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Edwards Cashes In On Wifes Cancer

Just forget it, rsr, some windows are unbreakable, like plexiglass.


1. Issues are relative and subjective in importance. Personally, I would be concerned for my children’s safety around a man who would bring out a gun while chasing workers investigating a right of way off his property. With what little information I have on the person/incident, I doubt that I would want my kids around such a seemingly paranoid gun-happy individual.

The "issue" is that a homeowner has an EXPLICIT constitutional right to protect his property. What's "relative and subjective" here is this woman claims not to fear cancer but she's scared of some RINO living across the street from her?

The neighbor has NO criminal record, he's not paranoid and gun-happy just because some snooty trial lawyer says so.

2. If the Republican’s home complies with city ordinances, even if it is slummy, then the Republican is under no obligation to change the home to suit Edwards. He might be an insensitive jerk, particularly if he is keeping it messy to spite Edwards (petty bickering) but he is under no requirement to clean it up.

Yes, the Edward's mansion is making the property taxes go through the roof.

"Two Americas", remember?

A person feels how she feels. Each person is entitled to heel how she wants to feel about the antics of another. If I were Mrs. Edwards, based on what little information that I have about the story, I, personally, would feel slightly annoyed. I would keep my kids away from the individual. Also, considering my resources and options, I might consider moving away from him.

LOL, they're not going to leave their brand new mansion, the neighbor's claiming he's the one going to move to get away from the Edward's constant bitching. Must be too tough for the other Americans to live near limousine liberals.
It was the email that was sent to the same people who sent their Get Well wishes to Ms Edwards

Of course you knew that

Ya know, when folks pile on you for doing the cut/paste and no original argument I tend to disregard them.

I posted the letter I got in response to the get well note I sent on my blog. The entry is there, go read it.

BTW, next time you cut/paste and make an assertion you might actually read what you posted. Your letter had nothing to do with the topic.

This is your last chance before I write you off as a lost cause.
That was the email that was sent to the same list of peope whosent get well wishes

See post # 5

These few sentences as well..........

Another Democrat, who asked to remain anonymous because of the issue's sensitivity, said while it's understandable that campaigns use e-mail addresses they acquire through their Web sites for fundraising purposes, "there should have been an exception in this case."

But Rabin-Havt, who is not working on a presidential campaign this cycle, argued that any other candidate in Edwards's position would do the same thing. "If he didn't use these e-mail addresses, it would be poor online strategy."

Mary Boyle, a spokeswoman for the campaign finance watchdog group Common Cause, said of the Edwards campaign's online fundraising practices: "While it may not sit well with some people, it points to the reality of running a campaign in this environment that's all about fundraising."
The "issue" is that a homeowner has an EXPLICIT constitutional right to protect his property. What's "relative and subjective" here is this woman claims not to fear cancer but she's scared of some RINO living across the street from her?

Practically everything is relative. I agree that people have a right to protect their property but there are limits? In order to protect property, should people be allowed to plant land mines, own fully automatic machine guns? How about protecting your land with bazookas?

I would also be concerned for my safety if a neighbor chased workers away with a gun.

Apparently, these were not malicious intruders but people investigating right-of-way. Were they investigators doing their job – yes or no? What if they were people serving a search warrant or needing to read his gas meter? Did the guy even ask them for identification or question them at all, or did he merely chase them off of his land?

If you see someone on your yard, should you be allowed to shoot first and ask questions later: I used to work for at a gas distribution company. Meter readers have a legal right to enter property to read meters and fulfill service orders. The service orders may include shutting gas off from customers who fail to pay their gas bill. Gun-happy property owners unlawfully shot several of these workers.

The neighbor has NO criminal record, he's not paranoid and gun-happy just because some snooty trial lawyer says so.

That is your opinion and his opinion. It is not my opinion. Without more specific detailed information, I consider him to be a paranoid, gun-happy creep with a chip on his shoulder.

Yes, the Edward's mansion is making the property taxes go through the roof.

Fine. It is a relatively free country. If he can afford to do so and if he wants to do so, he can greatly beautify his home and make property tax go up as a result. As he does so, he probably increases the property value of his neighbor’s home.

"Two Americas", remember?

I don’t understand your question. Do you mean that there is North America and South America?

LOL, they're not going to leave their brand new mansion, the neighbor's claiming he's the one going to move to get away from the Edward's constant bitching. Must be too tough for the other Americans to live near limousine liberals.

Okay. So, it is a relatively free country. Either neighbor is free to move if he chooses to do so. Edwards bitches and/or the Republican harasses with guns and signs. Perhaps they are both bad neighbors. Again, the issue is so relative. One man’s music is another man’s noise.
For some reason, I'm reminded of the idiots that chose to build around O'Hare Field in the 60's and 70's. Did they not notice there was a very big airport there? Now they complain of noise? Hello???

Same here, this guy and other neighbors have lived there how long? Did the Edwards not scope out the area prior to building?
Practically everything is relative. I agree that people have a right to protect their property but there are limits? In order to protect property, should people be allowed to plant land mines, own fully automatic machine guns? How about protecting your land with bazookas?

Hmmm...trying to interpert the Second Amendment in context.......

The neighbor in question didn't do any of that.

I would also be concerned for my safety if a neighbor chased workers away with a gun.

She must not be too concerned about them, didn't stop her from building her new mansion.

Apparently, these were not malicious intruders but people investigating right-of-way. Were they investigators doing their job – yes or no? What if they were people serving a search warrant or needing to read his gas meter? Did the guy even ask them for identification or question them at all, or did he merely chase them off of his land?

Talking in hypotheticals again, what actually happened was the neighbor thought they were intruders and pulled a gun on them. I'm sure even the "workers" knew he owns a doorbell, maybe not as fancy as the Edwards' one.

That is your opinion and his opinion. It is not my opinion. Without more specific detailed information, I consider him to be a paranoid, gun-happy creep with a chip on his shoulder.

No, it's neither my opinion nor his opinion, he had no criminal record, just snobs for a neighbor.

"I wouldn't be nice to him anyway," Edwards said in an interview. "I don't want my kids anywhere near some guy who when he doesn't like somebody, the first thing he does is pull a gun out. It scares the business out of me."

She wouldn't be nice to anybody that wouldn't vote for her husband.

I don’t understand your question. Do you mean that there is North America and South America?

This is one of the two main reasons I'm replying to you. Edwards still gives this speech:


It's something out of the 1930's. he's a class warfare warrior and a bad neighbor.

Okay. So, it is a relatively free country. Either neighbor is free to move if he chooses to do so. Edwards bitches and/or the Republican harasses with guns and signs. Perhaps they are both bad neighbors. Again, the issue is so relative. One man’s music is another man’s noise.

Which one's "voting" with the feet?

These people who write such cruel stuff are as representative of your typical average liberal as member of the “God Hates Fags” ilk are representative of your typical Christian.

Not to me, but this is the other reason. Fred Phelphs is not a typical conservative, he's a client of the ACLU and Phelphs himself is a former AL Gore delegate and still is a registered democrat.
Philosophically I believe that you should be able to have whatever weapons you want to use lawfully. So, yeah, if you ignore the signs that warn you of your iminent demise and trigger a homeade claymore (plans available just ask).........

Remember, when the second amendment was written the average joe wielded knives and swords. It's only recently that we seem to think the 2nd only applies to firearms.

Isn't it amazing that I can carry a loaded pistol, concealed, but cannot own a folding knife with a blade over six inches? How about a scoped hipo rifle, but not a crossbow?
Hmmm...trying to interpert the Second Amendment in context.......

Yes. Practically everything should be taken into context. There are very few absolutes.

The neighbor in question didn't do any of that.

The neighbor in question didn't do any of what - use a bazooka? Perhaps not but I think that he chased them off without even bothering to ask what they wanted. Imagine if they were little children who unintentionally wandered onto his yard. Based on his antics, I wouldn't want to risk exposing my kids to him.

She must not be too concerned about them, didn't stop her from building her new mansion.

Could it be that she didn't realize the neighbor's personality before she built the mansion?

Talking in hypotheticals again, what actually happened was the neighbor thought they were intruders and pulled a gun on them. I'm sure even the "workers" knew he owns a doorbell, maybe not as fancy as the Edwards' one.

What happened after he pulled a gun on them? Did he say, "What do you want?" or did he yell "Get off my property!"?

No, it's neither my opinion nor his opinion, he had no criminal record, just snobs for a neighbor.

That the neighbor has NO criminal record may be fact. All that one has to do is go to the courthouse or other location where records are kept and investigate for himself.

On the other hand, the terms "paranoid", "gun-happy", and "snobish" are relative and subjective. Someone might think someone is paranoid, or gun-happy, or snobbish and someone else might not think of the same person in those terms.

She wouldn't be nice to anybody that wouldn't vote for her husband.

That is speculation and mind-reading on your part. It is not an established fact.

This is one of the two main reasons I'm replying to you. Edwards still gives this speech:


It's something out of the 1930's. he's a class warfare warrior and a bad neighbor.

So. I'm a free-thinking individual. I might agree with some things that Edwards says. I might disagree with other things that Edwards says. I do not believe in "class warfare" or there being "two Americas".

Which one's "voting" with the feet?

I don't understand your question. What is one of the neighbors "voting" on? One person is supposedly moving and one person is supposedly staying. That is all that there is to it.

Not to me, but this is the other reason. Fred Phelphs is not a typical conservative, he's a client of the ACLU and Phelphs himself is a former AL Gore delegate and still is a registered democrat.

Okay. Perhaps some of his followers are typical Christians. Abortion clinic bombers are typical Christians. Anyway, my point is that those who spew "death to Tony Snow" comments are not typical liberals.

As I often say, you will find what you are looking for. Instead of looking for the bad in your political opponents, how about looking for some good.

See http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/news_theswamp/2007/03/tony_snow_faces.html

As a human being first, an American second and a Democrat third, my best wishes go out to Mr. Snow and his family. Issues like this are above politics. Good luck and get better soon!

Posted by: Doug G | Mar 27, 2007 10:33:25 AM

am so sorry to hear about your illness. I am a moderate Democrat, who has watched you often on FoxNews, long before you became President's Bush's Press Secretary. You are great Tony, truly "Fair and Balanced". And you have made a wonderful Press Secretary. I knew you would. We all need you, Tony. You've got lots more work to do here. Please get well. I am praying for you. God bless you and your family.


Posted by: Gerarda | Mar 27, 2007 8:45:07 PM
Elizabeth Edwards is fast becoming this century's Billy Carter.

Yes. Practically everything should be taken into context. There are very few absolutes.

Uh-huh, but the Second Amendment couldn't be clearer.

The neighbor in question didn't do any of what - use a bazooka? Perhaps not but I think that he chased them off without even bothering to ask what they wanted. Imagine if they were little children who unintentionally wandered onto his yard. Based on his antics, I wouldn't want to risk exposing my kids to him.

Yes, I was referring to your hyperbole...I don't think a private citizen can use a bazooka, that's overkill. Apologies, I'm going to butcher the rest of your post, this is the neighbor's side of the story:

CHAPEL HILL - Monty Johnson was heading home Monday with a cooler full of catfish when he learned his new neighbor had turned him into a minor celebrity.

The first calls on his cell phone came from two lawyers asking to represent him in a slander case. Elizabeth Edwards, they told him, had called him a "rabid, rabid Republican." That wasn't all. The Democratic presidential candidate's wife also told The Associated Press she didn't want her children near Johnson because, she said, he once pulled a gun on workers investigating a right of way on his property.

Johnson, a 55-year-old retired landscaper with arthritic knees, said he's not interested in suing.

"I'd just like to know why she has such hard feelings to me," he said. "They say they're for poor people."

But apparently, you're nobody until Elizabeth Edwards dislikes you.

The Orange County Republicans sent out a release denouncing Edwards' remarks. Newspapers from as far as Ireland have picked up the story. On Tuesday, "Inside Edition" sent a film crew to his single-wide trailer in rural Orange County that sits near the Edwards' $6 million, 29,000-square-foot estate.

Johnson didn't rebut Edwards' comments. He's a proud member of the Grand Old Party and owns a 9 mm handgun he said he's not afraid to use.

What got his goat, he says, was Edwards' calling his 42-acre property "slummy."

rest: http://www.newsobserver.com/114/story/562899.html

On the other hand, the terms "paranoid", "gun-happy", and "snobish" are relative and subjective. Someone might think someone is paranoid, or gun-happy, or snobbish and someone else might not think of the same person in those terms.

Yes........it's called an "opinion".

That is speculation and mind-reading on your part. It is not an established fact.

Yes........it's called an "opinion".

So. I'm a free-thinking individual. I might agree with some things that Edwards says. I might disagree with other things that Edwards says. I do not believe in "class warfare" or there being "two Americas".

It's too simplistic and ignores the HUGE middle-class in this country. It's a strange little speech he spiels there, pandering and alienating at the same time.

Yes........it's called an "opinion".

I don't understand your question. What is one of the neighbors "voting" on? One person is supposedly moving and one person is supposedly staying. That is all that there is to it.

Let's not be too literal here. "Voting with your feet" means removing yourself from a bad situation, kind of like the Edwards moving in across the street.

Okay. Perhaps some of his followers are typical Christians. Abortion clinic bombers are typical Christians. Anyway, my point is that those who spew "death to Tony Snow" comments are not typical liberals.

Well, I hope not.

Typical Christians just don't bomb abortion clinic, they also aren't former Al Gore Democrats. Just go to du and get it over with.
do what they say count?

Take an introductory course in Statistics or “Testing and Measurement”. No, you can’t draw a sound conclusion that liberals are this or that based on some comments from some of them. There are at least 2 reasons why you can’t draw a conclusion based on some comments: (1.) Insufficient sample size. (2.) Member self-selection bias.

Go back to school. Learn to think just a little bit more logically, and then get back with me.
Elizabeth Edwards is fast becoming this century's Billy Carter.

And Johnson reminds me of Randy Weaver.

Uh-huh, but the Second Amendment couldn't be clearer.

Yeah. How about a straight answer. Does the Second Amendment allow you to own a bazooka, land, mines, or fully automatic machine guns?

Yes, I was referring to your hyperbole...I don't think a private citizen can use a bazooka, that's overkill.

According to the Second Amendment, you certainly have a bazooka. As you said, it couldn’t be clearer – or could it – which is it?

Apologies, I'm going to butcher the rest of your post, this is the neighbor's side of the story: http://www.newsobserver.com/114/story/562899.html

You didn’t butcher my post. The story did not refute anything that I said. I’d still like to know if he even bothered to ask them what they were doing on his property before he showed his gun and chased them away.

It's too simplistic and ignores the HUGE middle-class in this country. It's a strange little speech he spiels there, pandering and alienating at the same time.

So. As I said before, I don’t necessarily agree with everything that any particular politician says. Do you agree with bush on every sentence that he has ever spoken?
Oh, and by the way, statistics sucks. B-o-r-i-n-g

And Johnson reminds me of Randy Weaver.

Come to think of it, he does look somewhat like Randy Weaver.

Yeah. How about a straight answer. Does the Second Amendment allow you to own a bazooka, land, mines, or fully automatic machine guns?

Interpert this:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

So probably not, if you go by original intent. It does cover machetes though, they were in existance then, as well as buck knives.

And the relevence of this is......?

You didn’t butcher my post. The story did not refute anything that I said. I’d still like to know if he even bothered to ask them what they were doing on his property before he showed his gun and chased them away.

I was speaking of reformatting it. From the last link:

The day they looked at their property, the couple and several Secret Service agents parked on his land and walked across the street into the woods. Johnson approached the agents and asked what they were doing on his property. "The Secret Service let me know it wasn't my concern,"

So it was the Edwards' fault again, figures.

So. As I said before, I don’t necessarily agree with everything that any particular politician says. Do you agree with bush on every sentence that he has ever spoken?

Nope, especially wouldn't if he was sounded like the rich frat boy that he is, on amnesty he sounds like one to me. A "moderates moderate", huh? Do me a favor, read this:

Laura Bush Scared of Democrat Neighbor

Laura Bush says she is scared of the "rabid, rabid Democrat" who owns property across the street from her Texas home -- and she doesn't want her kids going near the dope-smoking neighbor.

"I wouldn't be nice to him anyway," Bush said in an interview. "I don't want my kids anywhere near some guy who when he doesn't like somebody, the first thing he does is pull an ACLU Lawyer out. It scares the armadillos out of me."

Same reaction?
So that is simply the way that you see it through your “Conservative tainted glasses”. Do you have some irrefutable, objective, statistical research to support your conclusion?

Look at what libs said about Tony Snow

also, Justice Thomas, Sec Rice, Gen Powell, our US military, and black conservatives in general

Look at the hate on Dialy Kos, Democrat Underground, and Progressives online

This is what I am talking about'

The warm and fuzzy left
Oh, and by the way, statistics sucks. B-o-r-i-n-g

Yeah. It is so much easier, if fallacious, to make conclusive statements without having the research to back it up.

Come to think of it, he does look somewhat like Randy Weaver.

I imagine that he also has the mentality of Randy Weaver.

This is getting old and tiresome. As I said, one man's music is another person's noise. You might not mind living next to someone so ready to brandish a gun. I'd rather not. On the other hand, I am not scared of anyone who contacts the ACLU concerning me. I still consider myself to be a moderate.

I wish that abortion were outlawed except to save the mother’s life and, perhaps, in cases of rape or incest. Prisons should be more punitive. Television and elective surgery should be removed. I support the 3-trikes idea. I oppose increasing minimum wage. I support the option of privatizing social security. Yet, some people still consider me to be a far left wing liberal.
Yeah. It is so much easier, if fallacious, to make conclusive statements without having the research to back it up.

I imagine that he also has the mentality of Randy Weaver.

This is getting old and tiresome. As I said, one man's music is another person's noise. You might not mind living next to someone so ready to brandish a gun. I'd rather not. On the other hand, I am not scared of anyone who contacts the ACLU concerning me. I still consider myself to be a moderate.

I wish that abortion were outlawed except to save the mother’s life and, perhaps, in cases of rape or incest. Prisons should be more punitive. Television and elective surgery should be removed. I support the 3-trikes idea. I oppose increasing minimum wage. I support the option of privatizing social security. Yet, some people still consider me to be a far left wing liberal.

more from the warm and fuzzy left
But can Mohammed feel the love?

Yeah. It is so much easier, if fallacious, to make conclusive statements without having the research to back it up.

But it's even easier to let someone else do the research and interpert it for you. The conclusive statement as it pertains to this? Elizabeth Edwards is "outre".

This is getting old and tiresome. As I said, one man's music is another person's noise. You might not mind living next to someone so ready to brandish a gun. I'd rather not. On the other hand, I am not scared of anyone who contacts the ACLU concerning me. I still consider myself to be a moderate.

I am that person living next door to you brandishing a gun.

I wish that abortion were outlawed except to save the mother’s life and, perhaps, in cases of rape or incest. Prisons should be more punitive. Television and elective surgery should be removed. I support the 3-strikes idea. I oppose increasing minimum wage. I support the option of privatizing social security. Yet, some people still consider me to be a far left wing liberal.

You do mean televised surgery, not to outlaw all TV, right? That'd be a draconian measure just to get rid of THAT cable news network.

Sounds almost conservative to me, good thing you're not a Obama or a Clinton supporter, Elizabeth Edwards would rake you over the coals:

By Mike Glover

1:01 p.m. April 12, 2007

DES MOINES, Iowa – The emerging presidential campaign has fallen into a “cult of personality” that will change as voters begin to focus on the differences between the candidates, Elizabeth Edwards said Thursday.

Edwards, the wife of Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards, conceded that the campaign has cranked up far earlier than previous cycles, and said the only good thing about it is that “fluff and frivolity” will eventually fade.

So far the primary campaign hasn't been serious enough for the wife of the Breck Girl:

Elizabeth Edwards said she's comfortable with the campaign to date, saying the huge crowds Clinton and Obama are drawing are caused by “the cult of personality which seems to have happened on both sides this time.”

“Maybe this is the warm-up period where we allow ourselves a little fluff and frivolity,” she said.


Does she even know what the term "cult of personality" means? John Edwards should lock her in their new mansion.

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