Egyptian wants to sue Israel over Biblican plagues

>>The Spanish government's offer of the "right of return" to the descendants of Jews expelled in 1492 is a "bit late, but nevertheless worthy of praise", says Rabbi Pinchas Godlschmidt, the president of the Conference of European Rabbis. The Rabbi was responding to Spain's new law -- approved by the cabinet on Feb. 7th -- granting citizenship to all those who can prove their Sephardic origin. The law amends a previous version announced in 2012, which granted citizenship only to qualified Sephardic Jews and did not allow them to retain other citizenship. The old law also did not extend to the descendants of those coerced to convert to Catholicism, known as Marranos (swine in Spanish).<<

I doubt they want citizenship in Spain and give up what they have now. Too long after the fact, especially for Israelis. Spain does not allow dual citizenship.
Do Caanites, Philistines and Samaritans have any claims on the Jews? Maybe they can get together with the Egyptians and make it a class acton suit.
Canaanites, Philistines, and Samaritans are an extinct people. Ignoramus.
We Christians were not nice to Muslims and Jews after the Reconquista:

"During the Islamic administration, Christians and Jews were allowed to retain their religions by paying a tax (jizya). Penalty for not paying it was imprisonment. During the time of the Almoravids and especially the Almohads some were treated badly, in contrast to the policies of the earlier Umayyad Caliphs and later Emirs.
Moros y cristianos celebrated in many towns and cities of Spain, to commemorate the battles of Reconquista.

The new Christian hierarchy demanded heavy taxes from non-Christians and gave them rights, such as in the Treaty of Granada (1491) only for Moors in recently Islamic Granada. It expelled the Jews. In 1492 the Alhambra decree under Archbishop Hernando de Talavera dismissed the Treaty of Granada and now the Muslim population of Granada was forced to convert or be expelled. In 1502, Queen Isabella I declared conversion to Catholicism compulsory within the Kingdom of Castile. King Charles V did the same to Moors in the Kingdom of Aragon in 1526, forcing conversions of its Muslim population during the Revolt of the Germanies.] Despite the monarchs' wishes,many local officials took advantage of the situation to seize property."
The Crusades and Inquisition were a reaction to the Muslim invasions of Christian lands. Jews were stuck in the middle in this tug of war between Christianity and Islam, and they still are.
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Do Caanites, Philistines and Samaritans have any claims on the Jews? Maybe they can get together with the Egyptians and make it a class acton suit.
Canaanites, Philistines, and Samaritans are an extinct people. Ignoramus.
Back up, Roudy! Those 'extinct' people now call themselves 'Palestinians'. Why, they've been there since The Creation.
Do Caanites, Philistines and Samaritans have any claims on the Jews? Maybe they can get together with the Egyptians and make it a class acton suit.
Canaanites, Philistines, and Samaritans are an extinct people. Ignoramus.
Back up, Roudy! Those 'extinct' people now call themselves 'Palestinians'. Why, they've been there since The Creation.
Sorry about that. I correct myself. They are the holey of holeys. If we're talking about types of holes that is.
I maybe a story in the bible, but there is no direct Egyptian documentation to present that the exodus ever happened. No evidence, no case.
To acknowledge the bible as a valid source would also support the case for the existence of Israel and it's god. They would have to admit to the use of Jews as slaves.
To deny that it was an act of god and one of human creation would also invalidate the quran.
Either way they can't make a valid case in a courtroom of law.
Where is an exact list of items the jews were told to take with them? Where were they taken from?
If stolen, where is the proof? If they use the bible, then the pharaoh told them to take the items.
This whole idea has no legs. No witnesses. No documentation outside the bible. No evidence. There is no case.
They cannot prove or disprove the exodus. The spiritual journey and entry into the promised land will always be true to the jews.

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