Egyptian wants to sue Israel over Biblican plagues

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
An Egyptian wants to sue Israel over Biblical plagues. He claims his ancient forefathers should not have to pay for biblical plagues. He wants compensation for all the damages God poured out on Egypt.

Egyptian wants to sue Israel over biblical plagues

“We want compensation for the plagues that were inflicted upon [us] as a result of the curses that the Jews’ ancient forefathers [cast] upon our ancient forefathers, who did not deserve to pay for the mistake that Egypt’s ruler at the time, Pharaoh, committed,” said columnist Ahmad al-Gamal, in a column in the Egyptian daily Al-Yawm Al-Sabi.

The column was spotted and cited by officials with the Middle East Media Research Institute, which monitors and comments on media in the Middle East.

The commentator also advocated suing Israel for the “precious materials” used by the Israelites to build their desert tabernacle, Turkey for damages for invading Egypt during the Ottoman empire and France for Napoleon’s invasion.
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Shouldn't he be asking for compensation from G-d? Why is he going after Israel? Maybe he knows that is the land of the One true G-d.. G-d dwells there. Hmmm.... this should be interesting..
Shouldn't he be asking for compensation from G-d? Why is he going after Israel? Maybe he knows that is the land of the One true G-d.. G-d dwells there. Hmmm.... this should be interesting..

Well, the Muslim God is the same God as that of the Jews and Christians, so it's like going after the dealer that sold you the lemon instead of the manufacturer.
Do Caanites, Philistines and Samaritans have any claims on the Jews? Maybe they can get together with the Egyptians and make it a class acton suit.
Do Caanites, Philistines and Samaritans have any claims on the Jews? Maybe they can get together with the Egyptians and make it a class acton suit.

Maybe all those Christians in the Middle East whose ancestors were lucky enough not to be slaughtered or forced to convert when the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded their countries can finally collect from the Muslims. Hmm, I wonder how much the Copts, the Assyrians, the Chaldeans, etc should ask for.
Well, most Christians converted, so they would have to pay as Muslims if the Christians that did not convert won the court case.
Well, most Christians converted, so they would have to pay as Muslims if the Christians that did not convert won the court case.

Why not read up about the History of Jihad in the Middle East countries? And even today, the descendents can't practice their religious beliefs in peace.
Well, most Christians converted, so they would have to pay as Muslims if the Christians that did not convert won the court case.

Why not read up about the History of Jihad in the Middle East countries? And even today, the descendents can't practice their religious beliefs in peace.

What does that have to do with the fact that most Christians in Middle East converted to Islam? Yes, any society that forbids the practice of any religion is a crap society, but what does that have to the fact I posted?
Well, most Christians converted, so they would have to pay as Muslims if the Christians that did not convert won the court case.

Why not read up about the History of Jihad in the Middle East countries? And even today, the descendents can't practice their religious beliefs in peace.

What does that have to do with the fact that most Christians in Middle East converted to Islam? Yes, any society that forbids the practice of any religion is a crap society, but what does that have to the fact I posted?

Do you actually think these devout Christians in the Middle East just rolled over for the Muslim s. They were forced to convert, the same way we see Muslims still forcing people today Well maybe I will make an exception when the "Love Jihad" is involved. Wouldn't it have been nice after your saw Jeremiah's post about the Egyptian wanting to sue over the plagues that you said it was a ridiculous thing to sue over.
i Do you actually think these devout Christians in the Middle East just rolled over for the Muslim s

No, like the Muslims and Jews in Spain that converted to Christianity before the Reconquista, in 1492 they converted because it was advantageous economically and socially. Devout Jews and Muslims had to leave or be killed.
Read about Cordoba and how advanced it was compared to Dark Age Europe. Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in relative harmony in Moorish Spain.
I am pretty sure I have a Neanderthal in my family tree. All you SOB humans owe me for what you did to some of my progenitors.
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Here, so you may learn a little:


Exterior of the Mezquita
The caliphate had an ethnically-, culturally- and religiously-diverse society. A minority of ethnic Muslims of Arab descent occupied the priestly and ruling positions, another Muslim minority were primarily soldiers and native Hispano-Gothic converts (who comprised most of the Muslim minority) were found throughout society (although they were considered inferior to the Arabs and Berbers). Jews comprised about five to ten percent of the population: more numerous than the Arabs, and about equal in numbers to the Berbers. They were primarily involved in business and intellectual occupations. The indigenous Christian Mozarab majority were Catholic Christians of the Visigothic rite, who spoke a variant of Latin close to Spanish, Portuguese or Catalan with an Arabic influence. The Mozarabs comprised the lower strata of society, heavily taxed with few civil rights, and were culturally influenced by the Muslims.
Ethnic Arabs occupied the top of the social hierarchy; Muslims had a higher social standing than Jews, who had a higher social standing than Christians. Christians and Jews were considered dhimmis, required to pay jizya (a tax for the wars against Christian kingdoms in the north). The word of a Muslim was valued more than that of a Christian or Jew in court, and some offenses were harshly punished when a Jew or Christian was the perpetrator against a Muslim; the same offenses were permitted when the perpetrator was a Muslim and the victim a non-Muslim. Half of the population in Cordoba is reported to have been Muslim by the 10th century, with an increase to 70 percent by the 11th century. This was due less to conversion than to immigration from North Africa and other regions of Hispania. This, combined with the mass expulsions of Christians from Cordoba after a revolt in the city, explains why during the Caliphate Cordoba was the greatest Muslim centre in the region. Jewish immigration to Cordoba also increased at this time."
Read about Cordoba and how advanced it was compared to Dark Age Europe. Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in relative harmony in Moorish Spain.

What has Cordova to do with the conquest by force of the lands of the early Christians in the Middle East? A lot of the reasons why it appears that the Muslims were advanced is because these advancements were thought of by non Muslims who were living under the Muslims. Why not tell us how the Muslims are trying to get back Spain these days? Surely you have been reading about that. Imagine that, Christian kids in Spain have had their ham sandwiches thrown in the trash by Muslim students. Nobody is forcing these Muslims to eat the sandwiches so why can't the Christian kids enjoy the lunches their parents made for them?
We Christians were not nice to Muslims and Jews after the Reconquista:

"During the Islamic administration, Christians and Jews were allowed to retain their religions by paying a tax (jizya). Penalty for not paying it was imprisonment. During the time of the Almoravids and especially the Almohads some were treated badly, in contrast to the policies of the earlier Umayyad Caliphs and later Emirs.
Moros y cristianos celebrated in many towns and cities of Spain, to commemorate the battles of Reconquista.

The new Christian hierarchy demanded heavy taxes from non-Christians and gave them rights, such as in the Treaty of Granada (1491) only for Moors in recently Islamic Granada. It expelled the Jews. In 1492 the Alhambra decree under Archbishop Hernando de Talavera dismissed the Treaty of Granada and now the Muslim population of Granada was forced to convert or be expelled. In 1502, Queen Isabella I declared conversion to Catholicism compulsory within the Kingdom of Castile. King Charles V did the same to Moors in the Kingdom of Aragon in 1526, forcing conversions of its Muslim population during the Revolt of the Germanies.] Despite the monarchs' wishes,many local officials took advantage of the situation to seize property."
Read about Cordoba and how advanced it was compared to Dark Age Europe. Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in relative harmony in Moorish Spain.

What has Cordova to do with the conquest by force of the lands of the early Christians in the Middle East? A lot of the reasons why it appears that the Muslims were advanced is because these advancements were thought of by non Muslims who were living under the Muslims. Why not tell us how the Muslims are trying to get back Spain these days? Surely you have been reading about that. Imagine that, Christian kids in Spain have had their ham sandwiches thrown in the trash by Muslim students. Nobody is forcing these Muslims to eat the sandwiches so why can't the Christian kids enjoy the lunches their parents made for them?

My wife is from Madrid and I just returned from Spain. You are bullshitting. No Spanish kid is prevented from eaten a ham sandwich or a cochinillo asado, for that matter. Trust me.

The point is, the Moors had a multi-cultural very advanced society in Spain when Europe was in the Dark Ages.
Here, so you may learn a little:


Exterior of the Mezquita
The caliphate had an ethnically-, culturally- and religiously-diverse society. A minority of ethnic Muslims of Arab descent occupied the priestly and ruling positions, another Muslim minority were primarily soldiers and native Hispano-Gothic converts (who comprised most of the Muslim minority) were found throughout society (although they were considered inferior to the Arabs and Berbers). Jews comprised about five to ten percent of the population: more numerous than the Arabs, and about equal in numbers to the Berbers. They were primarily involved in business and intellectual occupations. The indigenous Christian Mozarab majority were Catholic Christians of the Visigothic rite, who spoke a variant of Latin close to Spanish, Portuguese or Catalan with an Arabic influence. The Mozarabs comprised the lower strata of society, heavily taxed with few civil rights, and were culturally influenced by the Muslims.
Ethnic Arabs occupied the top of the social hierarchy; Muslims had a higher social standing than Jews, who had a higher social standing than Christians. Christians and Jews were considered dhimmis, required to pay jizya (a tax for the wars against Christian kingdoms in the north). The word of a Muslim was valued more than that of a Christian or Jew in court, and some offenses were harshly punished when a Jew or Christian was the perpetrator against a Muslim; the same offenses were permitted when the perpetrator was a Muslim and the victim a non-Muslim. Half of the population in Cordoba is reported to have been Muslim by the 10th century, with an increase to 70 percent by the 11th century. This was due less to conversion than to immigration from North Africa and other regions of Hispania. This, combined with the mass expulsions of Christians from Cordoba after a revolt in the city, explains why during the Caliphate Cordoba was the greatest Muslim centre in the region. Jewish immigration to Cordoba also increased at this time."

Poor girl, why are you bothering with something that happened way back when your fellow Muslims are busy murdering innocents these days? I guess it doesn't bother you that one of the Syrian rebels said that Syria is the stepping stone to the new worldwide Caliphate. Maybe this is what you are anxiously awaiting. After all, the Muslims are back in Spain making such inroads. I think I was reading a while back that they want to hold services in the big church in Cordava. Can you imagine if the Catholics said they wanted to be able to hold services in some historic mosque?
Even the Quran said the plagues were sent by Allah. They going to sue their own god for saving the Israelis?
Allah is guilty, so make Mecca pay.

This is a case that is going nowhere. Just more hot air to defame Israel. Moses was not god, not could the Israelis create plagues from thin air. If they were serious about a factual case with science behind it, up river is where the red tides originated, and all other "plagues" were a side effect of the fugal bloom, same fungus in Lake Nyos in 1986. It is a natural effect. How do you sue mother nature?

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