Elderly couple pulled over after their Buckeye car decal is mistaken for a marijuana


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011

After trying to explain that the sticker was not a marijuana leaf and that she and her husband were not trafficking drugs cross-country, the police advised Jonas-Boggioni to remove the sticker as to not cause any more confusion.

You know, just in case there were any other moronic drug cops out there that didn’t actually know what a marijuana leaf looked like.
Appears some cops have too much time on their hands.
I don't know what a marijuana leaf looks like, but I wouldn't assume this elderly couple had one on the back of their car.

Idiot cops.

After trying to explain that the sticker was not a marijuana leaf and that she and her husband were not trafficking drugs cross-country, the police advised Jonas-Boggioni to remove the sticker as to not cause any more confusion.

You know, just in case there were any other moronic drug cops out there that didn’t actually know what a marijuana leaf looked like.
Even if it were a marijuana leaf sticker -- so what? Such a decorative image is nothing more than an aesthetic adornment which is protected by the First Amendment and that cop had no justifiable cause to stop those people, which was in fact harassment. This incident is further evidence of how the War on Drugs has nudged this Nation to the doorstep of a police state.

The cop who did this isn't stupid. He's been indoctrinated and his type is representative of those who spontaneously and unnecessarily fired shots at two unrelated cars during the Dorner pursuit. They are dangerous, there are many like them, and hypocritical public officials like President Barack Obama, himself an admitted marijuana user, are the reason peaceful citizens are subjected to their delusional and often harmful whims.
Ohio State did just take a top rated football recruit away from UT, maybe they were pissed?
These cops sound like royal idiots. Did someone tell them that drug traffickers are in the habit of advertising their crime on bumper stickers? I would have told them to go after cars that were sporting bumper stickers of dead bodies or bales of cocaine. Apparently, those are the only clues they know to look for.
Yep....apparently they have no clue whatsoever as to what a buckeye leaf looks like. Must be democrats.....
Yep....apparently they have no clue whatsoever as to what a buckeye leaf looks like. Must be democrats.....

Well, it's also clear they don't have a clue what a pot leaf looks like either.

Which makes them less likely to be Democrats.
Chalk one up for the great state of Tennessee. LMFAO!!!!

Don't denigrate the great state of Tennessee. In 2000 Tennessee was the first and only state that refused to support its native son in the presidential election, which, in fact gave the presidency to George Walker Bush, instead of Al Gore.

Give the people of Tennessee credit for knowing what idiots still don't know (or refuse to know) about Al Gore.
One supposes then that a bumper sticker reading:

I'm driving drunk AND I VOTE!

might cause some problems in the state of Tennesse, too

What's troubling, I can see this happening, anywhere in the country. There are those that their badge, give them the power to take away rights.
What's troubling, I can see this happening, anywhere in the country. There are those that their badge, give them the power to take away rights.

I hope you meant "this" in a broader sense of Police power and not in the "this" exact incident. There are plenty of places in the country where you are not going to be pulled over for a bumper sticker of ANY kind. (Although I could get behind ticketing people with truck nuts.)
These cops sound like royal idiots. Did someone tell them that drug traffickers are in the habit of advertising their crime on bumper stickers? I would have told them to go after cars that were sporting bumper stickers of dead bodies or bales of cocaine. Apparently, those are the only clues they know to look for.

I was thinking the same thing but the old man was probably doing a doobie to a Karen Carpenter 8 track.
One supposes then that a bumper sticker reading:

I'm driving drunk AND I VOTE!

might cause some problems in the state of Tennesse, too


Maybe this should be extended to pulling over those with:

OBAMA/BIDEN 2012 bumper stickers for being a risk to the nation. :razz:

After trying to explain that the sticker was not a marijuana leaf and that she and her husband were not trafficking drugs cross-country, the police advised Jonas-Boggioni to remove the sticker as to not cause any more confusion.

You know, just in case there were any other moronic drug cops out there that didn’t actually know what a marijuana leaf looked like.

Aside from the horrid grammatical error in your post, I understand that is was not the police trying to explain that the sticker was not a marijuana leaf.

A policeman that cannot be taught to recognize a marijuana leaf should be given assistance in finding another vocation. To give Bubba a pistol and call him a cop is not the way to build a reputable police force.
What's troubling, I can see this happening, anywhere in the country. There are those that their badge, give them the power to take away rights.

I hope you meant "this" in a broader sense of Police power and not in the "this" exact incident. There are plenty of places in the country where you are not going to be pulled over for a bumper sticker of ANY kind. (Although I could get behind ticketing people with truck nuts.)

It is in the broader sense, we have communities where just drawing a gun get you expelled from school, how much police power do we want.
Chalk one up for the great state of Tennessee. LMFAO!!!!

Don't denigrate the great state of Tennessee. In 2000 Tennessee was the first and only state that refused to support its native son in the presidential election, which, in fact gave the presidency to George Walker Bush, instead of Al Gore.

Give the people of Tennessee credit for knowing what idiots still don't know (or refuse to know) about Al Gore.

You mean that the candidate that was presented the election that year was so much worse than Gore?
But, then, why did they vote for 'W'?

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