Ebola Victim Is Obama's Fault

So he was lower than 98.6. That's odd now, isn't it. Wonder if maybe the temp wasn't taken correctly, or the highly trained CDC professional didn't read it right..or the thermometer was faulty...

Looks like he may have been symptomatic on the plane, btw. Maybe he intentionally fooled the thermometer. A smart person can do that by not holding it correctly in their mouth.

Which means all those passengers were potentially exposed..as well as all the people he came into contact between that time and the second time he was taken to the hospital.
OMG - Obama prevented excessive regulations & mandates on airlines that would not have prevented or tracked the Ebola virus from entering the USA.
But he will put excess regulations on energy companies and businesses, but scrapes a plan THAT WOULD prevent people with a disease to fly into our country.

Dear idiot! The Ebola victim was tested & cleared to fly. Mandating reporting would have done absolutely nothing to prevent him entering the USA or help track him because he tested negative. Had he tested positive he would not have been allowed to fly. The mandated reporting regulation would have only served as a useless costly burden on airlines.

The Ebola victim lied to the Liberian government prior to being allowed to leave.

He wasn't tested, you moron. He filled out a questionnaire..and he lied on it.

Which is what immigrants do when they are desperate to leave their own country.
Wrong Idiot!!! After filling out the questionnaire that he lied on, Duncan was screened three times before he boarded his flight in Liberia to Brussels.

"The first screening was at the gate, before you get to the parking lot. The second time is before you enter the terminal building and the third is before you board the flight. At every point your temperature is scanned."

His temperature at those checkpoints was a consistent 97.3 degrees Fahrenheit, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention chief Thomas Frieden told reporters Thursday. "Basically, he didn't have a fever," Frieden said, noting that the Ebola patient's temperature was taken by a trained CDC health care worker with a thermometer approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Again, he didn't test negative.

"Basically" leaves a lot of wiggle room, don'tcha think?

A TRAINED cdc health care worker! Awesome! With a THERMOMETER! Cool! Fool proof!

And I'm sure nobody ever lies or gets it wrong in LIBERIA..or at the CDC for that matter. Lolol...

blood testing everyone at airports works for you?

stick the scanners up your ass, just blood test me anytime I enter the USA by air


that's gotta be Constitutional ..
Repubtards ignore the fact that Rick Perry Texas failed to enforce CDC regulations for their Presbyterian Hospital. They failed multiple times which is exactly how Duncan became infectious to US citizens.
Yes, because it's always a good idea to throw more money at incompetents. It's a documented fact that when liars, crooks and politicians have more money, they do a better job.
So he was lower than 98.6. That's odd now, isn't it. Wonder if maybe the temp wasn't taken correctly, or the highly trained CDC professional didn't read it right..or the thermometer was faulty...

Looks like he may have been symptomatic on the plane, btw. Maybe he intentionally fooled the thermometer. A smart person can do that by not holding it correctly in their mouth.

Which means all those passengers were potentially exposed..as well as all the people he came into contact between that time and the second time he was taken to the hospital.

Duncan was scanned with an infrared thermometer on the forehead & in the ear. How did he fake that.

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Why would the hospital think anything of it, when the CDC and Obama were busy telling everybody there's no chance of Americans being infected by ebola? Cuz it's hard to catch and stuff like that. It's the jv team.
So he was lower than 98.6. That's odd now, isn't it. Wonder if maybe the temp wasn't taken correctly, or the highly trained CDC professional didn't read it right..or the thermometer was faulty...

Looks like he may have been symptomatic on the plane, btw. Maybe he intentionally fooled the thermometer. A smart person can do that by not holding it correctly in their mouth.

Which means all those passengers were potentially exposed..as well as all the people he came into contact between that time and the second time he was taken to the hospital.

Duncan was scanned with an infrared thermometer in the ear. How did he fake that.

You have no idea what took place, you already have been busted lying about him *testing negative* for ebola before boarding the plane. And thermometers of all sorts malfunction all the time.

Particularly when they've been used a lot, or are used incorrectly.

Which is something I suspect could happen at a place like a LIBERIAN AIR PORT.
Quarantine Texass from all other states and Mexico. Call out the Texass National Guard. Texass is a clusterfuck.

I'm sure ISIS and al Qaeda will be sending lots of Ebola-infected terrorists to the U.S. on suicide missions.

Doesn't Bush live in Dallas...
Who has the power to deny entry into the United States to anyone with a passport from an African country? It's not Bush.
It's true. USMB nutters are eagerly awaiting news of further infections. They are actually celebrating the fact that a person in this country has Ebola.

Being that cynical and desperate has got to cause health problems.
Obama doesn't care if Ebola kills millions of Americans....it will help with his quest to "save the planet."
Obama's Admin, even his Obamacare mastermind, is full of population control nuts that promote weeding out the sick and unneeded like the Nazis.

Ebola is convenient for them....
Texas hospital is a disgrace. They were told Duncan just came from Ebola stricken Liberia, he had 100.1 fever, diarrhea & was puking. They sent him home with antibiotics! He returned days later & they again still missed the Ebola diagnosis. After the Texas hospital failed to properly diagnose Duncan a second time, his friend had to call the CDC to report the Texas hospital failed to consider Ebola.
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They do what the CDC recommends, and that's what they were doing. The CDC has been downplaying it, saying that it's practically impossible for ebola to get over here, that it won't happen, that we aren't in danger, bla bla blah.

This is what happens when you allow statist idealogues to drown out common sense.
With the inevitable spread of Ebola across the United States - by 2016 Obama will declare Martial law and appoint himself to a third term as president. He is a genius!
He's not a genius.

But the intelligence level of the progressive mainstream makes him appear to be one, for sure.

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