Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.

So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?

Obviously, but I would LOVE to see Bulldips logic implicating Trump on one and exonerating Warren in the other.
Because trump has made insidious remarks about Mexicans and immigrants and the El Paso shooter reflected some of those attitudes in his manifesto and in his online support for trump and his wall.

While on the other hand, we don't even know the motive behind the Dayton shooter, no less to tie it to Warren when I haven't seen anyone post remarks she made that set him off.

Trump has made remarks about mexican criminals and illegal immigrants, which progressives have constructed into blanket statements (false) for their own political gain.

And below is his support for Warren for President. That's enough for me to say she's linked to his massacre, because, well because progressive rules say I can make crap up as I go along.

NEW: The Dayton Shooter Was a Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, and Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa

On the Twitter page, Connor Betts indicated he’d vote for Elizabeth Warren for president but not Kamala Harris, responding to a person’s tweet suggesting they be co-presidents. “Nahh, but only cuz Harris is a cop – Warren I’d happily vote for,” he wrote.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.

So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?

Has she been referring to people there as invaders who want to destroy our country ?

Doesn't matter. He was a supporter, she said stuff, I am extrapolating this to her inciting his rage and shooting, because, well because I follow the progressive playbook in this thread.
Wow, those who don't want him there make it sound like he plans on making himself at home there. Uh no, eventually he will be back in Washington D.C. or somewhere else. Just let him make his presidential stop and then you can rest easy once he is done.

God bless you and our leader always!!!


Trump would be better off if he didn't add insult to the tragedy that happened there. He's not going to make things better for them, or himself.

You would be the first person to call him a coward if he decided not to show up.

Admit it, you cuck hack.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.

So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?

Obviously, but I would LOVE to see Bulldips logic implicating Trump on one and exonerating Warren in the other.

No problem. Trump has been ramping up his hateful rhetoric and instigating right wing crazies to violence. Warren has not.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.

So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?
Oh? What did she say that could have incited Betts to kill? And what was his motivation?

Why do I have to prove anything? Bulldip makes a blanket statement with no proof of anything, I just did the same thing.

The Dayton Shooter was a Warren fan so obviously it's all her fault.

Such typical right wing logic.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.

So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?

Obviously, but I would LOVE to see Bulldips logic implicating Trump on one and exonerating Warren in the other.

No problem. Trump has been ramping up his hateful rhetoric and instigating right wing crazies to violence. Warren has not.

Elizabeth Warren Inspires Followers to Threaten Violence Against Republicans - Liberty Headlines

Well this is something she said:

On Thursday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) posted a video to her Facebook page in which she rails against the newly unveiled Senate Republican health care bill — using intensely inflammatory rhetoric.

“I’ve read the Republican ‘health care’ bill. This is blood money,” Warren wrote. “They’re paying for tax cuts with American lives.”

and some responses to her rhetoric:

“These Republicans are just the worst human beings to walk this planet … They must be stopped by any method available,” posted one Warren fan under the

“You think the guns are a problem, they’re not nearly as lethal as a Republican pen, you think people have been randomly shooting, you better buckle up because they’re about to start shooting every damn chance they get,” read another comment.


“What can I (we) do to stop the evil agenda that the republicans have ‘secretly devised?'” wrote one woman. “Protesting hasn’t worked, calling our reps hasn’t worked. Most of all Americans want to overthrow the govt. Do you blame us? It”s [sic] absolutely disgusting what Trump, GOP and their henchmen are putting out there in the universe. Any suggestions to stop them? They steal elections too, so now what?” she posted.


“[T]hey pass this bill the people of American will not sit still and let them kill our children. they will pay dearly,” threatened another.


“You want this to end? Let the 18th century French be your model,” wrote yet another, referring to the French Revolution and its mass-killings.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.

So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?
Oh? What did she say that could have incited Betts to kill? And what was his motivation?

Why do I have to prove anything? Bulldip makes a blanket statement with no proof of anything, I just did the same thing.

The Dayton Shooter was a Warren fan so obviously it's all her fault.

Such typical right wing logic.

Just copying your progressive groupthink.

Extrapolation, exaggeration, and outright making shit up.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.

So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?

Obviously, but I would LOVE to see Bulldips logic implicating Trump on one and exonerating Warren in the other.
Because trump has made insidious remarks about Mexicans and immigrants and the El Paso shooter reflected some of those attitudes in his manifesto and in his online support for trump and his wall.

While on the other hand, we don't even know the motive behind the Dayton shooter, no less to tie it to Warren when I haven't seen anyone post remarks she made that set him off.

Trump has made remarks about mexican criminals and illegal immigrants, which progressives have constructed into blanket statements (false) for their own political gain.

And below is his support for Warren for President. That's enough for me to say she's linked to his massacre, because, well because progressive rules say I can make crap up as I go along.

NEW: The Dayton Shooter Was a Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, and Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa

On the Twitter page, Connor Betts indicated he’d vote for Elizabeth Warren for president but not Kamala Harris, responding to a person’s tweet suggesting they be co-presidents. “Nahh, but only cuz Harris is a cop – Warren I’d happily vote for,” he wrote.
Oh, for fuck's sake. :eusa_doh:

Just the other day, a trump supporter yelled out, "shoot them," in response to trump asking what can we do about Mexicans crossing the border and trump laughed it off.

That's the attitude from some on the right because if trump's positions. And it seems that was the attitude of Patrick Crusius who actually did shoot them. It's not a far stretch to say trump incites such attitudes.

While on the flip side, you can't cite anything Warren did to incite the Dayton shooter. Even worse for your, I'm rubber, you're glue, position -- is you don't even know the motive for the Dayton shooter. If he said he likes tacos, you could have started tacos are to blame just as easily as you claim Warren is to blame.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.

So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?

Obviously, but I would LOVE to see Bulldips logic implicating Trump on one and exonerating Warren in the other.
Because trump has made insidious remarks about Mexicans and immigrants and the El Paso shooter reflected some of those attitudes in his manifesto and in his online support for trump and his wall.

While on the other hand, we don't even know the motive behind the Dayton shooter, no less to tie it to Warren when I haven't seen anyone post remarks she made that set him off.

Trump has made remarks about mexican criminals and illegal immigrants, which progressives have constructed into blanket statements (false) for their own political gain.

And below is his support for Warren for President. That's enough for me to say she's linked to his massacre, because, well because progressive rules say I can make crap up as I go along.

NEW: The Dayton Shooter Was a Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, and Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa

On the Twitter page, Connor Betts indicated he’d vote for Elizabeth Warren for president but not Kamala Harris, responding to a person’s tweet suggesting they be co-presidents. “Nahh, but only cuz Harris is a cop – Warren I’d happily vote for,” he wrote.

You have been making crap up as you go along for a long time. Must be why you are so attracted to Trump. He shares that quality with you.
So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?

Obviously, but I would LOVE to see Bulldips logic implicating Trump on one and exonerating Warren in the other.
Because trump has made insidious remarks about Mexicans and immigrants and the El Paso shooter reflected some of those attitudes in his manifesto and in his online support for trump and his wall.

While on the other hand, we don't even know the motive behind the Dayton shooter, no less to tie it to Warren when I haven't seen anyone post remarks she made that set him off.

Trump has made remarks about mexican criminals and illegal immigrants, which progressives have constructed into blanket statements (false) for their own political gain.

And below is his support for Warren for President. That's enough for me to say she's linked to his massacre, because, well because progressive rules say I can make crap up as I go along.

NEW: The Dayton Shooter Was a Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, and Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa

On the Twitter page, Connor Betts indicated he’d vote for Elizabeth Warren for president but not Kamala Harris, responding to a person’s tweet suggesting they be co-presidents. “Nahh, but only cuz Harris is a cop – Warren I’d happily vote for,” he wrote.
Oh, for fuck's sake. :eusa_doh:

Just the other day, a trump supporter yelled out, "shoot them," in response to trump asking what can we do about Mexicans crossing the border and trump laughed it off.

That's the attitude from some on the right because if trump's positions. And it seems that was the attitude of Patrick Crusius who actually did shoot them. It's not a far stretch to say trump incites such attitudes.

While on the flip side, you can't cite anything Warren did to incite the Dayton shooter. Even worse for your, I'm rubber, you're glue, position -- is you don't even know the motive for the Dayton shooter. If he said he likes tacos, you could have started tacos are to blame just as easily as you claim Warren is to blame.

I linked in a response above her statement on health care from 2017, her calling out Republicans with rhetoric, and what some posters responded with.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.

So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?

Has she been referring to people there as invaders who want to destroy our country ?

Doesn't matter. He was a supporter, she said stuff, I am extrapolating this to her inciting his rage and shooting, because, well because I follow the progressive playbook in this thread.
So was Elizabeth Warren instrumental to the shooting in Dayton?

Obviously, but I would LOVE to see Bulldips logic implicating Trump on one and exonerating Warren in the other.
Because trump has made insidious remarks about Mexicans and immigrants and the El Paso shooter reflected some of those attitudes in his manifesto and in his online support for trump and his wall.

While on the other hand, we don't even know the motive behind the Dayton shooter, no less to tie it to Warren when I haven't seen anyone post remarks she made that set him off.

Trump has made remarks about mexican criminals and illegal immigrants, which progressives have constructed into blanket statements (false) for their own political gain.

And below is his support for Warren for President. That's enough for me to say she's linked to his massacre, because, well because progressive rules say I can make crap up as I go along.

NEW: The Dayton Shooter Was a Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, and Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa

On the Twitter page, Connor Betts indicated he’d vote for Elizabeth Warren for president but not Kamala Harris, responding to a person’s tweet suggesting they be co-presidents. “Nahh, but only cuz Harris is a cop – Warren I’d happily vote for,” he wrote.

You have been making crap up as you go along for a long time. Must be why you are so attracted to Trump. He shares that quality with you.

Nice, non-response, dippy.
Who the hell do these ass hats think they are?

The people of this country elected Trump President, and if you don't like it you can always leave, fucking idiots.

My Gawd, I am sick to death of these audacious thieves! The blame Trump for the shootings as if there were no mass shootings before Trump took office. They climb up on the corpses of the dead victims to try to score political points!

The American people are not missing this degrading posturing hypocrisy!

Trump to visit El Paso mass shooting site, in spite of Dems' warning to stay away

But both before and after Margo's announcement, several Democrats forcefully urged Trump not to visit El Paso. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, who represents the district that is home to the Walmart where Saturday’s shooting took place, lashed out at the president on Monday morning -- placing some of the blame for the weekend’s tragedy at his feet.

“The president has made my community and my people the enemy,” she told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“He has told the country that we are people to be feared, people to be hated," Escobar continued. "From my perspective, he is not welcome here. He should not come here while we are in mourning.”

And Democratic presidential candidate Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, urged Margo in a televised interview to "quietly" tell Trump that he is not "welcome" in the city, because of his rhetoric on immigration.
More leftist lies and slander. Trump has NEVER said anything bad about all Hispanics, but only of criminals who are sneaking into our country. The leftists know this but they lie anyway, just like they lie about Trump equivocating normal protesters at Charlettesville to the neo-Nazis, easily proven false and yet they repeat this slander incessantly.

The biggest wedge driving ideologues in our country today is the Identity Politics of the left and their craven slander of their opponents.

Welp, I totally disagree with your opinion.
Wow, those who don't want him there make it sound like he plans on making himself at home there. Uh no, eventually he will be back in Washington D.C. or somewhere else. Just let him make his presidential stop and then you can rest easy once he is done.

God bless you and our leader always!!!


Trump would be better off if he didn't add insult to the tragedy that happened there. He's not going to make things better for them, or himself.
Now, I'm not sure about that, Bulldog. If I were one of the family members who had lost a child or a sister, brother, mother, I would be quite touched that the President came personally to give me his condolences, regardless of his politics.
Of course, I'm not Hispanic or a dyed in the wool Democrat either. But I think many will appreciate the President's effort.
Wow, those who don't want him there make it sound like he plans on making himself at home there. Uh no, eventually he will be back in Washington D.C. or somewhere else. Just let him make his presidential stop and then you can rest easy once he is done.

God bless you and our leader always!!!


Trump would be better off if he didn't add insult to the tragedy that happened there. He's not going to make things better for them, or himself.

You would be the first person to call him a coward if he decided not to show up.

Admit it, you cuck hack.

He is a coward, but he proved that long ago.
Wow, those who don't want him there make it sound like he plans on making himself at home there. Uh no, eventually he will be back in Washington D.C. or somewhere else. Just let him make his presidential stop and then you can rest easy once he is done.

God bless you and our leader always!!!


Trump would be better off if he didn't add insult to the tragedy that happened there. He's not going to make things better for them, or himself.

You would be the first person to call him a coward if he decided not to show up.

Admit it, you cuck hack.

He is a coward, but he proved that long ago.

Figures, oxygen thief.

Obviously, but I would LOVE to see Bulldips logic implicating Trump on one and exonerating Warren in the other.
Because trump has made insidious remarks about Mexicans and immigrants and the El Paso shooter reflected some of those attitudes in his manifesto and in his online support for trump and his wall.

While on the other hand, we don't even know the motive behind the Dayton shooter, no less to tie it to Warren when I haven't seen anyone post remarks she made that set him off.

Trump has made remarks about mexican criminals and illegal immigrants, which progressives have constructed into blanket statements (false) for their own political gain.

And below is his support for Warren for President. That's enough for me to say she's linked to his massacre, because, well because progressive rules say I can make crap up as I go along.

NEW: The Dayton Shooter Was a Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, and Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa

On the Twitter page, Connor Betts indicated he’d vote for Elizabeth Warren for president but not Kamala Harris, responding to a person’s tweet suggesting they be co-presidents. “Nahh, but only cuz Harris is a cop – Warren I’d happily vote for,” he wrote.
Oh, for fuck's sake. :eusa_doh:

Just the other day, a trump supporter yelled out, "shoot them," in response to trump asking what can we do about Mexicans crossing the border and trump laughed it off.

That's the attitude from some on the right because if trump's positions. And it seems that was the attitude of Patrick Crusius who actually did shoot them. It's not a far stretch to say trump incites such attitudes.

While on the flip side, you can't cite anything Warren did to incite the Dayton shooter. Even worse for your, I'm rubber, you're glue, position -- is you don't even know the motive for the Dayton shooter. If he said he likes tacos, you could have started tacos are to blame just as easily as you claim Warren is to blame.

I linked in a response above her statement on health care from 2017, her calling out Republicans with rhetoric, and what some posters responded with.
Great, now show that was a motive for the Dayton shooter and you may be on to something. Until then, you're just blowing smoke out your ass.
Obviously, but I would LOVE to see Bulldips logic implicating Trump on one and exonerating Warren in the other.
Because trump has made insidious remarks about Mexicans and immigrants and the El Paso shooter reflected some of those attitudes in his manifesto and in his online support for trump and his wall.

While on the other hand, we don't even know the motive behind the Dayton shooter, no less to tie it to Warren when I haven't seen anyone post remarks she made that set him off.

Trump has made remarks about mexican criminals and illegal immigrants, which progressives have constructed into blanket statements (false) for their own political gain.

And below is his support for Warren for President. That's enough for me to say she's linked to his massacre, because, well because progressive rules say I can make crap up as I go along.

NEW: The Dayton Shooter Was a Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, and Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa

On the Twitter page, Connor Betts indicated he’d vote for Elizabeth Warren for president but not Kamala Harris, responding to a person’s tweet suggesting they be co-presidents. “Nahh, but only cuz Harris is a cop – Warren I’d happily vote for,” he wrote.
Oh, for fuck's sake. :eusa_doh:

Just the other day, a trump supporter yelled out, "shoot them," in response to trump asking what can we do about Mexicans crossing the border and trump laughed it off.

That's the attitude from some on the right because if trump's positions. And it seems that was the attitude of Patrick Crusius who actually did shoot them. It's not a far stretch to say trump incites such attitudes.

While on the flip side, you can't cite anything Warren did to incite the Dayton shooter. Even worse for your, I'm rubber, you're glue, position -- is you don't even know the motive for the Dayton shooter. If he said he likes tacos, you could have started tacos are to blame just as easily as you claim Warren is to blame.

I linked in a response above her statement on health care from 2017, her calling out Republicans with rhetoric, and what some posters responded with.
Great, now show that was a motive for the Dayton shooter and you may be on to something. Until then, you're just blowing smoke out your ass.

Why should I? progressives don't do the work to make those links. I'm just playing by their "rules"
Wow, those who don't want him there make it sound like he plans on making himself at home there. Uh no, eventually he will be back in Washington D.C. or somewhere else. Just let him make his presidential stop and then you can rest easy once he is done.

God bless you and our leader always!!!


Trump would be better off if he didn't add insult to the tragedy that happened there. He's not going to make things better for them, or himself.
Now, I'm not sure about that, Bulldog. If I were one of the family members who had lost a child or a sister, brother, mother, I would be quite touched that the President came personally to give me his condolences, regardless of his politics.
Of course, I'm not Hispanic or a dyed in the wool Democrat either. But I think many will appreciate the President's effort.

It's the family members who are saying for him to stay away. You think they aren't aware of the rhetoric he spouted that encouraged that crazy shooter? We all know what to expect from Trump. He's incapable of making any speech that isn't about him. Right now, they don't want it to be about him.

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