Egypt's journalists syndicate to demonstrate in condemnation of Charlie Hebdo attack

The joke's on you. The next publication of Charlie Hebdo is coming out next week, and instead of the usual 60,000, they're publishing ONE MILLION.
I seriously doubt there will be any anti-Islamic cartoons in the issue. ...... :cool:
I do not condone the violent attack on the magazine's employees.

But the magazine was against muslims and Islam.

No self respecting arab person should support such vile trash. ..... :cool:

No one asks you to support the damned magazine. No one said you had to. It should never have been an issue to begin with. Fer Fux's sakes, if cartoons are enough to send Muslim Terrorists into such a rage, G-d only knows what more hardcore stuff, like, stuff that really IS insulting, would do to them. You do realize that there is a difference between NOT supporting something and wiping out human life, right?

Really, is your religion so unbelievably sensitive and wobbly that some cartoons justify executions? Really?

I want to thank you in front of everyone at USMB. You know why I thank you?

I thank you because you remind me to be thankful that I did not suffer the misfortune of having to be born into Islam.

Thanks for reminding me of this. You just did me a nice mitzvah. Keep it up and I may even call you a Shabbat-goy one day. Who knows.

Hopefully, the next magazine will think twice before engaging in such reckless behavior and endangering the lives of its workers. ..... :cool:

Oh, no. Quite the opposite. Free thinking people don't bow to brutes like islamic terrorists.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if 40 hebdo-like cartoon companies spring up and lambaste Islam 24/7 until, well, forever. Because that's what freedom is about. I know, it's something that a slave of Islam prolly can't understand.

But thanks for showing your real hand. That was quite enlightening.
The joke's on you. The next publication of Charlie Hebdo is coming out next week, and instead of the usual 60,000, they're publishing ONE MILLION.
I seriously doubt there will be any anti-Islamic cartoons in the issue. ...... :cool:

Ha ha ha ha! OMG you can't be that fucking stupid.

You're joking, right? After everything that has happened? Wanna bet?
Hopefully, the next magazine will think twice before engaging in such reckless behavior and endangering the lives of its workers. ..... :cool:

The joke's on you. The next publication of Charlie Hebdo is coming out next week, and instead of the usual 60,000, they're publishing ONE MILLION.

Many thanks to Islamic savagery.

I am going to make sure to buy a copy, too.
So, our little Hadith-Boy, Sunniman, enjoys the out and out freedoms of USMB. He can say anything he wants, no matter how offensive. Ok, I'm cool with that, it's USMB, which stands for personal freedom.

But how dare anyone question anything about Islam, or the "prophet"??????


So, Sunniblowboy uses the very system he hates so much so that he can express himself.

My prediction is that the French government will soon make publishing anti-Islamic cartoons a hate crime.

That will solve the problem. ...... :cool:
My prediction is that the French government will soon make publishing anti-Islamic cartoons a hate crime.

That will solve the problem. ...... :cool:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hundreds of thousands or Frenchmen are protesting Islamic savagery today and for the rights of Charlie Hebdo to publish those cartoons. Charlie Hebdo is now not only a national French hero, but a worldwide symbol of bravery in the face of Islamic brutes. Please don't stop, Sunni!

The Charlie Hebdo magazine is endemic of the vile sickness that has engulfed western society. .... :cool:
You see, Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is making fun of all three faiths.

Yet only you Muslim animals react the way you do.

You see, Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is making fun of all three faiths.
Jews and Christians are used to having their religion mocked and dragged thru the mud.

Muslims find it offensive. ...... :cool:
You see, Charlie Hebdo was an equal opportunity satirist. Here he is making fun of all three faiths.
Jews and Christians are used to having their religion mocked and dragged thru the mud.

Muslims find it offensive. ...... :cool:

So? If it's a peaceful religion then they can voice their objections peacefully, like Christians and Jews. If Muslims don't like the freedom of speech that is the pillar of Western democracies, then they should just leave. Why immigrate to Western nations when you know it's a free society? Muslims want to enjoy the high standard of living and the amenities of living in the West, while living off their social services, but they don't want to live by their rules and culture.

Islam cannot coexist.
France doesn't allow freedom of speech when it comes to denying the so called holocaust. It is a hate crime to publicly speak against the official holocaust story.

So it should be easy for the French government to make a law against publishing anti-Isamic cartoons. ...... :cool:

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