Eight YEARS of CO2 Emissions Built Into Every Tesla Model S..

And you think that the batteries will not be vastly improved even 5 years from now? The Goodenough battery is just one of many new designs that promise to vastly increase the energy density of the batteries. A Tesla S that can go 900+ miles on one charge, or a Bolt that could could go 800 miles on a single charge will pretty much leave the ICE's in the dust.
So far that battery is nothing more than a pipe dream that nobody who knows his physics believes till Mr.Goodenough actually proves his claims . So far this thing exists only in news releases
For his invention to work as described, they say, it would probably have to abandon the laws of thermodynamics, which say perpetual motion is not possible. The law has been a fundamental of batteries for more than a century and a half.and he avoids any and all questions.
If anyone but Goodenough published this, I would be, well, it’s hard to find a polite word,” Daniel Steingart, a professor at Princeton, told Quartz.
Goodenough did not respond to emails.
Helena Braga, the paper’s lead author, in an exchange of emails, insisted that the team’s claims are valid.
It’s what is not stated in the paper that has some of the battery community stumped. How is Goodenough’s new invention storing any energy at all? The known rules of physics state that, to derive energy, differing material must produce differing eletro-chemical reactions in the two opposing electrodes. That difference produces voltage, allowing energy to be stored.

The 94-year-old father of the lithium-ion battery says he's made another big breakthrough
Well now, we shall see, shall we not? After all, the fellow has a rather impressive track record.
Oh really? In the 1970's we had American cars with 400 cu. in. engines that could not get out of their own way. And the Europeans bought the Bendix computerized injection, and stomped our ass. Small engines that got excellent mileage, were fast, and last 200K or more. And suddenly, in less than a generation we saw Japanese, German, and Swedish cars on all our highways.

Yea because American Union's sucked making crappy ass cars.

And you think that the batteries will not be vastly improved even 5 years from now? The Goodenough battery is just one of many new designs that promise to vastly increase the energy density of the batteries. A Tesla S that can go 900+ miles on one charge, or a Bolt that could could go 800 miles on a single charge will pretty much leave the ICE's in the dust.
So far that battery is nothing more than a pipe dream that nobody who knows his physics believes till Mr.Goodenough actually proves his claims . So far this thing exists only in news releases
For his invention to work as described, they say, it would probably have to abandon the laws of thermodynamics, which say perpetual motion is not possible. The law has been a fundamental of batteries for more than a century and a half.and he avoids any and all questions.
If anyone but Goodenough published this, I would be, well, it’s hard to find a polite word,” Daniel Steingart, a professor at Princeton, told Quartz.
Goodenough did not respond to emails.
Helena Braga, the paper’s lead author, in an exchange of emails, insisted that the team’s claims are valid.
It’s what is not stated in the paper that has some of the battery community stumped. How is Goodenough’s new invention storing any energy at all? The known rules of physics state that, to derive energy, differing material must produce differing eletro-chemical reactions in the two opposing electrodes. That difference produces voltage, allowing energy to be stored.

The 94-year-old father of the lithium-ion battery says he's made another big breakthrough
Well now, we shall see, shall we not? After all, the fellow has a rather impressive track record.

lol we don't even have to talk guys...no soccer mom would want to drive an electric as much as those girls rejected the mini van

Battery's is as old as the Egyptians..

Think about that old rocks


View attachment 136166

LOL And the fact that they had some primitive batteries back then means that we cannot use batteries today? They had levers, also. And the Antikythera Mechanism means that we cannot use computers, right. Your logic isn't even pass the toddler stage, Bear, old fool.

The Antikythera mechanism is a 2,000-year-old computer
115 years ago, divers found a hunk of bronze off a Greek island. It changed our understanding of human history.
Updated by Brian Resnick@B_resnick[email protected] May 17, 2017, 12:19pm EDT


Researchers are still not sure who, exactly, used it. Did scientists build it to aid their calculations? Or was it a type of a teaching tool, to show students the math that held the cosmos together? Was it unique? Or are there more similar devices yet to be discovered?

Its assembly remains another mystery. How the ancient Greeks accomplished this feat is unknown to this day.

Whatever it was used for and however it was built, we know this: Its discovery changed our understanding of human history, and reminds us that flashes of genius are possible in every human age.

"Nothing like this instrument is preserved elsewhere. Nothing comparable to it is known from any ancient scientific text or literary allusion,” Price wrote in 1959. “It is a bit frightening, to know that just before the fall of their great civilization the ancient Greeks had come so close to our age, not only in their thought, but also in their scientific technology.”

The Antikythera mechanism is a 2,000-year-old computer
Battery's is as old as the Egyptians..

Think about that old rocks


View attachment 136166

LOL And the fact that they had some primitive batteries back then means that we cannot use batteries today? They had levers, also. And the Antikythera Mechanism means that we cannot use computers, right. Your logic isn't even pass the toddler stage, Bear, old fool.

The Antikythera mechanism is a 2,000-year-old computer
115 years ago, divers found a hunk of bronze off a Greek island. It changed our understanding of human history.
Updated by Brian Resnick@B_resnick[email protected] May 17, 2017, 12:19pm EDT


Researchers are still not sure who, exactly, used it. Did scientists build it to aid their calculations? Or was it a type of a teaching tool, to show students the math that held the cosmos together? Was it unique? Or are there more similar devices yet to be discovered?

Its assembly remains another mystery. How the ancient Greeks accomplished this feat is unknown to this day.

Whatever it was used for and however it was built, we know this: Its discovery changed our understanding of human history, and reminds us that flashes of genius are possible in every human age.

"Nothing like this instrument is preserved elsewhere. Nothing comparable to it is known from any ancient scientific text or literary allusion,” Price wrote in 1959. “It is a bit frightening, to know that just before the fall of their great civilization the ancient Greeks had come so close to our age, not only in their thought, but also in their scientific technology.”

The Antikythera mechanism is a 2,000-year-old computer

Computers and piece of shit battery's are two different things.. So what would you rather use a 2 cycle chain saw or a battery operated one?

And you think that the batteries will not be vastly improved even 5 years from now? The Goodenough battery is just one of many new designs that promise to vastly increase the energy density of the batteries. A Tesla S that can go 900+ miles on one charge, or a Bolt that could could go 800 miles on a single charge will pretty much leave the ICE's in the dust.
So far that battery is nothing more than a pipe dream that nobody who knows his physics believes till Mr.Goodenough actually proves his claims . So far this thing exists only in news releases
For his invention to work as described, they say, it would probably have to abandon the laws of thermodynamics, which say perpetual motion is not possible. The law has been a fundamental of batteries for more than a century and a half.and he avoids any and all questions.
If anyone but Goodenough published this, I would be, well, it’s hard to find a polite word,” Daniel Steingart, a professor at Princeton, told Quartz.
Goodenough did not respond to emails.
Helena Braga, the paper’s lead author, in an exchange of emails, insisted that the team’s claims are valid.
It’s what is not stated in the paper that has some of the battery community stumped. How is Goodenough’s new invention storing any energy at all? The known rules of physics state that, to derive energy, differing material must produce differing eletro-chemical reactions in the two opposing electrodes. That difference produces voltage, allowing energy to be stored.

The 94-year-old father of the lithium-ion battery says he's made another big breakthrough
Well now, we shall see, shall we not? After all, the fellow has a rather impressive track record.

lol we don't even have to talk guys...no soccer mom would want to drive an electric as much as those girls rejected the mini van

Very Strong U.S. Minivan Sales: Fiat Chrysler Now As Large As Honda And Toyota Combined


The U.S. minivan market grew 8% in 2016, outpacing the overall car market (zero) and pickup trucks (6%).

FCA led the growth spurt at a giant 25% and reached a whopping 45% market share - equal to Toyota and Honda combined.

Kia also grew an admirable 20% - but has only an 8% market share.

An all-new Honda Odyssey launches in a few short months from now, and should help Honda in the second half of 2017.

Chrysler offers a totally unique plug-in hybrid minivan with a 16 kWh battery, which is going on sale right now.


Now Bear, old sot, you don't seem to know your ass from a hole in the ground.
And you think that the batteries will not be vastly improved even 5 years from now? The Goodenough battery is just one of many new designs that promise to vastly increase the energy density of the batteries. A Tesla S that can go 900+ miles on one charge, or a Bolt that could could go 800 miles on a single charge will pretty much leave the ICE's in the dust.
So far that battery is nothing more than a pipe dream that nobody who knows his physics believes till Mr.Goodenough actually proves his claims . So far this thing exists only in news releases
For his invention to work as described, they say, it would probably have to abandon the laws of thermodynamics, which say perpetual motion is not possible. The law has been a fundamental of batteries for more than a century and a half.and he avoids any and all questions.
If anyone but Goodenough published this, I would be, well, it’s hard to find a polite word,” Daniel Steingart, a professor at Princeton, told Quartz.
Goodenough did not respond to emails.
Helena Braga, the paper’s lead author, in an exchange of emails, insisted that the team’s claims are valid.
It’s what is not stated in the paper that has some of the battery community stumped. How is Goodenough’s new invention storing any energy at all? The known rules of physics state that, to derive energy, differing material must produce differing eletro-chemical reactions in the two opposing electrodes. That difference produces voltage, allowing energy to be stored.

The 94-year-old father of the lithium-ion battery says he's made another big breakthrough
Well now, we shall see, shall we not? After all, the fellow has a rather impressive track record.

lol we don't even have to talk guys...no soccer mom would want to drive an electric as much as those girls rejected the mini van

Very Strong U.S. Minivan Sales: Fiat Chrysler Now As Large As Honda And Toyota Combined


The U.S. minivan market grew 8% in 2016, outpacing the overall car market (zero) and pickup trucks (6%).

FCA led the growth spurt at a giant 25% and reached a whopping 45% market share - equal to Toyota and Honda combined.

Kia also grew an admirable 20% - but has only an 8% market share.

An all-new Honda Odyssey launches in a few short months from now, and should help Honda in the second half of 2017.

Chrysler offers a totally unique plug-in hybrid minivan with a 16 kWh battery, which is going on sale right now.


Now Bear, old sot, you don't seem to know your ass from a hole in the ground.


Post a picture.
Battery's is as old as the Egyptians..

Think about that old rocks


View attachment 136166

LOL And the fact that they had some primitive batteries back then means that we cannot use batteries today? They had levers, also. And the Antikythera Mechanism means that we cannot use computers, right. Your logic isn't even pass the toddler stage, Bear, old fool.

The Antikythera mechanism is a 2,000-year-old computer
115 years ago, divers found a hunk of bronze off a Greek island. It changed our understanding of human history.
Updated by Brian Resnick@B_resnick[email protected] May 17, 2017, 12:19pm EDT


Researchers are still not sure who, exactly, used it. Did scientists build it to aid their calculations? Or was it a type of a teaching tool, to show students the math that held the cosmos together? Was it unique? Or are there more similar devices yet to be discovered?

Its assembly remains another mystery. How the ancient Greeks accomplished this feat is unknown to this day.

Whatever it was used for and however it was built, we know this: Its discovery changed our understanding of human history, and reminds us that flashes of genius are possible in every human age.

"Nothing like this instrument is preserved elsewhere. Nothing comparable to it is known from any ancient scientific text or literary allusion,” Price wrote in 1959. “It is a bit frightening, to know that just before the fall of their great civilization the ancient Greeks had come so close to our age, not only in their thought, but also in their scientific technology.”

The Antikythera mechanism is a 2,000-year-old computer

Computers and piece of shit battery's are two different things.. So what would you rather use a 2 cycle chain saw or a battery operated one?

I have both. And use them for different purposes. The 14" electric is much better for limbs up to 10", less danger of kickback. For wood larger than 10", I have a gas saw, 20". Tell me, would you rather have an adjustable jaw wrench or an open end wrench? Once again, you are demonstrating an amazing lack of logic.
And you think that the batteries will not be vastly improved even 5 years from now? The Goodenough battery is just one of many new designs that promise to vastly increase the energy density of the batteries. A Tesla S that can go 900+ miles on one charge, or a Bolt that could could go 800 miles on a single charge will pretty much leave the ICE's in the dust.
So far that battery is nothing more than a pipe dream that nobody who knows his physics believes till Mr.Goodenough actually proves his claims . So far this thing exists only in news releases
For his invention to work as described, they say, it would probably have to abandon the laws of thermodynamics, which say perpetual motion is not possible. The law has been a fundamental of batteries for more than a century and a half.and he avoids any and all questions.
If anyone but Goodenough published this, I would be, well, it’s hard to find a polite word,” Daniel Steingart, a professor at Princeton, told Quartz.
Goodenough did not respond to emails.
Helena Braga, the paper’s lead author, in an exchange of emails, insisted that the team’s claims are valid.
It’s what is not stated in the paper that has some of the battery community stumped. How is Goodenough’s new invention storing any energy at all? The known rules of physics state that, to derive energy, differing material must produce differing eletro-chemical reactions in the two opposing electrodes. That difference produces voltage, allowing energy to be stored.

The 94-year-old father of the lithium-ion battery says he's made another big breakthrough
Well now, we shall see, shall we not? After all, the fellow has a rather impressive track record.

lol we don't even have to talk guys...no soccer mom would want to drive an electric as much as those girls rejected the mini van

Very Strong U.S. Minivan Sales: Fiat Chrysler Now As Large As Honda And Toyota Combined


The U.S. minivan market grew 8% in 2016, outpacing the overall car market (zero) and pickup trucks (6%).

FCA led the growth spurt at a giant 25% and reached a whopping 45% market share - equal to Toyota and Honda combined.

Kia also grew an admirable 20% - but has only an 8% market share.

An all-new Honda Odyssey launches in a few short months from now, and should help Honda in the second half of 2017.

Chrysler offers a totally unique plug-in hybrid minivan with a 16 kWh battery, which is going on sale right now.


Now Bear, old sot, you don't seem to know your ass from a hole in the ground.


Post a picture.
Post a picture of what, you silly ass. You are a six pack over your limit again. You are making no sense what so ever.
And you think that the batteries will not be vastly improved even 5 years from now? The Goodenough battery is just one of many new designs that promise to vastly increase the energy density of the batteries. A Tesla S that can go 900+ miles on one charge, or a Bolt that could could go 800 miles on a single charge will pretty much leave the ICE's in the dust.
So far that battery is nothing more than a pipe dream that nobody who knows his physics believes till Mr.Goodenough actually proves his claims . So far this thing exists only in news releases
For his invention to work as described, they say, it would probably have to abandon the laws of thermodynamics, which say perpetual motion is not possible. The law has been a fundamental of batteries for more than a century and a half.and he avoids any and all questions.
If anyone but Goodenough published this, I would be, well, it’s hard to find a polite word,” Daniel Steingart, a professor at Princeton, told Quartz.
Goodenough did not respond to emails.
Helena Braga, the paper’s lead author, in an exchange of emails, insisted that the team’s claims are valid.
It’s what is not stated in the paper that has some of the battery community stumped. How is Goodenough’s new invention storing any energy at all? The known rules of physics state that, to derive energy, differing material must produce differing eletro-chemical reactions in the two opposing electrodes. That difference produces voltage, allowing energy to be stored.

The 94-year-old father of the lithium-ion battery says he's made another big breakthrough
Well now, we shall see, shall we not? After all, the fellow has a rather impressive track record.

lol we don't even have to talk guys...no soccer mom would want to drive an electric as much as those girls rejected the mini van

Very Strong U.S. Minivan Sales: Fiat Chrysler Now As Large As Honda And Toyota Combined


The U.S. minivan market grew 8% in 2016, outpacing the overall car market (zero) and pickup trucks (6%).

FCA led the growth spurt at a giant 25% and reached a whopping 45% market share - equal to Toyota and Honda combined.

Kia also grew an admirable 20% - but has only an 8% market share.

An all-new Honda Odyssey launches in a few short months from now, and should help Honda in the second half of 2017.

Chrysler offers a totally unique plug-in hybrid minivan with a 16 kWh battery, which is going on sale right now.


Now Bear, old sot, you don't seem to know your ass from a hole in the ground.

This ?



And you think that the batteries will not be vastly improved even 5 years from now? The Goodenough battery is just one of many new designs that promise to vastly increase the energy density of the batteries. A Tesla S that can go 900+ miles on one charge, or a Bolt that could could go 800 miles on a single charge will pretty much leave the ICE's in the dust.
So far that battery is nothing more than a pipe dream that nobody who knows his physics believes till Mr.Goodenough actually proves his claims . So far this thing exists only in news releases
For his invention to work as described, they say, it would probably have to abandon the laws of thermodynamics, which say perpetual motion is not possible. The law has been a fundamental of batteries for more than a century and a half.and he avoids any and all questions.
If anyone but Goodenough published this, I would be, well, it’s hard to find a polite word,” Daniel Steingart, a professor at Princeton, told Quartz.
Goodenough did not respond to emails.
Helena Braga, the paper’s lead author, in an exchange of emails, insisted that the team’s claims are valid.
It’s what is not stated in the paper that has some of the battery community stumped. How is Goodenough’s new invention storing any energy at all? The known rules of physics state that, to derive energy, differing material must produce differing eletro-chemical reactions in the two opposing electrodes. That difference produces voltage, allowing energy to be stored.

The 94-year-old father of the lithium-ion battery says he's made another big breakthrough
Well now, we shall see, shall we not? After all, the fellow has a rather impressive track record.

lol we don't even have to talk guys...no soccer mom would want to drive an electric as much as those girls rejected the mini van

Very Strong U.S. Minivan Sales: Fiat Chrysler Now As Large As Honda And Toyota Combined


The U.S. minivan market grew 8% in 2016, outpacing the overall car market (zero) and pickup trucks (6%).

FCA led the growth spurt at a giant 25% and reached a whopping 45% market share - equal to Toyota and Honda combined.

Kia also grew an admirable 20% - but has only an 8% market share.

An all-new Honda Odyssey launches in a few short months from now, and should help Honda in the second half of 2017.

Chrysler offers a totally unique plug-in hybrid minivan with a 16 kWh battery, which is going on sale right now.


Now Bear, old sot, you don't seem to know your ass from a hole in the ground.

I don't see any new mini vans around just must be regional to you weirdo left coasters.

And you think that the batteries will not be vastly improved even 5 years from now? The Goodenough battery is just one of many new designs that promise to vastly increase the energy density of the batteries. A Tesla S that can go 900+ miles on one charge, or a Bolt that could could go 800 miles on a single charge will pretty much leave the ICE's in the dust.
So far that battery is nothing more than a pipe dream that nobody who knows his physics believes till Mr.Goodenough actually proves his claims . So far this thing exists only in news releases
For his invention to work as described, they say, it would probably have to abandon the laws of thermodynamics, which say perpetual motion is not possible. The law has been a fundamental of batteries for more than a century and a half.and he avoids any and all questions.
If anyone but Goodenough published this, I would be, well, it’s hard to find a polite word,” Daniel Steingart, a professor at Princeton, told Quartz.
Goodenough did not respond to emails.
Helena Braga, the paper’s lead author, in an exchange of emails, insisted that the team’s claims are valid.
It’s what is not stated in the paper that has some of the battery community stumped. How is Goodenough’s new invention storing any energy at all? The known rules of physics state that, to derive energy, differing material must produce differing eletro-chemical reactions in the two opposing electrodes. That difference produces voltage, allowing energy to be stored.

The 94-year-old father of the lithium-ion battery says he's made another big breakthrough
Well now, we shall see, shall we not? After all, the fellow has a rather impressive track record.

lol we don't even have to talk guys...no soccer mom would want to drive an electric as much as those girls rejected the mini van

Very Strong U.S. Minivan Sales: Fiat Chrysler Now As Large As Honda And Toyota Combined


The U.S. minivan market grew 8% in 2016, outpacing the overall car market (zero) and pickup trucks (6%).

FCA led the growth spurt at a giant 25% and reached a whopping 45% market share - equal to Toyota and Honda combined.

Kia also grew an admirable 20% - but has only an 8% market share.

An all-new Honda Odyssey launches in a few short months from now, and should help Honda in the second half of 2017.

Chrysler offers a totally unique plug-in hybrid minivan with a 16 kWh battery, which is going on sale right now.


Now Bear, old sot, you don't seem to know your ass from a hole in the ground.

This ?


View attachment 136221


Tesla 3
Tesla Model S


2017 Tesla Model S shown
Car and Driver


Find Local Cars for SaleBuild Your Own
Boasting up to 337 miles of range, the Model S is the all-electric dream car envied by many. Icing on the cake is Ludicrous mode, which blasts the top P100D to 60 mph in a claimed 2.5 seconds. The lower-spec models offer reduced driving ranges and features. Luxury items such as an air filter that Tesla says can protect occupants from bioweapons and pollutants—plus available high-tech features such as Tesla’s Autopilot—seal the deal.


Tesla Model X Rankings and Research
The 2017 Tesla Model X ranking is based on its score within theLuxury Midsize SUVs category. Currently the Tesla Model X has a score of 9.0 out of 10 which is based on our evaluation of 10 pieces of research and data elements using various sources.

Overall: 9.0
Critics' Rating: 9.1
Performance: 9.0
Interior: 7.9
Safety: N/A
Reliability: N/A
2017 Tesla Model X | U.S. News & World Report


Electric Car Nurburgring Record – NIO EP9 Runs 6:45.90 on Nordschliefe
Tesla.........one of the most expensive cars you could buy AND one of the LEAST reliable......:oops-28:


For the guy who can afford 3 or 4 other cars.....to have one you can actually drive!! IDK......call me the asshole here but I think it sucks to own a car that spends a good portion or a year in the service bays of the stealership.:coffee:You're home kicking yourself in the nut sack thinking, "Shit......I could have had one of these for $130,000!!..................

Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG - Car and Driver

AND have one of these in the driveway too for the same $130,000.............

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLC-Class SUV Pricing & Features | Edmunds

C'mon now..........:bye1::bye1::coffee:
A coal powered plant using anthracite coal

A coal powered plant using anthracite coal no longer exists in the USA. Anthracite is mined out in the USA. It now represents about 0.3% of coal production in the USA, and most of that comes from reprocessing old slag heaps. What little is produced is too valuable to burn at power plants, being it costs about twice as much as bituminous coal.
A coal powered plant using anthracite coal

A coal powered plant using anthracite coal no longer exists in the USA. Anthracite is mined out in the USA. It now represents about 0.3% of coal production in the USA, and most of that comes from reprocessing old slag heaps. What little is produced is too valuable to burn at power plants, being it costs about twice as much as bituminous coal.

My gosh but you are an uninformed ignorant dumb bunny. No, anthracite is still mined in Pennsylvania, and good old bill clinton when he created the Grand Staircase National Park locked up the largest anthracite coal reserve in the USA. Go back under your rock where you can prevent facts from entering your thick skull you 'tard.
Tesla.........one of the most expensive cars you could buy AND one of the LEAST reliable......:oops-28:


For the guy who can afford 3 or 4 other cars.....to have one you can actually drive!! IDK......call me the asshole here but I think it sucks to own a car that spends a good portion or a year in the service bays of the stealership.:coffee:You're home kicking yourself in the nut sack thinking, "Shit......I could have had one of these for $130,000!!..................

Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG - Car and Driver

AND have one of these in the driveway too for the same $130,000.............

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLC-Class SUV Pricing & Features | Edmunds

C'mon now..........:bye1::bye1::coffee:
The rest of the story.

Tesla Reliability Doesn’t Match Its High Performance

The Tesla wasn’t the only high-performance vehicle that fell below average in reliability. Others include the BMW X5 and 5 Series, and the Chevrolet Corvette.

When automakers roll out new technology, be it infotainment, transmissions, or engine variations, it often has a deleterious effect on vehicle reliability. Tesla is not only the poster child for a new type of high-performance, high-mileage EV, but it also has been adding complex new variations as assembly-line updates, such as all-wheel drive this year. So it’s not surprising to see problems continue to crop up.

Despite the problems, our data show that Tesla owner satisfaction is still very high: Ninety-seven percent of owners said they would definitely buy their car again
. It appears that Tesla has been responsive to replacing faulty motors, differentials, brakes, and infotainment systems, all with a minimum of fuss to owners.

And Tesla’s attention to customer service has been effective. Almost every survey respondent made note of Tesla’s rapid response and repair time, despite the lack of a traditional dealer service network. For its early adopters, Tesla has made a practice of overdelivering on service problems under the factory warranty, as noted by these owners:

“A minor amount of play developed in the differential gears. Tesla replaced the entire drive system. Remarkable service!”


“Had a creaking ball joint in the driver[-side] front lower control arm. Tesla replaced it the following day after they were notified.”

When asked for a comment, a Tesla spokesperson said in an email, “Close communication with our customers enables Tesla to receive input, proactively address issues, and quickly fix problems. Model S over-the-air software updates allow Tesla to diagnose and fix most bugs without the need to come in for service. In instances when hardware needs to be fixed, we keep the customer’s convenience and satisfaction top of mind.”

Looks like Tesla is at the top of the list in customer satisfaction due to the superb customer service.
Yeah, they kind of have to do that after the outcry from the Tesla that bricked. Initially they were all "well if you don't put oil into your car do you blame the engine for it's failure?", which led to a pretty severe backlash. So musk was forced to extend the warranty to almost everything battery wise. Their customers have forced this level of service on them. They didn't have it initially. But, good for them for at least doing the right thing.
My gosh but you are an uninformed ignorant dumb bunny. No, anthracite is still mined in Pennsylvania, and good old bill clinton when he created the Grand Staircase National Park locked up the largest anthracite coal reserve in the USA. Go back under your rock where you can prevent facts from entering your thick skull you 'tard.

The US-EIA confirms my statement. This chart shows the year-to-date production for 2017.

EIA - Weekly U.S. Coal Production

Total US coal production -- 321,184 thousand tons

Total anthracite coal production -- 856 thousand tons

Anthracite is a more expensive specialty coal. It's used for things like metallurgical processes, home heating (where high-sulfur coal isn't permitted), and making carbon filters. It is not used by power plants.
Yeah, they kind of have to do that after the outcry from the Tesla that bricked. Initially they were all "well if you don't put oil into your car do you blame the engine for it's failure?", which led to a pretty severe backlash. So musk was forced to extend the warranty to almost everything battery wise. Their customers have forced this level of service on them. They didn't have it initially. But, good for them for at least doing the right thing.
My gosh but you are an uninformed ignorant dumb bunny. No, anthracite is still mined in Pennsylvania, and good old bill clinton when he created the Grand Staircase National Park locked up the largest anthracite coal reserve in the USA. Go back under your rock where you can prevent facts from entering your thick skull you 'tard.

The US-EIA confirms my statement. This chart shows the year-to-date production for 2017.

EIA - Weekly U.S. Coal Production

Total US coal production -- 321,184 thousand tons

Total anthracite coal production -- 856 thousand tons

Anthracite is a more expensive specialty coal. It's used for things like metallurgical processes, home heating (where high-sulfur coal isn't permitted), and making carbon filters. It is not used by power plants.

Of course it is. It is incredibly clean and you either lied or were simply ignorant of the facts when you claimed the US no longer had any. I'll let you choose whether you're an idiot or a liar.

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