EE. UU. will grant refuge to children


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
United states. will grant refuge to children

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GUATEMALA NEWS REPORT TRANSLATION--- Minors in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras will receive refugee status in the United States as of December, according to a plan announced yesterday by the country's vice president, Joe Biden.

WASHINGTON DC -The presidents Otto Perez Molina, of Guatemala; Salvador Sanchez Ceren, in El Salvador, and Juan Orlando Hernandez of Honduras, welcomed the news that Biden gave at the forum "Investing in Central America: creating opportunities for growth", organized by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Biden said that parents who are legal in the US. UU. refugee status for their children who live in the countries of the northern triangle of Central America, and have not tried to travel illegally to the north may request.

"This will provide alternatives to this dangerous journey that children sometimes start but do not finish. He is nursing safely and correctly. Do not forget that what we do at the end of the day is about dignity, it's about watching a child in the eye and tell him that everything will be fine, "explained the American vicegobernante in his speech.

Agencies reported after more requirements to qualify for this plan, as that will cover under 21 and unmarried, who must pass a strict process in their country of origin, with interviews and other requirements to enter the United States as refugees and reunite with their families.

DOWNLOAD: The Prosperity Partnership of North Triangle applies to Guatemala

Also, Biden said President Barack Obama will continue to pressure Congress for immigration reform, already approved by the Senate, but is awaiting the endorsement of the House of Representatives, said that is the "first choice."

"President Obama will not aside and act to end this year on a reform to improve our broken immigration system," he said.

"My country has to deal with the unfinished business of bringing 11 million undocumented men, women and children out of the shadows and give them the dignity they deserve," said Biden.

Talk about a transformation. Damn! They're pounding on the accelerator as hard as they fucking can outside of physically moving these people here by aircraft carrier!

The question to be asked. Do we really want to destroy our culture and customs that demand education, science and hard work for this?
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