Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

How come you left out that sons and daughters shall be executed if they curseth their parents?
That is also in Leviticus.
The killing of homosexuals is also there.
Cheating spouses must be executed.
Psychics should be executed.
If a man sleeps with his wife and her mother he shall be burned to death.
If anyone suggest worshipping another God in your house you have to kill them.
Deuteronomy: Kill others in other religions.
If you find out a city worships another God then kill all the inhabitants.
Anyone that dreams or says anything about another God must be executed.

The Old Testament is filled with such junk Bible babble.
No one but hard core whacked out psychos believe in any of that.
As illustrated here.
I'm against any kind of gay sex, that goes against god, but my wife wants to know if it's ok for me to fuck her in the ass.

Actually, the definition of sodomy itself means anal/penile sex, no matter what gender the anus is attached to.

No, you shouldn't do that.

Oral sex is also sodomy.

So if any of the homophobes in here have wifes or girlfriends, they better remember the next time they're about to get head that it's a sin and to make sure they don't go through with it.

Then after that, they need to tell everyone how their wife/girlfriend is an immoral sinner who's going to hell, isn't a good christian, and we need discriminatory laws passed.
I'm against any kind of gay sex, that goes against god, but my wife wants to know if it's ok for me to fuck her in the ass.

Actually, the definition of sodomy itself means anal/penile sex, no matter what gender the anus is attached to.

No, you shouldn't do that.

Oral sex is also sodomy.

So if any of the homophobes in here have wifes or girlfriends, they better remember the next time they're about to get head that it's a sin and to make sure they don't go through with it.

Then after that, they need to tell everyone how their wife/girlfriend is an immoral sinner who's going to hell, isn't a good christian, and we need discriminatory laws passed.

They couldn't do that. They would not have gays to pick on from now on.
Homosexuals are the modern day *******.
Why is He in Roman documents from the time, if He is a myth?

He isn't in Roman documents - none. Paul is, extensively, but Jesus isn't. The insertion of passages in the writings of Pleny the Younger and Josephus are admitted by the Vatican to be frauds. In 891, Photius in his Bibliotheca, which devoted three "Codices" to the works of Josephus, shows no awareness of the passage whatsoever even though he reviews the sections of the Antiquities in which one would expect the disputed passage to be found. Clearly, the testimonial was absent from his copy of Antiquities of the Jews.
Only an enlightened fascist would use those terms interchangeably and be proud of it.

Just remember kosher, according to homophobe logic, if a woman has ever had a guy go down on her or put it in the 2 hole (even her husband), she's just as big of a "sinner" as a gay man.

However, straight homophobes always "coincidentally" forget parts of the definition of sodomy.
You may believe it is okay to encourage heterosexuals to practice heterosexual acts but I mind my own business.
I do not encourage ANYONE to practice any sexual acts so quit posting lies and bull shit that I never, ever stated. I never stated I embrace sin. Another lie of yours.
Govern yourself accordingly as you claim to be a Christian. Christians do not spread lies like you do.

Didn't you say in this thread that there was nothing wrong with homosexuals being together? Didn't you say in this thread that churches should support homosexual couples, even to the point of marrying them? Sounds like you are supporting sinful acts to me. Didn't you lecture those of us, that acknowledged what was in the Bible, as misguided, and mistaken? You turned your back on the Lord's declaration of sin, and embrace homosexual acts (the love of a homosexual couple). Sounds like you embrace sin to me.

Where did I state I encourage ANY sex acts?
Where did I state all churches should support anything?
Where did I state all churches should marry anyone?
Someone never washed your mouth out as a youth for telling lies.
You continue to lie.
For the uninformed and ignorant and I count you as one of their leaders:
I encourage NO sex acts as a conservative I mind my own business.
I do not support telling any church what to do as I am a conservative and mind my own business.
You are the one dictating the requirements of what a "Christian" is and isn't.
Shame on you.

Performing "holy matrimony" is encouraging "sex acts" (unless you think that homosexuals will not have sex together because you have declared their sins "acceptable")
I did not say "all" churches.
I referenced the Biblical statements, and once again, you can't handle what is in the Bible and want to attack the messenger. Your life, your choices, if you want to be held responsible for others' sins, do it with full knowledge. Don't pretend you are unaware. The Lord will see your heart, and "know". I will not be sitting beside Him. I will not be with his "prophets". I will be in line to be judged, just the same as you (I will be the quiet one, because I will know that I will receive punishment for my sins that "I" earned).
log, the Bible is total hearsay and fiction, with a couple of historical references thrown in for good measure.

How come you left out that sons and daughters shall be executed if they curseth their parents?
That is also in Leviticus.
The killing of homosexuals is also there.
Cheating spouses must be executed.
Psychics should be executed.
If a man sleeps with his wife and her mother he shall be burned to death.
If anyone suggest worshipping another God in your house you have to kill them.
Deuteronomy: Kill others in other religions.
If you find out a city worships another God then kill all the inhabitants.
Anyone that dreams or says anything about another God must be executed.

The Old Testament is filled with such junk Bible babble.
No one but hard core whacked out psychos believe in any of that.
As illustrated here.

Ohhhhh, selective studier of the "Word", in the "NEW COVENANT", the Lord will be written onto men's hearts. No longer will they be responsible for the sins of the generations prior to theirs, but will be accountable for what they do in "their" life time.

Therefore, killing people to protect the future generations from massive quantities of sinning, is no longer necessary. ONE DEATH, fixed that. The Savior said that He was not here to replace the Law, but to fullfill it. If the Savior told us again that immoral sex/lewdness/perversity were sins (along with what "we" would consider more serious sins), don't you think that those acts are "still" sinful? What about that don't you get? Did you go to UGA, or do you just like their sports, come on, man, use your ability to reason.
Why is He in Roman documents from the time, if He is a myth?

He isn't in Roman documents - none. Paul is, extensively, but Jesus isn't. The insertion of passages in the writings of Pleny the Younger and Josephus are admitted by the Vatican to be frauds. In 891, Photius in his Bibliotheca, which devoted three "Codices" to the works of Josephus, shows no awareness of the passage whatsoever even though he reviews the sections of the Antiquities in which one would expect the disputed passage to be found. Clearly, the testimonial was absent from his copy of Antiquities of the Jews.

Wasn't he in one of Pontius Pilot's documents about trials?
log, the Bible is total hearsay and fiction, with a couple of historical references thrown in for good measure.

So when you are in over your head in a serious discussion, you choose to be a "potty mouth"? You and Obama have something in common: NO CLASS.
Didn't you say in this thread that there was nothing wrong with homosexuals being together? Didn't you say in this thread that churches should support homosexual couples, even to the point of marrying them? Sounds like you are supporting sinful acts to me. Didn't you lecture those of us, that acknowledged what was in the Bible, as misguided, and mistaken? You turned your back on the Lord's declaration of sin, and embrace homosexual acts (the love of a homosexual couple). Sounds like you embrace sin to me.

Where did I state I encourage ANY sex acts?
Where did I state all churches should support anything?
Where did I state all churches should marry anyone?
Someone never washed your mouth out as a youth for telling lies.
You continue to lie.
For the uninformed and ignorant and I count you as one of their leaders:
I encourage NO sex acts as a conservative I mind my own business.
I do not support telling any church what to do as I am a conservative and mind my own business.
You are the one dictating the requirements of what a "Christian" is and isn't.
Shame on you.

Performing "holy matrimony" is encouraging "sex acts" (unless you think that homosexuals will not have sex together because you have declared their sins "acceptable")
I did not say "all" churches.
I referenced the Biblical statements, and once again, you can't handle what is in the Bible and want to attack the messenger. Your life, your choices, if you want to be held responsible for others' sins, do it with full knowledge. Don't pretend you are unaware. The Lord will see your heart, and "know". I will not be sitting beside Him. I will not be with his "prophets". I will be in line to be judged, just the same as you (I will be the quiet one, because I will know that I will receive punishment for my sins that "I" earned).

I am not a preacher and do not conduct weddings.
I can reference the Bible where you should be executed for cursing your parents.
You are going to hell if you do not do that to your kids.
Why is He in Roman documents from the time, if He is a myth?

He isn't in Roman documents - none. Paul is, extensively, but Jesus isn't. The insertion of passages in the writings of Pleny the Younger and Josephus are admitted by the Vatican to be frauds. In 891, Photius in his Bibliotheca, which devoted three "Codices" to the works of Josephus, shows no awareness of the passage whatsoever even though he reviews the sections of the Antiquities in which one would expect the disputed passage to be found. Clearly, the testimonial was absent from his copy of Antiquities of the Jews.
Links please. I've certainly never heard any reputable source call Josephus a fraud.

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