
Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Who the hell do these ass hats think they are?

The people of this country elected Trump President, and if you don't like it you can always leave, fucking idiots.

My Gawd, I am sick to death of these audacious thieves! The blame Trump for the shootings as if there were no mass shootings before Trump took office. They climb up on the corpses of the dead victims to try to score political points!

The American people are not missing this degrading posturing hypocrisy!

Trump to visit El Paso mass shooting site, in spite of Dems' warning to stay away

But both before and after Margo's announcement, several Democrats forcefully urged Trump not to visit El Paso. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, who represents the district that is home to the Walmart where Saturday’s shooting took place, lashed out at the president on Monday morning -- placing some of the blame for the weekend’s tragedy at his feet.

“The president has made my community and my people the enemy,” she told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“He has told the country that we are people to be feared, people to be hated," Escobar continued. "From my perspective, he is not welcome here. He should not come here while we are in mourning.”

And Democratic presidential candidate Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, urged Margo in a televised interview to "quietly" tell Trump that he is not "welcome" in the city, because of his rhetoric on immigration.
More leftist lies and slander. Trump has NEVER said anything bad about all Hispanics, but only of criminals who are sneaking into our country. The leftists know this but they lie anyway, just like they lie about Trump equivocating normal protesters at Charlettesville to the neo-Nazis, easily proven false and yet they repeat this slander incessantly.

The biggest wedge driving ideologues in our country today is the Identity Politics of the left and their craven slander of their opponents.
Who the hell do these ass hats think they are?

The people of this country elected Trump President, and if you don't like it you can always leave, fucking idiots.

My Gawd, I am sick to death of these audacious thieves! The blame Trump for the shootings as if there were no mass shootings before Trump took office. They climb up on the corpses of the dead victims to try to score political points!

The American people are not missing this degrading posturing hypocrisy!

Trump to visit El Paso mass shooting site, in spite of Dems' warning to stay away

But both before and after Margo's announcement, several Democrats forcefully urged Trump not to visit El Paso. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, who represents the district that is home to the Walmart where Saturday’s shooting took place, lashed out at the president on Monday morning -- placing some of the blame for the weekend’s tragedy at his feet.

“The president has made my community and my people the enemy,” she told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“He has told the country that we are people to be feared, people to be hated," Escobar continued. "From my perspective, he is not welcome here. He should not come here while we are in mourning.”

And Democratic presidential candidate Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, urged Margo in a televised interview to "quietly" tell Trump that he is not "welcome" in the city, because of his rhetoric on immigration.
More leftist lies and slander. Trump has NEVER said anything bad about all Hispanics, but only of criminals who are sneaking into our country. The leftists know this but they lie anyway, just like they lie about Trump equivocating normal protesters at Charlettesville to the neo-Nazis, easily proven false and yet they repeat this slander incessantly.

The biggest wedge driving ideologues in our country today is the Identity Politics of the left and their craven slander of their opponents.

She’s a moron. How did she get elected and in Texas.

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Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.
Who the hell do these ass hats think they are?

The people of this country elected Trump President, and if you don't like it you can always leave, fucking idiots.

My Gawd, I am sick to death of these audacious thieves! The blame Trump for the shootings as if there were no mass shootings before Trump took office. They climb up on the corpses of the dead victims to try to score political points!

The American people are not missing this degrading posturing hypocrisy!

Trump to visit El Paso mass shooting site, in spite of Dems' warning to stay away

But both before and after Margo's announcement, several Democrats forcefully urged Trump not to visit El Paso. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, who represents the district that is home to the Walmart where Saturday’s shooting took place, lashed out at the president on Monday morning -- placing some of the blame for the weekend’s tragedy at his feet.

“The president has made my community and my people the enemy,” she told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“He has told the country that we are people to be feared, people to be hated," Escobar continued. "From my perspective, he is not welcome here. He should not come here while we are in mourning.”

And Democratic presidential candidate Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, urged Margo in a televised interview to "quietly" tell Trump that he is not "welcome" in the city, because of his rhetoric on immigration.
More leftist lies and slander. Trump has NEVER said anything bad about all Hispanics, but only of criminals who are sneaking into our country. The leftists know this but they lie anyway, just like they lie about Trump equivocating normal protesters at Charlettesville to the neo-Nazis, easily proven false and yet they repeat this slander incessantly.

The biggest wedge driving ideologues in our country today is the Identity Politics of the left and their craven slander of their opponents.
The democrat Party needs their own country, one that does not share a border with the USA
The democratic party needs to be wiped out of the national consciousness. Wiped out of every nook and cranny of the country.
Who the hell do these ass hats think they are?

The people of this country elected Trump President, and if you don't like it you can always leave, fucking idiots.

My Gawd, I am sick to death of these audacious thieves! The blame Trump for the shootings as if there were no mass shootings before Trump took office. They climb up on the corpses of the dead victims to try to score political points!

The American people are not missing this degrading posturing hypocrisy!

Trump to visit El Paso mass shooting site, in spite of Dems' warning to stay away

But both before and after Margo's announcement, several Democrats forcefully urged Trump not to visit El Paso. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, who represents the district that is home to the Walmart where Saturday’s shooting took place, lashed out at the president on Monday morning -- placing some of the blame for the weekend’s tragedy at his feet.

“The president has made my community and my people the enemy,” she told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“He has told the country that we are people to be feared, people to be hated," Escobar continued. "From my perspective, he is not welcome here. He should not come here while we are in mourning.”

And Democratic presidential candidate Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, urged Margo in a televised interview to "quietly" tell Trump that he is not "welcome" in the city, because of his rhetoric on immigration.
More leftist lies and slander. Trump has NEVER said anything bad about all Hispanics, but only of criminals who are sneaking into our country. The leftists know this but they lie anyway, just like they lie about Trump equivocating normal protesters at Charlettesville to the neo-Nazis, easily proven false and yet they repeat this slander incessantly.

The biggest wedge driving ideologues in our country today is the Identity Politics of the left and their craven slander of their opponents.
With the election not too far away, and not having very good prospects on offer for voters; Dems are hoping to parlay this incident into a chance to separate Trump from his voters. Using the same old tired tactics of screaming racist, or the new and improved “white nationalist”. But what they fail to realize is that even for the scant few willing to be persuaded; they still need to be offered an alternative that appeals to them. And the Dems don’t have one...
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.
Your a liar and a fraud. The ONLY people responsible are the democrats who had, one of their own, fomented by the hate spewed on CNN and MSNBC, commit a mass murder.. YOU OWN THIS ASS HAT AND ITS YOUR IDEOLOGY THAT PUSHED HIM... HE IS A LEFT WING NUT CASE (identity politics)... And you have the gall to say Trump was what triggered him? Leftist trash..
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.
Your a liar and a fraud. The ONLY people responsible are the democrats who had, one of their own, fomented by the hate spewed on CNN and MSNBC, commit a mass murder.. YOU OWN THIS ASS HAT AND ITS YOUR IDEOLOGY THAT PUSHED HIM... HE IS A LEFT WING NUT CASE (identity politics)... And you have the gall to say Trump was what triggered him? Leftist trash..
Don’t worry. With this alleged building nationwide outrage they so introspectively point out, another one of these losers is bound to come out, and try to one-up these two most recent shooters. Especially once they accept that they haven’t moved the needle.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.
Your a liar and a fraud. The ONLY people responsible are the democrats who had, one of their own, fomented by the hate spewed on CNN and MSNBC, commit a mass murder.. YOU OWN THIS ASS HAT AND ITS YOUR IDEOLOGY THAT PUSHED HIM... HE IS A LEFT WING NUT CASE (identity politics)... And you have the gall to say Trump was what triggered him? Leftist trash..

You sound as disoriented and unattached to reality as Trump does. Just because you spout crazy rhetoric doesn't make it true.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.
Your a liar and a fraud. The ONLY people responsible are the democrats who had, one of their own, fomented by the hate spewed on CNN and MSNBC, commit a mass murder.. YOU OWN THIS ASS HAT AND ITS YOUR IDEOLOGY THAT PUSHED HIM... HE IS A LEFT WING NUT CASE (identity politics)... And you have the gall to say Trump was what triggered him? Leftist trash..
Don’t worry. With this alleged building nationwide outrage they so introspectively point out, another one of these losers is bound to come out, and try to one-up these two most recent shooters. Especially once they accept that they haven’t moved the needle.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.
Your a liar and a fraud. The ONLY people responsible are the democrats who had, one of their own, fomented by the hate spewed on CNN and MSNBC, commit a mass murder.. YOU OWN THIS ASS HAT AND ITS YOUR IDEOLOGY THAT PUSHED HIM... HE IS A LEFT WING NUT CASE (identity politics)... And you have the gall to say Trump was what triggered him? Leftist trash..
Oh, for fuck's sake. The mother fucker went to kill Democrats and people who might become Democrats. You freaks are truly sick in the head.
Remove all federal money and representation from that district in the name of those secessionist lawmakers. If they don’t want to play by the rules then fuck ‘em

Good to see you have a firm grasp on how our government works, dumb ass.
Remove all federal money and representation from that district in the name of those secessionist lawmakers. If they don’t want to play by the rules then fuck ‘em

Good to see you have a firm grasp on how our government works, dumb ass.
What government are you referring to as ‘our government’, Mexico? Obviously not the US.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.
Well, it would seem to me
that Trump wasn’t instrumental for the shooting
seeing how the influx of Hispanics was the reason given
and who is allowing the influx of immigrants...not Trump

So, who is to blame

Of course they don’t want him there,
the majority are probably illegals

My community, my people she says
That is why people flip out
Americans feel like strangers in their own country

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