Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

You's a proven fact that heterosexual couples have gay children. Need proof? Look no farther than Dick Cheney's daughter.

Is Dick Cheney's daughter "genetically inferior"?

And, if being gay means you get weeded out of the species, wanna explain why gays have made up around 10 percent of the population world wide for thousands of years?
Don't worry, I've been called an idiot by smarter people than you.

No doubt you've been called an idiot by virtually everyone who has met you.

But isn't advanced birthing medicine an "evolution" of earlier times?

Could you repeat that in English?

Or does man's ability to make tools and use them not exist in your evolutionary chart?

Do you think medical practices in regard to the odd homosexual reproduction alters the trend?

Sorry sleebo, regardless of exceptions, homosexuals don't reproduce as a group. This fact may well be the manifestation of an evolutionary imperative not to reproduce.

Tell me sparky, have you ever heard of "natural selection?" How do you feel about it? How do you feel it might work?
Calling gay an "undesireable genetic trait"

What a fucking moron you are, monkey boi.

Either you're just too fucking thick to comprehend even a simple concept, or your a fucking liar.

Either way, your a complete moron.

isn't the least bit bigotted, my most sincere apologies kind sir.

If you can provide any proof whatsoever of the gay population decreasing,

If you can provide any proof whatsoever that cats fly fighter jets..


Goddamn but you're a fucking moron.

I'd be very interested to see that information and would take back every notion of you being a homophobe.

and just saying "evolution does it because it's evolution" isn't valid.

There must be pre-GED coursework you could sign up for? I urge you to try and catch up to at least 7th grade educational levels.

Honestly, it'll change your life for the better!
Calling gay an "undesireable genetic trait"

What a fucking moron you are, monkey boi.

Either you're just too fucking thick to comprehend even a simple concept, or your a fucking liar.

Either way, your a complete moron.

isn't the least bit bigotted, my most sincere apologies kind sir.

If you can provide any proof whatsoever of the gay population decreasing,

If you can provide any proof whatsoever that cats fly fighter jets..


Goddamn but you're a fucking moron.

I'd be very interested to see that information and would take back every notion of you being a homophobe.

and just saying "evolution does it because it's evolution" isn't valid.

There must be pre-GED coursework you could sign up for? I urge you to try and catch up to at least 7th grade educational levels.

Honestly, it'll change your life for the better!

"Your a complete moron."-Now that's classic Uncensored :lol:.

But anyways, no proof? That wasn't a very ceremonial way at conceding defeat, but duly noted.
"Your a complete moron."-Now that's classic Uncensored :lol:.

A typo?

Yo stupid fuck, care to show where I said homosexuality was an undesirable trait?

No? You prefer to keep lying because straw man bullshit is all you can come up with..

You're a piece of shit drock. That's giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're just a fucking liar and not as stupid as you present yourself.

But anyways, no proof?

You made the claim, you prove it.

That wasn't a very ceremonial way at conceding defeat, but duly noted.

You're a fucking moron, a truly stupid troll.
"Your a complete moron."-Now that's classic Uncensored :lol:.

A typo?

Yo stupid fuck, care to show where I said homosexuality was an undesirable trait?

No? You prefer to keep lying because straw man bullshit is all you can come up with..

You're a piece of shit drock. That's giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're just a fucking liar and not as stupid as you present yourself.

But anyways, no proof?

You made the claim, you prove it.

That wasn't a very ceremonial way at conceding defeat, but duly noted.

You're a fucking moron, a truly stupid troll.

Lol really got under your skin on that one, settle down kiddo, it's just a message board. We're still good pals.
Don't worry, I've been called an idiot by smarter people than you.

No doubt you've been called an idiot by virtually everyone who has met you.

But isn't advanced birthing medicine an "evolution" of earlier times?

Could you repeat that in English?

Or does man's ability to make tools and use them not exist in your evolutionary chart?

Do you think medical practices in regard to the odd homosexual reproduction alters the trend?

Sorry sleebo, regardless of exceptions, homosexuals don't reproduce as a group. This fact may well be the manifestation of an evolutionary imperative not to reproduce.

Tell me sparky, have you ever heard of "natural selection?" How do you feel about it? How do you feel it might work?

You're too witty for me, I give up!

Actually, I have to abandon any debate with you because you make no sense. As a group, gays and lesbians have plenty of babies.
You's a proven fact that heterosexual couples have gay children. Need proof? Look no farther than Dick Cheney's daughter.

Is Dick Cheney's daughter "genetically inferior"?

And, if being gay means you get weeded out of the species, wanna explain why gays have made up around 10 percent of the population world wide for thousands of years?

They know that but are afraid to admit it in public.
They would rather act ignorant and be accepted in church.
Or maybe it's a learned behavior.

Right. Because three month-olds who reach for things with their left hand learned that from - who? One of their right-handed parents? That can't be.

Right or Left-handedness doesn't not End a Species...

Get it?

Now why don't you Compare Race to Chosen Sexual Deviations, since that's probably next on the List of Revolving Responses. :lol:



I don't usually say this, but..... that is just STUPID.
It would be great if they left it in the bedroom. Wish they would.

99.9999999999% of gay people only have sex in the privacy of their own homes, same with straight people.

If you're talking about the "horrors" of having to see 2 gay people holding hands in public, then you're even more insecure than I already thought and I have nothing but pity for you.

Link, evidence?

Or just numbers pulled from the same place the left gets their ideas that a corrupt society is a "good" society?
Actually I wasn't talking about that. I don't care if people hold hands. Keep fishing.

Then please expand on that.

It's already been addressed in this thread though, people pretend they're homophobes cuz they hate that gays are sometimes overly open about their bodies in their parades. However never a peep about Mardi Gras, people flashing at all sorts of straight parties/parades/get togethers/etc.

In other words every excuse homophobes give to rationalize their bigotry, are very easy to pick apart.

For the thousandth time .... when "straights" do stuff like that, they are not proclaiming the the laws be changed so that "every citizen" must support their "display". It is wrong, but none of them are bribing politicians to pass laws supporting that behavior. Mardi Gras, please, it was corrupted from its original intent long ago. It is like I hear the straights discuss going to Key West: you should go see it, it is bizzare (like it is something they can watch, but it won't affect them). Ask them if they would take their children and they will start to say yyyyy, NO.
Likewise please point out any bigotry I've shown against homosexuals. That should also be interesting.

Do you always just pull random things out of the air and pretend someone has argued those points? If so, I imagine you didn't make the debate team in junior high. I'd say high school, but I know you didn't even make the try outs in high school, given the showing you've made here...

Being anti-gay marriage is bigotry in my book, I've heard no reason other than bigotry as to why it shouldn't be legal.

That is because you will not acknowledge, facts. If it is bigotry, please explain a "better way" to live, since bigotry implies a backward or superstititious belief.
Please explain how welcoming corruption in society improves it.
Being anti-gay marriage is bigotry in my book, I've heard no reason other than bigotry as to why it shouldn't be legal.

And you aren't going to hear the Reasons...

You are simply not Honest enough on this Issue to be Objective, so you call those you Disagee with Bigots.

The Easy Path...



No, i call people who say homosexuals are deviants what they are, bigots.

Go ahead and give me your non-bigotted reason for being against gay marriage.

You do know which thread this is, don't you? You wanted the "religious" to demonstrate how the Bible continued to state homosexual acts were a sin, and wanted to hold up Leviticus to demonstrate against ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... a type of food.

Again, if Christians are "bigots", please show where there is a better system for society.
mal, are you gay?


But According to Kurt Cobain, everyone is.

And According to Homosexual Activists, anyone who Disagrees with their Agenda is also Gay.



Ok, so you're not gay, fine. So why the fuck do you care so much about what gays do? Seems like it's none of your beeswax.

Go read the first 90 pages of this thread, so you can keep up.
Cannibalism occurs in nature, as well as animals eating their own shit.

Should we pass laws to force acceptance of those behaviors as well?

I had a dog eat her own newborn puppy once...I think we need a law to allow humans to eat their own children.

He's the one using terms like nature and natural, then in the next post he says things that happen in nature are unnatural. I'd have never introduced the words nature and natural into the discussion, that was your teammate.

It's very entertaining to read you 2.

For idiots: Natural: the way things work in harmony: rivers in their riverbed, animals mate for offspring, mothers care for their young.

There are times when something different occurs: floods, animals force domination onto another animal (of their species or another species), mothers kill their young. All of those different situations occur in nature, but are not considered "natural". They are exceptions or deviations. Get it???????
What does gay marriage have to do with protecting children?

So you're not just against gay marriage, but gay love too? gays people shouldn't be allowed to love and have a relationship?

Shup, you Fuckin' Troll... :thup:



Matthew 7:12 NIV - So in everything, do to others what you - Bible Gateway

12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Romans 12:10 NIV - Be devoted to one another in love. - Bible Gateway

10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV - Get rid of all bitterness, rage and - Bible Gateway

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

1 Peter 3:8-12 NIV - Suffering for Doing Good Finally, all - Bible Gateway

8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 10 For,
“Whoever would love life
and see good days
must keep their tongue from evil
and their lips from deceitful speech.
11 They must turn from evil and do good;
they must seek peace and pursue it.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”[a]

My advice is you should take the above passages seriously in life, rather than doing the opposite and shitting on them everytime you get on the board.

You are pretty good at telling Christians how to behave with the Bible, and then, for some reason, you throw a hissy fit when Christians can demonstrate with the Bible where you are wrong.

Where in the Bible does it say to "embrace" corruption? Where does it say to embrace perversity, lewdness, or immoral sex?
When you want to show those passages, we might think you are sincere. Until then, you just look like a manipulator: do as I say, not as I do.
Being anti-gay marriage makes you a communist, they also like to tell people what to do and how to live.

That's funny, so do homosexual activists want to tell people how to live. By your logic, that makes ALL homosexual activists, communists. Just sayin' ......

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