Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

This is the first time Ebola has come here. It is a national security issue and should have been treated as a threat by restricting flights from the infected areas.

The CDC is an absolute joke, and Obama should have recognized this threat weeks ago and issued a travel restriction.

It has nothing to do with cuts or lack of funds, it has everything to do with incompetence.

Yet still today we have 150 people coming into this country from infected areas, every day. This Ebola has an incubation period of 21 days.
This is such bullshit.

tinydancer and the Washington Post Fact checker give this OP


The absurd claim that only Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research - The Washington Post
This is such bullshit.

tinydancer and the Washington Post Fact checker give this OP


The absurd claim that only Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research - The Washington Post

So, what has NIH been researching or giving grants for is the question? Here is a list, everything from studying student drop out rates, to seeing if there is difference in people who are bilingual, how to better classify children who are overweight and not call them obese, and hypnotizing women who are in menopause to see if they can sleep better- or how about, harnessing the power of text messaging. Equaling millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars.

Ebola comes from Africa. If anyone's to blame for a lack of treatment options, how about blaming the people who've been hosting it for however many centuries?
African fruit bats are not people chum; and neither are the fleas that infest them. But how do you explain the absence of Ebola during the colonial period when Europeans were running rampant in Africa ? Isn't it strange that in the post colonial period Ebola suddenly materialized seemingly coming out of nowhere? Are the similarities between ebola and the Marburg virus coincidental? Marburg ,of course, has an ominous connection to Germany. I'm not quite ready to join the conspiracy theorists, but the mounting evidence seems to be pointing me in that direction.
Budget cuts are stupid when it has to do with our edge in science, r&d or education. We're asking for a weaker America if we do.
The standard excuse for this administration. Anyone sick of hearing ALREADY?

well not their sheep evidently. they'll fall for anything they say
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The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!
Pure liberal lies
WaPo Fact Checker Blaming GOP for Cuts to CDC Absurd Truth Revolt
Congressional Democrats have been attempting to figure out a way to blame Republicans for the Ebola crisis. Their solution: claiming that Republican budget cuts resulted in a lack of CDC spending on Ebola research -- a claim Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler called "absurd," giving it his lowest truth rating of four Pinocchios.

Wednesday's "News Nation with Tamron Hall" saw Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) repeat the charge that that the GOP cut the CDC spending on Ebola research (see video above).

However, according to Kessler, the numbers don't add up:

For the purposes of this fact check, we are going to rely on the historical numbers in official budget documents submitted to Congress by the NIH and the CDC. We double-checked a couple of years with NIH, and the differences amounted to rounding errors. This way, readers can examine the documents themselves.

For NIH (see page 11), since 2006, there has been relatively little change in the size of the budget, going from about $28.5 billion in 2006 to $30.14 billion in 2014. That’s a slight increase, but in real terms that’s a cut given the impact of inflation. (The agency also received a $10 billion windfall in 2009 from the stimulus law.) Here’s an illustration of the budget in real terms by our colleague Josh Hicks.


Kessler goes on to explain that Congress generally gave the NIH exactly what the President had budgeted. In the 2013 fiscal year, they actually gave the agency more than what Obama asked for, but about a billion and a half dollars was cut because of the sequester, which Kessler correctly identifies as an Obama proposal passed via a bi-partisan vote. Additionally, the White House's own budget proposal for 2015 cuts the NIH budget.

As for the CDC, you will see (page 46) a similar pattern. The numbers have bounced around $6.5 billion in recent years. (CDC receives both an appropriation from Congress and, since 2010, hundreds of millions of dollars from the Prevention and Public Health Fund established by the Affordable Care Act.) Before 2008, the agency received less than $6 billion a year. In fiscal year 2013, the White House proposed a cut in CDC’s funding, but Congress added about $700 million. In 2014, the administration again proposed reducing the budget, but Congress boosted it to $6.9 billion.

In conclusion, Kessler again called the charge absurd pointing out that while "spending has been cut, or at least failed to keep pace with inflation, but the fingerprints of both parties are on the knives. This blame game earns Four Pinocchios."​
If they hadn't spent all that money FLYING illegal Hondurans who flooded over our borders that we were told we had to be Christian about we would of had millions of dollars right there. But according to their base they never can have enough of YOUR TAXPAYERS MONEY TO BLOW on whatever they want
The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

Just because Perryland turned down health care funds, did not pay attention to CDC alerts, and failed to test victim 1, then when forced to admit him, failed to send blood work to CDC for DAYS, is no reason to fear TEXbola, if you are in US state, with actual health care.

Sadly. I am in Florida; after Rick Scott declared Florida prepared, he then said CDC hasn't given Florida enough supplies or guidance. Another, "get the gubmint outta our state.....HEEELLLLPPPP, WHERE ARE THE FEDS?!" 180.
I though Obama told us we didn't have anything to panic over? Now all we hear is how it's everyone's FAULT but his and his clown/commie administration. Must be nice to have a base of people who will cover your ass no matter what it is they do
Perry, in the past said the Federal government had no right to tell Texas what top do, why the 180?

$39 Million Worth of NIH Funding That Could Have Gone to the Ebola Vaccine…

Agency spends millions on Origami condoms, fat lesbians, texting drunks…
Via Washington Free Beacon:
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has spent more than $39 million on obese lesbians, origami condoms, texting drunks, and dozens of other projects that could have been scrapped in favor of developing an Ebola vaccine.
“Frankly, if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would’ve gone through clinical trials and would have been ready,” said NIH Director Francis Collins, blaming budget cuts for his agency’s failure to develop a vaccine for the deadly virus.
However, the Washington Free Beacon has uncovered $39,643,352 worth of NIH studies within the past several years that have gone to questionable research.
For instance, the agency has spent $2,873,440 trying to figure out why lesbians are obese, and $466,642 on why fat girls have a tough time getting dates. Another $2,075,611 was spent encouraging old people to join choirs.
Keep Reading

ALL of it here:
39 Million Worth of NIH Funding That Could Have Gone to the Ebola Vaccine 8230 Weasel Zippers
LA Times, NY Daily News decry crisis of confidence in WH Ebola response
posted at 9:21 am on October 16, 2014 by Ed Morrissey

The New York Daily News didn’t take the subtle route in its front-page picture today:
Nor did they pull many punches in their editorial:
Later on Wednesday, after cancelling a congressional campaign trip to Connecticut, President Obama said that the U.S. would become more aggressive in coordinating the national response to Ebola, including sending a CDC team to any hospital with a confirmed Ebola case.
But, by stopping short of issuing mandatory protocols, the President again fell back on the catch-as-catch-can system that produced such disastrous results in Dallas. He did so at the peril of health-care providers and the public — because trust that individual hospitals here, there and everywhere would perform superbly is decidedly misplaced.
Frieden acknowledged that he erred badly in assuming that virtually any hospital could stop the spread of Ebola by following proper protocols. Cluelessness about those protocols appears to remain widespread.
Neither Obama nor Frieden had the sense to issue directives with the firm, clear quality of standards sought by National Nurses United, representing thousands of nurses across the country.
On the other coast, the Los Angeles Times feels no more confident than the New York Daily News:
LA Times NY Daily News decry crisis of confidence in WH Ebola response Hot Air
Perry, in the past said the Federal government had no right to tell Texas what top do, why the 180?


if this administration hadn't just ALLOWED 1000's of border jumpers from Honduras to come in we might have avoided this maybe. what the hell you blaming a Governor when we have a frikken federal Government that is the one job it is suppose to do, IS PROTECT us and our country from all things domestic and foreign

stop being a sheep
The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

I know they are to blame for America not having a surgeon general.

The conservatives/teabaggers in the senate have been filibustering the nominee for over a year.

So at a time when we really need a surgeon general, the republicans have made sure we don't have one.

That's on top of cutting their budget by half a billion dollars.
if presidunce Obola presented a qualified person for the job, there would be no problem for confirmation. :up:
No one from Honduras has broght Ebola in; a Liberian with a passport was not dignosed promptly, the hospital admitted that DAYS ago. So how is "border jumping" relevent? This is a TEXAS problem, CDC was not sent blood work until five DAYS after the first victim was refused treatment. Accept reality.
The head of the NIH thinks so:

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts: NIH Director

Ebola Vaccine Would Likely Have Been Found By Now If Not For Budget Cuts NIH Director

Just another way Conservatives and TeaBaggers are screwing up America!

I know they are to blame for America not having a surgeon general.

The conservatives/teabaggers in the senate have been filibustering the nominee for over a year.

So at a time when we really need a surgeon general, the republicans have made sure we don't have one.

That's on top of cutting their budget by half a billion dollars.
if presidunce Obola presented a qualified person for the job, there would be no problem for confirmation. :up:

So, this justifies the Ebola spread in Texas?

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