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Election 2012: Tea Party vrs RINO Establishment

LOL here we go again. Being a larger-than-life figure who was nine-tenths illusion in BOTH of his careers -- movies and politics -- Ronald Reagan naturally spawns his own mythos. The amazing thing is that some people still believe it.

Reagan brought down the Soviet Union? Yeah, and the rooster crows in the sunrise, too.

We can go into the complicated reasons why the Soviet Union fell another time. Suffice it to say for the moment that there is no such thing as a country that controls its own currency going "bankrupt," that Soviet military spending did not change in response to Reagan's military buildup, was always higher than sustainable, and actually FELL under Gorbachev; that Gorbachev's political reforms had the unintended consequences of bringing to light many flaws in the system that had been concealed while the government held tight control over the media; that the drop in oil prices in the mid 1980s deprived the USSR, a net oil exporter, of needed hard-currency revenues; and that the country had been running on fumes ever since 1980 anyway.

What's more interesting in the context of this thread is that Republicans seem to have no current political leaders to rally around, and are reduced to invoking the name of a dead one.

Reagan brought down the Soviet Union? Yeah, and the rooster crows in the sunrise, too.

Sunrise would be morning a rooster is an alarm clock for the farm. I should know since well having chickens was a way of farm life for me and my family. So yes the rooster does crow in the morning.

Just like Reagan beat the communist socialist economy.
Sunrise would be morning a rooster is an alarm clock for the farm. I should know since well having chickens was a way of farm life for me and my family. So yes the rooster does crow in the morning.

Does it cause the sunrise? No.

Just like Reagan beat the communist socialist economy.

Yes, EXACTLY like: he crowed over it.
Sunrise would be morning a rooster is an alarm clock for the farm. I should know since well having chickens was a way of farm life for me and my family. So yes the rooster does crow in the morning.

Does it cause the sunrise? No.

Just like Reagan beat the communist socialist economy.

Yes, EXACTLY like: he crowed over it.
So you want to play with words? Here's what you said.
Reagan brought down the Soviet Union? Yeah, and the rooster crows in the sunrise, too.

The rooster does crow when the sun rises.
And bullshit to you the communist socialism fed economy could not keep up with the capitalist system of the U.S.

Reagan didn't invent capitalism. He spent more on the military. Those are two different things.

Who said Reagan did? I said he used it to defeat the communist socialism fed economy using the capitalist system of the U.S. USING IS NOT INVENTING OR DID YOU INVENT YOUR CAR SINCE YOU USE IT?

You are changing your argument. First you said that Reagan defeated communism by building up the military. Then you said that Reagan defeated communism by using the capitalistic system. Then I butted in, to tell you that those are two different arguments.

If your argument is that Western capitalism eventually outstripped Soviet communism, then I don't know how you can single-handily give Reagan sole credit for defeating communism, since our capitalistic system was in place long before Reagan.
Reagan didn't invent capitalism. He spent more on the military. Those are two different things.

Who said Reagan did? I said he used it to defeat the communist socialism fed economy using the capitalist system of the U.S. USING IS NOT INVENTING OR DID YOU INVENT YOUR CAR SINCE YOU USE IT?

You are changing your argument. First you said that Reagan defeated communism by building up the military. Then you said that Reagan defeated communism by using the capitalistic system. Then I butted in, to tell you that those are two different arguments.

If your argument is that Western capitalism eventually outstripped Soviet communism, then I don't know how you can single-handily give Reagan sole credit for defeating communism, since our capitalistic system was in place long before Reagan.
You are changing your argument.
No I am not you did when you said

Reagan didn't invent capitalism.

You did it by implying that I said something That I never said.
My GOD some of you let the liberal trolls run you off the plot so easily. DAMN!

First, lets just get this straight. There is NO SUCH THING as the "TEA Party!"

The TEA Party is just a term used to explain a loose collection of thousands of small groups in every little town, village and city in this country that sprang up all over this country in response to the out of control spending and out of control deficits that EXPLODED in last 2 years of Bush's term...which just happened to be the first 2 years the democrats took over the House and Senate. They began to gain a voice because after the demwhits took over, the silent majority of America that IS CONSERVATIVE looked around and saw what was coming and decided it was time to take back America liberals and progressives...in BOTH PARTIES that had sold this country to special interest and put SOCIALIST MAJORITIES in both houses!

There AIN'T no TEA Party. The only reason groups like the TEA Party, Tea Party Express and others are registered by name was to keep the liberal NUT JOBS from registering the names and doing mischief...PERIOD!

What's the point of that little history lesson? These groups are made up of people of all ages, economic status and political backgrounds. If you go to a TEA Party event, you'll find disaffected democrat, millionaires standing shoulder to shoulder with with 78 year old rednecks who live on SS and eat cat food. The ONE THING they all have in common is that they believe the federal government is out of control and MUST BE CONTROLLED!

Now how we do that...THAT is up for much debate. As with anything, you can't get any two people in this country together and have them agree completely on the color of the sky. So...the fact that ALL TEA Party's agree that government spending has to be stopped and the size and scope of government shrunk is TELLING!

And speaking of telling, listen to the rhetoric coming from both the right AND left. Progressives on the right...RINOs...are backing Romney because he is one of them. You can NOT be a conservative and get elected governor of Massachusetts. We'll, I suppose you can if you are willing to LIE about your true convictions to do it. Either way, should "tell" you all you need to know about Romney.

The rhetoric coming from the left is the really fun part. Every talking head, every politician, every so called "independent" pollster has gotten the memo...now that it's clear Newt is a REAL threat...to say EVERY SINGLE TIME THEY CAN that Romney has very little or an even chance of beating Obama and Newt has NONE!

They are trying the same thing they did with McCain.

Let me ask you something. Since we ALL know that Obamacare was built on Romneycare...hell, Romney advisers work on Obamacare...and Romney's social policies have for the last 20 years more closely resembled Obama than Santorum, WHAT is the difference between Romney and Obama that would make him a threat to Obama?

I'll tell ya...just to avoid you filling the house with the smell of burnt brain cells. It's the economy stupid! That's right, Romney's business experience is the ONLY real divider, the firewall that's between independents supporting Romney over Obama. So, let's just suppose...and I know many of the pessimist will say it can't happen, but just for the sake of argument...let's say that the economy gets back going a little between when Romney gets nominated and the election. WHAT would the result be for the republican party and the Republic for that matter.

See, I know what I'd do if I were Obama looking to get reuped!

First, when it became apparent that Romney had it in the bag, I'd artificially LOWER the price of gasoline. You say it can't be done by the president...WRONG!

I'd begin a slow release of the strategic reserves. It has the effect of increasing supply and reduces demand induced by government purchases...which in tern lowers price.

Then I'd QUIETLY suspend MOST of the boutique blend standards for gas. There are literally DOZENS of different blends of gas standards required by the EPA. Different blends for the time of year, the state it's sold in and even the CITY it's sold in. Every time the refinery has to switch to a different standard for the market they are REQUIRED BY GOVERNMENT to serve...they have to stop production and switch over. When you add the cost of switch over, lost production and the fact that our refineries in the US are already running at 110% production capabilities and have been for over 20 years...it has MORE THAN doubled the cost of a gallon of gas.

And that is even before the new ethanol and cafe standards Congress passed in 2008 and Obama had the EPA enact.

So, what do you suppose would happen to all this pent up energy around the country if the price of a gallon were to drop to say, 1.70 or 2.00 per gallon? Do you think that might effect the unemployment rate and cost of living pretty quickly? You can bet your ASS it would!

So if I were Obama and did that and a couple other slight of hand tricks to lower the price of food, taxes and the rest...and the unemployment rate dropped below 6 or 7%, just WHO do you then think I'd feel better about facing for my re election?

A liberal republican who's only claim of distinction between us is his private sector ability to create jobs...which goes away in a good economy...OR a conservative who has spent his whole career fighting AGAINST everything I stand for?

The thought of having to stand on stage and debate Newt has Obama SHITING himself!


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