Educators Forced to Teach “LGBTQ” History as “Civil Rights”

Mongolian warriors used to fuck their horses...guess we have to teach that now in our schools? Hell, why not. Why not teach sexual preference as a “civil rights” issue. Already have to teach Clinton impeachment and the cum stained dress. Liberals are destroying our public schools and our society.
Teaching Gay History in Public Schools: A Possible Mandate in California |

Imagine how teachers in the South must have felt when they had to start teaching that blacks were equal to whites....
Thank you.
It is the exact same thing.
Seperate but equal is not a viable concept under the constitution for anyone or any group.
While I'm not in California, reading stuff like this is why $2177 at the start of this month went towards the education of a neighbor's kid in a charter school instead of me allowing the state to decide how it would spend that dough.

edit: Thanks Admiral, it is a private Montessori school he attends. My bad.
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Mongolian warriors used to fuck their horses...guess we have to teach that now in our schools? Hell, why not. Why not teach sexual preference as a “civil rights” issue. Already have to teach Clinton impeachment and the cum stained dress. Liberals are destroying our public schools and our society.
Teaching Gay History in Public Schools: A Possible Mandate in California |

Imagine how teachers in the South must have felt when they had to start teaching that blacks were equal to whites....
LIberated, indeed.
Christ on a cracker!!!!
Hopefully some nice teachers of Mongolian decent will be defending the equine communities honor ........??

Mongolian warriors used to fuck their horses...guess we have to teach that now in our schools? Hell, why not. Why not teach sexual preference as a “civil rights” issue. Already have to teach Clinton impeachment and the cum stained dress. Liberals are destroying our public schools and our society.
Teaching Gay History in Public Schools: A Possible Mandate in California |
And now trumpanzees are proud of a pussy grabbing so-called president they voted for....
I am afraid to post against the liberal benevolent fascist agenda, these people are scary as hell. How did we come to this? Their fascism is so much better...Homosexuality is what it is...I won't waste time on what is WRONG with sexual dysfunction, or those that are dysfunctional. Such a tiny minority are homosexuals. But Boy, do they HOWL. And everyone listens. How did gays gain this level of legitimacy? What rabbit was pulled out of who's hat that made a simple sexual dysfunctional group into a cause celebre?

This started long ago.

Back in the 70's the new liberal thing was for gays to be let out of the closet. That's all they wanted. If they could come out of the closet, they would be happy as can be; and they were for some time.

But that time soon passed and they went on to the next agenda, then the next, then the next.

Fast forward to today, and we now have forced acceptance of openly gay people in our military. Our states are forced to accept their marriages. Schools are forced to allow gay couples at prom. Gay couples are adopting children and putting them into their homes.

So how did it get to this point? We never stopped them from their other agendas along the way.

When it comes to firearms in this country, they say they only want "reasonable gun laws. Right. Didn't we learn anything when gays only wanted to come out of the closet?
Just keep that crap out of education curriculums
So, tell me, Mal...You want Emily Dickenson, Walt Whitman, Amelia Earhart, President Buchanan, etc. cut out of our history? And probably half the Popes cut out?

There's no need to slander any of them by falsely accusing them of sick, immoral sexual perversions. That has no legitimate place whatsoever in any public school curriculum. That your side thinks that it does only goes to show how insane and depraved your side has become.

Of course, the true motive here is obvious. Your agenda is ultimately to groom school children to make them easier prey for sexual abuse, and to normalize and legitimize pedophilia. There is simply no other reason why your side would be so eager to teach young childen about sick sexual perversions. Who do you think you are fooling by trying to pretend and claim otherwise?

Modern LIbEralism truly is a mental disease, as well as a moral disease.
I am afraid to post against the liberal benevolent fascist agenda, these people are scary as hell. How did we come to this? Their fascism is so much better...Homosexuality is what it is...I won't waste time on what is WRONG with sexual dysfunction, or those that are dysfunctional. Such a tiny minority are homosexuals. But Boy, do they HOWL. And everyone listens. How did gays gain this level of legitimacy? What rabbit was pulled out of who's hat that made a simple sexual dysfunctional group into a cause celebre?
It's fascinating how threatened some people are by private sex acts...
Mongolian warriors used to fuck their horses...guess we have to teach that now in our schools? Hell, why not. Why not teach sexual preference as a “civil rights” issue. Already have to teach Clinton impeachment and the cum stained dress. Liberals are destroying our public schools and our society.
Teaching Gay History in Public Schools: A Possible Mandate in California |
Since when are adopted habitual behaviors done by regular men and women called "civil rights"? Might want to check with Hively v Ivy Tech for clarification.
It's fascinating how threatened some people are by private sex acts...

How is a gay wedding a "private" sex act? Lawrence v Texas meant for them to stay private. Does this scene look private to you? Note the sign saying "Public.."

I am afraid to post against the liberal benevolent fascist agenda, these people are scary as hell. How did we come to this? Their fascism is so much better...Homosexuality is what it is...I won't waste time on what is WRONG with sexual dysfunction, or those that are dysfunctional. Such a tiny minority are homosexuals. But Boy, do they HOWL. And everyone listens. How did gays gain this level of legitimacy? What rabbit was pulled out of who's hat that made a simple sexual dysfunctional group into a cause celebre?
It's fascinating how threatened some people are by private sex acts...

Nobody is threatened by private sex acts. People are threatened when some try to force the teachings of their private sex acts on their children.
It's fascinating how threatened some people are by private sex acts...

It would be one thing if private sex acts were kept private.

It's quite another to make them public, to demand that the public approve of them, no matter how depraved and perverted; and it is very much something else to demand that young children be taught about them in public schools.
Mongolian warriors used to fuck their horses...guess we have to teach that now in our schools? Hell, why not. Why not teach sexual preference as a “civil rights” issue. Already have to teach Clinton impeachment and the cum stained dress. Liberals are destroying our public schools and our society.
Teaching Gay History in Public Schools: A Possible Mandate in California |

Kids is public schools aren’t taught how to balance a checkbook but they’re taught how two men puff pole and exchange fecal matter.
Wow...good thing we ran God out of schools and empowered filthy Liberals to indoctrinate our kids...huh?
That seems to be working awesome.

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