Education Facts


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
60 years after Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, there are several things that we now know but are unwilling to accept:

(1) Sitting alongside white classmates does nothing to improve Blacks' educational performance. Nor does it help Whites' performance, although nobody expected that.

(2) There is no correlation between education spending and meaningful education "outcomes." This holds true whether spending increases are the result of higher teacher compensation, better facilities, lower student-teacher ratios, or consolidation of rich & poor school districts. Costs have increased geometrically, yet the measurable results are stagnant or declining (due to demographics, mainly).

(3) The American educational establishment has no idea what to do about differences in academic performance between and among our racial and ethnic groups. In fact, the Asian-White and Black-White gaps are increasing, despite billions spent to reduce or eliminate these gaps.

(4) There is no measurable educational improvement for Black students when school districts are managed primarily by African Americans (c.f. Washington, D.C.).

(5) The unconstitutional Federal intrusion into education has done NOTHING to improve educational outcomes in U.S. public schools - Operation "Head Start" being "Exhibit A."

(6) The white liberals who have championed "school integration," teacher unionization, massive education spending increases, school district consolidations, etc., are even less likely to send their kids to integrated urban schools than the conservative republicans who fought these initiatives.

(7) School re-segregation is increasing, largely due to continued "white flight," higher fertility rates of minority residents, and the proliferation of charter schools, but essentially nobody in either the minority or "white" communities seems to care.

And yet in every state and local election in the country in this Primary Election season, the Democrat candidates are promising to spend more money on Education.

Amazing, isn't it?
Conclusion: Educational outcomes are largely determined by cultural behaviors, which can be modified in individual cases (not everyone in the neighborhood has the same values), but unless the subculture changes, outcomes are going to remain the same.

Asians value formal education; Blacks generally do not; Whites are all over the place.

The overall culture values self-indulgence, showy displays of opulence, financial success without effort, and avoidance of personal responsibility.

The results are manifest.
Hey, gee it's more BS on play the sterotype in an attempt to pretend that public education is unconstitutional. Again. More BS on spending but pretending that charter schools are awesome even when they fail and use tax dollars for advertisements.
Are you an idiot, or just afraid to address the issues? Who said that public education was unconstitutional? Certainly not me. Who said that "charter schools are awesome"? Not me.

Did you type your response in the wrong thread?
60 years after Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, there are several things that we now know but are unwilling to accept:

(1) Sitting alongside white classmates does nothing to improve Blacks' educational performance. Nor does it help Whites' performance, although nobody expected that.

(2) There is no correlation between education spending and meaningful education "outcomes." This holds true whether spending increases are the result of higher teacher compensation, better facilities, lower student-teacher ratios, or consolidation of rich & poor school districts. Costs have increased geometrically, yet the measurable results are stagnant or declining (due to demographics, mainly).

(3) The American educational establishment has no idea what to do about differences in academic performance between and among our racial and ethnic groups. In fact, the Asian-White and Black-White gaps are increasing, despite billions spent to reduce or eliminate these gaps.

(4) There is no measurable educational improvement for Black students when school districts are managed primarily by African Americans (c.f. Washington, D.C.).

(5) The unconstitutional Federal intrusion into education has done NOTHING to improve educational outcomes in U.S. public schools - Operation "Head Start" being "Exhibit A."

(6) The white liberals who have championed "school integration," teacher unionization, massive education spending increases, school district consolidations, etc., are even less likely to send their kids to integrated urban schools than the conservative republicans who fought these initiatives.

(7) School re-segregation is increasing, largely due to continued "white flight," higher fertility rates of minority residents, and the proliferation of charter schools, but essentially nobody in either the minority or "white" communities seems to care.

And yet in every state and local election in the country in this Primary Election season, the Democrat candidates are promising to spend more money on Education.

Amazing, isn't it?

sending low income minority kids to white middleclass schools certainly does improve results although there is a threshold where it collapses for both groups. the Coleman Reports are still true today.
Our so called educators cannot make a good reading list for White kids.

Our so called educators cannot make a good reading list for Black kids.

But then they make a big deal of reading. Very strange.

They teach you enough so you can stumble around in the dark by yourself. :badgrin:

The Tyranny of Words (1938) by Stuart Chase
Anxiety Culture: Tyranny of Words - excerpt
[ame=]"The Tyranny of Words" - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, here we go...

Broken record is going to tell us about how he read science fiction as a kid and how even though he got shitty grades he was quite the genius.

Over and over and over and over...
Oh, here we go...

Broken record is going to tell us about how he read science fiction as a kid and how even though he got shitty grades he was quite the genius.

Over and over and over and over...

Are you implying that you have said something, ever? That is the curious thing about most of these sites bitching about the educational system one way or another. They provide no sources of information that anyone can actually use.

Yeah, straight D's in religion might be shitty to a theist. I was an agnostic.

They looked very funny next to my straight A's in math. You left that detail out.

Yeah, straight D's in religion might be shitty to a theist. I was an agnostic.

You were a student, and you sucked because you were lazy and dull-witted. Stop trying to pretend it was anything more than that.
Yeah, straight D's in religion might be shitty to a theist. I was an agnostic.

You were a student, and you sucked because you were lazy and dull-witted. Stop trying to pretend it was anything more than that.

Yeah, being dull-witted got me straight A's in math.

That is the purpose of schools though. To produce people who do what they are told no matter how stupid it is. :lol:

Yeah, straight D's in religion might be shitty to a theist. I was an agnostic.

You were a student, and you sucked because you were lazy and dull-witted. Stop trying to pretend it was anything more than that.

Yeah, being dull-witted got me straight A's in math.

Yeah, being dull-witted allowed you to believe that getting by in one class somehow made it ok to shit the bed in other classes.
Yeah, being dull-witted allowed you to believe that getting by in one class somehow made it ok to shit the bed in other classes.

Getting straight A's is getting by? My what great logic you demonstrate.

But then of course your only source of information about my grades is what I tell you. It is very funny that you expect me to be insulted by what you can't even know is true. :lol:

Yeah, being dull-witted allowed you to believe that getting by in one class somehow made it ok to shit the bed in other classes.

Getting straight A's is getting by?

Anyone who applies himself should be able to earn an 'A' in any class at least through high school. Being 'agnostic' is no excuse for shitting the bed in theology class. It is not necessary to believe anything in particular to do well in that, or any other subject. Fools and weaklings make such excuses. You were either an idiot or a lazy shit, take your pick.
Moderator Message

Maybe you haven't received my PM of 45+ minutes ago, DGS49.

Opening posts require more than a Copy and Paste with or without a link. You must include relevant material of your own and paste a small to medium section of the material. Please correct this OP.

Thanks much,

Anyone who applies himself should be able to earn an 'A' in any class at least through high school.

I don't know what kind of crappy high school you are talking about.

Kids didn't get into mine without passing the entrance exam. Today the annual tuition is $10,000. It was a lot less way back when.

Now that you brought it up I just looked at their website. I have never done it before. They have two, one year accounting courses but they are electives, not mandatory. But doesn't every successful graduate have to deal with money? Oh yeah, they are supposed to hire the people who took accounting courses.

Curious how double-entry accounting is 700 years old but it is too complicated for everybody.

Last edited:
Curious how double-entry accounting is 700 years old but it is too complicated for everybody.

...and there's the broken record's other tune, played over and over and over and over and over...


"Science fiction!"

"Reading list!"

"Double-entry accounting!"

"Science fiction!"

"Reading list!"

"Double-entry accounting!"

"Science fiction!"

"Reading list!"

"Double-entry accounting!"

That's the whole playlist right there. Nothing else, ever.

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