Elected Officials Betraying The Country And Citizens To Lobbyist Dictatorship Plan of action.

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Elected Officials Betraying The Country And Citizens To Lobbyist Dictatorship Plan of action.

Lets have a look at what has been going on involving Muslims, LGBT, Black Lives Matter, elected officials selling us out to Lobbyist dictatorship of which dictatorship is clearly not democracy!

LGBT are such obsessive compulsive liars deceivers and bigots. They don't want to acknowledge any respect for being heterosexual which doesn't include having sex with some homosexual born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with. Force of deception is not among consenting adults because not one heterosexual on the planet would knowingly have sex with someone born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with and proof of this is, we are not homosexual, we are not bi sexual, we are heterosexual! Filthy disgusting liars label a natural repulsion an irrational fear then make up such lies as homophobe and transaphobe because all the cheap pathetic LGBT mentality knows how to do is compulsively and obsessively lie when it comes to the foundation of their every issue to do with their bias agenda. Every heterosexual on the planet is naturally repulsed with those born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with and proof of this is we are not homosexual, we are not bi sexual, we are heterosexual! LGBT and Liberals quite obviously are the bigots. Our officials are a bunch of sell outs to lobbyist dictatorship. Pretending to be the opposite sex needs to be criminalized for everyone and LGBT destroyed permanently and globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations and for heterosexuals right freedom and liberty to be heterosexual. Homosexuals are going to have to start accepting themselves for what sex that they are born and if they have sex with other homosexuals who cares, at least they will no longer be legally getting away with making guinea pigs out of you and your heterosexual sons and daughters.

I suspect the lobbyist plan behind all of these Liberal elected official sell outs and traitors is to turn us against one another with the LGBT, Black Lives Matters, and this Muslim propaganda by turning our cities into traitors of Canada as lobbyists there have obviously bought off city council in six cities of Canada to try and make it illegal to speak up about sharia garbage etc. Try to make it illegal to put a stop to your children being stoned to death for not being muslim. Trying to make it illegal to stand up against your children under ten years old being raped and your daughter of pretty much any age being raped and then executed for being raped for that is the threat that even Liberals try to hide by attempting to make the only threat out to be terrorists and extremism with what they call islam radicals meanwhile their foot soldiers here in North America will even tell you that they do not want sharia and will tell you anything else to keep the door open for more muslims to immigrate, procreate like rabbits then start voting in sharia law. The fact of the matter is if a person does not want sharia law then they quite obviously are not muslim to begin with!

So they are attempting to turn us against each other with a slew of ignorance along with many lies and deceptions and likely so they can turn around and claim that we are the ones who are the corrupted society thanks to their long term plans of imposing lies and deceptions on the public by using liberals betraying us for lobbyist cash for decades now.

They are using our so called democracy which is obviously a lobbyist dictatorship and not a democracy at all along with freedom of religion to destroy North American's future.

They are sinking our country into deficit, calling giving billions of pension funds to muslim populated countries an investment. They are making things so hard to live in Canada that no wonder struggling families can't have more children meanwhile they bring in muslims to live off of the welfare system with ten kids while claiming we need population. Betraying Canadian citizens to the muslim agenda!

They are encouraging BLM to try and make our cops quite out of fear so that we descend into anarchy which is likely what they are waiting for, for excuse to enact martial law. Our armies etc. have a choice to make, turn against your friends and families and Canadian citizens and side with traitors in office selling us all out to lobbyist dictatorship, or do what I suspect and turn your back on those traitors and side with your families to end this scam coming to a head. I strongly advise Canadian and USA military to turn their backs on traitors when the time comes and I also suspect in lieu of hearing of muslim training camps in North America who are likely being prepped to replace the army etc. because someone if this be the case is preparing for it is likely that is when our countries defenders are going to turn backs on elected traitors in office!

In the event of Nation wide protest evoked by traitors in office keep in mind a strategy if needed. You know how protests go where everyone lumps into a big crowd. Don't do it, to easy a target for likely planned terrorism to take out many at once. Stay in groups of 20 and try to keep those people you are familiar with. Stay 20 feet apart from other groups because a) you can see who is coming and going b) in case a bomb goes off it will minimize casualties. If come a day the national protest is launched to remove traitors from office I really do suspect that this is pre planned so be prepared.

We need to criminalize pretending to be the opposite sex one is born. We need to criminalize lobbyists giving our elected officials cash to betray citizens to lobbyist dictation. We need to restore marriage to a respectable state because as thousands of years already reveal marriage is about honouring the significance of the unity of the one sexual union to which we all our very existence which is worthy of honour above any other sexual union exclusively with what we call marriage. Not one LGBT or Liberal has ever contested this fact with so much as a shred of validity but instead they desperately scrambled to try and make their lies and deceptions the issue along with lobbyists paying the way to make this soon to be short lived mockery they make of marriage thus have driven wedges among us over complete rhetoric. If it were up to homosexual unions to sustain the human race, we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective and there is obviously no honour in that and such unions quite obviously do not even come close to equaling heterosexual unions. Terrorist group BLM has to be removed from society as they quite obviously are driving wedges while pushing for police to quit unless they want to be killed. Some of you may not like to read this but it is a reality that you would be wise to finally accept so that we can move on together because we need to criminalize freedom of religion which has welcomed this most real sharia threat to invade our country. Do you value religion more than you value your own children's lives? I have been sharing the factual evidence that proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies because these lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people right to this very day. A couple of thousand years ago Jesus was killed for his lies then like Muslims are attempting all over the world, the Catholics used that as a catalyst to force their religion on the Romans hence Roman Catholic! No religion is better than any other, they all inspire each other to the point where delusional muslims seem to deluded to think that by killing everyone else makes their factually proven foundation of lies the truth when the truth is the garbage that crumbles when pit vs fact every time.

I will end this composition with the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies of which the foundation of every religion is some ridiculous story of how we / everything came to be.

The religious claim the lie the refer to as a god for example (The foundation of every religion is some ridiculous story of how we / everything came to be) has intelligence to be able to understand what they call prayer or worship. They also claim it to be the creator of everything and yet the fact remains that not anything goes poof into existence from nothingness. Let alone not anything is able to develop an intelligence out of nothingness and start making other things go poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that the creator of everything is an endless duration of energy matter and time re creating energy and matter. You and everything on this planet for example are a factual example that everything that exists anywhere throughout the universe takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. You want to contest this as fact with so much as a shred of validity then all you got to do is share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness.

Intelligence occurs where life happens as life evolves and evolution only occurs where life happens. (The facts I share prove evolution when it comes to living things and I have seen some pretty ignorant people claim that a monkey will not evolve into a chicken while they ignore the many differently evolved species of ants or humans etc. in reflection of their having evolved in their different environments, food sources, threats etc.) If there are aliens out there the fact remains that not any of them went poof into existence out of nothingness because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. This proves that not anything with intelligence is the creator of everything / that there is no such thing as a god. Sure when things evolve as life and develop their intellect they may start experimenting with different ways of re creating energy and matter which may / may have lead to populating other planets with experimental life forms but that anything with an intellect came into existence in the first place to have such abilities to do this is simply thanks to energy matter and time re creating energy and matter which proves that there is no such thing as a god / intelligent creator of everything, that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies and that the Big Bang as proof of origin has been proven false years ago.

The following of factually proven foundations of Religious lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years of war and divide and again over factually proven foundations of religious lies.

Religion has got to be criminalized, freedom of religion has got to be made illegal for the well being of the future of the life on this planet especially in many countries facing muslim threat as of late. Sure there are Muslim extremists but the real long term threat here is that while they always try to use Muslim extremism / terrorism to try and hide their long term plan which is the real long term threat and it is that they immigrate, procreate, populate, then start voting in sharia law within these suddenly heavily muslim populated areas while using freedom of religion and so called democracy which in days of now is elected officials selling out citizens to lobbyist dictatorship which is not a democracy it's a dictatorship. Religion has got to go and so does freedom of religion especially after thousands of years of war and divide all over filthy religious lies and the reason these muslims are doing what they do is because they follow a factually proven foundation of religious lies as well.

I value human life more than I value religious lies, do you or are you religious? It's time to restore some dignity to the human race for the well being and sanity of current and future generations and throw your factually proven foundation of religious lies in the garbage where it belongs.

I have been sharing this information with around 1000 current elected and appointed federal / provincial / territorial members of parliament for 16 years now. Over the years I included several other countries until the past recent couple of years of which have been in contact with tens of thousands of elected, appointed and designated officials of almost 200 countries.

I am very disappointed in the current and recent elected and appointed official manifestation of ignorance in Canada and even in the USA as well UK etc. they exemplify as they ignore all facts and what the people want while they instead force all kinds of lies, deceptions and bigotry upon the public because they represent the dictations of lobbyists who throw cash at them which needs to be criminalized to bring us to democracy and not this modern day lobbyist dictatorship which is designed to make countries poor to aid musims while they intend to migrate, procreate, populate vote in sharia so they can start stoning non muslims to death.

Take a look in any country where Muslims are a majority and do you see that minorities have any rights? Yet where Muslims are a minority that is all they fight for until they are a majority then you get raped for not wearing a burka, stoned to death or beheaded for not being muslim.

It's time we end this madness now instead of this Liberal government continuing to escalate manifestations of lies deceptions while they soar un into deficit to make us a third world country asap. Justin Trudeau is selling out Canada, betraying you while even telling you going further and further in debt year after year is good for the economy. What he is doing is basically assuring our children are slaves.

Our Canadian governing system has become insanity itself turning on it's citizens to feed their selfishness by enforcing the dictations of lobbyists feeding them money / making sock puppets out of elected officials. Lobbyists giving elected and appointed officials cash has got to be criminalized along with religion and freedom of religion for the well being and the future of Canadians as well the life on this planet.

Governments claiming to be democracies tell you that your government is owned and run by the public when it's officials sell out and become owned and run by lobbyist dictatorship. It's time we the public take it back from them and research me after reading this to find out more.

If any official isn't willing to run for an election because lobbyists throwing cash at them is criminalized then they are quite obviously not worth having in office to begin with!

The Parliaments of Canada still have time to save some face by actually standing up for Canadian citizens and doing what needs to be done before enacting mandatory education of governing ways kindergarten throughout high school once all of the above mentioned is first criminalized so that our governing system never gets this out of hand ever again!

Pretty sickening what this so called PM has done towards even shaming our flag with such garbage thus making a mockery of Canada in the worlds eye which quite obviously furthers the divides!

Blood keep our land glorious and free! (We the bloodlines of Canadians) and same thing for you over there in the USA, in the UK etc.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

Having the guts to do what I do for the well being and sanity of current and future generations doesn't make me a crazy person ;) and I can't say that the name rings a bell. Thanks for the rating btw.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

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