lawless LTE.png
Nope that is why I am not trying to tell the folks who live there that the President has offended what they should and shouldn't say.

Dude, can you translate that into the Queens English?

Yea dumbass, don't tell the folks of El Paso what they should or shouldn't say about a man who constantly offends them. Is that Queen enough for you.
Don't blame White Supremacist or Trump for the El Paso shooting but blame Democrats open border policies, sanctuary cities, 20million in the country illegally. The real racist is Democrats because they choose illegal aliens over the safety of Americans. American are killed daily by illegal aliens. I am not white, republican or a racist and I will let my voice be heard at the polls in 2020.
Democrats don't have open border policies. That is just another lie permeated by trump and the right and contributes to a shootinging like the one in El Paso.

They've voted on increasing border agents, they've voted on increasing border technology, they've voted on increasing equipment on the border, and since the 2006 legislation to build a border wall, they've voted on that. Saying Democrats are for open borders is a bumper sticker put out by the right because Democrats don't support trump's vision of a border wall which he claimed would be paid for by Mexico.
Denial. Democrats DO support open borders and if they didn't they would have secured the border years ago and there would not be 20 million people in this country illegally. And now they believe Comprehensive Immigration Reform with solve the illegal immigration and there will be no one in the country illegally because they will all be given legal status with a path to citizenship and that is an invitation for more to enter illegally and they protect them from being deported. At some point, we will have to control immigration because it is going to destroy us all environmentally and economically. If they did all you say they did then why is there a crisis on the border? We are no longer into nation-building but in nation survival. The shooting in El Paso was caused by the non-action of Democrats. They want to eliminate ICE and stop deportation and uncriminalize illegal immigration. And if you cannot see this you have your head in your ass. President Obama had 32 mass shootings during his reign. And no one blamed the democrats or Obama. Wanting the border secured and immigration controlled and our immigration laws enforced is not racist Trump may be a little crude on communication but this is what he is saying. Fact is we are all racist. Mexico is doing more to curtail illegal immigration into the US than the democrats.
Oh, since when do we not have secure borders?
Don't blame White Supremacist or Trump for the El Paso shooting but blame Democrats open border policies, sanctuary cities, 20million in the country illegally. The real racist is Democrats because they choose illegal aliens over the safety of Americans. American are killed daily by illegal aliens. I am not white, republican or a racist and I will let my voice be heard at the polls in 2020.
Democrats don't have open border policies. That is just another lie permeated by trump and the right and contributes to a shootinging like the one in El Paso.

They've voted on increasing border agents, they've voted on increasing border technology, they've voted on increasing equipment on the border, and since the 2006 legislation to build a border wall, they've voted on that. Saying Democrats are for open borders is a bumper sticker put out by the right because Democrats don't support trump's vision of a border wall which he claimed would be paid for by Mexico.
Denial. Democrats DO support open borders and if they didn't they would have secured the border years ago and there would not be 20 million people in this country illegally. And now they believe Comprehensive Immigration Reform with solve the illegal immigration and there will be no one in the country illegally because they will all be given legal status with a path to citizenship and that is an invitation for more to enter illegally and they protect them from being deported. At some point, we will have to control immigration because it is going to destroy us all environmentally and economically. If they did all you say they did then why is there a crisis on the border? We are no longer into nation-building but in nation survival. The shooting in El Paso was caused by the non-action of Democrats. They want to eliminate ICE and stop deportation and uncriminalize illegal immigration. And if you cannot see this you have your head in your ass. President Obama had 32 mass shootings during his reign. And no one blamed the democrats or Obama. Wanting the border secured and immigration controlled and our immigration laws enforced is not racist Trump may be a little crude on communication but this is what he is saying. Fact is we are all racist. Mexico is doing more to curtail illegal immigration into the US than the democrats.
Oh, since when do we not have secure borders?

The border has never been secure when people can walk across or climb a fence and get lost in the shadows.

In June, 94,897 people were apprehended between ports of entry on the Southwest Border, compared with 132,880 in the month of May and 99,290 in April. In FY18, a total of 396,579 individuals were apprehended between ports of entry on our Southwest Border.
According to federal government data, Texas (15,852), California (6,527), Arizona (3,869), Georgia (3,717), and Louisiana (3,143) are the top five states with the largest number of people in U.S. immigration detention per day.

It costs more taxpayer dollars to detain people in Washington ($145.19 per person per day) and California ($144.35) than any other state. This includes the cost of guards, healthcare, and other direct costs.
Nope that is why I am not trying to tell the folks who live there that the President has offended what they should and shouldn't say.

Dude, can you translate that into the Queens English?

Yea dumbass, don't tell the folks of El Paso what they should or shouldn't say about a man who constantly offends them. Is that Queen enough for you.
The 'folks of El Passo' never said anything, shyt4brains. opportunistic shameless political whores did, and they are stoking a coming civil war that I doubt is avoidable now.

Go fuck yourself and welcome to my ignore list, twatfaced beoch.
Don't blame White Supremacist or Trump for the El Paso shooting but blame Democrats open border policies, sanctuary cities, 20million in the country illegally. The real racist is Democrats because they choose illegal aliens over the safety of Americans. American are killed daily by illegal aliens. I am not white, republican or a racist and I will let my voice be heard at the polls in 2020.
Democrats don't have open border policies. That is just another lie permeated by trump and the right and contributes to a shootinging like the one in El Paso.

They've voted on increasing border agents, they've voted on increasing border technology, they've voted on increasing equipment on the border, and since the 2006 legislation to build a border wall, they've voted on that. Saying Democrats are for open borders is a bumper sticker put out by the right because Democrats don't support trump's vision of a border wall which he claimed would be paid for by Mexico.
Denial. Democrats DO support open borders and if they didn't they would have secured the border years ago and there would not be 20 million people in this country illegally. And now they believe Comprehensive Immigration Reform with solve the illegal immigration and there will be no one in the country illegally because they will all be given legal status with a path to citizenship and that is an invitation for more to enter illegally and they protect them from being deported. At some point, we will have to control immigration because it is going to destroy us all environmentally and economically. If they did all you say they did then why is there a crisis on the border? We are no longer into nation-building but in nation survival. The shooting in El Paso was caused by the non-action of Democrats. They want to eliminate ICE and stop deportation and uncriminalize illegal immigration. And if you cannot see this you have your head in your ass. President Obama had 32 mass shootings during his reign. And no one blamed the democrats or Obama. Wanting the border secured and immigration controlled and our immigration laws enforced is not racist Trump may be a little crude on communication but this is what he is saying. Fact is we are all racist. Mexico is doing more to curtail illegal immigration into the US than the democrats.
Oh, since when do we not have secure borders?

The border has never been secure when people can walk across or climb a fence and get lost in the shadows.

In June, 94,897 people were apprehended between ports of entry on the Southwest Border, compared with 132,880 in the month of May and 99,290 in April. In FY18, a total of 396,579 individuals were apprehended between ports of entry on our Southwest Border.
According to federal government data, Texas (15,852), California (6,527), Arizona (3,869), Georgia (3,717), and Louisiana (3,143) are the top five states with the largest number of people in U.S. immigration detention per day.

It costs more taxpayer dollars to detain people in Washington ($145.19 per person per day) and California ($144.35) than any other state. This includes the cost of guards, healthcare, and other direct costs.

Hmm, let's see now... Republicans have controlled the House for 20 of the last 24½ years and the Senate for 15 of them -- and here you are blaming Democrats.

That's why I say conservatives are fubar.

Your personal issues aside, Democrats voted for everything I said they did. All they voted against was Trump wanting to rebuild the existing walls which Mexico ISN'T paying for despite trump's claims they will.
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Who the hell do these ass hats think they are?

The people of this country elected Trump President, and if you don't like it you can always leave, fucking idiots.

My Gawd, I am sick to death of these audacious thieves! The blame Trump for the shootings as if there were no mass shootings before Trump took office. They climb up on the corpses of the dead victims to try to score political points!

The American people are not missing this degrading posturing hypocrisy!

Trump to visit El Paso mass shooting site, in spite of Dems' warning to stay away

But both before and after Margo's announcement, several Democrats forcefully urged Trump not to visit El Paso. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, who represents the district that is home to the Walmart where Saturday’s shooting took place, lashed out at the president on Monday morning -- placing some of the blame for the weekend’s tragedy at his feet.

“The president has made my community and my people the enemy,” she told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“He has told the country that we are people to be feared, people to be hated," Escobar continued. "From my perspective, he is not welcome here. He should not come here while we are in mourning.”

And Democratic presidential candidate Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, urged Margo in a televised interview to "quietly" tell Trump that he is not "welcome" in the city, because of his rhetoric on immigration.
More leftist lies and slander. Trump has NEVER said anything bad about all Hispanics, but only of criminals who are sneaking into our country. The leftists know this but they lie anyway, just like they lie about Trump equivocating normal protesters at Charlettesville to the neo-Nazis, easily proven false and yet they repeat this slander incessantly.

The biggest wedge driving ideologues in our country today is the Identity Politics of the left and their craven slander of their opponents.
The democrat Party needs their own country, one that does not share a border with the USA
Feel free to move to Guatemala.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.
Well, it would seem to me
that Trump wasn’t instrumental for the shooting
seeing how the influx of Hispanics was the reason given
and who is allowing the influx of immigrants...not Trump

So, who is to blame

Of course they don’t want him there,
the majority are probably illegals

My community, my people she says
That is why people flip out
Americans feel like strangers in their own country
Who has been demonizing and dehumanizing them?
Nope that is why I am not trying to tell the folks who live there that the President has offended what they should and shouldn't say.

Dude, can you translate that into the Queens English?

Yea dumbass, don't tell the folks of El Paso what they should or shouldn't say about a man who constantly offends them. Is that Queen enough for you.
The 'folks of El Passo' never said anything, shyt4brains. opportunistic shameless political whores did, and they are stoking a coming civil war that I doubt is avoidable now.

Go fuck yourself and welcome to my ignore list, twatfaced beoch.

Stupid ass cocksucker.


Lying ass POS.
Nope that is why I am not trying to tell the folks who live there that the President has offended what they should and shouldn't say.

Dude, can you translate that into the Queens English?

Yea dumbass, don't tell the folks of El Paso what they should or shouldn't say about a man who constantly offends them. Is that Queen enough for you.
The 'folks of El Passo' never said anything, shyt4brains. opportunistic shameless political whores did, and they are stoking a coming civil war that I doubt is avoidable now.

Go fuck yourself and welcome to my ignore list, twatfaced beoch.

Stupid ass cocksucker.


Lying ass POS.
He's welcome in Toledo though.
Why should I? progressives don't do the work to make those links. I'm just playing by their "rules"
"Why should I?"

To make your point. Why else? Seems you can't.

As it stands, we know Crusius' motives and we've heard some of that rhetoric from trump and others on the right.

And your response is, nuh-uh, but Warren!

That's the position of a 4 year old.

My response to Bulldog is that, and that's all the proof I need to give to equate Bulldip's ranting.

If you want a real response, my response is that if we want to go with the "who instigated the El Paso Shooter", it would be the CONSTRUCT of Trump, created by progressives and the media, of this Master Racists and Fascist and guy who kicks puppies for fun.

And by instigated, I mean "instigated in the mind of the nutter", not any actual intent by Trump.
And your response is a fail. We know the El Paso shooter's motives and we can point to such rhetoric emanating from trump and the right.

Whereas you don't even know the motive of the Dayton shooter. So anything you make up stems only from your imagination. Which as we can all see here, is rather disorganized.

It emanates from the left's CONSTRUCT of Trump, not actual Trump.

You have created this inflated boogeyman and then you are shocked when people buy into it.
Oh? In terms of the El Paso shooting, what construct of trump did the left create that wasn't based on what trump himself has created?

The entire view of Trump prog morons have. It's like they have created a wrestler heel trump.
Why should I? progressives don't do the work to make those links. I'm just playing by their "rules"
"Why should I?"

To make your point. Why else? Seems you can't.

As it stands, we know Crusius' motives and we've heard some of that rhetoric from trump and others on the right.

And your response is, nuh-uh, but Warren!

That's the position of a 4 year old.

My response to Bulldog is that, and that's all the proof I need to give to equate Bulldip's ranting.

If you want a real response, my response is that if we want to go with the "who instigated the El Paso Shooter", it would be the CONSTRUCT of Trump, created by progressives and the media, of this Master Racists and Fascist and guy who kicks puppies for fun.

And by instigated, I mean "instigated in the mind of the nutter", not any actual intent by Trump.

Instigated in the minds of lots of nutters. Did you see him laugh and make a joke when a nutter at his rally yelled to "shoot them"?

Did the guy who said it actually go out and shoot anyone?

Again, there is Trump, and there is the progressive CONSTRUCT of Trump.
No, but the message from trump in that regard is it's no big deal to shoot illegal immigrants.

No, it isn't, you just read it that way because of your TDS addled wibble mind.
Trump is a pig who was instrumental in the recent mass murder in their town. They don't want him there. I can't blame them.
Well, it would seem to me
that Trump wasn’t instrumental for the shooting
seeing how the influx of Hispanics was the reason given
and who is allowing the influx of immigrants...not Trump

So, who is to blame

Of course they don’t want him there,
the majority are probably illegals

My community, my people she says
That is why people flip out
Americans feel like strangers in their own country
Who has been demonizing and dehumanizing them?
Who has been demonizing and dehumanizing whites?

The left has

See, you are suggesting that
a white kid, aka white supremacist,
set out to kill Hispanics because of Trump....

because of the things he has said(rhetoric)
because of his position regarding ILLEGALS
because of what he has tried to or wants to implement
regarding changes to and enforcement of immigration laws

What I am suggesting is that,
whites will set out to kill Hispanics...

because of the rhetoric coming from the left
because of their position regarding ILLEGALS
because of what they want to do and say they’ll do

There are THOUSANDS of homeless Americans
There are MILLIONS of Americans struggling
There are MILLIONS of Americans without healthcare
(I haven’t had a pap smear in 23 years
and never had a mammogram, I’m 52)

Our tax dollars are being used to take care of illegals
through their kids whether they were born here or not
Our tax dollars are being used to take care of legal immigrants
when that is supposed to be the responsibility of their sponsor

Now, you tell me why you think it’s acceptable
to house, feed, provide cash and healthcare(med, den, vis)
to individuals that can’t speak English, ignore our laws
and have NEVER paid a penny of taxes

When there are individuals born and raised here,
and whose family tree spans generations in America
sleeping on the streets, struggling, going without
and can’t afford to see a doctor or pay for their prescriptions

You tell me why it is fine,
for a veteran to sleep on the streets
while some illegal family is getting Section 8
"Why should I?"

To make your point. Why else? Seems you can't.

As it stands, we know Crusius' motives and we've heard some of that rhetoric from trump and others on the right.

And your response is, nuh-uh, but Warren!

That's the position of a 4 year old.

My response to Bulldog is that, and that's all the proof I need to give to equate Bulldip's ranting.

If you want a real response, my response is that if we want to go with the "who instigated the El Paso Shooter", it would be the CONSTRUCT of Trump, created by progressives and the media, of this Master Racists and Fascist and guy who kicks puppies for fun.

And by instigated, I mean "instigated in the mind of the nutter", not any actual intent by Trump.
And your response is a fail. We know the El Paso shooter's motives and we can point to such rhetoric emanating from trump and the right.

Whereas you don't even know the motive of the Dayton shooter. So anything you make up stems only from your imagination. Which as we can all see here, is rather disorganized.

It emanates from the left's CONSTRUCT of Trump, not actual Trump.

You have created this inflated boogeyman and then you are shocked when people buy into it.
Oh? In terms of the El Paso shooting, what construct of trump did the left create that wasn't based on what trump himself has created?

The entire view of Trump prog morons have. It's like they have created a wrestler heel trump.
If you can't cite specifics, it's because you're bullshitting.
"Why should I?"

To make your point. Why else? Seems you can't.

As it stands, we know Crusius' motives and we've heard some of that rhetoric from trump and others on the right.

And your response is, nuh-uh, but Warren!

That's the position of a 4 year old.

My response to Bulldog is that, and that's all the proof I need to give to equate Bulldip's ranting.

If you want a real response, my response is that if we want to go with the "who instigated the El Paso Shooter", it would be the CONSTRUCT of Trump, created by progressives and the media, of this Master Racists and Fascist and guy who kicks puppies for fun.

And by instigated, I mean "instigated in the mind of the nutter", not any actual intent by Trump.

Instigated in the minds of lots of nutters. Did you see him laugh and make a joke when a nutter at his rally yelled to "shoot them"?

Did the guy who said it actually go out and shoot anyone?

Again, there is Trump, and there is the progressive CONSTRUCT of Trump.
No, but the message from trump in that regard is it's no big deal to shoot illegal immigrants.

No, it isn't, you just read it that way because of your TDS addled wibble mind.
Who the hell do these ass hats think they are?

The people of this country elected Trump President, and if you don't like it you can always leave, fucking idiots.

My Gawd, I am sick to death of these audacious thieves! The blame Trump for the shootings as if there were no mass shootings before Trump took office. They climb up on the corpses of the dead victims to try to score political points!

The American people are not missing this degrading posturing hypocrisy!

Trump to visit El Paso mass shooting site, in spite of Dems' warning to stay away

But both before and after Margo's announcement, several Democrats forcefully urged Trump not to visit El Paso. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, who represents the district that is home to the Walmart where Saturday’s shooting took place, lashed out at the president on Monday morning -- placing some of the blame for the weekend’s tragedy at his feet.

“The president has made my community and my people the enemy,” she told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

“He has told the country that we are people to be feared, people to be hated," Escobar continued. "From my perspective, he is not welcome here. He should not come here while we are in mourning.”

And Democratic presidential candidate Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, urged Margo in a televised interview to "quietly" tell Trump that he is not "welcome" in the city, because of his rhetoric on immigration.
More leftist lies and slander. Trump has NEVER said anything bad about all Hispanics, but only of criminals who are sneaking into our country. The leftists know this but they lie anyway, just like they lie about Trump equivocating normal protesters at Charlettesville to the neo-Nazis, easily proven false and yet they repeat this slander incessantly.

The biggest wedge driving ideologues in our country today is the Identity Politics of the left and their craven slander of their opponents.
1. American people didnt elect the president the EC did.
2. The mayor is the voice of the citizens of the city.
3. In other countries they wouldve tried his ass for causing hate and enticing violence.

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