Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

I am not understanding the original topic. Does the Bible verse say that eating a catfish is on the same level as a man having sex with another man or woman with a woman?

It looks like people really like arguing about homosexuality and Christianity. But how many actually homosexual people call themselves born again Christians?

Lots of actually homosexual people call themselves born again Christians. Strange, isn't it?

I find it ironic that sex outside of marriage is Bad and Wrong - but we won't let gays marry.

....."I find it ironic that sex outside of marriage is Bad and Wrong - but we won't let gays marry" Perversity, lewdness, and immorals sex are also wrong. If people get married in the eyes of the Lord (not some false preacher's authority), they can be forgiven, repent, and with the Lord's help, turn towards the Lord. If homosexuals pretend to be married in the eyes of the Lord, they sin against Him, they mock Him with their relationship, and they corrupt society. Still, there are not many adulturers or even singles that are living together declaring that they know better than the Lord and what they are doing is not sinful. Only the homosexual activists do that.
And you aren't going to hear the Reasons...

You are simply not Honest enough on this Issue to be Objective, so you call those you Disagee with Bigots.

The Easy Path...



No, i call people who say homosexuals are deviants what they are, bigots.

Go ahead and give me your non-bigotted reason for being against gay marriage.

You do know which thread this is, don't you? You wanted the "religious" to demonstrate how the Bible continued to state homosexual acts were a sin, and wanted to hold up Leviticus to demonstrate against ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... a type of food.

Again, if Christians are "bigots", please show where there is a better system for society.

A better system for society? How's about Hindu? How's about Tao?
And you aren't going to hear the Reasons...

You are simply not Honest enough on this Issue to be Objective, so you call those you Disagee with Bigots.

The Easy Path...



No, i call people who say homosexuals are deviants what they are, bigots.

Go ahead and give me your non-bigotted reason for being against gay marriage.

You do know which thread this is, don't you? You wanted the "religious" to demonstrate how the Bible continued to state homosexual acts were a sin, and wanted to hold up Leviticus to demonstrate against ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... a type of food.

Again, if Christians are "bigots", please show where there is a better system for society.

That is what it all boils down to right wing Christians.
Another Christian disagrees with you and you claim we are calling all Christians bigots.
Victim mentality when there is no victim.
Being anti-gay marriage makes you a communist, they also like to tell people what to do and how to live.

That's funny, so do homosexual activists want to tell people how to live. By your logic, that makes ALL homosexual activists, communists. Just sayin' ......

Homos aren't trying to tell YOU how to live, you can marry... They just want you to leave them alone and not be so homophobic. Like why do you even care what gays call their unions? Just ignore them. It's that simple.
Lol really got under your skin on that one, settle down kiddo, it's just a message board. We're still good pals.

Would you like to post proof of your claim that molesting children is healthy?

I think molesting children is despicable and can't understand why you would support it?

You claimed evolution would weed out gays because it's an "undeniable trait."

I like the fact that even your own bigotry disgusts you and causes you to try and backtrack on your words, at least you aren't proud of it.

Maybe there is still hope for you.
Shup, you Fuckin' Troll... :thup:



Matthew 7:12 NIV - So in everything, do to others what you - Bible Gateway

12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Romans 12:10 NIV - Be devoted to one another in love. - Bible Gateway

10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV - Get rid of all bitterness, rage and - Bible Gateway

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

1 Peter 3:8-12 NIV - Suffering for Doing Good Finally, all - Bible Gateway

8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 10 For,
“Whoever would love life
and see good days
must keep their tongue from evil
and their lips from deceitful speech.
11 They must turn from evil and do good;
they must seek peace and pursue it.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”[a]

My advice is you should take the above passages seriously in life, rather than doing the opposite and shitting on them everytime you get on the board.

You are pretty good at telling Christians how to behave with the Bible, and then, for some reason, you throw a hissy fit when Christians can demonstrate with the Bible where you are wrong.

Where in the Bible does it say to "embrace" corruption? Where does it say to embrace perversity, lewdness, or immoral sex?
When you want to show those passages, we might think you are sincere. Until then, you just look like a manipulator: do as I say, not as I do.

No I don't categorically tell all christians how to behave with the Bible. I tell one pretend christian like Mal that he isn't doing a very good job at pretending to take Jesus' teachings seriously. Hence why I provided a list of Jesus' teachings, and he again took a dump on them in the very next post.

It's you calling it immoral sex, not Jesus. And as the OP showed if you're going to use Leviticus as your excuse for being a homophobe, then you need to to use it as your excuse to also be a catfish-eater-a-phobe. Spread the hate equally between gays and catfish eaters.
And for the homophobic bigots here's a few factoids for you to remember;

1.) Most gays are christian
2.) Most americans are christian
3.) Most americans favor gay marriage being valid

If anyone would like, I'll happily provide links and proof of all 3.
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No, i call people who say homosexuals are deviants what they are, bigots.

Go ahead and give me your non-bigotted reason for being against gay marriage.

You do know which thread this is, don't you? You wanted the "religious" to demonstrate how the Bible continued to state homosexual acts were a sin, and wanted to hold up Leviticus to demonstrate against ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... a type of food.

Again, if Christians are "bigots", please show where there is a better system for society.

A better system for society? How's about Hindu? How's about Tao?

You want a "caste" system?
If Tao is so great, why don't other societies use it?
No, i call people who say homosexuals are deviants what they are, bigots.

Go ahead and give me your non-bigotted reason for being against gay marriage.

You do know which thread this is, don't you? You wanted the "religious" to demonstrate how the Bible continued to state homosexual acts were a sin, and wanted to hold up Leviticus to demonstrate against ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... a type of food.

Again, if Christians are "bigots", please show where there is a better system for society.

That is what it all boils down to right wing Christians.
Another Christian disagrees with you and you claim we are calling all Christians bigots.
Victim mentality when there is no victim.

So, you are the interpreter?

I was called a bigot. That is not victim mentality. I have asked for clarification. I received none. Your statement is as vague as their statement was: I will call you names in hope that you will be silent.

You choose to disregard the direction of the Lord (in that lewdness, perversity and immoral sex are sinful). Don't call other people names because they can show you are wrong.
Being anti-gay marriage makes you a communist, they also like to tell people what to do and how to live.

That's funny, so do homosexual activists want to tell people how to live. By your logic, that makes ALL homosexual activists, communists. Just sayin' ......

Homos aren't trying to tell YOU how to live, you can marry... They just want you to leave them alone and not be so homophobic. Like why do you even care what gays call their unions? Just ignore them. It's that simple.

Your example implies that homosexual activity can do no harm to society. You are wrong. Homosexual activity is corruption: deceit, blackmail, coveting, stealing, and violence, all are found where there is a lot of homosexual activity. Your statement is like telling someone, ignore the little children with 22 rifles, it is really hard to do any "real" damage with a 22.
That's funny, so do homosexual activists want to tell people how to live. By your logic, that makes ALL homosexual activists, communists. Just sayin' ......

Homos aren't trying to tell YOU how to live, you can marry... They just want you to leave them alone and not be so homophobic. Like why do you even care what gays call their unions? Just ignore them. It's that simple.

Your example implies that homosexual activity can do no harm to society. You are wrong. Homosexual activity is corruption: deceit, blackmail, coveting, stealing, and violence, all are found where there is a lot of homosexual activity. Your statement is like telling someone, ignore the little children with 22 rifles, it is really hard to do any "real" damage with a 22.

So all that "corruption: deceit, blackmail, coveting, stealing, and violence" we have in society is because gays are rampaging? And no straight people do those things? It's like saying only gays have guns and straight people don't.
Please try again soon.
You claimed evolution would weed out gays because it's an "undeniable trait."

Nope, I never made that claim.

That is merely your straw man argument. Since you cannot speak to what I actually said, you falsely attribute to me what you want to argue against.

I like the fact that even your own bigotry disgusts you and causes you to try and backtrack on your words, at least you aren't proud of it.

Maybe there is still hope for you.

So why do you claim that molesting children is healthy?
Matthew 7:12 NIV - So in everything, do to others what you - Bible Gateway

12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Romans 12:10 NIV - Be devoted to one another in love. - Bible Gateway

10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV - Get rid of all bitterness, rage and - Bible Gateway

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

1 Peter 3:8-12 NIV - Suffering for Doing Good Finally, all - Bible Gateway

8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 9 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 10 For,
“Whoever would love life
and see good days
must keep their tongue from evil
and their lips from deceitful speech.
11 They must turn from evil and do good;
they must seek peace and pursue it.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”[a]

My advice is you should take the above passages seriously in life, rather than doing the opposite and shitting on them everytime you get on the board.

You are pretty good at telling Christians how to behave with the Bible, and then, for some reason, you throw a hissy fit when Christians can demonstrate with the Bible where you are wrong.

Where in the Bible does it say to "embrace" corruption? Where does it say to embrace perversity, lewdness, or immoral sex?
When you want to show those passages, we might think you are sincere. Until then, you just look like a manipulator: do as I say, not as I do.

No I don't categorically tell all christians how to behave with the Bible. I tell one pretend christian like Mal that he isn't doing a very good job at pretending to take Jesus' teachings seriously. Hence why I provided a list of Jesus' teachings, and he again took a dump on them in the very next post.

It's you calling it immoral sex, not Jesus. And as the OP showed if you're going to use Leviticus as your excuse for being a homophobe, then you need to to use it as your excuse to also be a catfish-eater-a-phobe. Spread the hate equally between gays and catfish eaters.

It has been demonstrated where the Savior declared that nothing bad can enter thru your mouth: therefore food is no longed classified as unclean. Paul too, had an experience in Acts, where the Lord let him know that "animals" had been purified, therefore, no longer unclean. (This was done because the Hebrew leaders were concentrating on rituals, over the worship of the Lord)
With homosexual acts, that is not the case. Yeshua re-stated that those behaviors were sinful.

I have no authority to declare something sinful or not sinful. I can tell you according to what I know the Bible says. Like I have told other homosexuals on this board: I pray for homosexuals. I wish them the best. When they are judged as sinners in front of the Lord, I will be at their side as a fellow sinner. The Lord is just and we will be punished for our sins. Those that encourage or deceive others about sinful behavior will be held accountable for those sins done by those that they have deceived, as well as their own. Not only do you deceive others by encouraging sinful behavior, you persecute those that would tell them the truth. I feel sorry for you. In many other areas, your logic is sound, but in this, you seem to be really twisted.
It has been demonstrated where the Savior declared that nothing bad can enter thru your mouth: therefore food is no longed classified as unclean. Paul too, had an experience in Acts, where the Lord let him know that "animals" had been purified, therefore, no longer unclean. (This was done because the Hebrew leaders were concentrating on rituals, over the worship of the Lord)
With homosexual acts, that is not the case. Yeshua re-stated that those behaviors were sinful.

I have no authority to declare something sinful or not sinful. I can tell you according to what I know the Bible says. Like I have told other homosexuals on this board: I pray for homosexuals. I wish them the best. When they are judged as sinners in front of the Lord, I will be at their side as a fellow sinner. The Lord is just and we will be punished for our sins. Those that encourage or deceive others about sinful behavior will be held accountable for those sins done by those that they have deceived, as well as their own. Not only do you deceive others by encouraging sinful behavior, you persecute those that would tell them the truth. I feel sorry for you. In many other areas, your logic is sound, but in this, you seem to be really twisted.

No such thing has been demonstrated, it might be in a book of fiction called the bible, but writing something in a book doesn't necessarily make it so. Just ask Dr Seuss.
And for the homophobic bigots here's a few factoids for you to remember;

1.) Most gays are christian
2.) Most americans are christian
3.) Most americans favor gay marriage being valid

If anyone would like, I'll happily provide links and proof of all 3.

You, sir, are a coward. I have asked you to explain why someone that believes the Bible is a bigot. I have asked you to demonstrate a better way to live, than in accordance with the Bible. All you do is throw out childish name-calling, and then change the subject when someone calls you on it.

Christians are tempted by sin, it is no surprise that many homosexuals are Christian. (If they do not try to overcome that sin, they are turning their back on the Lord)

If most Americans are Christians, why do lefties throw such a fit, when parents want "morals" enforced in schools?

If "most" Americans favor gay marriage, then why do elections with secret ballots reject gay marriage, by a majority? (I know the homosexual activists propoganda machine has not infiltrated every social gathering or educational system)

You deceive and you embrace corruption.

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