Election Dress Codes

The law says no politicking within a certain number of feet from the polling place.

That keeps things civil

Why would you have a problem with civility?
Wearing a shirt is not politicking.

And if people can't behave like mature adults they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

WTF does it matter if the guy standing behind you in line is wearing a Green Party Tee Shirt?

Are you that much of a whining asshole that another person not voting for your guy bothers you?

Cause it is the law... i could spend a while explaining to you why it is the law but that seems wasteful... We get it, you don't like the law but it is the law...
The law says no politicking within a certain number of feet from the polling place.

That keeps things civil

Why would you have a problem with civility?
Wearing a shirt is not politicking.

And if people can't behave like mature adults they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

WTF does it matter if the guy standing behind you in line is wearing a Green Party Tee Shirt?

Are you that much of a whining asshole that another person not voting for your guy bothers you?
It's less about intimidation, and more about it being uncouth for anyone to Campaign at polling places...what the Statute specifically looks to prohibit is any attempts near the polling places to persuade a Voter. Surely, for every 300 mature folks who ignore a shirt, there are two guys in line that are going to get into it, too...causing an issue - - - and these issues maybe were common and exhausted too many resources, hence the rule, which seems reasonable. Even the most Conservative SCOTUS Justices have written about the solemnity of the polling place. It's really nothing to whine about...it's been precedent for over a Century, wtf

Wearing a shirt is not campaigning.

And really is the guy behind you with a Libertarian Party shirt on going to change your mind?
It's not about me. That's the point...and I don't find any reason to give three shits about the long standing tradition.

You can ask me if I'd be persuaded...I can ask the person with the shirt on, are you really going to die if you shut the fuck up about your Candidate for five minutes?

It's really nothing to have a whine sesh about.

I happen to abhor any violation of the Constitution.
I'm not sure it qualifies as one, and so I defer to the experts: SCOTUS seem to be down with it.

Yelling fire in Church isn't legal, either. Oh well.

Yes it is.
The law says no politicking within a certain number of feet from the polling place.

That keeps things civil

Why would you have a problem with civility?
Wearing a shirt is not politicking.

And if people can't behave like mature adults they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

WTF does it matter if the guy standing behind you in line is wearing a Green Party Tee Shirt?

Are you that much of a whining asshole that another person not voting for your guy bothers you?

Cause it is the law... i could spend a while explaining to you why it is the law but that seems wasteful... We get it, you don't like the law but it is the law...
you do understand that laws can be unconstitutional don't you?
The law says no politicking within a certain number of feet from the polling place.

That keeps things civil

Why would you have a problem with civility?
Wearing a shirt is not politicking.

And if people can't behave like mature adults they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

WTF does it matter if the guy standing behind you in line is wearing a Green Party Tee Shirt?

Are you that much of a whining asshole that another person not voting for your guy bothers you?

Cause it is the law... i could spend a while explaining to you why it is the law but that seems wasteful... We get it, you don't like the law but it is the law...
you do understand that laws can be unconstitutional don't you?
Who decides that? - - - ding ding ding
I don't know how many states ban certain clothing at polling places but IMO such bans are completely unconstitutional.

I have a right to vote and I have a right to free speech.

Who the fuck is the government to tell me I won't be allowed into a polling place because theu don't like my choice of clothes?

It is unconstitutional to intimidate people who attend the polls. If your clothes are intimidating it could be said you are breaking the law.

Please learn the law before you break it...

Clothing is not intimidating. If you think otherwise you are too stupid to vote.

"Clothing is not intimidating. If you think otherwise you are too stupid to vote."

Snopes rates this statement "mostly true," but notes that there are exceptions to every rule

I don't know how many states ban certain clothing at polling places but IMO such bans are completely unconstitutional.

I have a right to vote and I have a right to free speech.

Who the fuck is the government to tell me I won't be allowed into a polling place because they don't like my choice of clothes?
I never did see any, "No shirts, no shoes no service" signs so I went in naked.
It is unconstitutional to intimidate people who attend the polls.
What clause, please.
fifteenth amdendment

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

"denied or abridged" - if you feel intimidated while voting then it is felt you are denied...

So a guy stands outside a polling booth in the 50s and said he would shoot black people if they wanted to vote... Did he specifically deny them voting? No... But he gave them consequences in voting... This is intimidation... States brought in more specific laws to give better clarity...

Another law prohibits someone looking to how you vote as well...
It is unconstitutional to intimidate people who attend the polls.
What clause, please.
fifteenth amdendment

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

"denied or abridged" - if you feel intimidated while voting then it is felt you are denied...

So a guy stands outside a polling booth in the 50s and said he would shoot black people if they wanted to vote... Did he specifically deny them voting? No... But he gave them consequences in voting... This is intimidation... States brought in more specific laws to give better clarity...

Another law prohibits someone looking to how you vote as well...
So the moonbat whose friend wore the 8645 shirt to the polls abridged or denied the right to vote?

And he thought that was funny?
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It is unconstitutional to intimidate people who attend the polls.
What clause, please.
fifteenth amdendment

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

"denied or abridged" - if you feel intimidated while voting then it is felt you are denied...

So a guy stands outside a polling booth in the 50s and said he would shoot black people if they wanted to vote... Did he specifically deny them voting? No... But he gave them consequences in voting... This is intimidation... States brought in more specific laws to give better clarity...

Another law prohibits someone looking to how you vote as well...
When a citizen wears an 8645 shirt or MAGA hat to the polls, that is not the United States or a state denying or abridging the right to vote.
I don't know how many states ban certain clothing at polling places but IMO such bans are completely unconstitutional.

I have a right to vote and I have a right to free speech.

Who the fuck is the government to tell me I won't be allowed into a polling place because they don't like my choice of clothes?

So, according to you, a KKK member should be able to wear his KKK robe...or some extremely disgusting slogan or words calling blacks the 'N'-word.....

BLM members should be able to wear a T-Shirt stating 'Post-Election, Whites / Trump Supporters should / will be purged', that if you vote Trump don't be surprised when your house burns down'....

Nothing is unacceptable - insults, hate, racist, sexist, anti-Semite, etc.... 'Freedom of Speech'

It's especially hypocritical when intolerant Democrats / snowflakes attempt to hide behind the Constitutional Right of Free Speech while snatching 'MAGA' hats off kids' heads, beating Trump-supporters with clubs ate Trump rallies, shooting & killing Trump supporters, and censuring / blacking out news stories...
The funny thing is... the OP admits he doesn't even vote.
So...once again... the outraged generation finds something new to be outraged about.

I do vote I'm just not voting in this presidential election.

There are no 3rd party candidates running in my Congressional district and voting for a 3rd party presidential candidate won't matter.

There are no pressing local issues to vote for or against.

So tell me why should I waste my time going to the polls and standing in line?

And there's no faux outrage here I'm just wondering why you idiots put up with a flagrant violation of your rights.

The big question should be why does it take so long to vote...

Last time I voted in Ireland, I ordered a Taxi to my place and he said it would take 20 min... I went and voted and was back with 5 minutes spare... Would have been quicker but the school car park had idiots...
There is no queue... There is loads of nice helpful polling staff... Biggest problem is getting in and out without bumping into a neighbour and stay and chat...
It is all manual... This is different... So you fill out the ballot(s) and referendum(s)... Ballots are by preference and on my 5 seater constituency there was 21 candidates... 3 each from the main two parties (so i get to choose which member of the party I like in preference and I don't have to continue with party).
Counting starts at 9 am the next day will go on for the weekend (2 days)... Ideally they have polling on Fridays (it means people can go home to vote (think of students & workers in smaller country)... It is a hand count and it takes time but there is a beautiful slow motion of how the results come in in just your own district... You can walk into the count centre and bump into a friend and see how it is going... There is always a bit of fun and you will see friends who were canvassing for other candidates. The strange thing is how close everyone gets at that point as the different boxes are opened and counted... Ireland tried machine counting and it died a death quickly... There was no romance, no drama...

Not criticising any other way, just showing that there is many ways voting is done... some good and some bad...
It is unconstitutional to intimidate people who attend the polls.
What clause, please.
fifteenth amdendment

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

"denied or abridged" - if you feel intimidated while voting then it is felt you are denied...

So a guy stands outside a polling booth in the 50s and said he would shoot black people if they wanted to vote... Did he specifically deny them voting? No... But he gave them consequences in voting... This is intimidation... States brought in more specific laws to give better clarity...

Another law prohibits someone looking to how you vote as well...
When a citizen wears an 8645 shirt or MAGA hat to the polls, that is not the United States or a state denying or abridging the right to vote.

That is your opinion... KKK probably thought they were just nice christian boys as well...

This is why the law makes it say to stay well clear of any ambiguity... What is the actual purpose of wearing a campaign t-shirt or hat to a poll?
It is to convince people to do something... Convince and intimidate are grey lines...

There is enough divisiveness, voting is supposed to be about every Americans right, a right fought for and defended... Why can't act of voting be left alone from divisiveness...
I don't know how many states ban certain clothing at polling places but IMO such bans are completely unconstitutional.

I have a right to vote and I have a right to free speech.

Who the fuck is the government to tell me I won't be allowed into a polling place because they don't like my choice of clothes?

So, according to you, a KKK member should be able to wear his KKK robe...or some extremely disgusting slogan or words calling blacks the 'N'-word.....

BLM members should be able to wear a T-Shirt stating 'Post-Election, Whites / Trump Supporters should / will be purged', that if you vote Trump don't be surprised when your house burns down'....

Nothing is unacceptable - insults, hate, racist, sexist, anti-Semite, etc.... 'Freedom of Speech'

It's especially hypocritical when intolerant Democrats / snowflakes attempt to hide behind the Constitutional Right of Free Speech while snatching 'MAGA' hats off kids' heads, beating Trump-supporters with clubs ate Trump rallies, shooting & killing Trump supporters, and censuring / blacking out news stories...

Come on Easy....

You were going so well... Why the last paragraph... You could have left it out and your point was made....
It is unconstitutional to intimidate people who attend the polls.
What clause, please.
fifteenth amdendment

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

"denied or abridged" - if you feel intimidated while voting then it is felt you are denied...

So a guy stands outside a polling booth in the 50s and said he would shoot black people if they wanted to vote... Did he specifically deny them voting? No... But he gave them consequences in voting... This is intimidation... States brought in more specific laws to give better clarity...

Another law prohibits someone looking to how you vote as well...
When a citizen wears an 8645 shirt or MAGA hat to the polls, that is not the United States or a state denying or abridging the right to vote.

That is your opinion... KKK probably thought they were just nice christian boys as well...

This is why the law makes it say to stay well clear of any ambiguity... What is the actual purpose of wearing a campaign t-shirt or hat to a poll?
It is to convince people to do something... Convince and intimidate are grey lines...

There is enough divisiveness, voting is supposed to be about every Americans right, a right fought for and defended... Why can't act of voting be left alone from divisiveness...
A citizen is not the United States or a state, Moonbat.

The Constitution's purpose was not to form, or constitute, any citizen. It constituted a republican government.
i've been working my ass off trying to get Trump re-elected. it will soon be finally time to rest!
It is unconstitutional to intimidate people who attend the polls.
What clause, please.
fifteenth amdendment

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

"denied or abridged" - if you feel intimidated while voting then it is felt you are denied...

So a guy stands outside a polling booth in the 50s and said he would shoot black people if they wanted to vote... Did he specifically deny them voting? No... But he gave them consequences in voting... This is intimidation... States brought in more specific laws to give better clarity...

Another law prohibits someone looking to how you vote as well...
When a citizen wears an 8645 shirt or MAGA hat to the polls, that is not the United States or a state denying or abridging the right to vote.

That is your opinion... KKK probably thought they were just nice christian boys as well...

This is why the law makes it say to stay well clear of any ambiguity... What is the actual purpose of wearing a campaign t-shirt or hat to a poll?
It is to convince people to do something... Convince and intimidate are grey lines...

There is enough divisiveness, voting is supposed to be about every Americans right, a right fought for and defended... Why can't act of voting be left alone from divisiveness...
A citizen is not the United States or a state, Moonbat.

The Constitution's purpose was not to form, or constitute, any citizen. It constituted a republican government.

Right... It is against state law.. Any more objections...
It's especially hypocritical when intolerant Democrats / snowflakes attempt to hide behind the Constitutional Right of Free Speech while snatching 'MAGA' hats off kids' heads, beating Trump-supporters with clubs ate Trump rallies, shooting & killing Trump supporters, and censuring / blacking out news stories...


Come on Easy....

You were going so well... Why the last paragraph... You could have left it out and your point was made....

The last paragraph drives home the point about Liberal Intolerance. and attempts to silence. The OP declares he has a right of Freedom of speech, to wear what he wants when he wants....yet Leftists snatch 'MAGA' hats of the heads of CHILDREN, have attacked Trump supporters AT TRUMP RALLIES...a liberal was just arrested and charged for murder for baiting / attacking a Trump supporter then shooting him - murdering him when he reacted to the attack.

If these truths offend you, allow me to point out that in this country we have many Constitutional Rights - the Right NOT to be offended ain't one of them. Don't just embrace a few Rights. Embrace them all - even the NON-rights.
It is unconstitutional to intimidate people who attend the polls.
What clause, please.
fifteenth amdendment

"right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

"denied or abridged" - if you feel intimidated while voting then it is felt you are denied...

So a guy stands outside a polling booth in the 50s and said he would shoot black people if they wanted to vote... Did he specifically deny them voting? No... But he gave them consequences in voting... This is intimidation... States brought in more specific laws to give better clarity...

Another law prohibits someone looking to how you vote as well...
When a citizen wears an 8645 shirt or MAGA hat to the polls, that is not the United States or a state denying or abridging the right to vote.

That is your opinion... KKK probably thought they were just nice christian boys as well...

This is why the law makes it say to stay well clear of any ambiguity... What is the actual purpose of wearing a campaign t-shirt or hat to a poll?
It is to convince people to do something... Convince and intimidate are grey lines...

There is enough divisiveness, voting is supposed to be about every Americans right, a right fought for and defended... Why can't act of voting be left alone from divisiveness...
A citizen is not the United States or a state, Moonbat.

The Constitution's purpose was not to form, or constitute, any citizen. It constituted a republican government.

Right... It is against state law.. Any more objections...
You learned something. Congratulations.
I suggest the OP wear a shirt local / state officials say he can not wear to a polling location then work his lawsuit up through the courts to the USSC to fight this. If he is TRULY motivated to fight this he will take such action. If he is just bitching, that's good, too. It's his right.
I don't know how many states ban certain clothing at polling places but IMO such bans are completely unconstitutional.

I have a right to vote and I have a right to free speech.

Who the fuck is the government to tell me I won't be allowed into a polling place because theu don't like my choice of clothes?

It is unconstitutional to intimidate people who attend the polls. If your clothes are intimidating it could be said you are breaking the law.

Please learn the law before you break it...

Clothing is not intimidating. If you think otherwise you are too stupid to vote.

"Clothing is not intimidating. If you think otherwise you are too stupid to vote."

Snopes rates this statement "mostly true," but notes that there are exceptions to every rule

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Why would you be intimidated by a fat guy's ass?

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