Economy Reaches Longest Expansion in U.S. History

You are aware that someone besides tRump presided over most of that?

I am aware that when the numbers are drilled down into, that Obama's gains were fake and based on smoke and mirrors and Trump's are not. Growth under Obama was based on inflated government spending especially in healthcare,m and the jobs he created were only part time. It looks good on a graph but does not help real people.

Trump has brought back real growth are real jobs. Maybe you should go get a job and shut your faggot ass piehole.

you give her far too much credit. Her entire world started the day Trump won the election.

And you punk coward ass can shut up., bitch

Hey stuypid: Trump's numbers are even phonier than Obama's are.

The stock market values are being increased by stock buy-backs, not growth or expansion. The economy is perking right along because of the near record deficit spending by the President. Trump has is running the economy at top speed with no brakes just to get GDP growth that is lower than Obama's, but the benefits of this massive economic ploy are the wealthy, not everyday Americans.
Another KNOW NOTHINGVBUT LEFTVWONG TALKINGVPOINTS....You suck at this political and economic game!....

Thanks to Trump, Median Household Income at Highest Level Ever
View attachment 295928
Real median household income has grown by $4,144 or 6.8 percent since ... That's the highest level ever and a gain of $4,144, or 6.8%, since Mr. Trump took ...

So you leftists shits are, as usual lying hating mental defectives!!! as not going up at all before your god made it to the White House...

Oh wait...

View attachment 295929
And onlyvstarted to recover, according to your chart in 2014...6 years into the Surrender Monkey....ROTFLMFAO!!!
You are aware that someone besides tRump presided over most of that?

I am aware that when the numbers are drilled down into, that Obama's gains were fake and based on smoke and mirrors and Trump's are not. Growth under Obama was based on inflated government spending especially in healthcare,m and the jobs he created were only part time. It looks good on a graph but does not help real people.

Trump has brought back real growth are real jobs. Maybe you should go get a job and shut your faggot ass piehole.

you give her far too much credit. Her entire world started the day Trump won the election.

And you punk coward ass can shut up., bitch
You are hilarious.

I mean seriously, you're so bad at this, I laugh out loud almost every time you post!

I shake my head and wonder why they have not permanently ban her, even though we all call each other names once in a while she cannot refrain from calling just about everyone on here a vile name in every other post. Must be her so called Catholic upbringing. Loyola would not be very happy.
How's this you dumb bastard, you know nothing and your personal attacks are laughed at by people with an over 80 IQ....Now let's ban you for lowering the groups intelligence!
So what you're saying is you aren't laughing then, Mr. room temperature?
You are aware that someone besides tRump presided over most of that?

I am aware that when the numbers are drilled down into, that Obama's gains were fake and based on smoke and mirrors and Trump's are not. Growth under Obama was based on inflated government spending especially in healthcare,m and the jobs he created were only part time. It looks good on a graph but does not help real people.

Trump has brought back real growth are real jobs. Maybe you should go get a job and shut your faggot ass piehole.

you give her far too much credit. Her entire world started the day Trump won the election.

And you punk coward ass can shut up., bitch

Hey stuypid: Trump's numbers are even phonier than Obama's are.

The stock market values are being increased by stock buy-backs, not growth or expansion. The economy is perking right along because of the near record deficit spending by the President. Trump has is running the economy at top speed with no brakes just to get GDP growth that is lower than Obama's, but the benefits of this massive economic ploy are the wealthy, not everyday Americans.
Another KNOW NOTHINGVBUT LEFTVWONG TALKINGVPOINTS....You suck at this political and economic game!....

Thanks to Trump, Median Household Income at Highest Level Ever
View attachment 295928
Real median household income has grown by $4,144 or 6.8 percent since ... That's the highest level ever and a gain of $4,144, or 6.8%, since Mr. Trump took ...

So you leftists shits are, as usual lying hating mental defectives!!!
Median household income goes up every single year.

View attachment 295937

And by the way, median income goes up even if all the increases are at the top. That's what median means.
You lie, want to look back at the DemonRAT CAUSED housing bubble years?.....You really are an economic idiot, along with all things political!
That one was Bush's.
In 8 years from a collapse caused by a DemonRAT CAUSED HOUSING CRASH?.... The American economy came back SLOWLY under NATURAL corrections....what did the Monkey say about it being the new normal and a magic wand? old video with revised lower numbers BUT same conclusions!

One more reason I rate him the second worst POTUS ever.

And despite that, Trump's numbers are only marginally better...that is the part of the equation that escapes you.


They pass lots of bills dumbass. Fuck, they passed 4 just this week and Trump signed them all. All those bills that Trump signed pushed the deficit for the coming year to well over a trillion dollars...but you do not care about such things because you are big government statist.

On Alinsky, you know. That I know this shit and will call you out on your bullshit!

Trump signs them giving them his stamp of approval.

The Senate passes them, giving the bills their stamp of approval.

You and your fellow partisan sheep on both sides is why we are 23 trillion dollars in always give you beloved party a free pass

And how do you get Bill's passed that the DemonRAT HOUSE has captured and held hostage?

Damn , you ARE EASY TO BITCH SLAP....Tell the DNC to send in a few phony posters that will give us a chance to REALLY BITCHSLAP THEM....YOU aren't getting the job done, even when double teamed with CreepyToes!....ROTFLMFAO
You are aware that someone besides tRump presided over most of that?

I am aware that when the numbers are drilled down into, that Obama's gains were fake and based on smoke and mirrors and Trump's are not. Growth under Obama was based on inflated government spending especially in healthcare,m and the jobs he created were only part time. It looks good on a graph but does not help real people.

Trump has brought back real growth are real jobs. Maybe you should go get a job and shut your faggot ass piehole.

you give her far too much credit. Her entire world started the day Trump won the election.

And you punk coward ass can shut up., bitch
You are hilarious.

I mean seriously, you're so bad at this, I laugh out loud almost every time you post!

I shake my head and wonder why they have not permanently ban her, even though we all call each other names once in a while she cannot refrain from calling just about everyone on here a vile name in every other post. Must be her so called Catholic upbringing. Loyola would not be very happy.
How's this you dumb bastard, you know nothing and your personal attacks are laughed at by people with an over 80 IQ....Now let's ban you for lowering the groups intelligence!
So what you're saying is you aren't laughing then, Mr. room temperature?
You haven't said anything funny, just idiotic! usual!
You are aware that someone besides tRump presided over most of that?

you give her far too much credit. Her entire world started the day Trump won the election.
Americas resurgence started the day Trump won.
Democrat Hope's for a crashing economy have been dashed
The economy would already be recessing if not for the huge cash injections and artificially low interest rates.
Gator looks at charts. I have Asked him before to stop only looking at data as it may be misleading. Our country is 13% black but the NBA is 75% black so by just looking at stats, the idiot Gator would assume that the NBA is racist or elitist. It isn’t.

Obama came in at the lowest possible point. The economy had a natural recovery as banks were not as tight with credit, rates were lowered to the floor allowing for more borrowings and jobs in compliance went way up due to over regulation. Since Gator is stupid the analogy is a student has a D- and then gets his grade to a C and everyone lauds him for the improvement but it’s Easy to go from a D- to a C. Going from a C to an A is very hard. Trump is at a B+ but he cannot get to an A without attacking entitlements and that neither party seems to want to do.

I like Terri’s posts. They are great. Keep em coming as they trigger leftists.
You are aware that someone besides tRump presided over most of that?

you give her far too much credit. Her entire world started the day Trump won the election.
Americas resurgence started the day Trump won.
Democrat Hope's for a crashing economy have been dashed
The economy would already be recessing if not for the huge cash injections and artificially low interest rates.
So what you're saying is Obama's recover was built on a house of cards?
I am aware that when the numbers are drilled down into, that Obama's gains were fake and based on smoke and mirrors and Trump's are not. Growth under Obama was based on inflated government spending especially in healthcare,m and the jobs he created were only part time. It looks good on a graph but does not help real people.

Trump has brought back real growth are real jobs. Maybe you should go get a job and shut your faggot ass piehole.

And you punk coward ass can shut up., bitch
You are hilarious.

I mean seriously, you're so bad at this, I laugh out loud almost every time you post!

I shake my head and wonder why they have not permanently ban her, even though we all call each other names once in a while she cannot refrain from calling just about everyone on here a vile name in every other post. Must be her so called Catholic upbringing. Loyola would not be very happy.
How's this you dumb bastard, you know nothing and your personal attacks are laughed at by people with an over 80 IQ....Now let's ban you for lowering the groups intelligence!
So what you're saying is you aren't laughing then, Mr. room temperature?
You haven't said anything funny, just idiotic! usual!
You obviously did not understand my post.

Not surprising.
Imports still RISING!!! Exports are FALLING!!!

Manufacturing Jobs Down over the past Year!
You are aware that someone besides tRump presided over most of that?

you give her far too much credit. Her entire world started the day Trump won the election.
Americas resurgence started the day Trump won.
Democrat Hope's for a crashing economy have been dashed
The economy would already be recessing if not for the huge cash injections and artificially low interest rates.
You make no sense.

Again, not surprising.
You are aware that someone besides tRump presided over most of that?

you give her far too much credit. Her entire world started the day Trump won the election.
Americas resurgence started the day Trump won.
Democrat Hope's for a crashing economy have been dashed
The economy would already be recessing if not for the huge cash injections and artificially low interest rates.
You make no sense.

Again, not surprising.
You mean he doesn’t make any sense? My post clears it up. Read it.
You are aware that someone besides tRump presided over most of that?

you give her far too much credit. Her entire world started the day Trump won the election.
Americas resurgence started the day Trump won.
Democrat Hope's for a crashing economy have been dashed
The economy would already be recessing if not for the huge cash injections and artificially low interest rates.
So what you're saying is Obama's recover was built on a house of cards?
No. The idea is you use those things when you hit a recession to aid the recovery and soften the blow. Not to prop up your numbers help your reelection prospects.

You folks all seem to forget President Obama was handed a country in an economic free-fall. The worst recession in decades. tRump inherited an economy that was already humming along pretty damn well.

There were real reasons for the cash infusions and rate cuts under Obama. There are not for tRump's, unless you count personal aggrandizement.

Obama's handling of the economy was far from perfect BTW. He should have been raising rates for the last 4-5 years of his term, and wasn't.

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