked you to explain why someone that believes the Bible is a bigot. I have asked you to demonstrate a better way to live, than in accordance with the Bible. All you do is throw out childish name-calling, and then change the subject when someone calls you on it.

Christians are tempted by sin, it is no surprise that many homosexuals are Christian. (If they do not try to overcome that sin, they are turning their back on the Lord)

If most Americans are Christians, why do lefties throw such a fit, when parents want "morals" enforced in schools?

If "most" Americans favor gay marriage, then why do elections with secret ballots reject gay marriage, by a majority? (I know the homosexual activists propoganda machine has not infiltrated every social gathering or educational system)

You deceive and you embrace corruption.

You keep speaking in false categories. Most americans think gay marriage should be valid, if they think that they probably don't view being gay as a sin. Most americans are christian. Not everyone shares your "being gay is a sin view", in fact I'll bet you're in the minority as more and more christian churches are happily opening their doors for gays and not tearing down their lifestyle. It's a great thing they're doing, sad you're being stuck in the past on this issue.

I have no idea where you're going with lefties wanting morals enforced in school, if you want your kids to learn their morals from government (public schools) that seems pretty liberal to me.

53% say government should legally recognize gay marriage

53% favor gay marriage being valid, 44% oppose.

Although the conspiracy theory that gays have somehow hijacked this survey is an interesting one to say the least.

You did not answer the questions.

Because the "legion" is doing it, doesn't make it right.
Your example implies that homosexual activity can do no harm to society. You are wrong. Homosexual activity is corruption: deceit, blackmail, coveting, stealing, and violence, all are found where there is a lot of homosexual activity. Your statement is like telling someone, ignore the little children with 22 rifles, it is really hard to do any "real" damage with a 22.

So all that "corruption: deceit, blackmail, coveting, stealing, and violence" we have in society is because gays are rampaging? And no straight people do those things? It's like saying only gays have guns and straight people don't.
Please try again soon.

Did I say that? No, I did not.

Don't let the truth get in your way, though. Corruption, no matter how insignificant it seems, never stays as small as it starts. I would prefer to call it as it is, not wait for a huge rotten spot, to say: we should have said something when we first saw that stain starting to spread. But you, seem to want to give rot its lead and worry about the consequences later. Are you on gov't handouts? Do you believe in personal responsibility?

Corruption? How is being gay "corruption"?

And by the way...........a gay's thought of having sex with someone of the opposite gender pretty much stimulates the same kind of revulsion that straights have when presented with gay sex.

As far as a "stain starting to spread" "and giving rot it's lead", you may wish to consider a scientific fact..........

Gay population on the earth has remained at a pretty much constant 10 percent of the population at large since mankind started walking upright.

So tell me genius, how is that going to "spread"?

And............fwiw...............those that think that they can "become gay" under the influence of some lewd degenerate? Most generally, they are closeted gays, because any suggestion that someone could "turn" you just by being around you generally means (according to shrinks), that you secretly are.

Me? I'm a very secure heterosexual, and yeah........I have gay friends. Matter of fact, lived with 2 lesbians for a couple of years in Va. Beach.
log, you're a homo-hater, so you must hate jesus, since he never married, never had a girlfriend, never had kids, only hung around with guys, wore a dress, rode a donkey... and only fucked a girl once to see if he'd like it, and apparently, he didn't, lol.
So all that "corruption: deceit, blackmail, coveting, stealing, and violence" we have in society is because gays are rampaging? And no straight people do those things? It's like saying only gays have guns and straight people don't.
Please try again soon.

Did I say that? No, I did not.

Don't let the truth get in your way, though. Corruption, no matter how insignificant it seems, never stays as small as it starts. I would prefer to call it as it is, not wait for a huge rotten spot, to say: we should have said something when we first saw that stain starting to spread. But you, seem to want to give rot its lead and worry about the consequences later. Are you on gov't handouts? Do you believe in personal responsibility?

Corruption? How is being gay "corruption"?

And by the way...........a gay's thought of having sex with someone of the opposite gender pretty much stimulates the same kind of revulsion that straights have when presented with gay sex.

As far as a "stain starting to spread" "and giving rot it's lead", you may wish to consider a scientific fact..........

Gay population on the earth has remained at a pretty much constant 10 percent of the population at large since mankind started walking upright.

So tell me genius, how is that going to "spread"?

And............fwiw...............those that think that they can "become gay" under the influence of some lewd degenerate? Most generally, they are closeted gays, because any suggestion that someone could "turn" you just by being around you generally means (according to shrinks), that you secretly are.

Me? I'm a very secure heterosexual, and yeah........I have gay friends. Matter of fact, lived with 2 lesbians for a couple of years in Va. Beach.

I am not speaking, specifically of homosexuality increasing, but those sins that go along with it: deceit, covetness, blackmail, violence. Once sin/corruption has begun, very rarely does it stop on its own. It might be the homosexuals that are being sinned against in forms of blackmail, protection money, bribes to look the other way. Corruption has a way of causing more corruption (not necessarily the same type).
I keep hearing the moral argument.
Who do you folks want to be in charge of what is moral?
Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart, 'Lil Wayne, Snoop Doggy Dog, the posters here, THE GOVERNMENT?
Did I say that? No, I did not.

Don't let the truth get in your way, though. Corruption, no matter how insignificant it seems, never stays as small as it starts. I would prefer to call it as it is, not wait for a huge rotten spot, to say: we should have said something when we first saw that stain starting to spread. But you, seem to want to give rot its lead and worry about the consequences later. Are you on gov't handouts? Do you believe in personal responsibility?

Corruption? How is being gay "corruption"?

And by the way...........a gay's thought of having sex with someone of the opposite gender pretty much stimulates the same kind of revulsion that straights have when presented with gay sex.

As far as a "stain starting to spread" "and giving rot it's lead", you may wish to consider a scientific fact..........

Gay population on the earth has remained at a pretty much constant 10 percent of the population at large since mankind started walking upright.

So tell me genius, how is that going to "spread"?

And............fwiw...............those that think that they can "become gay" under the influence of some lewd degenerate? Most generally, they are closeted gays, because any suggestion that someone could "turn" you just by being around you generally means (according to shrinks), that you secretly are.

Me? I'm a very secure heterosexual, and yeah........I have gay friends. Matter of fact, lived with 2 lesbians for a couple of years in Va. Beach.

I am not speaking, specifically of homosexuality increasing, but those sins that go along with it: deceit, covetness, blackmail, violence. Once sin/corruption has begun, very rarely does it stop on its own. It might be the homosexuals that are being sinned against in forms of blackmail, protection money, bribes to look the other way. Corruption has a way of causing more corruption (not necessarily the same type).

So "those sins that go along with it (homosexuality)" cause obesity, epidemic diabetes 2 which is 100% preventable, prescription drug abuse, smoking which kills 450,000 a year in USA, alcoholism, wife beating and masturbation?
Can I do it up and until I just need glasses?
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Did I say that? No, I did not.

Don't let the truth get in your way, though. Corruption, no matter how insignificant it seems, never stays as small as it starts. I would prefer to call it as it is, not wait for a huge rotten spot, to say: we should have said something when we first saw that stain starting to spread. But you, seem to want to give rot its lead and worry about the consequences later. Are you on gov't handouts? Do you believe in personal responsibility?

Corruption? How is being gay "corruption"?

And by the way...........a gay's thought of having sex with someone of the opposite gender pretty much stimulates the same kind of revulsion that straights have when presented with gay sex.

As far as a "stain starting to spread" "and giving rot it's lead", you may wish to consider a scientific fact..........

Gay population on the earth has remained at a pretty much constant 10 percent of the population at large since mankind started walking upright.

So tell me genius, how is that going to "spread"?

And............fwiw...............those that think that they can "become gay" under the influence of some lewd degenerate? Most generally, they are closeted gays, because any suggestion that someone could "turn" you just by being around you generally means (according to shrinks), that you secretly are.

Me? I'm a very secure heterosexual, and yeah........I have gay friends. Matter of fact, lived with 2 lesbians for a couple of years in Va. Beach.

I am not speaking, specifically of homosexuality increasing, but those sins that go along with it: deceit, covetness, blackmail, violence. Once sin/corruption has begun, very rarely does it stop on its own. It might be the homosexuals that are being sinned against in forms of blackmail, protection money, bribes to look the other way. Corruption has a way of causing more corruption (not necessarily the same type).

So are you saying that there aren't any gays who are good law-abiding citizens and who are a positive force in our society?

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