Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director


prior to moving the thread, you should have let it run its course ... like this.

Of course Perry isn't responsible for Ebola in Texas

Of course Reagan isn't responsible for Aids in Cali

and justified by valid Republican points ..

Obama isn't responsible for Ebola in the US either if Republicans use the SAME EXACT logic they do for Reagan and Perry.

The End

Yup now I know it.
You really ARE retarded.
What the chattering classes routinely neglect to mention is that Obama proposed cutting the CDC's funding and Republicans INCREASED it. The chatterers are simply nattering nabobs of negativity, piously and religiously parroting whatever nonsense they're told to by the faxes that come out of the machine in the basement.

It's really, really, really stupid and unproductive to turn the Ebola problem into a hack partisan issue.

If you assholes can't even link arms to combat a disease, and it is more important to blame the other guys, then you are too fucking far gone.
thats what the parties do to good people.....
You probably dont realize that the republicans/conservatives/libertarians/tea party members of congress gave obama's CDC more money than they requested for their budget...300 million dollars more than they requested...to repeat....

The republicans/libertarians/conservatives/tea party members gave the CDC more money than they requested in their budget request....do you understand what that actually means....it means the republicans/conservatives/libertarians/tea party members gave more money, not less to the CDC....

That doesn't fit the libturd drone narrative.
The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

I know they are to blame for America not having a surgeon general.

The conservatives/teabaggers in the senate have been filibustering the nominee for over a year.

So at a time when we really need a surgeon general, the republicans have made sure we don't have one.

That's on top of cutting their budget by half a billion dollars.
Senator Harry Reid, the senate majority leader, has kept the president's nominee for Surgeon General from coming before the senate and a vote to confirm because he doesn't want his most vulnerable senators from a vote on his confirmation. If you're looking for someone to blaim blame Reid and the president for making a purely political nomination to an office that all of a sudden in a medical emergency needs a real medical expert with the administrative capacity to lead.

prior to moving the thread, you should have let it run its course ... like this.

Of course Perry isn't responsible for Ebola in Texas

Of course Reagan isn't responsible for Aids in Cali

and justified by valid Republican points ..

Obama isn't responsible for Ebola in the US either if Republicans use the SAME EXACT logic they do for Reagan and Perry.

The End

Yup now I know it.
You really ARE retarded.

unimpressive and unintelligent ... such an improvement for you
We have 21 days to know the real extent of the problem....8-9 is the first window....and if any of the passengers on that jet, if they were on her flight or the ones after, get the disease....things are,going to change...and I don't know how the media protects obama....that idea to not ban flights from the infected countries....that might end his Presidency in all but name....
Canadian vaccine is starting trials in the US right now. 100% effective in animals.

Fuck the liberal line of "whaaaaaaaaaaaa we didn't have enough money" because our total budget up here to run all the departments of health including research is a lousy 3.8 billion.
The Right has long belittled the Canadian Health System.
Guess we should all be thankful to Canada. The French found a polio vaccine, BTW.
It's really, really, really stupid and unproductive to turn the Ebola problem into a hack partisan issue.

If you assholes can't even link arms to combat a disease, and it is more important to blame the other guys, then you are too fucking far gone.

BHO should have shut the flights off at least 6 weeks ago.
This IS his fault, just once th

prior to moving the thread, you should have let it run its course ... like this.

Of course Perry isn't responsible for Ebola in Texas

Of course Reagan isn't responsible for Aids in Cali

and justified by valid Republican points ..

Obama isn't responsible for Ebola in the US either if Republicans use the SAME EXACT logic they do for Reagan and Perry.

The End

Yup now I know it.
You really ARE retarded.

unimpressive and unintelligent ... such an improvement for you

Poor little boy....you need attention?

Call your boyfriend.
It's really, really, really stupid and unproductive to turn the Ebola problem into a hack partisan issue.

If you assholes can't even link arms to combat a disease, and it is more important to blame the other guys, then you are too fucking far gone.

Well do tell. When the first bullshit line out of the box is Republicans didn't give us enough money, what the fuck do you expect the reaction to be?

Just like right out of the box over the VA.

I'm sooooooooo sorry Obama is having his "Brownie" moment but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

]This idiot Friedman doesn't have a clue what he's doing. And that's what you get when you appoint a moron who's claim to fame is playing Bloomberg's bum boy banning trans fat, going for a big ban on large sodas and trying to wipe salt of the dining room tables of NYC.

The man is completely incompetent. And he was a political appointment. So the issue is political and damn straight when Dems and libs come swinging out at Republicans and blaming them for the lack of funds it becomes partisan.

Fuck them. A pox on their houses.

yes, but only a very small pox.
Maybe it was what the NIH and CDC chose to spend the money on. Was an ebola vaccine more important than discovering whether male fruitflys preferred younger female fruitflys or that lesbians are more obese than heterosexual women? Would there have been an ebola vaccine if the studies weren't on drunk monkeys?
uhhhh, you do realize it was under president Bush that the fruit fly studies and experiments began....and that the study of fruit flies are VERY IMPORTANT to understanding humans....?

This is from 2000
NIH Record-10 3 2000--Fruit Fly Research Illuminates Human Health


Fruit Fly Research Illuminates Human Health
By Alison Davis

To many Americans, fruit flies are the annoying consequence of buying too many on-sale bananas.

Yet these tiny red-eyed animals — known to scientists as the species Drosophila melanogaster — are essential workhorses in thousands of biomedical research laboratories around the world. Decades of study have revealed that the tiny insects, which bear little resemblance to people, nevertheless share much of our genetic heritage. Fruit flies possess strikingly similar versions of the genes that promote normal human development and, when altered, contribute to disease.

"Nobody would have predicted that an arcane fruit fly that had a leg sticking out of its head would have revealed fundamental secrets about the development of human embryos," said Charles Zuker, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Diego.

On Sept. 6 at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute campus in Chevy Chase, Zuker and a distinguished group of researchers joined forces to extol the virtues of the fruit fly as a model system in biomedical research. The meeting, "Drosophila: Direct Flight to Understanding Human Disease and Behavior," was cosponsored by HHMI and three NIH components: the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Coordinating the meeting were Laurie Tompkins, a program director at NIGMS, Gerald Rubin, HHMI's vice president for biomedical research, and Tom Kornberg, a fly geneticist at the University of California, San Francisco.
It's really, really, really stupid and unproductive to turn the Ebola problem into a hack partisan issue.

If you assholes can't even link arms to combat a disease, and it is more important to blame the other guys, then you are too fucking far gone.

BHO should have shut the flights off at least 6 weeks ago.
This IS his fault, just once th

prior to moving the thread, you should have let it run its course ... like this.

Of course Perry isn't responsible for Ebola in Texas

Of course Reagan isn't responsible for Aids in Cali

and justified by valid Republican points ..

Obama isn't responsible for Ebola in the US either if Republicans use the SAME EXACT logic they do for Reagan and Perry.

The End

Yup now I know it.
You really ARE retarded.

unimpressive and unintelligent ... such an improvement for you

Poor little boy....you need attention?

Call your boyfriend.

just once what you idiot ?

ok, just once for you idiot boy ... stop the flights

Hundreds of passengers were exposed to Mr Duncan after it was revealed today that the traveler took at least three flights to get from Liberia to Dallas - because there is no direct flight from Belgium to Texas.

which one Goober ?

damn RW's are dumb.
Well, I don't really blame either "party" for the disease. I think that we should probably start taking precautions though because it's spreading quickly and is a dangerous pandemic. It's spreading from continent to continent. That's pretty serious problem.
The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

I know they are to blame for America not having a surgeon general.

The conservatives/teabaggers in the senate have been filibustering the nominee for over a year.

So at a time when we really need a surgeon general, the republicans have made sure we don't have one.

That's on top of cutting their budget by half a billion dollars.

You know we have acting surgeon general, yes? One who spent 16 years with the CDC. A man with so many credentials he was the deputy surgeon general, at the ready and appointed to take over if needed and has?

Did you know The Surgeon General reports to the Assistant Secretary for Health (ASH)? It is SHE who makes all the decisions. That would be DR. Wanda k. Jones.

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