Ecuador President: Assange's Bad Hygiene a Big Issue


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I’ve been reading reports of his being an utter slob for some time. This, these articles don’t surprise me.

The withdrawal of his asylum ... is a sovereign decision. We do not make decisions based on external pressures from any country."

"He maintained constant improper hygienic behavior throughout his stay, which affected his own health and affecting the internal climate of the diplomatic mission. In addition, Assange had health problems that should also be resolved."

This after fiery comments that Vox reports were made by Moreno on Thursday: "We've ended the asylum of this spoiled brat. From now on we'll be more careful in giving asylum to people who are really worth it, and not miserable hackers whose only goal is to destabilize governments."

As for that unhygienic behavior, the AP on Thursday cited an Ecuadorian official who alleged Assange went weeks without showering, had issues with his teeth due to his habits, and at one point smeared his poop on embassy walls.

Another unappealing line from the AP: "Embassy staff complained of him skateboarding at night, playing loud music and walking around in his underwear with no apparent concern for others in the tiny embassy."

El Pais reports something similar regarding the underwear, hearing from security guards who worked at the embassy that Assange allegedly sat for interviews dressed properly from the waist up. What you could see on screen was that he allegedly wore no pants.

ABC News notes Assange's alleged bad hygiene was documented well before he even entered the embassy. It quotes lines from a 2011 New York Times piece in which Bill Keller recounted first meeting Assange, describing him as "like a bag lady walking in off the street, wearing a ... dirty white shirt, beat-up sneakers and filthy white socks that collapsed around his ankles. He smelled as if he hadn't bathed in days."

The story goes on and on @ Ecuador President: Assange's Bad Hygiene a Big Issue
I guess the President of Ecuador didn't like Assange sharing a photo of the President eating lobster in bed.... who knows! :dunno:


Julian Assange 'was kicked out of Ecuador embassy for sharing photo of president eating a lobster in bed' claim supporters
If this stupid leader of Ecuador cared and was humane he would have allowed visitors especially medical personnel to regularly see Mr. Assange at the embassy in the past year. This was a way to torture Assange and add to his mental burdens.

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