'Ebola Doctor' in US hospital now

Who has to approve this patient coming to the US. Seems to me this would have to have presidential approval. Why is this risk even being taken. After all the bull shit I read on here... This disease only exists in 3 countries half a world away. Why bring anyone here. All travel to these countries should be banned
How long to the bleading hearts will want the "children" brought here for treatment

The CDC and the State department made the call. Why does it seem to you that it would need "Presidential approval"?
It's "naive" to think there's no chance I could be hit by a drunk driver and killed on my way to the corner store.

It's stupid to live in fear of it, though.

Is that what the Doctor that contracted the disease said too?

Perhaps he's changed his mind,

Seeing as how the Doctor involved went to Africa for the purpose of treating Ebola patients, I think it's pretty safe to say he knew the risks involved.

Knew the risks.....but still contracted the disease.....


Interesting that a medical professional did not know how to protect himself against a virus that is so AMAZININGLY DIFFICULT TO CONTRACT.
Naive means thinking everyone enters the USA legally, after a medical check up.


It's "naive" to think there's no chance I could be hit by a drunk driver and killed on my way to the corner store.

It's stupid to live in fear of it, though.
Then you'd better get a megaphone and broadcast that message to all people in this country who are currently having fears about this matter and would prefer they not be here in this country.

You think that might help?

Eventually every Pandemic creates its own hopelessness. No one really needs to broadcast the obvious after the dead children begin to pile up.
Naive means thinking everyone enters the USA legally, after a medical check up.


It's "naive" to think there's no chance I could be hit by a drunk driver and killed on my way to the corner store.

It's stupid to live in fear of it, though.
Then you'd better get a megaphone and broadcast that message to all people in this country who are currently having fears about this matter and would prefer they not be here in this country.

I don't give a shit if people choose to live in fear. I think it's stupid, but everyone has the right to be stupid if they want.
CaféAuLait;9557858 said:
How exactly does one drive in a truck from Africa?

Through intercontinental and transoceanic bridges and tunnels of course. Duh! :eusa_angel:

Seriously, I read there are immigrants being caught from many countries, not just central and South America.

That radical Islamic cleric ( banned from several countries) was caught trying to cross the Mexican Border a while back.

Controversial Muslim cleric is arrested while sneaking into the U.S. - Los Angeles Times

How many illegal immigrants from sub-saharan Africa sneak into this country each year?
CaféAuLait;9557858 said:
How exactly does one drive in a truck from Africa?

Through intercontinental and transoceanic bridges and tunnels of course. Duh! :eusa_angel:

Seriously, I read there are immigrants being caught from many countries, not just central and South America.

That radical Islamic cleric ( banned from several countries) was caught trying to cross the Mexican Border a while back.

Controversial Muslim cleric is arrested while sneaking into the U.S. - Los Angeles Times

Lets say you were in Seirra Leon or Liberia.

I tell you that for $100,000 I'll get you and your extended family into the USA.

Done Deal?
CaféAuLait;9557858 said:
How exactly does one drive in a truck from Africa?

Through intercontinental and transoceanic bridges and tunnels of course. Duh! :eusa_angel:

Seriously, I read there are immigrants being caught from many countries, not just central and South America.

That radical Islamic cleric ( banned from several countries) was caught trying to cross the Mexican Border a while back.

Controversial Muslim cleric is arrested while sneaking into the U.S. - Los Angeles Times

How many illegal immigrants from sub-saharan Africa sneak into this country each year?

Well, since they are ILLEGAL, I doubt they've stopped to take a Gallup poll revealing their country of origin.

Is that what the Doctor that contracted the disease said too?

Perhaps he's changed his mind,

Seeing as how the Doctor involved went to Africa for the purpose of treating Ebola patients, I think it's pretty safe to say he knew the risks involved.

Knew the risks.....but still contracted the disease.....


Interesting that a medical professional did not know how to protect himself against a virus that is so AMAZININGLY DIFFICULT TO CONTRACT.

It's not that difficult to contract if you're in constant contact with infected patients and their bodily fluids.

Don't lick any illegal immigrants, and you'll be fine.
We are all going to die!
I don't know if you meant that as sarcasm or you are speaking from genuine fear. I've recently heard talk around town from some people who are asking why they aren't placing barriers around the hospital and bringing in the National Guard and picketing his having been brought back to this country and pushing for him to be sent back to where he became infected or to be treated elsewhere. That kind of took me aback for a moment as I pondered what they were saying.

What do you all say to that? Was that a cruel way of them to be thinking or a more practical one?

What should "take you aback" is Hemmoragic Rash that is a symptom of Ebola:


Health Warning: Lagos Issues Ebola Alert - Naija Center News
Yes, of course. And the more I see those pictures you've been supplying the more I feel this matter is much larger and much more serious than it is being made to be by those trying to downplay the effects of Ebola. I always knew it was a deadly disease to be very aware and cautious of. I'm glad I don't live anywhere near Atlanta, Georgia. But I do hope the CDC will be EXTREMELY CAREFUL this time in handling this Deadly disease! They can't afford to make ANY more mistakes this time around!
CaféAuLait;9557858 said:
Through intercontinental and transoceanic bridges and tunnels of course. Duh! :eusa_angel:

Seriously, I read there are immigrants being caught from many countries, not just central and South America.

That radical Islamic cleric ( banned from several countries) was caught trying to cross the Mexican Border a while back.

Controversial Muslim cleric is arrested while sneaking into the U.S. - Los Angeles Times

How many illegal immigrants from sub-saharan Africa sneak into this country each year?

Well, since they are ILLEGAL, I doubt they've stopped to take a Gallup poll revealing their country of origin.


So the absence of evidence is evidence?
CaféAuLait;9557858 said:
How exactly does one drive in a truck from Africa?

Through intercontinental and transoceanic bridges and tunnels of course. Duh! :eusa_angel:

Seriously, I read there are immigrants being caught from many countries, not just central and South America.

That radical Islamic cleric ( banned from several countries) was caught trying to cross the Mexican Border a while back.

Controversial Muslim cleric is arrested while sneaking into the U.S. - Los Angeles Times

Lets say you were in Seirra Leon or Liberia.

I tell you that for $100,000 I'll get you and your extended family into the USA.

Done Deal?

Of course it would be, if 8-17 year old children can walk in by the thousands and thousands - grown adults will find a way if they wish. It's that simple, and to believe otherwise is ridiculous.
I don't know if you meant that as sarcasm or you are speaking from genuine fear. I've recently heard talk around town from some people who are asking why they aren't placing barriers around the hospital and bringing in the National Guard and picketing his having been brought back to this country and pushing for him to be sent back to where he became infected or to be treated elsewhere. That kind of took me aback for a moment as I pondered what they were saying.

What do you all say to that? Was that a cruel way of them to be thinking or a more practical one?

What should "take you aback" is Hemmoragic Rash that is a symptom of Ebola:


Health Warning: Lagos Issues Ebola Alert - Naija Center News
Yes, of course. And the more I see those pictures you've been supplying the more I feel this matter is much larger and much more serious than it is being made to be by those trying to downplay the effects of Ebola. I always knew it was a deadly disease to be very aware and cautious of. I'm glad I don't live anywhere near Atlanta, Georgia. But I do hope the CDC will be EXTREMELY CAREFUL this time in handling this Deadly disease! They can't afford to make ANY more mistakes this time around!

Nothing quite as effective as scary pictures to make people lose their shit.

Better go run and hide! Ebola is coming to get you!
Seeing as how the Doctor involved went to Africa for the purpose of treating Ebola patients, I think it's pretty safe to say he knew the risks involved.

Knew the risks.....but still contracted the disease.....


Interesting that a medical professional did not know how to protect himself against a virus that is so AMAZININGLY DIFFICULT TO CONTRACT.

It's not that difficult to contract if you're in constant contact with infected patients and their bodily fluids.

Don't lick any illegal immigrants, and you'll be fine.

Is that how you think the medical professional thats in Emory contracted Ebola?

By LICKING someone?

Wow....could you be more naive?
What should "take you aback" is Hemmoragic Rash that is a symptom of Ebola:


Health Warning: Lagos Issues Ebola Alert - Naija Center News
Yes, of course. And the more I see those pictures you've been supplying the more I feel this matter is much larger and much more serious than it is being made to be by those trying to downplay the effects of Ebola. I always knew it was a deadly disease to be very aware and cautious of. I'm glad I don't live anywhere near Atlanta, Georgia. But I do hope the CDC will be EXTREMELY CAREFUL this time in handling this Deadly disease! They can't afford to make ANY more mistakes this time around!

Nothing quite as effective as scary pictures to make people lose their shit.

Better go run and hide! Ebola is coming to get you!

Reality isn't as pretty as drawings.

You have a problem with reality:

Exhibit A: All people entering the USA are examined by Medical Professionals.

Exhibit B. All people entering the USA enter legally

Exhibit C. Medical Professionals can protect themselves from a virus that is almost impossible to contract.​
Knew the risks.....but still contracted the disease.....


Interesting that a medical professional did not know how to protect himself against a virus that is so AMAZININGLY DIFFICULT TO CONTRACT.

It's not that difficult to contract if you're in constant contact with infected patients and their bodily fluids.

Don't lick any illegal immigrants, and you'll be fine.

Is that how you think the medical professional thats in Emory contracted Ebola?

By LICKING someone?

Wow....could you be more naive?

No, that was a joke.

1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.
2. something that is amusing or ridiculous, especially because of being ludicrously inadequate or a sham; a thing, situation, or person laughed at rather than taken seriously; farce: Their pretense of generosity is a joke. An officer with no ability to command is a joke.
3. a matter that need not be taken very seriously; trifling matter: The loss was no joke.
4. something that does not present the expected challenge; something very easy: The test was a joke for the whole class.
Yes, of course. And the more I see those pictures you've been supplying the more I feel this matter is much larger and much more serious than it is being made to be by those trying to downplay the effects of Ebola. I always knew it was a deadly disease to be very aware and cautious of. I'm glad I don't live anywhere near Atlanta, Georgia. But I do hope the CDC will be EXTREMELY CAREFUL this time in handling this Deadly disease! They can't afford to make ANY more mistakes this time around!

Nothing quite as effective as scary pictures to make people lose their shit.

Better go run and hide! Ebola is coming to get you!

Reality isn't as pretty as drawings.

You have a problem with reality:

Exhibit A: All people entering the USA are examined by Medical Professionals.

Exhibit B. All people entering the USA enter legally

Exhibit C. Medical Professionals can protect themselves from a virus that is almost impossible to contract.​

I think you might have a problem with reading comprehension - I haven't said anything close to what you're claiming.
CaféAuLait;9557896 said:
CaféAuLait;9557858 said:
Through intercontinental and transoceanic bridges and tunnels of course. Duh! :eusa_angel:

Seriously, I read there are immigrants being caught from many countries, not just central and South America.

That radical Islamic cleric ( banned from several countries) was caught trying to cross the Mexican Border a while back.

Controversial Muslim cleric is arrested while sneaking into the U.S. - Los Angeles Times

Lets say you were in Seirra Leon or Liberia.

I tell you that for $100,000 I'll get you and your extended family into the USA.

Done Deal?

Of course it would be, if 8-17 year old children can walk in by the thousands and thousands - grown adults will find a way if they wish. It's that simple, and to believe otherwise is ridiculous.

Yet this is exactly what medical professionals believe will prevent the spread of Ebola into the USA:

Another important factor limiting the spread of Ebola is that people are not contagious until they show symptoms, Gatherer said. "By the time people are shedding the virus, they're already feverish," making it possible, for example, to screen people with fevers before they get on a plane, Gatherer said. In addition, a person sick with a fever from Ebola is unlikely to feel well enough go out and interact with others, Gatherer said​

Screen People?

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Nothing quite as effective as scary pictures to make people lose their shit.

Better go run and hide! Ebola is coming to get you!

Reality isn't as pretty as drawings.

You have a problem with reality:

Exhibit A: All people entering the USA are examined by Medical Professionals.

Exhibit B. All people entering the USA enter legally

Exhibit C. Medical Professionals can protect themselves from a virus that is almost impossible to contract.​

I think you might have a problem with reading comprehension - I haven't said anything close to what you're claiming.

By "You" I mean what appears to be all those making the ridiculous assumptions I've presented as evidence.

But, You Doc, haven't denied believing any of it.


You do seem to have a sense of humor about it, but all jokes aside, you don't think its is just a little odd that a specially trained medical doctor would contract a disease you've told everyone is very difficult to contract?
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What should "take you aback" is Hemmoragic Rash that is a symptom of Ebola:


Health Warning: Lagos Issues Ebola Alert - Naija Center News
Yes, of course. And the more I see those pictures you've been supplying the more I feel this matter is much larger and much more serious than it is being made to be by those trying to downplay the effects of Ebola. I always knew it was a deadly disease to be very aware and cautious of. I'm glad I don't live anywhere near Atlanta, Georgia. But I do hope the CDC will be EXTREMELY CAREFUL this time in handling this Deadly disease! They can't afford to make ANY more mistakes this time around!

Nothing quite as effective as scary pictures to make people lose their shit.

Better go run and hide! Ebola is coming to get you!
Well you must admit though that those pictures Are pretty scary and that whoever got that close to take that picture could be in serious trouble unless they were wearing protective gear. That picture reminds me of some pictures I saw awhile back where a person had third degree burns on their arm. But that is something treatable of course and the person usually always survives from the burns but with Ebola that's a horse of a different color and we can only hope for the best. So, you are not concerned about Ebola mutating or just somehow getting out in the open and hitting the public?

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