Egypt to withdraw ambassador in Israel over shootings


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
Egypt says it is withdrawing its ambassador to Israel over the deaths of five of its policemen on the two countries' border.

The five were killed as Israeli troops pursued Palestinian militants blamed for deadly attacks in southern Israel on Thursday.

Cairo said it held Israel "responsible for the incident", demanding an investigation and an apology.


The attackers were wearing Egyptian soldiers uniforms.

The five Egyptian policemen died as Israel was pursuing suspected militants from the Gaza Strip.

The militants - who reportedly crossed the border from the Sinai Peninsular into southern Israel - killed eight people in southern Israel on Thursday.

Since then, Israeli has carried out a series of air strikes on targets in Gaza, in which at least 14 Palestinians were killed.

The Hamas-run ministry of health in Gaza accused Israel of committing "war crimes".

On Friday, Palestinian militants fired more than 20 rockets into Israel.

"The Egyptian ambassador to Israel will be withdrawn until we are notified about the results of an investigation by the Israeli authorities, and receive an apology from its leadership over the sad and hasty remarks about Egypt," the Cabinet statement said.


How a Hudna is ended.

[ame=]Islamic Hudna - YouTube[/ame]

Hudna was first used in 628, when the Prophet Mohammed entered into a peace-pact with the elders of Quraysh. This pact was supposed to last for 9 years, 9 months and 9 days.
Less than two years later, when Mohammeds troops had gathered enough strength, they violated their oath and attacked the Quraysh, defeating their enemy and conquering the city of Mecca.

What does cease-fire really mean in the Middle East ?
And what do the Palestinians want? A three-month Islamic Hudna !
will give the Palestinians time to:
* Run more of their famous summer camps to recruit and train the next generation of terrorists
* Smuggle in better weapons and build more bombs
* Carefully prepare for their next wave of human-bombs.
And while the Palestinians pretend that this Hudna is really a truce, Israel will be expected to stop all its efforts to prevent terrorism....
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The question Israel should be asking is why the militant terrorists ran to Egyptian police? Why didn't the Egyptian police shoot them or disarm them? If the terrorists were wearing Egyptian Uniforms, where did they get them?
Never trust muslims, mohammed proved it. Of course he was nothing more than a false prophet and a pedophile.
The question Israel should be asking is why the militant terrorists ran to Egyptian police? Why didn't the Egyptian police shoot them or disarm them? If the terrorists were wearing Egyptian Uniforms, where did they get them?

Because since Mubarak left the Egyptians have not been keeping up their end on locking down the border with Gaza and Israel, its open season for Islamic Militants in the Sinai now.

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