'Ebola Doctor' in US hospital now

Reality isn't as pretty as drawings.

You have a problem with reality:

Exhibit A: All people entering the USA are examined by Medical Professionals.

Exhibit B. All people entering the USA enter legally

Exhibit C. Medical Professionals can protect themselves from a virus that is almost impossible to contract.​

I think you might have a problem with reading comprehension - I haven't said anything close to what you're claiming.

By "You" I mean what appears to be all those making the ridiculous assumptions I've presented as evidence.

But, You Doc, haven't denied believing any of it.


You haven't denied being a space alien, either. That must mean you are one.

None of the "medical community" that you've quoted have made those claims or assumptions either.

They've pointed out those factors that make it very unlikely, not impossible.
I think you might have a problem with reading comprehension - I haven't said anything close to what you're claiming.

By "You" I mean what appears to be all those making the ridiculous assumptions I've presented as evidence.

But, You Doc, haven't denied believing any of it.


You haven't denied being a space alien, either. That must mean you are one.

None of the "medical community" that you've quoted have made those claims or assumptions either.

They've pointed out those factors that make it very unlikely, not impossible.

You do seem to have a sense of humor about it, but all jokes aside, you don't think its is just a little odd that a specially trained medical doctor would contract a disease you've told everyone is very difficult to contract?

It seems more likely its a helluva lot easier to contract than you know.
Yes, of course. And the more I see those pictures you've been supplying the more I feel this matter is much larger and much more serious than it is being made to be by those trying to downplay the effects of Ebola. I always knew it was a deadly disease to be very aware and cautious of. I'm glad I don't live anywhere near Atlanta, Georgia. But I do hope the CDC will be EXTREMELY CAREFUL this time in handling this Deadly disease! They can't afford to make ANY more mistakes this time around!

Nothing quite as effective as scary pictures to make people lose their shit.

Better go run and hide! Ebola is coming to get you!
Well you must admit though that those pictures Are pretty scary and that whoever got that close to take that picture could be in serious trouble unless they were wearing protective gear. That picture reminds me of some pictures I saw awhile back where a person had third degree burns on their arm. But that is something treatable of course and the person usually always survives from the burns but with Ebola that's a horse of a different color and we can only hope for the best. So, you are not concerned about Ebola mutating or just somehow getting out in the open and hitting the public?

If you actually took the time to do the slightest bit of research on the Ebola virus, you'd know that the person who took the picture would only be risking infection if they had touched that arm - being near it isn't enough. Ebola is transferred by bodily fluid contact. It's not airborne.

I am not concerned with Ebola mutating or "somehow getting out in the open".
So, you are not concerned about Ebola mutating or just somehow getting out in the open and hitting the public?

I'm concerned when I read from Dr. Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization, said the meeting in Conakry:

"If the situation continues to deteriorate, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of lost lives but also severe socio-economic disruption and a high risk of spread to other countries," she said.

Chan emphasized Friday that the general public "is not at high risk of infection," but also said the Ebola virus should not be allowed to circulate widely.

"Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of viruses and other microbes," she said. "We must not give this virus opportunities to deliver more surprises."

WHO: Ebola moving faster than control efforts - Health - MSN Healthy Living

Why does she mention that Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of viruses and other microbes," she said. "We must not give this virus opportunities to deliver more surprises.......

By "You" I mean what appears to be all those making the ridiculous assumptions I've presented as evidence.

But, You Doc, haven't denied believing any of it.


You haven't denied being a space alien, either. That must mean you are one.

None of the "medical community" that you've quoted have made those claims or assumptions either.

They've pointed out those factors that make it very unlikely, not impossible.

You do seem to have a sense of humor about it, but all jokes aside, you don't think its is just a little odd that a specially trained medical doctor would contract a disease you've told everyone is very difficult to contract?

It seems more likely its a helluva lot easier to contract than you know.

The virus is transmitted by bodily fluid contact. It's not that "difficult" to transmit under conditions that include frequent contact with the bodily fluids of infected patients.

Do you know how often doctors infect themselves during surgery? Quite a lot, actually.

It's really easy to accidentally cut through your gloves with a scalpel during surgery.

In terms of epidemiology, bodily fluid contact is a lot more "difficult" a vector than an airborne disease (such as a cold or flu).
So, you are not concerned about Ebola mutating or just somehow getting out in the open and hitting the public?

I'm concerned when I read from Dr. Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization, said the meeting in Conakry:

"If the situation continues to deteriorate, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of lost lives but also severe socio-economic disruption and a high risk of spread to other countries," she said.

Chan emphasized Friday that the general public "is not at high risk of infection," but also said the Ebola virus should not be allowed to circulate widely.

"Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of viruses and other microbes," she said. "We must not give this virus opportunities to deliver more surprises."

WHO: Ebola moving faster than control efforts - Health - MSN Healthy Living

Why does she mention that Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of viruses and other microbes," she said. "We must not give this virus opportunities to deliver more surprises.......


All viruses mutate and adapt.

The odds of Ebola mutating to change the way it's transmitted are about the same as AIDS mutating to an airborne disease.
Nothing quite as effective as scary pictures to make people lose their shit.

Better go run and hide! Ebola is coming to get you!
Well you must admit though that those pictures Are pretty scary and that whoever got that close to take that picture could be in serious trouble unless they were wearing protective gear. That picture reminds me of some pictures I saw awhile back where a person had third degree burns on their arm. But that is something treatable of course and the person usually always survives from the burns but with Ebola that's a horse of a different color and we can only hope for the best. So, you are not concerned about Ebola mutating or just somehow getting out in the open and hitting the public?

If you actually took the time to do the slightest bit of research on the Ebola virus, you'd know that the person who took the picture would only be risking infection if they had touched that arm - being near it isn't enough. Ebola is transferred by bodily fluid contact. It's not airborne.

I am not concerned with Ebola mutating or "somehow getting out in the open".



I'll take my cue from the director-general of the World Health Organization

Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of viruses and other microbes," she said. "We must not give [Ebola] virus opportunities to deliver more surprises.
WHO: Ebola moving faster than control efforts - Health - MSN Healthy Living
So, you are not concerned about Ebola mutating or just somehow getting out in the open and hitting the public?

I'm concerned when I read from Dr. Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization, said the meeting in Conakry:

"If the situation continues to deteriorate, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of lost lives but also severe socio-economic disruption and a high risk of spread to other countries," she said.

Chan emphasized Friday that the general public "is not at high risk of infection," but also said the Ebola virus should not be allowed to circulate widely.

"Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of viruses and other microbes," she said. "We must not give this virus opportunities to deliver more surprises."

WHO: Ebola moving faster than control efforts - Health - MSN Healthy Living

Why does she mention that Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of viruses and other microbes," she said. "We must not give this virus opportunities to deliver more surprises.......


All viruses mutate and adapt.

The odds of Ebola mutating to change the way it's transmitted are about the same as AIDS mutating to an airborne disease.

I give your odds making skill about as much credability as a Doctor's chance of being infected with a very difficult virus to contract......

Wupps....guess that's happened, huh.....

Well you must admit though that those pictures Are pretty scary and that whoever got that close to take that picture could be in serious trouble unless they were wearing protective gear. That picture reminds me of some pictures I saw awhile back where a person had third degree burns on their arm. But that is something treatable of course and the person usually always survives from the burns but with Ebola that's a horse of a different color and we can only hope for the best. So, you are not concerned about Ebola mutating or just somehow getting out in the open and hitting the public?

If you actually took the time to do the slightest bit of research on the Ebola virus, you'd know that the person who took the picture would only be risking infection if they had touched that arm - being near it isn't enough. Ebola is transferred by bodily fluid contact. It's not airborne.

I am not concerned with Ebola mutating or "somehow getting out in the open".



I'll take my cue from the director-general of the World Health Organization

Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of viruses and other microbes," she said. "We must not give [Ebola] virus opportunities to deliver more surprises.
WHO: Ebola moving faster than control efforts - Health - MSN Healthy Living

Did you know that every time you get a cold, it's a new mutation?

All viruses mutate, all the time. But it's incredibly rare for a disease to change the way it's transmitted by mutation.
I'm concerned when I read from Dr. Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization, said the meeting in Conakry:

"If the situation continues to deteriorate, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of lost lives but also severe socio-economic disruption and a high risk of spread to other countries," she said.

Chan emphasized Friday that the general public "is not at high risk of infection," but also said the Ebola virus should not be allowed to circulate widely.

"Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of viruses and other microbes," she said. "We must not give this virus opportunities to deliver more surprises."

WHO: Ebola moving faster than control efforts - Health - MSN Healthy Living

Why does she mention that Constant mutation and adaptation are the survival mechanisms of viruses and other microbes," she said. "We must not give this virus opportunities to deliver more surprises.......


All viruses mutate and adapt.

The odds of Ebola mutating to change the way it's transmitted are about the same as AIDS mutating to an airborne disease.

I give your odds making skill about as much credability as a Doctor's chance of being infected with a very difficult virus to contract......

Wupps....guess that's happened, huh.....


You really are dead set on keeping the Fear, aren't you?

I never understand that.
How many illegal immigrants from sub-saharan Africa sneak into this country each year?

Well, since they are ILLEGAL, I doubt they've stopped to take a Gallup poll revealing their country of origin.


So the absence of evidence is evidence?

It appears it has already crossed the border:

Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges

EARLY ALERT: A doctor and border patrol agent scheduled to appear on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show this coming Tuesday allege that illegal aliens from Africa who have come across the US-Mexican border are infected with Ebola, and the Obama Administration is covering it up by falsely calling their cases Tuberculosis (TB).
Their story should be published in a newspaper Sunday. Watch for update here. We will insert the link here to the published article as soon as it appears, expected overnight.
The chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO), Zack Taylor states that West African illegal immigrants are presently coming into the U.S. through Mexico. These West Africans have been apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley sector in the last few years. Some of these groups speak Spanish in order to infiltrate into the United States posing as Central American immigrants. This speaks to planning and collusion that some of these groups were taught to speak Spanish so they would “blend in” with other illegal immigrant groups.

Dr. Jane Orient, one of Arizona’s top physicians as well as other researchers have received information, from Border Patrol informants, that as many as 100,000 West Africans are being admitted to the United States under the same provisions that President Obama is presently admitting so-called “unaccompanied minors”. These people are from the same region of the world as the uncontained outbreak of Ebola. As Dr. Orient said in her interview on The Common Sense Show, on June 30, 2014, “It is not a matter of if Ebola comes into the United States, but when.”

Meanwhile, the respected news website DC Clothesline reports “The U.S. Is Quietly Establishing Ebola Quarantine Centers” (July 29, 2014), first reminding us that: “Fatality rates can reach 90% and the incubation period is two to 21 days. THERE IS NO VACCINE OR CURE (CDC).” And “Ebola hemorrhagic fever broke out in West Africa in March, and is totally out of control as one of the most deadly illnesses has crossed into seven African countries. The illness causes fever, headache, and internal and external bleeding. It is transmitted person to person through body fluids, and has up to a 90% mortality rate.”

Full Story: Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges | AUN-TV
Just showed a short clip on Fox News about the infected doctor in biohazard suit being led by another in a suit into the hospital. What struck me about that video was how the escort's suit had a air tank system, but the infected doctor's didn't. So the precautionary measures for staff is to breathe their own safe air, but infected patients are breathing regular open air? And their exhalations are going into the enviroment? That doesn't sound like isolation to me.

Delta the official Ebola patient may not be the danger. This could be:

It appears it has already crossed the border:

Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges

EARLY ALERT: A doctor and border patrol agent scheduled to appear on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show this coming Tuesday allege that illegal aliens from Africa who have come across the US-Mexican border are infected with Ebola, and the Obama Administration is covering it up by falsely calling their cases Tuberculosis (TB).
Their story should be published in a newspaper Sunday. Watch for update here. We will insert the link here to the published article as soon as it appears, expected overnight.
The chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO), Zack Taylor states that West African illegal immigrants are presently coming into the U.S. through Mexico. These West Africans have been apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley sector in the last few years. Some of these groups speak Spanish in order to infiltrate into the United States posing as Central American immigrants. This speaks to planning and collusion that some of these groups were taught to speak Spanish so they would “blend in” with other illegal immigrant groups.

Dr. Jane Orient, one of Arizona’s top physicians as well as other researchers have received information, from Border Patrol informants, that as many as 100,000 West Africans are being admitted to the United States under the same provisions that President Obama is presently admitting so-called “unaccompanied minors”. These people are from the same region of the world as the uncontained outbreak of Ebola. As Dr. Orient said in her interview on The Common Sense Show, on June 30, 2014, “It is not a matter of if Ebola comes into the United States, but when.”

Meanwhile, the respected news website DC Clothesline reports “The U.S. Is Quietly Establishing Ebola Quarantine Centers” (July 29, 2014), first reminding us that: “Fatality rates can reach 90% and the incubation period is two to 21 days. THERE IS NO VACCINE OR CURE (CDC).” And “Ebola hemorrhagic fever broke out in West Africa in March, and is totally out of control as one of the most deadly illnesses has crossed into seven African countries. The illness causes fever, headache, and internal and external bleeding. It is transmitted person to person through body fluids, and has up to a 90% mortality rate.”

Full Story: Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges | AUN-TV
Well, since they are ILLEGAL, I doubt they've stopped to take a Gallup poll revealing their country of origin.


So the absence of evidence is evidence?

It appears it has already crossed the border:

Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges

EARLY ALERT: A doctor and border patrol agent scheduled to appear on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show this coming Tuesday allege that illegal aliens from Africa who have come across the US-Mexican border are infected with Ebola, and the Obama Administration is covering it up by falsely calling their cases Tuberculosis (TB).
Their story should be published in a newspaper Sunday. Watch for update here. We will insert the link here to the published article as soon as it appears, expected overnight.
The chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO), Zack Taylor states that West African illegal immigrants are presently coming into the U.S. through Mexico. These West Africans have been apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley sector in the last few years. Some of these groups speak Spanish in order to infiltrate into the United States posing as Central American immigrants. This speaks to planning and collusion that some of these groups were taught to speak Spanish so they would “blend in” with other illegal immigrant groups.

Dr. Jane Orient, one of Arizona’s top physicians as well as other researchers have received information, from Border Patrol informants, that as many as 100,000 West Africans are being admitted to the United States under the same provisions that President Obama is presently admitting so-called “unaccompanied minors”. These people are from the same region of the world as the uncontained outbreak of Ebola. As Dr. Orient said in her interview on The Common Sense Show, on June 30, 2014, “It is not a matter of if Ebola comes into the United States, but when.”

Meanwhile, the respected news website DC Clothesline reports “The U.S. Is Quietly Establishing Ebola Quarantine Centers” (July 29, 2014), first reminding us that: “Fatality rates can reach 90% and the incubation period is two to 21 days. THERE IS NO VACCINE OR CURE (CDC).” And “Ebola hemorrhagic fever broke out in West Africa in March, and is totally out of control as one of the most deadly illnesses has crossed into seven African countries. The illness causes fever, headache, and internal and external bleeding. It is transmitted person to person through body fluids, and has up to a 90% mortality rate.”

Full Story: Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges | AUN-TV


"American Uncensored News Network"?
Well, since they are ILLEGAL, I doubt they've stopped to take a Gallup poll revealing their country of origin.


So the absence of evidence is evidence?

It appears it has already crossed the border:

Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges

EARLY ALERT: A doctor and border patrol agent scheduled to appear on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show this coming Tuesday allege that illegal aliens from Africa who have come across the US-Mexican border are infected with Ebola, and the Obama Administration is covering it up by falsely calling their cases Tuberculosis (TB).
Their story should be published in a newspaper Sunday. Watch for update here. We will insert the link here to the published article as soon as it appears, expected overnight.
The chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO), Zack Taylor states that West African illegal immigrants are presently coming into the U.S. through Mexico. These West Africans have been apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley sector in the last few years. Some of these groups speak Spanish in order to infiltrate into the United States posing as Central American immigrants. This speaks to planning and collusion that some of these groups were taught to speak Spanish so they would “blend in” with other illegal immigrant groups.

Dr. Jane Orient, one of Arizona’s top physicians as well as other researchers have received information, from Border Patrol informants, that as many as 100,000 West Africans are being admitted to the United States under the same provisions that President Obama is presently admitting so-called “unaccompanied minors”. These people are from the same region of the world as the uncontained outbreak of Ebola. As Dr. Orient said in her interview on The Common Sense Show, on June 30, 2014, “It is not a matter of if Ebola comes into the United States, but when.”

Meanwhile, the respected news website DC Clothesline reports “The U.S. Is Quietly Establishing Ebola Quarantine Centers” (July 29, 2014), first reminding us that: “Fatality rates can reach 90% and the incubation period is two to 21 days. THERE IS NO VACCINE OR CURE (CDC).” And “Ebola hemorrhagic fever broke out in West Africa in March, and is totally out of control as one of the most deadly illnesses has crossed into seven African countries. The illness causes fever, headache, and internal and external bleeding. It is transmitted person to person through body fluids, and has up to a 90% mortality rate.”

Full Story: Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges | AUN-TV

Conservative Commandos Radio Show

Its reliability thus firmly established...:)
Just showed a short clip on Fox News about the infected doctor in biohazard suit being led by another in a suit into the hospital. What struck me about that video was how the escort's suit had a air tank system, but the infected doctor's didn't. So the precautionary measures for staff is to breathe their own safe air, but infected patients are breathing regular open air? And their exhalations are going into the enviroment? That doesn't sound like isolation to me.

Our political-correctness is so rampant and blind at this point that it stuns me to my bone marrow.

Any rancher reading about this event is utterly aghast. If you tried to bring a cow or a horse or a pig or sheep over to this country that is afflicted with some disease that handlers aren't even sure of how it spreads....

Jesus Christ. We are THE DUMBEST country in the world. This proves it. Hands down.

All for a doctor. All because he has connections. So capitalism finally commits suicide.
All viruses mutate and adapt.

The odds of Ebola mutating to change the way it's transmitted are about the same as AIDS mutating to an airborne disease.

I give your odds making skill about as much credability as a Doctor's chance of being infected with a very difficult virus to contract......

Wupps....guess that's happened, huh.....


You really are dead set on keeping the Fear, aren't you?

I never understand that.
Or perhaps it is that he, like many others, prefers to err on the side of caution which is the best approach with any illness especially a deadly one.
So the absence of evidence is evidence?

It appears it has already crossed the border:

Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges

EARLY ALERT: A doctor and border patrol agent scheduled to appear on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show this coming Tuesday allege that illegal aliens from Africa who have come across the US-Mexican border are infected with Ebola, and the Obama Administration is covering it up by falsely calling their cases Tuberculosis (TB).
Their story should be published in a newspaper Sunday. Watch for update here. We will insert the link here to the published article as soon as it appears, expected overnight.
The chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO), Zack Taylor states that West African illegal immigrants are presently coming into the U.S. through Mexico. These West Africans have been apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley sector in the last few years. Some of these groups speak Spanish in order to infiltrate into the United States posing as Central American immigrants. This speaks to planning and collusion that some of these groups were taught to speak Spanish so they would “blend in” with other illegal immigrant groups.

Dr. Jane Orient, one of Arizona’s top physicians as well as other researchers have received information, from Border Patrol informants, that as many as 100,000 West Africans are being admitted to the United States under the same provisions that President Obama is presently admitting so-called “unaccompanied minors”. These people are from the same region of the world as the uncontained outbreak of Ebola. As Dr. Orient said in her interview on The Common Sense Show, on June 30, 2014, “It is not a matter of if Ebola comes into the United States, but when.”

Meanwhile, the respected news website DC Clothesline reports “The U.S. Is Quietly Establishing Ebola Quarantine Centers” (July 29, 2014), first reminding us that: “Fatality rates can reach 90% and the incubation period is two to 21 days. THERE IS NO VACCINE OR CURE (CDC).” And “Ebola hemorrhagic fever broke out in West Africa in March, and is totally out of control as one of the most deadly illnesses has crossed into seven African countries. The illness causes fever, headache, and internal and external bleeding. It is transmitted person to person through body fluids, and has up to a 90% mortality rate.”

Full Story: Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges | AUN-TV


"American Uncensored News Network"?

Still the question, why the belief Ebola does not exist in the US already? The US has the geography wherein it is found in animals. Just because no humans have been infected does not mean it isn't somewhere IN the US.
It appears it has already crossed the border:

Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges

EARLY ALERT: A doctor and border patrol agent scheduled to appear on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show this coming Tuesday allege that illegal aliens from Africa who have come across the US-Mexican border are infected with Ebola, and the Obama Administration is covering it up by falsely calling their cases Tuberculosis (TB).
Their story should be published in a newspaper Sunday. Watch for update here. We will insert the link here to the published article as soon as it appears, expected overnight.
The chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO), Zack Taylor states that West African illegal immigrants are presently coming into the U.S. through Mexico. These West Africans have been apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley sector in the last few years. Some of these groups speak Spanish in order to infiltrate into the United States posing as Central American immigrants. This speaks to planning and collusion that some of these groups were taught to speak Spanish so they would “blend in” with other illegal immigrant groups.

Dr. Jane Orient, one of Arizona’s top physicians as well as other researchers have received information, from Border Patrol informants, that as many as 100,000 West Africans are being admitted to the United States under the same provisions that President Obama is presently admitting so-called “unaccompanied minors”. These people are from the same region of the world as the uncontained outbreak of Ebola. As Dr. Orient said in her interview on The Common Sense Show, on June 30, 2014, “It is not a matter of if Ebola comes into the United States, but when.”

Meanwhile, the respected news website DC Clothesline reports “The U.S. Is Quietly Establishing Ebola Quarantine Centers” (July 29, 2014), first reminding us that: “Fatality rates can reach 90% and the incubation period is two to 21 days. THERE IS NO VACCINE OR CURE (CDC).” And “Ebola hemorrhagic fever broke out in West Africa in March, and is totally out of control as one of the most deadly illnesses has crossed into seven African countries. The illness causes fever, headache, and internal and external bleeding. It is transmitted person to person through body fluids, and has up to a 90% mortality rate.”

Full Story: Ebola Already in the USA, Across Mexican Border, Doctor Alleges | AUN-TV


"American Uncensored News Network"?

Still the question, why the belief Ebola does not exist in the US already? The US has the geography wherein it is found in animals. Just because no humans have been infected does not mean it isn't somewhere IN the US.

We "believe" that it does not exist in this country already because no trace of it has ever been found here.

There is absolutely no reason to think that it is.

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