Economy is Great: Do Not Believe Leftist Lies

I'm just going to say this...The tit for tat over this subject is so stupid....What I know from being a truck driver, and seeing locations all over the US....My observation is that during the Obama administration, we had businesses in strip malls accross America shuttered, Downtowns looked like war zones with all the boarded up businesses, and peoples outlook about their own personal future was bleak....Today, there are more jobs out there than workers to fill them, wages are up, these same strip malls, and Downtowns are all open for business, and rents are going up due to demand...

So, when the eggheads analyze the numbers they often don't look deep enough to look at the real time effects. ie the reason the economy might be at Obama numbers at this moment, could be because there aren't enough people to fill jobs, while during Obama they were doing everything they could to pilfer business....totally opposite reasons for similar numbers.
And yet, the BLS, with slightly more accurate statistics than you driving a truck, show that 16 million jobs were added under Obama after he ended Bush's Great Recession.


‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.’

- Mark Twain
I'm just going to say this...The tit for tat over this subject is so stupid....What I know from being a truck driver, and seeing locations all over the US....My observation is that during the Obama administration, we had businesses in strip malls accross America shuttered, Downtowns looked like war zones with all the boarded up businesses, and peoples outlook about their own personal future was bleak....Today, there are more jobs out there than workers to fill them, wages are up, these same strip malls, and Downtowns are all open for business, and rents are going up due to demand...

So, when the eggheads analyze the numbers they often don't look deep enough to look at the real time effects. ie the reason the economy might be at Obama numbers at this moment, could be because there aren't enough people to fill jobs, while during Obama they were doing everything they could to pilfer business....totally opposite reasons for similar numbers.
And yet, the BLS, with slightly more accurate statistics than you driving a truck, show that 16 million jobs were added under Obama after he ended Bush's Great Recession.


‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.’

- Mark Twain
Mark Twain was a great fictional writer.

That aside, the BLS's statistics are the most comprehensive and expansive of any organization in the U.S. when it comes to employment statistics. Far more so than a truck driver passing strip malls.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia

Of the total gain in marketable wealth from 1983 to 1998 more than half went to the richest one percent of Americans.

When doctors celebrate their portfolio's rise in value, yet wonder why insurance companies ruthlessly suppress medical payments, and employees cheer their 401(k) gains, but appear puzzled by massive layoffs decimating their firms, their own portfolios hold the answer.
The trade deficit keeps getting worse under Trump.

View attachment 273882

The Daily Shot: China Retaliates

This is actually a sign of relative economic strength. Because America has a savings deficit, we need to finance it through the current account, i.e. trade. The only way you can finance a savings deficit is by running a trade deficit. That's macroeconomics 101.

And because our economy is doing relatively better than most other countries, the trade deficit is expanding.
UNEXPECTEDLY! U.S. Goods Trade Deficit Declines to Smallest in Three Years.

“The U.S. merchandise-trade deficit unexpectedly narrowed for a third month in November to the smallest shortfall in three years as exports increased and imports declined, the latest sign that economic growth is holding up at the end of the year.”​

The gap decreased to $63.2 billion from $66.8 billion the prior month, according to Commerce Department data released Monday that compared with forecasts for a widening to $68.7 billion. Exports rose 0.7% while imports dropped 1.3%​

Key Insights

The further narrowing of the trade deficit will help give a boost to growth in the fourth quarter. Imports were a slight drag on gross domestic product growth in the two prior periods, while exports of goods provided a slight tailwind in the third quarter after weighing in the prior three-month period. Exports got a boost from a 3.4% increase for automotive products and 2.6% gain for consumer goods, while imports decreased across industrial supplies, consumer products and capital goods.​

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE

The far left needs the economy in a recession and people out of work so they can sell their snake oil.

Never vote far left!
I'm just going to say this...The tit for tat over this subject is so stupid....What I know from being a truck driver, and seeing locations all over the US....My observation is that during the Obama administration, we had businesses in strip malls accross America shuttered, Downtowns looked like war zones with all the boarded up businesses, and peoples outlook about their own personal future was bleak....Today, there are more jobs out there than workers to fill them, wages are up, these same strip malls, and Downtowns are all open for business, and rents are going up due to demand...

So, when the eggheads analyze the numbers they often don't look deep enough to look at the real time effects. ie the reason the economy might be at Obama numbers at this moment, could be because there aren't enough people to fill jobs, while during Obama they were doing everything they could to pilfer business....totally opposite reasons for similar numbers.
And yet, the BLS, with slightly more accurate statistics than you driving a truck, show that 16 million jobs were added under Obama after he ended Bush's Great Recession.


‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.’

- Mark Twain
Mark Twain was a great fictional writer.

That aside, the BLS's statistics are the most comprehensive and expansive of any organization in the U.S. when it comes to employment statistics. Far more so than a truck driver passing strip malls.

Is that supposed to be a knock at me personally because I drive a truck? So, you think you're better than me eh?

Well, I'll just tell you Faun, your pedegree doesn't outweigh the strength of my argument, especially when I am giving you on the street observations, something real people talk about at their kitchen table, and you try to cherry pick stats that we all know can be manipulated to say anything you want them to...

So, tell us, has your paycheck gone up since 2016? Has your 401K done better? The value of your home risen? Have you noticed once borded up businesses reopened, and doing business? Have you noticed the 'help wanted' ads increasing in your local paper? All of these things are good things, and although I am loathed to a POTUS has the ability to single handedly change these things by himself, I as a rational person have to look at what has been going on with congress refusing to work with him, and say that he has accomplished quite a bit of good even without them. And if you're honest with not only me, but yourself, regardless of your political opposition, and disappointment in losing in 2016, you'd also say it's pretty impressive...
So, tell us, has your paycheck gone up since 2016? Has your 401K done better? The value of your home risen? Have you noticed once borded up businesses reopened, and doing business? Have you noticed the 'help wanted' ads increasing in your local paper? All of these things are good things, and although I am loathed to a POTUS has the ability to single handedly change these things by himself, I as a rational person have to look at what has been going on with congress refusing to work with him, and say that he has accomplished quite a bit of good even without them. And if you're honest with not only me, but yourself, regardless of your political opposition, and disappointment in losing in 2016, you'd also say it's pretty impressive...

Can you honestly try and say none of those things happened prior to 2016?

Your paycheck never went up prior to 2016?

Your 401k did not go up prior to 2016?

You never saw a new business start prior to 2016?
I'm just going to say this...The tit for tat over this subject is so stupid....What I know from being a truck driver, and seeing locations all over the US....My observation is that during the Obama administration, we had businesses in strip malls accross America shuttered, Downtowns looked like war zones with all the boarded up businesses, and peoples outlook about their own personal future was bleak....Today, there are more jobs out there than workers to fill them, wages are up, these same strip malls, and Downtowns are all open for business, and rents are going up due to demand...

So, when the eggheads analyze the numbers they often don't look deep enough to look at the real time effects. ie the reason the economy might be at Obama numbers at this moment, could be because there aren't enough people to fill jobs, while during Obama they were doing everything they could to pilfer business....totally opposite reasons for similar numbers.
And yet, the BLS, with slightly more accurate statistics than you driving a truck, show that 16 million jobs were added under Obama after he ended Bush's Great Recession.


‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.’

- Mark Twain
Mark Twain was a great fictional writer.

That aside, the BLS's statistics are the most comprehensive and expansive of any organization in the U.S. when it comes to employment statistics. Far more so than a truck driver passing strip malls.

They are also the same statistics that Trump touts on an almost daily basis
So, tell us, has your paycheck gone up since 2016? Has your 401K done better? The value of your home risen? Have you noticed once borded up businesses reopened, and doing business? Have you noticed the 'help wanted' ads increasing in your local paper? All of these things are good things, and although I am loathed to a POTUS has the ability to single handedly change these things by himself, I as a rational person have to look at what has been going on with congress refusing to work with him, and say that he has accomplished quite a bit of good even without them. And if you're honest with not only me, but yourself, regardless of your political opposition, and disappointment in losing in 2016, you'd also say it's pretty impressive...

Can you honestly try and say none of those things happened prior to 2016?

Your paycheck never went up prior to 2016?

Your 401k did not go up prior to 2016?

You never saw a new business start prior to 2016?

That is a fallacy argument you are posing...Suffice to say, I accept your consession...
I'm just going to say this...The tit for tat over this subject is so stupid....What I know from being a truck driver, and seeing locations all over the US....My observation is that during the Obama administration, we had businesses in strip malls accross America shuttered, Downtowns looked like war zones with all the boarded up businesses, and peoples outlook about their own personal future was bleak....Today, there are more jobs out there than workers to fill them, wages are up, these same strip malls, and Downtowns are all open for business, and rents are going up due to demand...

So, when the eggheads analyze the numbers they often don't look deep enough to look at the real time effects. ie the reason the economy might be at Obama numbers at this moment, could be because there aren't enough people to fill jobs, while during Obama they were doing everything they could to pilfer business....totally opposite reasons for similar numbers.
And yet, the BLS, with slightly more accurate statistics than you driving a truck, show that 16 million jobs were added under Obama after he ended Bush's Great Recession.


‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.’

- Mark Twain
Mark Twain was a great fictional writer.

That aside, the BLS's statistics are the most comprehensive and expansive of any organization in the U.S. when it comes to employment statistics. Far more so than a truck driver passing strip malls.

They are also the same statistics that Trump touts on an almost daily basis

Yep, which proves my point that stats can be manipulated to say anything anyone wants them to say.
So, tell us, has your paycheck gone up since 2016? Has your 401K done better? The value of your home risen? Have you noticed once borded up businesses reopened, and doing business? Have you noticed the 'help wanted' ads increasing in your local paper? All of these things are good things, and although I am loathed to a POTUS has the ability to single handedly change these things by himself, I as a rational person have to look at what has been going on with congress refusing to work with him, and say that he has accomplished quite a bit of good even without them. And if you're honest with not only me, but yourself, regardless of your political opposition, and disappointment in losing in 2016, you'd also say it's pretty impressive...

Can you honestly try and say none of those things happened prior to 2016?

Your paycheck never went up prior to 2016?

Your 401k did not go up prior to 2016?

You never saw a new business start prior to 2016?

That is a fallacy argument you are posing...Suffice to say, I accept your consession...

How pathetic.

Run away and hide little man, I am sorry to have questioned your god.
I'm just going to say this...The tit for tat over this subject is so stupid....What I know from being a truck driver, and seeing locations all over the US....My observation is that during the Obama administration, we had businesses in strip malls accross America shuttered, Downtowns looked like war zones with all the boarded up businesses, and peoples outlook about their own personal future was bleak....Today, there are more jobs out there than workers to fill them, wages are up, these same strip malls, and Downtowns are all open for business, and rents are going up due to demand...

So, when the eggheads analyze the numbers they often don't look deep enough to look at the real time effects. ie the reason the economy might be at Obama numbers at this moment, could be because there aren't enough people to fill jobs, while during Obama they were doing everything they could to pilfer business....totally opposite reasons for similar numbers.
And yet, the BLS, with slightly more accurate statistics than you driving a truck, show that 16 million jobs were added under Obama after he ended Bush's Great Recession.


‘There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.’

- Mark Twain
Mark Twain was a great fictional writer.

That aside, the BLS's statistics are the most comprehensive and expansive of any organization in the U.S. when it comes to employment statistics. Far more so than a truck driver passing strip malls.

They are also the same statistics that Trump touts on an almost daily basis

Yep, which proves my point that stats can be manipulated to say anything anyone wants them to say.

And yet they are still far superior to random anecdotal stories on the internet by worshipers of a human being.
My brother in law owns a trucking company.

A few months ago we drove and spent some time with the family.

We drove on the Interstate and saw a tremendous number of trucks on the highway.

I mention the heavy truck traffic to my brother in law.

He said that is because America is hauling a lot of freight due to the booming economy.

He also said that he was able to expand his business and hire a few more people because of Trump's tax cut.

MAGA Baby!
So, tell us, has your paycheck gone up since 2016? Has your 401K done better? The value of your home risen? Have you noticed once borded up businesses reopened, and doing business? Have you noticed the 'help wanted' ads increasing in your local paper? All of these things are good things, and although I am loathed to a POTUS has the ability to single handedly change these things by himself, I as a rational person have to look at what has been going on with congress refusing to work with him, and say that he has accomplished quite a bit of good even without them. And if you're honest with not only me, but yourself, regardless of your political opposition, and disappointment in losing in 2016, you'd also say it's pretty impressive...

Can you honestly try and say none of those things happened prior to 2016?

Your paycheck never went up prior to 2016?

Your 401k did not go up prior to 2016?

You never saw a new business start prior to 2016?

That is a fallacy argument you are posing...Suffice to say, I accept your consession...

How pathetic.

Run away and hide little man, I am sorry to have questioned your god.

Did it upset you that I accurately described your argument as a fallacious argument, therefore rendering it moot? How about instead of attacking me personally, you come back with an argument that isn't based on a fallacious premise...Then maybe we can have a conversation...

And yet they are still far superior to random anecdotal stories on the internet by worshipers of a human being.

All your stats are doing is telling me that you want to dismiss what the average American living day to day see in their lives...But, problem for you is that is how most will make their decision on who to vote for....And I gotta tell ya, with your candidates out there saying everything from how they plan to destroy whole sectors of jobs in favor of pipe dreams, to how they want to take more of our hard earned income to redistribute it to those either won't or can't get off their asses to improve their own lives through their own efforts. Average people reject that.
My brother in law owns a trucking company.

A few months ago we drove and spent some time with the family.

We drove on the Interstate and saw a tremendous number of trucks on the highway.

I mention the heavy truck traffic to my brother in law.

He said that is because America is hauling a lot of freight due to the booming economy.

He also said that he was able to expand his business and hire a few more people because of Trump's tax cut.

MAGA Baby!

Freight hauled has been increasing since 2009...nothing new to see here folks.

Did it upset you that I accurately described your argument as a fallacious argument, therefore rendering it moot? How about instead of attacking me personally, you come back with an argument that isn't based on a fallacious premise...Then maybe we can have a conversation...

There was nothing fallacious about my argument, since I did not make an argument. I am not sure you know what either word means.

All your stats are doing is telling me that you want to dismiss what the average American living day to day see in their lives...But, problem for you is that is how most will make their decision on who to vote for....And I gotta tell ya, with your candidates out there saying everything from how they plan to destroy whole sectors of jobs in favor of pipe dreams, to how they want to take more of our hard earned income to redistribute it to those either won't or can't get off their asses to improve their own lives through their own efforts. Average people reject that.

No, what I want to dismiss are random anecdotal stories on the internet, they are meaningless as they are not verifiable.

As for "my candidates", how boring that you assume because I do not worship Trump that I am Dem, though not at all unexpected.
My brother in law owns a trucking company.

A few months ago we drove and spent some time with the family.

We drove on the Interstate and saw a tremendous number of trucks on the highway.

I mention the heavy truck traffic to my brother in law.

He said that is because America is hauling a lot of freight due to the booming economy.

He also said that he was able to expand his business and hire a few more people because of Trump's tax cut.

MAGA Baby!

Freight hauled has been increasing since 2009...nothing new to see here folks.

View attachment 298466

Yep, that is absolutely true...However, it is the regulation, and some of the tax breaks that business have recieved under this President that has allowed medium, and smaller companies to maybe expand a little, hire more, and upgrade equipment....Far different from the days of "You didn't build that"....Remember that gem?
Did it upset you that I accurately described your argument as a fallacious argument, therefore rendering it moot? How about instead of attacking me personally, you come back with an argument that isn't based on a fallacious premise...Then maybe we can have a conversation...

There was nothing fallacious about my argument, since I did not make an argument. I am not sure you know what either word means.

All your stats are doing is telling me that you want to dismiss what the average American living day to day see in their lives...But, problem for you is that is how most will make their decision on who to vote for....And I gotta tell ya, with your candidates out there saying everything from how they plan to destroy whole sectors of jobs in favor of pipe dreams, to how they want to take more of our hard earned income to redistribute it to those either won't or can't get off their asses to improve their own lives through their own efforts. Average people reject that.

No, what I want to dismiss are random anecdotal stories on the internet, they are meaningless as they are not verifiable.

It was a fallacy...It was the false dilemma....And you know it. You're just pissed that a truck driver called you on it.

As for "my candidates", how boring that you assume because I do not worship Trump that I am Dem, though not at all unexpected.

Oh, so you voted for Trump in 2016? or, plan to vote for him in 2020?

And don't give me that 3rd party bs either...You should be smart enough if your in here to recognize that 3rd party candidates have NO CHANCE in today's political construct in the United States....Maybe someday, but not now....All 3rd parties do in my opinion is allow people to throw a vote to the democrats without having to hold their nose that actually vote for them, then strut around like they are somehow better than anyone else because they are dumb enough to throw their votes down the drain....
My brother in law owns a trucking company.

A few months ago we drove and spent some time with the family.

We drove on the Interstate and saw a tremendous number of trucks on the highway.

I mention the heavy truck traffic to my brother in law.

He said that is because America is hauling a lot of freight due to the booming economy.

He also said that he was able to expand his business and hire a few more people because of Trump's tax cut.

MAGA Baby!

Freight hauled has been increasing since 2009...nothing new to see here folks.

View attachment 298466

Yep, that is absolutely true...However, it is the regulation, and some of the tax breaks that business have recieved under this President that has allowed medium, and smaller companies to maybe expand a little, hire more, and upgrade equipment....Far different from the days of "You didn't build that"....Remember that gem?

Yeah I do remember that stupid speech.

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