Eden Garden of the GodS

The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
That's because they all shared a common belief before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

How else do you believe the account of genesis ended up being recorded as symbols in the Chinese language 4500 years ago?

What you believe is a weakness is in fact validation of the account.
Pretty rational argument
Hanzi of Genesis - RationalWiki
This isn't an argument of young earth creationists. It is documented in the symbols of the Chinese language itself. This isn't the first time I have seen this, TN, and it doesn't refute anything. It is not a full accounting. And what it does address is less than persuasive and in fact a confirmation.

If you only took this in isolation I could see how you could confirm your bias. It ignores that the Chinese recorded the account of Genesis at the same time the Sumerians did; 2,500 BC. It ignores the fact that the early Chinese dynasties worshiped Shang Di, whose parallel to the God of Abraham is unmistakable.

It is funny how you accept that the Sumerian's recorded the account of Genesis but seem to reject the fact that the Chinese did so as well. I accept both because the logical explanation is that they both once shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Thats your faith. That reasoning doesnt seem to explain the Sumerian religion but thats ok.
What, that creation and the flood stories dovetail means nothing?
Naw. How the story of the one true God getting so construed they started worshipping 100s of different gods. Thats a lot of amnesia
They didn't know that there are thousands upon thousands of spiritual hosts. Along with the same things people suffer today with their tunnel vision and preconceived notions.
Spiritual hosts?
Yes spiritual hosts. That is after all what Chapter one of Genesis is all about. Most people miss that part. That is why
Genesis 2:1 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them" starts out with this statement. Have you read the Books of Enoch? There is a brief description about hosts for everything in it which Enoch sees. The Bible tells us who many of these hosts are and each has a name which describes their roles. Everything of heaven has a host to manage the pieces and portions in heaven and earth has hosts to do the same for those who are earthly. I've spent quite a few years putting together a book for this but have not yet published it. Hopefully very soon it will be available and I can start on putting together things we have seen in the spirit.
I havent read the whole book. Just a few parts. I like the part about aliens lol
Anyways, they saw those people as Gods who had domain over certain things and was responsible for it.
Personally, i dont think either one of us have any room to say what they thought unless it was written. Dont you?
What, that creation and the flood stories dovetail means nothing?
Naw. How the story of the one true God getting so construed they started worshipping 100s of different gods. Thats a lot of amnesia
They didn't know that there are thousands upon thousands of spiritual hosts. Along with the same things people suffer today with their tunnel vision and preconceived notions.
Spiritual hosts?
Yes spiritual hosts. That is after all what Chapter one of Genesis is all about. Most people miss that part. That is why
Genesis 2:1 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them" starts out with this statement. Have you read the Books of Enoch? There is a brief description about hosts for everything in it which Enoch sees. The Bible tells us who many of these hosts are and each has a name which describes their roles. Everything of heaven has a host to manage the pieces and portions in heaven and earth has hosts to do the same for those who are earthly. I've spent quite a few years putting together a book for this but have not yet published it. Hopefully very soon it will be available and I can start on putting together things we have seen in the spirit.
I havent read the whole book. Just a few parts. I like the part about aliens lol
Anyways, they saw those people as Gods who had domain over certain things and was responsible for it.
Personally, i dont think either one of us have any room to say what they thought unless it was written. Dont you?
Actually I have to start by going by what I know at this point and I look at the recorded historical records in putting together the pieces between what I have personally seen in the spirit together with what historical records are available.I depend mainly on what the spirit has shown me.
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
That's because they all shared a common belief before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

How else do you believe the account of genesis ended up being recorded as symbols in the Chinese language 4500 years ago?

What you believe is a weakness is in fact validation of the account.
Pretty rational argument
Hanzi of Genesis - RationalWiki
This isn't an argument of young earth creationists. It is documented in the symbols of the Chinese language itself. This isn't the first time I have seen this, TN, and it doesn't refute anything. It is not a full accounting. And what it does address is less than persuasive and in fact a confirmation.

If you only took this in isolation I could see how you could confirm your bias. It ignores that the Chinese recorded the account of Genesis at the same time the Sumerians did; 2,500 BC. It ignores the fact that the early Chinese dynasties worshiped Shang Di, whose parallel to the God of Abraham is unmistakable.

It is funny how you accept that the Sumerian's recorded the account of Genesis but seem to reject the fact that the Chinese did so as well. I accept both because the logical explanation is that they both once shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Ummm did you read the whole link? I dont think you did. Im sure you lied again..
The sumerian account is older than the abrahamic religions. By thousands of years. They didnt record the account of genesis.. Your terminology gives credit where it isnt due.
If you want to talk about parallels and the abrahamic religions, i would love to. In another thread. There is enough parallels to talk for days ;) Like how jesus story is thousands of years older than Jesus. Stuff like that.
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
That's because they all shared a common belief before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

How else do you believe the account of genesis ended up being recorded as symbols in the Chinese language 4500 years ago?

What you believe is a weakness is in fact validation of the account.
Pretty rational argument
Hanzi of Genesis - RationalWiki
This isn't an argument of young earth creationists. It is documented in the symbols of the Chinese language itself. This isn't the first time I have seen this, TN, and it doesn't refute anything. It is not a full accounting. And what it does address is less than persuasive and in fact a confirmation.

If you only took this in isolation I could see how you could confirm your bias. It ignores that the Chinese recorded the account of Genesis at the same time the Sumerians did; 2,500 BC. It ignores the fact that the early Chinese dynasties worshiped Shang Di, whose parallel to the God of Abraham is unmistakable.

It is funny how you accept that the Sumerian's recorded the account of Genesis but seem to reject the fact that the Chinese did so as well. I accept both because the logical explanation is that they both once shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Ummm did you read the whole link? I dont think you did. Im sure you lied again..
The sumerian account is older than the abrahamic religions. By thousands of years. They didnt record the account of genesis.. Your terminology gives credit where it isnt due.
If you want to talk about parallels and the abrahamic religions, i would love to. In another thread. There is enough parallels to talk for days ;) Like how jesus story is thousands of years older than Jesus. Stuff like that.
The Assyrian accounts that were found in clay tablets are interesting too if you are looking at it all from a historical view.
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
That's because they all shared a common belief before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

How else do you believe the account of genesis ended up being recorded as symbols in the Chinese language 4500 years ago?

What you believe is a weakness is in fact validation of the account.
Pretty rational argument
Hanzi of Genesis - RationalWiki
This isn't an argument of young earth creationists. It is documented in the symbols of the Chinese language itself. This isn't the first time I have seen this, TN, and it doesn't refute anything. It is not a full accounting. And what it does address is less than persuasive and in fact a confirmation.

If you only took this in isolation I could see how you could confirm your bias. It ignores that the Chinese recorded the account of Genesis at the same time the Sumerians did; 2,500 BC. It ignores the fact that the early Chinese dynasties worshiped Shang Di, whose parallel to the God of Abraham is unmistakable.

It is funny how you accept that the Sumerian's recorded the account of Genesis but seem to reject the fact that the Chinese did so as well. I accept both because the logical explanation is that they both once shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Ummm did you read the whole link? I dont think you did. Im sure you lied again..
The sumerian account is older than the abrahamic religions. By thousands of years. They didnt record the account of genesis.. Your terminology gives credit where it isnt due.
If you want to talk about parallels and the abrahamic religions, i would love to. In another thread. There is enough parallels to talk for days ;) Like how jesus story is thousands of years older than Jesus. Stuff like that.
The Assyrian accounts that were found in clay tablets are interesting too if you are looking at it all from a historical view.
I will check that out
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Not Eden; the Garden East of Eden.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.
The more I look into dating the more I smell hullabaloo. Just too many variables involved so I tend to ignore any dating past 2,000 years.
We all know how you take a circle of people and have them repeat a phrase as it goes around and what you get in the end is not what you started with.
A lot of those people scattered at Babel used verbal communication to maintain history, so I consider the similarities to be a validation of the written Hebrew.
Thats your faith. That reasoning doesnt seem to explain the Sumerian religion but thats ok.
What, that creation and the flood stories dovetail means nothing?
Naw. How the story of the one true God getting so construed they started worshipping 100s of different gods. Thats a lot of amnesia
You live in America and short memories shock you?
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.
The more I look into dating the more I smell hullabaloo. Just too many variables involved so I tend to ignore any dating past 2,000 years.
We all know how you take a circle of people and have them repeat a phrase as it goes around and what you get in the end is not what you started with.
A lot of those people scattered at Babel used verbal communication to maintain history, so I consider the similarities to be a validation of the written Hebrew.
Thats your faith. That reasoning doesnt seem to explain the Sumerian religion but thats ok.
What, that creation and the flood stories dovetail means nothing?
Naw. How the story of the one true God getting so construed they started worshipping 100s of different gods. Thats a lot of amnesia
You live in America and short memories shock you?
LOL touche!
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
That's because they all shared a common belief before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

How else do you believe the account of genesis ended up being recorded as symbols in the Chinese language 4500 years ago?

What you believe is a weakness is in fact validation of the account.
Pretty rational argument
Hanzi of Genesis - RationalWiki
This isn't an argument of young earth creationists. It is documented in the symbols of the Chinese language itself. This isn't the first time I have seen this, TN, and it doesn't refute anything. It is not a full accounting. And what it does address is less than persuasive and in fact a confirmation.

If you only took this in isolation I could see how you could confirm your bias. It ignores that the Chinese recorded the account of Genesis at the same time the Sumerians did; 2,500 BC. It ignores the fact that the early Chinese dynasties worshiped Shang Di, whose parallel to the God of Abraham is unmistakable.

It is funny how you accept that the Sumerian's recorded the account of Genesis but seem to reject the fact that the Chinese did so as well. I accept both because the logical explanation is that they both once shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Ummm did you read the whole link? I dont think you did. Im sure you lied again..
The sumerian account is older than the abrahamic religions. By thousands of years. They didnt record the account of genesis.. Your terminology gives credit where it isnt due.
If you want to talk about parallels and the abrahamic religions, i would love to. In another thread. There is enough parallels to talk for days ;) Like how jesus story is thousands of years older than Jesus. Stuff like that.
I did read this link. They chose seven "words." I have reviewed all of the "words."

I have seen this argument before, TN. Not this specific site, but the same exact cherry picked disagreement. They aren't showing you the full accounting because the full accounting confirms what I told you.

Yes, the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis predated Moses' recording the account of Genesis by 1500 years. I already stated that. But the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis did not predate the great migration from the cradle of civilization. So I am confused why you believe that the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis predated Moses' account by 1500 years means anything other than this is proof that they all shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization because they all have the same account.

The fact that the the first three dynasties of China - Hsia, Shang, Chou - worshiped the God of Abraham is relevant as it provides additional confirmation that they all shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Not Eden; the Garden East of Eden.


The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
That's because they all shared a common belief before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

How else do you believe the account of genesis ended up being recorded as symbols in the Chinese language 4500 years ago?

What you believe is a weakness is in fact validation of the account.
Pretty rational argument
Hanzi of Genesis - RationalWiki
This isn't an argument of young earth creationists. It is documented in the symbols of the Chinese language itself. This isn't the first time I have seen this, TN, and it doesn't refute anything. It is not a full accounting. And what it does address is less than persuasive and in fact a confirmation.

If you only took this in isolation I could see how you could confirm your bias. It ignores that the Chinese recorded the account of Genesis at the same time the Sumerians did; 2,500 BC. It ignores the fact that the early Chinese dynasties worshiped Shang Di, whose parallel to the God of Abraham is unmistakable.

It is funny how you accept that the Sumerian's recorded the account of Genesis but seem to reject the fact that the Chinese did so as well. I accept both because the logical explanation is that they both once shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Ummm did you read the whole link? I dont think you did. Im sure you lied again..
The sumerian account is older than the abrahamic religions. By thousands of years. They didnt record the account of genesis.. Your terminology gives credit where it isnt due.
If you want to talk about parallels and the abrahamic religions, i would love to. In another thread. There is enough parallels to talk for days ;) Like how jesus story is thousands of years older than Jesus. Stuff like that.
I did read this link. They chose seven "words." I have reviewed all of the "words."

I have seen this argument before, TN. Not this specific site, but the same exact cherry picked disagreement. They aren't showing you the full accounting because the full accounting confirms what I told you.

Yes, the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis predated Moses' recording the account of Genesis by 1500 years. I already stated that. But the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis did not predate the great migration from the cradle of civilization. So I am confused why you believe that the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis predated Moses' account by 1500 years means anything other than this is proof that they all shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization because they all have the same account.

The fact that the the first three dynasties of China - Hsia, Shang, Chou - worshiped the God of Abraham is relevant as it provides additional confirmation that they all shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Lol you reviewed nothing. Be for real :rolleyes:
And again, you did not read that whole link or you wouldnt have said that
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Sounds similar because the sages used the familiar and put their own perspectives and used familiar names of deities and defined them as words with meanings, no longer attached to forms or deities of other cultures.
They did not create their philosophy or theology from nothing, they took the disorder and impracticle and made it stable and practicle in a rational sense.
Where the two rivers in Sumeria flowed, were the same 2 in the described Garden, the Tigris and the Euphrates. Ur (where Abraham came over from), Uruk and Eridu in the south formed the endpoints of Sumeria, what became that complex network of cities and canals.
The Garden before Babylon, described parts of Ancient Persia and This Area now part of Iraq.

Describing Adam, one must remember is a word meaning Man.
We know Adam and Eve aren't literal first inhabitants, they are symbols in a story representing something. Adam=Man
Eve (the church who took the false prophets [serpent] bait)is not Man's first wife(bride),
Lilith [Night Spector](Israel-YeruShalem [city of the Night-Evening Star]) was.
Now re-read the story.
the serpent (false prophet) convinced Eve(the church born out of the rib of man) to eat from
"his tree" that she would not die (they use such words in The NT including the Idol hung on a tree).
Eve (church) convinced Adam (Man) to also stray and what fruit did they partake of, an APPLE? But Apples aren't indigenous and the fruit is not mentioned in the bible??Surely mankind has subconsciously revealed this forbidden fruit as 'A PAUL' who wrote 1/2-3/4 the NT and thus his forbidden fruit is revealed.

The word for naked in Genesis is liken to our term baring all. They were covering up their deception, hiding from being revealed. As in covering up the naked truth.
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The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.
The more I look into dating the more I smell hullabaloo. Just too many variables involved so I tend to ignore any dating past 2,000 years.
We all know how you take a circle of people and have them repeat a phrase as it goes around and what you get in the end is not what you started with.
A lot of those people scattered at Babel used verbal communication to maintain history, so I consider the similarities to be a validation of the written Hebrew.

No probably Hebrew is a variation of Canaanite language. Before they spoke Yiddish.
That's because they all shared a common belief before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

How else do you believe the account of genesis ended up being recorded as symbols in the Chinese language 4500 years ago?

What you believe is a weakness is in fact validation of the account.
Pretty rational argument
Hanzi of Genesis - RationalWiki
This isn't an argument of young earth creationists. It is documented in the symbols of the Chinese language itself. This isn't the first time I have seen this, TN, and it doesn't refute anything. It is not a full accounting. And what it does address is less than persuasive and in fact a confirmation.

If you only took this in isolation I could see how you could confirm your bias. It ignores that the Chinese recorded the account of Genesis at the same time the Sumerians did; 2,500 BC. It ignores the fact that the early Chinese dynasties worshiped Shang Di, whose parallel to the God of Abraham is unmistakable.

It is funny how you accept that the Sumerian's recorded the account of Genesis but seem to reject the fact that the Chinese did so as well. I accept both because the logical explanation is that they both once shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Ummm did you read the whole link? I dont think you did. Im sure you lied again..
The sumerian account is older than the abrahamic religions. By thousands of years. They didnt record the account of genesis.. Your terminology gives credit where it isnt due.
If you want to talk about parallels and the abrahamic religions, i would love to. In another thread. There is enough parallels to talk for days ;) Like how jesus story is thousands of years older than Jesus. Stuff like that.
I did read this link. They chose seven "words." I have reviewed all of the "words."

I have seen this argument before, TN. Not this specific site, but the same exact cherry picked disagreement. They aren't showing you the full accounting because the full accounting confirms what I told you.

Yes, the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis predated Moses' recording the account of Genesis by 1500 years. I already stated that. But the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis did not predate the great migration from the cradle of civilization. So I am confused why you believe that the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis predated Moses' account by 1500 years means anything other than this is proof that they all shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization because they all have the same account.

The fact that the the first three dynasties of China - Hsia, Shang, Chou - worshiped the God of Abraham is relevant as it provides additional confirmation that they all shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Lol you reviewed nothing. Be for real :rolleyes:
And again, you did not read that whole link or you wouldnt have said that
It's not that hard, TN. Are you telling me that you can't figure out how to do it?

Do you need for me to explain how to do it for you?

I did read the whole link, TN. It wasn't that long. Let me ask you this, what percentage of the seven "words" that that link discussed were of the total "words" in question?
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.
The more I look into dating the more I smell hullabaloo. Just too many variables involved so I tend to ignore any dating past 2,000 years.
We all know how you take a circle of people and have them repeat a phrase as it goes around and what you get in the end is not what you started with.
A lot of those people scattered at Babel used verbal communication to maintain history, so I consider the similarities to be a validation of the written Hebrew.

No probably Hebrew is a variation of Canaanite language. Before they spoke Yiddish.
Yiddush is 16th century German minus the curse words.
This isn't an argument of young earth creationists. It is documented in the symbols of the Chinese language itself. This isn't the first time I have seen this, TN, and it doesn't refute anything. It is not a full accounting. And what it does address is less than persuasive and in fact a confirmation.

If you only took this in isolation I could see how you could confirm your bias. It ignores that the Chinese recorded the account of Genesis at the same time the Sumerians did; 2,500 BC. It ignores the fact that the early Chinese dynasties worshiped Shang Di, whose parallel to the God of Abraham is unmistakable.

It is funny how you accept that the Sumerian's recorded the account of Genesis but seem to reject the fact that the Chinese did so as well. I accept both because the logical explanation is that they both once shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Ummm did you read the whole link? I dont think you did. Im sure you lied again..
The sumerian account is older than the abrahamic religions. By thousands of years. They didnt record the account of genesis.. Your terminology gives credit where it isnt due.
If you want to talk about parallels and the abrahamic religions, i would love to. In another thread. There is enough parallels to talk for days ;) Like how jesus story is thousands of years older than Jesus. Stuff like that.
I did read this link. They chose seven "words." I have reviewed all of the "words."

I have seen this argument before, TN. Not this specific site, but the same exact cherry picked disagreement. They aren't showing you the full accounting because the full accounting confirms what I told you.

Yes, the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis predated Moses' recording the account of Genesis by 1500 years. I already stated that. But the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis did not predate the great migration from the cradle of civilization. So I am confused why you believe that the Sumerian and Chinese account of Genesis predated Moses' account by 1500 years means anything other than this is proof that they all shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization because they all have the same account.

The fact that the the first three dynasties of China - Hsia, Shang, Chou - worshiped the God of Abraham is relevant as it provides additional confirmation that they all shared a common ancestry/belief prior to migrating from the cradle of civilization.
Lol you reviewed nothing. Be for real :rolleyes:
And again, you did not read that whole link or you wouldnt have said that
It's not that hard TN. Are you telling me that you can't figure out how to do it?

Do you need for me to explain how to do it for you?

I did read the whole link, TN. It wasn't that long. Let me ask you this, what percentage of the seven "words" that that link discussed were of the total "words" in question?
AGAIN, you didnt read the damn link! It stated they were literally making shit up. Words didnt mean what they thought. Like garden... :rolleyes:
The first man was created in Eden. It was located between the Tigris and Euphrates river. It contained rare stones. It had a tree of life. A woman was made to help the first man populate the earth.
Does this sound familiar? It should. It sounds awfully close to the abrahamic version of the garden of eden. But this isnt an abrahamic story. It is a sumerian story that was recorded in 2500BC or so.
I was just reading about it. Pretty interesting.
The god that made the first man, made the first woman behind his brothers back. Which, in turn, led to a great conflict between them. Enlil was the brother. The Earth was his domain. He became the enemy of humans.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.
The more I look into dating the more I smell hullabaloo. Just too many variables involved so I tend to ignore any dating past 2,000 years.
We all know how you take a circle of people and have them repeat a phrase as it goes around and what you get in the end is not what you started with.
A lot of those people scattered at Babel used verbal communication to maintain history, so I consider the similarities to be a validation of the written Hebrew.

No probably Hebrew is a variation of Canaanite language. Before they spoke Yiddish.
Yiddush is 16th century German minus the curse words.

I said before they spoke Yiddish, meaning Yiddish came later.
Of course they have the same story of creation and the flood. After Babel everyone was scattered. Verbal history by some was distorted over generations. Only the original Hebrew language survived.
They survived the flood considering that people predates all estimates of noahs flood. Of course, thats just estimates. Trying to estimate time from the bible seems like a waste of time.
They do have their own flood story that involves a survivor. He had visions from a god that something bad was about to happen. Then another God told him to build a big boat.
The more I look into dating the more I smell hullabaloo. Just too many variables involved so I tend to ignore any dating past 2,000 years.
We all know how you take a circle of people and have them repeat a phrase as it goes around and what you get in the end is not what you started with.
A lot of those people scattered at Babel used verbal communication to maintain history, so I consider the similarities to be a validation of the written Hebrew.

No probably Hebrew is a variation of Canaanite language. Before they spoke Yiddish.
Yiddush is 16th century German minus the curse words.

I said before they spoke Yiddish, meaning Yiddish came later.
Jews alway speak the host nation’s language.
The exception was Egypt.

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