CDZ Educated vs Uneducated, urban vs rural

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
The BBC news has just been reporting on the election and pretty much defined it as this.

I think it might be a simplification and the people they interviewed were obviously chosen to underline theit point.

I do think that there might be a case to make for Trump on the grounds of the economy. Although how much he is responsible is debateable.

But apart from that it is hard to give trump credit for anything. He lies,he cheats, he is vain. He is a racist, he doesnt represent the whole country and he is a laughing stock around the world.

Is America split between educated and uneducated ? The Uk is split on these lines. Is civiisation under threat from the march of the Calibans ?
The BBC news has just been reporting on the election and pretty much defined it as this.

I think it might be a simplification and the people they interviewed were obviously chosen to underline theit point.

I do think that there might be a case to make for Trump on the grounds of the economy. Although how much he is responsible is debateable.

But apart from that it is hard to give trump credit for anything. He lies,he cheats, he is vain. He is a racist, he doesnt represent the whole country and he is a laughing stock around the world.

Is America split between educated and uneducated ? The Uk is split on these lines. Is civiisation under threat from the march of the Calibans ?
he doesnt represent the whole country
we havent had a president who has represented the whole country in one hell of a long time....
The BBC news has just been reporting on the election and pretty much defined it as this.

I think it might be a simplification and the people they interviewed were obviously chosen to underline theit point.

I do think that there might be a case to make for Trump on the grounds of the economy. Although how much he is responsible is debateable.

But apart from that it is hard to give trump credit for anything. He lies,he cheats, he is vain. He is a racist, he doesnt represent the whole country and he is a laughing stock around the world.

Is America split between educated and uneducated ? The Uk is split on these lines. Is civiisation under threat from the march of the Calibans ?

Since they have far more minorities and students whose second language is English than rural areas, the school systems in the urban areas of America tend to be dumbed down so everyone can pass.

That's the legacy of the liberal's "Affirmative Action" programs: Everyone gets a trophy. Hell, we even had a President who only graduated from college thanks to Affirmative Action.
Is America split between educated and uneducated ?

The BBC news has just been reporting on the election and pretty much defined it as this.

I think it might be a simplification and the people they interviewed were obviously chosen to underline theit point.

I do think that there might be a case to make for Trump on the grounds of the economy. Although how much he is responsible is debateable.

But apart from that it is hard to give trump credit for anything. He lies,he cheats, he is vain. He is a racist, he doesnt represent the whole country and he is a laughing stock around the world.

Is America split between educated and uneducated ? The Uk is split on these lines. Is civiisation under threat from the march of the Calibans ?

The political split in America is between the wise and the fools.
This is why the Democrats have more young voters and the GOP has more mature voters.
Another split is between people who make their politics about their race and those who don't.
The Democrats make politics about race because they are racist.
The majority of the Middle Class vote GOP.
The majority of minimum wage workers vote Democrat.
How are you defining "educated"?....I know quite a number of people with degrees who barely know their ass from a hole in the ground.
I dont think a degree is a measure of intelligence, certainly not the only measure. I guess that I would expect an intelligent person to have read a few books, be motivated by something more than hate or fear and be able to justify their point of view.
Thats a starting point.
The fact is that there are too few intelligent people around and that is why governments get away with so much.
When it comes to Politics and governing, common sense is far more important than high IQ. And there is no correlation between high IQ and a particular Party.
When it comes to Politics and governing, common sense is far more important than high IQ. And there is no correlation between high IQ and a particular Party.
I think that may be true at the higher end but less true at the bottom end.
Hey out there - this thread is in, discuss the topic, no flaming or trolling please.
When it comes to Politics and governing, common sense is far more important than high IQ. And there is no correlation between high IQ and a particular Party.
I think that may be true at the higher end but less true at the bottom end.
I think people align with a particular party based on their life experiences and their perception about which party pays attention to what they are passionate about. Not much at all to do with a person's intelligence IMO.
How are you defining "educated"?....I know quite a number of people with degrees who barely know their ass from a hole in the ground.
I dont think a degree is a measure of intelligence, certainly not the only measure. I guess that I would expect an intelligent person to have read a few books, be motivated by something more than hate or fear and be able to justify their point of view.
Thats a starting point.
The fact is that there are too few intelligent people around and that is why governments get away with so much.

Also too few interested people around or, if you prefer, people who have a genuine interest in governmental policy between federal elections. This is when your life is being truly effected; when the school board agrees to discontinue the arts program or your homestead is annexed by the larger town that is expanding and now you have to pay more taxes as a result. Intelligence is great, of course but being an informed and active citizen is, I think, the winning position.

As for the OP, we’re still trying to invent the wheel. We have the following scenario playing out:

We are borrowing money from China to pay farmers who grow soybeans a subsidy


We are not selling soybeans to China due to our trade policy.

So we could be making money by selling soybeans to China but we are choosing to borrow money from China instead. And about 1/2 of the country (mostly rural morons) are fine with this.
How are you defining "educated"?....I know quite a number of people with degrees who barely know their ass from a hole in the ground.
I dont think a degree is a measure of intelligence, certainly not the only measure. I guess that I would expect an intelligent person to have read a few books, be motivated by something more than hate or fear and be able to justify their point of view.
Thats a starting point.
The fact is that there are too few intelligent people around and that is why governments get away with so much.
People who are actually intelligent do not divide the world into two and then proceed to invest all good qualities in one of them and all negative in the other.
The BBC news has just been reporting on the election and pretty much defined it as this.

I think it might be a simplification and the people they interviewed were obviously chosen to underline theit point.

I do think that there might be a case to make for Trump on the grounds of the economy. Although how much he is responsible is debateable.

But apart from that it is hard to give trump credit for anything. He lies,he cheats, he is vain. He is a racist, he doesnt represent the whole country and he is a laughing stock around the world.

Is America split between educated and uneducated ? The Uk is split on these lines. Is civiisation under threat from the march of the Calibans ?
-------------------------------------------- and TRUMPS supporters love him and thats all that matters . Plus TRUMP gets other bonus points the more that fureigners dislike him Tommy .
I dont think a degree is a measure of intelligence, certainly not the only measure. I guess that I would expect an intelligent person to have read a few books, be motivated by something more than hate or fear and be able to justify their point of view.
Thats a starting point.
So reading some books makes one immune from being motivated by hate or fear?....You can't possibly be this obtuse....Or can you?
The fact is that there are too few intelligent people around and that is why governments get away with so much.
Or maybe they're motivated by the fear of what the thugs of gubmint may do if they don't comply.
I dont think a degree is a measure of intelligence, certainly not the only measure. I guess that I would expect an intelligent person to have read a few books, be motivated by something more than hate or fear and be able to justify their point of view.
Thats a starting point.
So reading some books makes one immune from being motivated by hate or fear?....You can't possibly be this obtuse....Or can you?
The fact is that there are too few intelligent people around and that is why governments get away with so much.
Or maybe they're motivated by the fear of what the thugs of gubmint may do if they don't comply.
Why do you deliberately misinterpret my posting ?

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