Educate me about NSA/Snowden, please.


Senior Member
Nov 15, 2009
We were just having a conversation about this today. Ignorance is bliss, and I currently live in a state of bliss. As far as my uninformed mind can think, I'm not sure I'm threatened by anything my phone or computer did or currently does. Besides talking trash on message boards (occasionally) looking at porn (occasionally) I could honestly say the government could take my phone and computer and I'd be fine.

Serious question, what should I be worried about? I know if I "google" up how to hide the body of someone I just murdered, I'd be screwed, but I don't plan on killing anyone, making bombs, or hooking up with terrorists. What did Snowden tell me that I should have listened to? Specifics please..
Those who look for trouble tend to invent it if they can't find it.
We were just having a conversation about this today. Ignorance is bliss, and I currently live in a state of bliss. As far as my uninformed mind can think, I'm not sure I'm threatened by anything my phone or computer did or currently does. Besides talking trash on message boards (occasionally) looking at porn (occasionally) I could honestly say the government could take my phone and computer and I'd be fine.

Serious question, what should I be worried about? I know if I "google" up how to hide the body of someone I just murdered, I'd be screwed, but I don't plan on killing anyone, making bombs, or hooking up with terrorists. What did Snowden tell me that I should have listened to? Specifics please..

Snowden told you the obvious. Search all you want on what you want. If one was dumb enough to do it, then the comments will be damaging

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We were just having a conversation about this today. Ignorance is bliss, and I currently live in a state of bliss. As far as my uninformed mind can think, I'm not sure I'm threatened by anything my phone or computer did or currently does. Besides talking trash on message boards (occasionally) looking at porn (occasionally) I could honestly say the government could take my phone and computer and I'd be fine.

Serious question, what should I be worried about? I know if I "google" up how to hide the body of someone I just murdered, I'd be screwed, but I don't plan on killing anyone, making bombs, or hooking up with terrorists. What did Snowden tell me that I should have listened to? Specifics please..

Do you read or listen to the news at all? Do you live under a rock?

Do you respect or defend the Constitution? Can you say the secret police? What would happen if you had a mortgage and all of a sudden you disappeared? Your family doesn't know where you are. You lose your house, your kids, your friends and you aren't found. You can't pay your bills. You can miss your car payments and lose your house. You don't get a lawyer. That can all happen under the Patriot Act. You don't even have to be guilty. They can torture you because they have a very broad definition of torture.

Do you like people listening in on your phone calls and recording everything? Do you like people breaking into your house when you aren't at home? Do you like someone putting spyware on your computer or giving your computer a virus? If you haven't done anything wrong, why should they have the right to do this? Do you like the idea of your political opponents knowing what you are doing? Do you like the idea of someone profiling you? Do you like your privacy? Do you like being considered 51% guilty and 49% innocent? Do you like your elected leaders being spied on so that someone has advanced knowledge on how to subvert your vote by knowing what they are going to do?

The next step is passing laws you don't like and if you don't obey then they know who you are.
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We were just having a conversation about this today. Ignorance is bliss, and I currently live in a state of bliss. As far as my uninformed mind can think, I'm not sure I'm threatened by anything my phone or computer did or currently does. Besides talking trash on message boards (occasionally) looking at porn (occasionally) I could honestly say the government could take my phone and computer and I'd be fine.

Serious question, what should I be worried about? I know if I "google" up how to hide the body of someone I just murdered, I'd be screwed, but I don't plan on killing anyone, making bombs, or hooking up with terrorists. What did Snowden tell me that I should have listened to? Specifics please..

Do you read or listen to the news at all? Do you live under a rock?

Do you respect or defend the Constitution? Can you say the secret police? What would happen if you had a mortgage and all of a sudden you disappeared? Your family doesn't know where you are. You lose your house, your kids, your friends and you aren't found. You can't pay your bills. You can miss your car payments and lose your house. You don't get a lawyer. That can all happen under the Patriot Act. You don't even have to be guilty. They can torture you because they have a very broad definition of torture.

Do you like people listening in on your phone calls and recording everything? Do you like people breaking into your house when you aren't at home? Do you like someone putting spyware on your computer or giving your computer a virus? If you haven't done anything wrong, why should they have the right to do this? Do you like the idea of your political opponents knowing what you are doing? Do you like the idea of someone profiling you? Do you like your privacy? Do you like being considered 51% guilty and 49% innocent? Do you like your elected leaders being spied on so that someone has advanced knowledge on how to subvert your vote by knowing what they are going to do?

The next step is passing laws you don't like and if you don't obey then they know who you are.

Thanks, but I knew all that already. Just wanting to know EXACTLY what Snowden released that was so sensitive. I know the basics, so do you, just not SPECIFICS. He seemingly destroyed his life, at least what he had going for him, to tell us what we already knew?
I don't have to worry about the NSA spying on me, since the DEA already does it.
Thanks, but I knew all that already. Just wanting to know EXACTLY what Snowden released that was so sensitive. I know the basics, so do you, just not SPECIFICS. He seemingly destroyed his life, at least what he had going for him, to tell us what we already knew?

LOL...andy has been told that his house in on fire but he insists on knowing exactly what part of the house is on fire before he gets
We were just having a conversation about this today. Ignorance is bliss, and I currently live in a state of bliss. As far as my uninformed mind can think, I'm not sure I'm threatened by anything my phone or computer did or currently does. Besides talking trash on message boards (occasionally) looking at porn (occasionally) I could honestly say the government could take my phone and computer and I'd be fine.

Serious question, what should I be worried about? I know if I "google" up how to hide the body of someone I just murdered, I'd be screwed, but I don't plan on killing anyone, making bombs, or hooking up with terrorists. What did Snowden tell me that I should have listened to? Specifics please..

Did you ever read 1984?

One of the pivotal points of the book is when the authorities convinced Winston to betray the woman he loved. Because there was constant surveillance, Big Brother knew that Winston had a secret. Winston was afraid of rats. They were able to use that fear to cause him to violate his love. There are no secrets in a world of constant surveillance.

In post war Germany, the Russians began the stasi program. It was constant surveillance by everyone spying on every one else, the meticulous record keeping of the minutia of ordinary lives. When a person opened the drapes in the morning, when they closed them at night. One of the reasons why Angela Merkle blasted obama was because she lived under the stasi.

Once someone came under the watchful eye of the authority for real, imagined or fabricated wrongdoing, these meticulous records would be searched for evidence of wrong doing. On Thursday, you never opened your drapes, what were you doing? On Monday you took your child to school using a different route than normal. Why? On Friday, when you were on your way home from work, you had a telephone conversation with your wife and she told you to pick up some toilet paper on the way home. It's recorded. It is known that among drug dealers, toilet paper is what they call black tar heroin. Who did you see, where did you buy that heroin. What did you do with it?

No one is looking for terrorists, they are looking for everything. There is nothing that can't be used against an individual under constant surveillance.
We were just having a conversation about this today. Ignorance is bliss, and I currently live in a state of bliss. As far as my uninformed mind can think, I'm not sure I'm threatened by anything my phone or computer did or currently does. Besides talking trash on message boards (occasionally) looking at porn (occasionally) I could honestly say the government could take my phone and computer and I'd be fine.

Serious question, what should I be worried about? I know if I "google" up how to hide the body of someone I just murdered, I'd be screwed, but I don't plan on killing anyone, making bombs, or hooking up with terrorists. What did Snowden tell me that I should have listened to? Specifics please..

Do you read or listen to the news at all? Do you live under a rock?

Do you respect or defend the Constitution? Can you say the secret police? What would happen if you had a mortgage and all of a sudden you disappeared? Your family doesn't know where you are. You lose your house, your kids, your friends and you aren't found. You can't pay your bills. You can miss your car payments and lose your house. You don't get a lawyer. That can all happen under the Patriot Act. You don't even have to be guilty. They can torture you because they have a very broad definition of torture.

Do you like people listening in on your phone calls and recording everything? Do you like people breaking into your house when you aren't at home? Do you like someone putting spyware on your computer or giving your computer a virus? If you haven't done anything wrong, why should they have the right to do this? Do you like the idea of your political opponents knowing what you are doing? Do you like the idea of someone profiling you? Do you like your privacy? Do you like being considered 51% guilty and 49% innocent? Do you like your elected leaders being spied on so that someone has advanced knowledge on how to subvert your vote by knowing what they are going to do?

The next step is passing laws you don't like and if you don't obey then they know who you are.

Thanks, but I knew all that already. Just wanting to know EXACTLY what Snowden released that was so sensitive. I know the basics, so do you, just not SPECIFICS. He seemingly destroyed his life, at least what he had going for him, to tell us what we already knew?

It may come out in the news but most Americans already knew they were doing it. They are going after him because he actually confirmed it and by standing up to them, he represents any one of us who would say, "no". So if you say, "no", they will do the same thing to you.
No one is looking for terrorists, they are looking for everything. There is nothing that can't be used against an individual under constant surveillance.

Thank you J. Edgar Hoover.
No one is looking for terrorists, they are looking for everything. There is nothing that can't be used against an individual under constant surveillance.

Thank you J. Edgar Hoover.

J. Edgar Hoover did not have the surveillance techniques of today did he?

Edward Snowden is a hero. I hope he exposes more of what this evil degenerate country is doing.
All that surveillance and I still have to pay for virus checkers and malware removal tools. They don't stop it. Do you know why? They contribute to it.

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