Economy is Great: Do Not Believe Leftist Lies


Cramer is an idiot...nothing changed after Trump took office.

Can you point to where Trump took over when the dates are removed...

View attachment 293682
I mentioned somewhere else Obama created more jobs in his last 2 years than the con did in his first 2
(And prob in any 2)
Huge con job, the rubes believe him
Okay, sorry, let's get back to the alternate universe now.

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space betwixt partisan ears. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, where science is superstition, relies on the pit of man's fears and the distortion of knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Trump Zone."


Trump’s economic boom bursts Democrats’ impeachment bubble

Democrats are obsessed with impeachment, and no wonder — they would rather not draw attention to President Trump’s economic success, nor their plan to upend it.

Friday’s stellar jobs report was yet another indication that the country is experiencing something that was missing during eight years of the Barack Obama presidency: an economic boom that has spread wealth beyond shareholders and the super-rich.

For all of Trump’s bad judgment in the Ukraine affair, which will undoubtedly lead to his impeachment in the House (despite low odds of conviction in the Senate), he has shown amazingly good judgment in economic policy by reversing years of over-regulation, overtaxing and other absurdities.

The proof is in the numbers: 3.5 percent unemployment, the lowest in about 50 years, strong wage growth and economic activity strong enough to have overwhelmed the deleterious effect of Trump’s various trade wars.

And yet, look at what the Democratic candidates for president want to do if they can beat Trump: just about anything and everything to reverse his policies.
Trump has set economic growth on fire. Here is how he did it
Trump has set economic growth on fire. Here is how he did it

During his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3 percent-plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.

Friday brought another round of good news: Nonfarm payrolls rose by a better-than-expected 201,000 and wages, the last missing piece of the economic recovery, increased by 2.9 percent year over year to the highest level since April 2009. That made it the best gain since the recession ended in June 2009.

His critics, a group that includes a legion of Wall Street economists, most Democrats and even some in his own Republican Party, don’t believe it will last. They figure the current boom will begin petering out as soon as mid-2019 and possibly end in recession in 2020.
  1. GDP is down to 2.1%.
  2. Treasury yields have crashed, down over 40%.
  3. The Fed just pissed off markets by DROPPING interest rates ONLY 25bps to mitigate weakness, when 50bps was hoped for.
  4. There is not enough economic activity, even with low unemployment, to drive inflation.
  5. It's appearing that the Keynesian spending by Trump (which Keynes said should NOT be done in periods of growth) gave us only a temporary sugar high.
Those are just facts. I'm sure this will annoy Trumpsters, especially since they're probably not told this stuff in their alternate universe.

The economy is not "great". It's pretty good, but the consensus is that more weakness is probably not far away. A good trade deal with China could provide a badly-needed injection, so here's hoping.

Okay, sorry, let's get back to the alternate universe now.

You Commies are wailing and gnashing teeth over the September Jobs report. It's your worst nightmare, You'll NEVER pull off your coup like this....
You're completely deluded if you think ANY sitting potus is 'responsible for economic success OR failure'

You're an idiot if you don't think that tax policies, regulations, and other economic policies don't hurt or help the economy. Moron

The OP and its related posts stand as FACT and have no been refuted!

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE
All Democrats have is hate and lies, no facts

As do you....

You're completely deluded if you think ANY sitting potus is 'responsible for economic success OR failure'


All I ever hear is that Dubya caused the crash of 2007. The trade policies by Trump have significantly influenced the great economy we have.

Either way, democrats want the economy to crash, for America to have a recession, they said it themselves, the little Goebbels even tried to drive the economy into recession by propaganda meant to destroy consumer confidence.

Tell me though, if an avowed Marxist like Elizabeth Warren established VA Care for illegal aliens, and then levied a 400% increase on taxes across the board, you don't think she would be responsible for the economic collapse that would follow shortly?

Is it all magic?
All Democrats have is hate and lies, no facts

As do you....

You're completely deluded if you think ANY sitting potus is 'responsible for economic success OR failure'


All I ever hear is that Dubya caused the crash of 2007. The trade policies by Trump have significantly influenced the great economy we have.

Either way, democrats want the economy to crash, for America to have a recession, they said it themselves, the little Goebbels even tried to drive the economy into recession by propaganda meant to destroy consumer confidence.

Tell me though, if an avowed Marxist like Elizabeth Warren established VA Care for illegal aliens, and then levied a 400% increase on taxes across the board, you don't think she would be responsible for the economic collapse that would follow shortly?

Is it all magic?

Great post
Is it all magic?


but thinking American citizens want to actively sabotage their own economy is >>>


and typically the penchant of those whom lack the HP to digest anything more complex than a box of crayons


We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE

Democrats are a party which needs America to fail in order for them to succeed. What’s good for America is bad for them and vice versa.


We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE

164,000 jobs is nothing to brag about

Trump called Obama’s economy a disaster when Obama had fewer than 200,000 jobs in a month

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract -- A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.

The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.

Female workers suffered most heavily in this economy, as work in traditionally feminine fields, like education and medicine, declined during the era.

The research by economists Lawrence Katz of Harvard University and Alan Krueger at Princeton University shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.

Krueger, a former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, was surprised by the finding.

The disappearance of conventional full-time work, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. work, has hit every demographic. “Workers seeking full-time, steady work have lost,” said Krueger.

Under Obama, 1 million fewer workers, overall, are working than before the beginning of the Great Recession.

The outgoing president believes his administration was a net positive for workers, however.

"Since I signed Obamacare into law (in 2010), our businesses have added more than 15 million new jobs," said Obama, during his farewell press conference last Friday, covered by

ME: A little information for the lying Democrat bitches in this forum who try to say that Obama created as many jobs as Trump. Obama created worthless shit jobs that could not even support a single person. Trump is bringing back real jobs, manufacturing jobs, and an economic boom

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