Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Conservatives have blood on their hands:

In terms of what this means for public health funding, most of the public health funding at the federal level is discretionary so it will be impacted by sequestration. Cuts of 8 percent to 10 percent to programs funded at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would mean:
• Life-saving immunizations would be denied to 30,000 children and 20,000 adults.
• An increase in the number of HIV transmissions by nearly 800, costing the nation more than $250 million due to reduced availability of HIV tests.
• Tens of thousands of additional healthcare-associated infections each year would debilitate patients, kill thousands and cost billions in added healthcare costs.
• Decreased ability to evaluate and investigate 100-150 multistate outbreaks identified by CDC surveillance networks, including outbreaks of E. coli, salmonella, and norovirus, causing outbreaks to last longer, get bigger and cause more illnesses and deaths before they are controlled.
• Reduced number of local health department staff trained in epidemiology, laboratory and outbreak response by 2,500.
• Eliminating over 50 intramural and extramural research, translation and outreach projects and grants increasing the economic burden of work-related injuries and illnesses, which is already more than $13 billion annually.

These cuts would be in addition to those already made that have resulted in the loss of 55,000 high-skilled public health jobs and many more positions furloughed. In a report from Sen. Tom Harkin, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies, the potential impact of sequestration on nondefense discretionary programs would impact the public health arena in the following ways: 659,476 fewer people would be tested for HIV, 48,845 fewer women would be screened for cancer; and 211,958 fewer children be vaccinated.

Sequestration Could Cripple US Public Health
Conservatives have blood on their hands:

In terms of what this means for public health funding, most of the public health funding at the federal level is discretionary so it will be impacted by sequestration. Cuts of 8 percent to 10 percent to programs funded at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would mean:
• Life-saving immunizations would be denied to 30,000 children and 20,000 adults.
• An increase in the number of HIV transmissions by nearly 800, costing the nation more than $250 million due to reduced availability of HIV tests.
• Tens of thousands of additional healthcare-associated infections each year would debilitate patients, kill thousands and cost billions in added healthcare costs.
• Decreased ability to evaluate and investigate 100-150 multistate outbreaks identified by CDC surveillance networks, including outbreaks of E. coli, salmonella, and norovirus, causing outbreaks to last longer, get bigger and cause more illnesses and deaths before they are controlled.
• Reduced number of local health department staff trained in epidemiology, laboratory and outbreak response by 2,500.
• Eliminating over 50 intramural and extramural research, translation and outreach projects and grants increasing the economic burden of work-related injuries and illnesses, which is already more than $13 billion annually.

These cuts would be in addition to those already made that have resulted in the loss of 55,000 high-skilled public health jobs and many more positions furloughed. In a report from Sen. Tom Harkin, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies, the potential impact of sequestration on nondefense discretionary programs would impact the public health arena in the following ways: 659,476 fewer people would be tested for HIV, 48,845 fewer women would be screened for cancer; and 211,958 fewer children be vaccinated.

Sequestration Could Cripple US Public Health

That's TWO years old.
Now I'M laughing at you.
Conservatives have blood on their hands:

In terms of what this means for public health funding, most of the public health funding at the federal level is discretionary so it will be impacted by sequestration. Cuts of 8 percent to 10 percent to programs funded at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would mean:
• Life-saving immunizations would be denied to 30,000 children and 20,000 adults.
• An increase in the number of HIV transmissions by nearly 800, costing the nation more than $250 million due to reduced availability of HIV tests.
• Tens of thousands of additional healthcare-associated infections each year would debilitate patients, kill thousands and cost billions in added healthcare costs.
• Decreased ability to evaluate and investigate 100-150 multistate outbreaks identified by CDC surveillance networks, including outbreaks of E. coli, salmonella, and norovirus, causing outbreaks to last longer, get bigger and cause more illnesses and deaths before they are controlled.
• Reduced number of local health department staff trained in epidemiology, laboratory and outbreak response by 2,500.
• Eliminating over 50 intramural and extramural research, translation and outreach projects and grants increasing the economic burden of work-related injuries and illnesses, which is already more than $13 billion annually.

These cuts would be in addition to those already made that have resulted in the loss of 55,000 high-skilled public health jobs and many more positions furloughed. In a report from Sen. Tom Harkin, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies, the potential impact of sequestration on nondefense discretionary programs would impact the public health arena in the following ways: 659,476 fewer people would be tested for HIV, 48,845 fewer women would be screened for cancer; and 211,958 fewer children be vaccinated.

Sequestration Could Cripple US Public Health

That's TWO years old.
Now I'M laughing at you.
Yes - two years ago they were predicting a potential crisis due to sequestration.
Conservatives have blood on their hands:

In terms of what this means for public health funding, most of the public health funding at the federal level is discretionary so it will be impacted by sequestration. Cuts of 8 percent to 10 percent to programs funded at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would mean:
• Life-saving immunizations would be denied to 30,000 children and 20,000 adults.
• An increase in the number of HIV transmissions by nearly 800, costing the nation more than $250 million due to reduced availability of HIV tests.
• Tens of thousands of additional healthcare-associated infections each year would debilitate patients, kill thousands and cost billions in added healthcare costs.
• Decreased ability to evaluate and investigate 100-150 multistate outbreaks identified by CDC surveillance networks, including outbreaks of E. coli, salmonella, and norovirus, causing outbreaks to last longer, get bigger and cause more illnesses and deaths before they are controlled.
• Reduced number of local health department staff trained in epidemiology, laboratory and outbreak response by 2,500.
• Eliminating over 50 intramural and extramural research, translation and outreach projects and grants increasing the economic burden of work-related injuries and illnesses, which is already more than $13 billion annually.

These cuts would be in addition to those already made that have resulted in the loss of 55,000 high-skilled public health jobs and many more positions furloughed. In a report from Sen. Tom Harkin, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies, the potential impact of sequestration on nondefense discretionary programs would impact the public health arena in the following ways: 659,476 fewer people would be tested for HIV, 48,845 fewer women would be screened for cancer; and 211,958 fewer children be vaccinated.

Sequestration Could Cripple US Public Health

That's TWO years old.
Now I'M laughing at you.
Yes - two years ago they were predicting a potential crisis due to sequestration.
You are certifiable
We need to kill Obamacare to end Ebola

It is the only solution that makes sense
Excuse me all you fucking idiot, subversives, but.....

Conservatives have blood on their hands:

In terms of what this means for public health funding, most of the public health funding at the federal level is discretionary so it will be impacted by sequestration. Cuts of 8 percent to 10 percent to programs funded at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would mean:
• Life-saving immunizations would be denied to 30,000 children and 20,000 adults.
• An increase in the number of HIV transmissions by nearly 800, costing the nation more than $250 million due to reduced availability of HIV tests.
• Tens of thousands of additional healthcare-associated infections each year would debilitate patients, kill thousands and cost billions in added healthcare costs.
• Decreased ability to evaluate and investigate 100-150 multistate outbreaks identified by CDC surveillance networks, including outbreaks of E. coli, salmonella, and norovirus, causing outbreaks to last longer, get bigger and cause more illnesses and deaths before they are controlled.
• Reduced number of local health department staff trained in epidemiology, laboratory and outbreak response by 2,500.
• Eliminating over 50 intramural and extramural research, translation and outreach projects and grants increasing the economic burden of work-related injuries and illnesses, which is already more than $13 billion annually.

These cuts would be in addition to those already made that have resulted in the loss of 55,000 high-skilled public health jobs and many more positions furloughed. In a report from Sen. Tom Harkin, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies, the potential impact of sequestration on nondefense discretionary programs would impact the public health arena in the following ways: 659,476 fewer people would be tested for HIV, 48,845 fewer women would be screened for cancer; and 211,958 fewer children be vaccinated.

Sequestration Could Cripple US Public Health

That's TWO years old.
Now I'M laughing at you.
Yes - two years ago they were predicting a potential crisis due to sequestration.

Another grand Obama idea.
The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

The Sequester Scam Continues
Laurence M. Vance

Some show on NPR had a story today about how funding was going to be cut by the NIH for some major heart study because of the sequester. And yet we are to believe that the government has the money to launch hundreds of million-dollar cruise missiles at Syria.

5:28 pm on September 11, 2013
The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

The Sequester Scam Continues
Laurence M. Vance

Some show on NPR had a story today about how funding was going to be cut by the NIH for some major heart study because of the sequester. And yet we are to believe that the government has the money to launch hundreds of million-dollar cruise missiles at Syria.

5:28 pm on September 11, 2013

I don't think anyone in the government even knows they can shift money from one program to another one. They must not, since they ALWAYS come to the taxpayer with hat in hand for any new initiative. Even now, they'll insist on borrowing or taxing to get any additional monies to fight Ebola instead of pulling funds from some of the more ridiculous expenditures.
The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

The Sequester Scam Continues
Laurence M. Vance

Some show on NPR had a story today about how funding was going to be cut by the NIH for some major heart study because of the sequester. And yet we are to believe that the government has the money to launch hundreds of million-dollar cruise missiles at Syria.

5:28 pm on September 11, 2013

I don't think anyone in the government even knows they can shift money from one program to another one. They must not, since they ALWAYS come to the taxpayer with hat in hand for any new initiative. Even now, they'll insist on borrowing or taxing to get any additional monies to fight Ebola instead of pulling funds from some of the more ridiculous expenditures.

Sure they do. They do it all the time.
This time in 2013 the funds for the CDC was used for the new Health Care enrollment.

page 14 explains it.
The decreased availability of FY 2013 PPHF funds for CDC (and other PHS agencies) was due mainly to a large one time PPHF distribution to CMS for enrollment activities for ACA - mandated health insurance exchanges rather than to sequestration.

Funds page 15.
More money was given in each year.
2010 - 721 million
2011- 748 million
2012- 779 million
2013 - 679 million - less amount because of ACA enrollment
2014- 754 million
Are Conservatives and Teabaggers to blame for not having an Ebola Vaccine?

Ebola funding won't get a hearing from House Republicans, but Ebola panic will

Testimony from public health officials in the Senate a few weeks ago and subsequent media follow up has pointed out a serious deficit for public health funding. In fact, NIH Director Francis Collins said, point blank "if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would've gone through clinical trials and would have been ready." These reports led House Democrats to call for a hearing on the lack of funding for the Ebola crisis.

"As we mourn the death of Thomas Eric Duncan and pray for the two health care workers infected in Dallas, we reiterate our call for Chairman [Jack] Kingston to convene our subcommittee immediately," Democrats on the House Appropriations Health subcommittee said in a joint statement. […]

"The Homeland Security Committee met nearly two weeks ago, and an Energy and Commerce subcommittee will meet tomorrow. For our subcommittee, the one in charge of funding the NIH and CDC, to continue to shirk its responsibility and go without so much as a hearing is unacceptable,” they said in their statement Wednesday.

Kingston, the first GOP lawmaker to call for an "Ebola czar" obviously has refused to hold that hearing or say why. The spokesperson for the committee said simply that the
Committee currently has no hearings scheduled as the Congress is in recess."
Recess can be interrupted, however, for the Energy and Commerce Health Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, as the Democrats noted. That's because that hearing is about "Ebola outrage," in which "CDC Director Thomas Frieden will likely face a series of tough questions." They'll also grill NIH infectious disease director Anthony Fauci and officials from Texas Presbyterian Hospital, where two nurses have contracted the disease after treating Duncan. There's always time for bashing the Obama administration for House Republicans.
Are Conservatives and Teabaggers to blame for not having an Ebola Vaccine?

Ebola funding won't get a hearing from House Republicans, but Ebola panic will

Testimony from public health officials in the Senate a few weeks ago and subsequent media follow up has pointed out a serious deficit for public health funding. In fact, NIH Director Francis Collins said, point blank "if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would've gone through clinical trials and would have been ready." These reports led House Democrats to call for a hearing on the lack of funding for the Ebola crisis.

"As we mourn the death of Thomas Eric Duncan and pray for the two health care workers infected in Dallas, we reiterate our call for Chairman [Jack] Kingston to convene our subcommittee immediately," Democrats on the House Appropriations Health subcommittee said in a joint statement. […]

"The Homeland Security Committee met nearly two weeks ago, and an Energy and Commerce subcommittee will meet tomorrow. For our subcommittee, the one in charge of funding the NIH and CDC, to continue to shirk its responsibility and go without so much as a hearing is unacceptable,” they said in their statement Wednesday.

Kingston, the first GOP lawmaker to call for an "Ebola czar" obviously has refused to hold that hearing or say why. The spokesperson for the committee said simply that the
Committee currently has no hearings scheduled as the Congress is in recess."
Recess can be interrupted, however, for the Energy and Commerce Health Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, as the Democrats noted. That's because that hearing is about "Ebola outrage," in which "CDC Director Thomas Frieden will likely face a series of tough questions." They'll also grill NIH infectious disease director Anthony Fauci and officials from Texas Presbyterian Hospital, where two nurses have contracted the disease after treating Duncan. There's always time for bashing the Obama administration for House Republicans.

And what will this do? They still got an INCREASE each year to their budget, just NOT as big and BLOATED as they requested... ever think they shouldn't do ACCUPUNCTURE studies instead of OBOLA prevention?

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