Eden Garden of the GodS

The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.
The more I look into dating the more I smell hullabaloo. Just too many variables involved so I tend to ignore any dating past 2,000 years.
We all know how you take a circle of people and have them repeat a phrase as it goes around and what you get in the end is not what you started with.
A lot of those people scattered at Babel used verbal communication to maintain history, so I consider the similarities to be a validation of the written Hebrew.

No probably Hebrew is a variation of Canaanite language. Before they spoke Yiddish.
So then, what is the HOLY NAME used in the name of the Holy City using the original Canaanite (founders) Transliteration?
Wouldn't that be important, and the reason for hidden and unspoken name, blotted out name?

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36,
Jeremiah 25:29 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as Yerushalayim.

You already have the first name of
the Evening Star (Shalem), now properly transliterate the last name and then you'll find it with the first name as well in the Torah portions names as stated it would, and in Dan 10 in reference.
Canaanite Phoenician Jerusalem, Urushalim, The City Founded by Shalem, Phoenician God of Dusk
Let us go back now and look at the recorded history of China in light of what we’ve just been talking about, that is, in light of the Biblical history of the world.

We’ve already mentioned the oldest book of Chinese recorded history: the Shu Jing, or Book of Documents. This book was written in about 1000 B.C. and was based on material from the Shang Dynasty, which began in 1700 B.C. (1700 B.C., by the way, is 200 years before the time of Moses, who wrote the book of Genesis.) Even if we assume that the original materials for the Shu Jing came from the beginning of the Shang Dynasty in 1700 B.C., this means that at least 500 years would have passed from the beginning of China to the first written record of its history.

The first thing that students of Chinese history learn is that Chinese history began with a Flood. This is not surprising, since we know that ancient peoples from all the continents of the world have a story of a Great Flood which covered all the earth as a judgment on man’s sin. In many cases, the details are remarkably like the details recorded in the book of Genesis. The Aboriginal peoples of Australia, for example, speak of a global flood and how only eight people escaped it in a canoe.
That is one thing i do find interesting about all of this. Thats how sooooo many ancient civilizations had their own version of a flood story that was caused from their gods wrath. Of course, i guess its very possible they just explained the natural occurrence of flooding with wrath from the god they worshipped. Like the greeks did with lightning.. Whatever they could muster that would explain something they didnt understand..
Interesting, none the less.
The flood story was the most pervasive of all the other legends in ancient China. The Shu Jingrecords: “The flood waters are everywhere, destroying everything as they rise above the hills and swell up to heaven.”

Since the Shu Jing only begins with Chinese history, however, this statement does not refer to the global Flood, but rather to the local flooding that was caused in China by the remnants of the Great Flood. The Shu Jing speaks of how, after the Great Flood, some of the land was not yet habitable because the flood waters were still inundating the land. This was certainly possible. The time between the Flood and the founding of the first Chinese dynasty was as little as 143 years, and we would expect that huge pockets of water would have been on the land at that time, which are not there today. These leftover Flood waters made parts of the land uninhabitable. At that time, according to Chinese history, there were the first righteous Chinese Emperors, Yao and Shun: the first emperors to offer the Border Sacrifices to Shangdi. To a man named Kun given the task of ridding the land of the flood waters, but he was not able to do so. It was not until Kun’s son, Yu, devised a new technique to channel the waters out to sea that the land was eventually made habitable. It took nine years for Yu to channel the waters out to sea. He became a hero because of this amazing feat. As a result, Shun turned the rulership over to Yu. Yu became emperor, thus beginning China’s first dynasty, the Xia.
Timeline of environmental history - Wikipedia
30 km/19 mi-wide Burckle Crater is formed in Indian Ocean from a possible meteor or comet impact, possibly inspiring most flood myths.
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.
The more I look into dating the more I smell hullabaloo. Just too many variables involved so I tend to ignore any dating past 2,000 years.
We all know how you take a circle of people and have them repeat a phrase as it goes around and what you get in the end is not what you started with.
A lot of those people scattered at Babel used verbal communication to maintain history, so I consider the similarities to be a validation of the written Hebrew.

No probably Hebrew is a variation of Canaanite language. Before they spoke Yiddish.
Please take your rabid hatred of Jews to another thread.
According to the Chinese records, the establishment of China’s first dynasty, the Hsia (Xia) dynasty, occurred in 2205 B.C. Modern scholars ascribe a somewhat later date of between 2100 and 2000 B.C. Therefore, depending on which reckoning one accepts, the establishment of China’s first dynasty occurred anywhere from 42 to 205 years after the approximate date of the Tower of Babel incident. That was the time it took for the protoChinese to migrate to China from present- day Iraq (the site of the Tower of Babel) and already begin their dynastic civilization.
Whats that "approximate" date?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
According to the Chinese records, the establishment of China’s first dynasty, the Hsia (Xia) dynasty, occurred in 2205 B.C. Modern scholars ascribe a somewhat later date of between 2100 and 2000 B.C. Therefore, depending on which reckoning one accepts, the establishment of China’s first dynasty occurred anywhere from 42 to 205 years after the approximate date of the Tower of Babel incident. That was the time it took for the protoChinese to migrate to China from present- day Iraq (the site of the Tower of Babel) and already begin their dynastic civilization.
Whats that "approximate" date?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Around the Hebrew year 1998.
Avraham was born in 1948.
According to the Chinese records, the establishment of China’s first dynasty, the Hsia (Xia) dynasty, occurred in 2205 B.C. Modern scholars ascribe a somewhat later date of between 2100 and 2000 B.C. Therefore, depending on which reckoning one accepts, the establishment of China’s first dynasty occurred anywhere from 42 to 205 years after the approximate date of the Tower of Babel incident. That was the time it took for the protoChinese to migrate to China from present- day Iraq (the site of the Tower of Babel) and already begin their dynastic civilization.
Whats that "approximate" date?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Look for the "Deluge tablets" that were discovered in the sands of Nineveh. You can read some of the daily accounting of things they did, moving grain, floods, wars, leaders they called gods since the human felt they were god-like because they went undefeated, etc..
According to the Chinese records, the establishment of China’s first dynasty, the Hsia (Xia) dynasty, occurred in 2205 B.C. Modern scholars ascribe a somewhat later date of between 2100 and 2000 B.C. Therefore, depending on which reckoning one accepts, the establishment of China’s first dynasty occurred anywhere from 42 to 205 years after the approximate date of the Tower of Babel incident. That was the time it took for the protoChinese to migrate to China from present- day Iraq (the site of the Tower of Babel) and already begin their dynastic civilization.
Whats that "approximate" date?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Around the Hebrew year 1998.
Avraham was born in 1948.
Speak english lol
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.
The more I look into dating the more I smell hullabaloo. Just too many variables involved so I tend to ignore any dating past 2,000 years.
We all know how you take a circle of people and have them repeat a phrase as it goes around and what you get in the end is not what you started with.
A lot of those people scattered at Babel used verbal communication to maintain history, so I consider the similarities to be a validation of the written Hebrew.

No probably Hebrew is a variation of Canaanite language. Before they spoke Yiddish.
Please take your rabid hatred of Jews to another thread.

Not hatred of Hebrews but fact.
According to the Chinese records, the establishment of China’s first dynasty, the Hsia (Xia) dynasty, occurred in 2205 B.C. Modern scholars ascribe a somewhat later date of between 2100 and 2000 B.C. Therefore, depending on which reckoning one accepts, the establishment of China’s first dynasty occurred anywhere from 42 to 205 years after the approximate date of the Tower of Babel incident. That was the time it took for the protoChinese to migrate to China from present- day Iraq (the site of the Tower of Babel) and already begin their dynastic civilization.
Whats that "approximate" date?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Around the Hebrew year 1998.
Avraham was born in 1948.
Speak english lol
1,740BC or so.
So the sumerian texts happened before the tower fell?
So the sumerian texts happened before the tower fell?

Indo-European migrations - Wikipedia

According to the Chinese records, the establishment of China’s first dynasty, the Hsia (Xia) dynasty, occurred in 2205 B.C. Modern scholars ascribe a somewhat later date of between 2100 and 2000 B.C. Therefore, depending on which reckoning one accepts, the establishment of China’s first dynasty occurred anywhere from 42 to 205 years after the approximate date of the Tower of Babel incident. That was the time it took for the protoChinese to migrate to China from present- day Iraq (the site of the Tower of Babel) and already begin their dynastic civilization.
Whats that "approximate" date?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Hundred years after the flood. Like I said, I’m not getting into the dating debate in this thread so I’m leaving year out of it.
According to the Chinese records, the establishment of China’s first dynasty, the Hsia (Xia) dynasty, occurred in 2205 B.C. Modern scholars ascribe a somewhat later date of between 2100 and 2000 B.C. Therefore, depending on which reckoning one accepts, the establishment of China’s first dynasty occurred anywhere from 42 to 205 years after the approximate date of the Tower of Babel incident. That was the time it took for the protoChinese to migrate to China from present- day Iraq (the site of the Tower of Babel) and already begin their dynastic civilization.
Whats that "approximate" date?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Hundred years after the flood. Like I said, I’m not getting into the dating debate in this thread so I’m leaving year out of it.
Damn. Noahs kids really went at it for 100 years lol
According to the Chinese records, the establishment of China’s first dynasty, the Hsia (Xia) dynasty, occurred in 2205 B.C. Modern scholars ascribe a somewhat later date of between 2100 and 2000 B.C. Therefore, depending on which reckoning one accepts, the establishment of China’s first dynasty occurred anywhere from 42 to 205 years after the approximate date of the Tower of Babel incident. That was the time it took for the protoChinese to migrate to China from present- day Iraq (the site of the Tower of Babel) and already begin their dynastic civilization.
Whats that "approximate" date?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Hundred years after the flood. Like I said, I’m not getting into the dating debate in this thread so I’m leaving year out of it.
Damn. Noahs kids really went at it for 100 years lol
Mankind likes forgetting history so it can screw things up.

Different topic, but look at the ages recorded from Adam on down. Straight linear decrease until about 2,000 years ago when things bottomed out at our current life spans.
Whats that "approximate" date?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Hundred years after the flood. Like I said, I’m not getting into the dating debate in this thread so I’m leaving year out of it.
Damn. Noahs kids really went at it for 100 years lol
Mankind likes forgetting history so it can screw things up.

Different topic, but look at the ages recorded from Adam on down. Straight linear decrease until about 2,000 years ago when things bottomed out at our current life spans.
So what’s the proof that people lived longer before?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Hundred years after the flood. Like I said, I’m not getting into the dating debate in this thread so I’m leaving year out of it.
Damn. Noahs kids really went at it for 100 years lol
Mankind likes forgetting history so it can screw things up.

Different topic, but look at the ages recorded from Adam on down. Straight linear decrease until about 2,000 years ago when things bottomed out at our current life spans.
So what’s the proof that people lived longer before?
What’s the proof of the Roman Empire?
A stadium?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Hundred years after the flood. Like I said, I’m not getting into the dating debate in this thread so I’m leaving year out of it.
Damn. Noahs kids really went at it for 100 years lol
Mankind likes forgetting history so it can screw things up.

Different topic, but look at the ages recorded from Adam on down. Straight linear decrease until about 2,000 years ago when things bottomed out at our current life spans.
So what’s the proof that people lived longer before?
What’s the proof of the Roman Empire?
A stadium?
Why do you butt in if you have no answer but rather another question? Are you admiing that there’s no proof of people living much longer before?
Does anybody know the approximate date of the Babel incident?
Hundred years after the flood. Like I said, I’m not getting into the dating debate in this thread so I’m leaving year out of it.
Damn. Noahs kids really went at it for 100 years lol
Mankind likes forgetting history so it can screw things up.

Different topic, but look at the ages recorded from Adam on down. Straight linear decrease until about 2,000 years ago when things bottomed out at our current life spans.
So what’s the proof that people lived longer before?
Same proof I have of who and when Julius Ceaser was. Historical record.

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