Elderly woman robbed and punched out...yeah, no need for guns in church...

Your answer to a problem that kills just over 100 each year is something that accidently kills over 500. That is a special kind of dumb.

2 million violent crimes stopped and lives saved by law abiding citizens on average each year...........add those numbers up.

That is imaginary and not supported by anything in reality. Not even mathematically possible. We only have 1.5 million violent crimes each year. You think a minority of the population can defend 2 million? You embarrass yourself again.

Your answer to a problem that kills just over 100 each year is something that accidently kills over 500. That is a special kind of dumb.

1.5 reported crimes...and everyone acknowledges that the NCVS, the survey that details many crimes misses even more...

and with 12.8 million people carrying guns for self defense, our gun murder rate and our accidental gun death rate is going down, not up.

Tell that to the economists and criminologists who actually did the research....

Yes when people don't report crimes that's usually because they are involved in criminal activity themselves.

Show mathematically based on crime rates and gun ownership that 2 million is even possible.

No economist or criminologist is claiming your 2 million number. Your number very stupidly comes from ancient surveys that have been debunked. You average them which is completely ridiculous and you don't account for crime rate coming down dramatically since those old surveys were done. You also use surveys you can't prove exist and aren't even national. You number is a joke as has been proven time and time again. NCVS is the largest study on DGUs by a lot and arrives at 108K, that is the most accurate guess.

Brain, you are lying….I have put out the information repeatedly and the best you can do is say…"I debunk thee because I disagree with thee…." and you lie again…the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is not a gun study on the defensive use of guns……..not even close, they don't even use the word "gun" anywhere in their survey…….

And thanks for bringing up the fact, the fact, that as more Americans have bought and carry guns, carrying them for self defense, the gun murder rate and the gun accident rate went down, not up……..

Show mathematically based on crime rates and gun ownership that 2 million is even possible.

I can show the 108k is possible.

I have 12 dgu studies that say it is less than 2 million. How many you have?
Horrible story. Unfortunately, successful crimes like this just encourage the thugs to repeat them. Having said that, it goes to show that one is never safe, not even in a church.

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