Ebola Victim Is Obama's Fault


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2010
South carolina
April 1, 2010 Obama quietly scraped a proposed quarantine regulation by the Bush administration. Which would let airlines collect information on passengers coming and going just in case something like the Ebola case happened. Well can I say congratulations to Obama, and his voters for another great screw up once again. Bush was right again.
No, they're going to go quiet. It's what they do when their dreams are realized. They shut up and hide.
How about a list of everything that is Obama's fault?

Let's start with a couple of the basics like;

The F- on your term paper is Obama's fault.

The milk you forgot to back in the fridge is Obama's fault.

The parking ticket on your car is Obama's fault.

You stepped in dog poop on the sidewalk is Obama's fault.

Your last girlfriend/boyfriend gave you Herpes is Obama's fault.

Your boss yelled at you for posting on USMB is Obama's fault.

You dropped your iPhone6 in the toilet is Obama's fault.
They're busily forming their attack. We'll start seeing that ebola is the fault of Republicans. I give it about 10 minutes. Ravtard already tried..."We have ebolee because Republicans denied the CDC extra $$$$! It's the Republicans fault for not giving us enough money!"
Next it will be that it's caused because we don't have enough abortion clinics.
Then it will be caused because we object to homo marriage.
Then it will somehow be the fault of Christians.

But never will they admit...we have ebola here because we opened our borders, and gave people a free pass. It doesn't matter that Liberia is going to prosecute this poor sad sack. He's never going back..and our admin won't make him. He knew what he was doing. And thousands and thousands of other people are doing the exact same thing.
OMG - Obama prevented excessive regulations & mandates on airlines that would not have prevented or tracked the Ebola virus from entering the USA.
But he will put excess regulations on energy companies and businesses, but scrapes a plan THAT WOULD prevent people with a disease to fly into our country.
The scientists of the world haven't created a vaccine and wiped out ebola yet. Thanks Obama. :mad:

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