Election Expert Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in GA in front of Judge USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

Saying it over and over again doesn’t make it true.
It means people do not care as much about things. The citizens become much more localized and screw what happens in other areas. If Trump wins and the Prog induced riots start again, either Trump stops it or let them riot. No more talk about it. The Prog stage will be full, but no Deplorables will be in the audience. The surveillance arm of our version of the Soviet Union kgb now with many more cameras and ways to eavesdrop on us will show us all the violence, maiming, arson, looting and killing in full color. Nothing to see here.
Because such a thing would be impossible, you cannot show what was not done.

So, you want the Fed Govt to force a private entity to turn over all it proprietary information so they can dig through it on the off case something did happen?


Uh..when there are allegations that their software could have had security issues, then they discover that indeed it CAN be hacked, and this is a national election we’re talking about…so..yeah, I do think that.

You can’t deny there are any security concerns, and refuse to allow your data to be scrutinized, then maintain that stance when security holes are discovered.

I mean, this could have implications in the judgement on Fox, Mike Lindell and Giuliani..so they need to be able to access that data now to as possible evidence in their case.

What if it’s discovered that dominion knew about the security flaws..but allowed the software to be used anyway?

They won’t know that unless they are able to analyze the data.

I’ve never seen someone sue someone else because they made a claim about their product and when they say “ok, let us examine your product to prove our claim” and dominion says “no, we won’t do that, you just have to take our word for it..in this lawsuit we have against you”.

It’s not like people are looking to steal their software code, they just want to look at it to prove their allegations.

And what is it people always say? “If you didn’t do anything wrong, you’ve got nothing to hide”..right?
It means people do not care as much about things. The citizens become much more localized and screw what happens in other areas. If Trump wins and the Prog induced riots start again, either Trump stops it or let them riot. No more talk about it. The Prog stage will be full, but no Deplorables will be in the audience. The surveillance arm of our version of the Soviet Union kgb now with many more cameras and ways to eavesdrop on us will show us all the violence, maiming, arson, looting and killing in full color. Nothing to see here.
Protesting police brutality, dupe. Smartphones proved it...
This is a five-page official report detailing why in 2019, Texas rejected electronic voting machines that are currently used all over the US.

Certification was denied for six specific reasons, including complexity (500 steps and 400 pages to install software), security and error issues. It seems that even the test plan failed, which is something that should never happen after release to a potential customer, IMO.

They even have an active USB port (page 5).

Imagine what they did not test.

This Dominion document lists all of the places in the US Dominion machines were used a few years ago. Page 67-on...

(PDF file)

This Dominion document shows that they use foreign parts, and are owned by foreign entities (pages 22 and 36)...

Here is a Dominion Democracy Suite User Guide. It's hundreds of pages, and shows how a user can delete all kinds of results they don't like...

Many of Dominion's machines, tabulators even, have modems which can connect to the internet via cell phone towers...

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Well according to earlier reports and dominion representatives those very machines were safe. So they should give fox news the money back.
Safe doesn’t mean impervious.

All machines can be manipulated. It’s just a fact.

That doesn’t mean they were manipulated in 2020. That’s what you guys seem to be missing.
Safe doesn’t mean impervious.

All machines can be manipulated. It’s just a fact.

That doesn’t mean they were manipulated in 2020. That’s what you guys seem to be missing.
Is that why fox had to give dominion millions of dollars? So when should fox get their money back
Any voting machine can be hacked because it just an electronic gadget. If you leave it unsecured

There are numerous ways to cheat

Still ballot manipulation by nefarious means has been around since they started voting

They just need 24/7 security for voting machines whether with video or guards or both

then you have to worry about mail in votes

Bribe voters to vote

Phony ballots

voter ID

if you don't vote then someone may vote for you
Is that why fox had to give dominion millions of dollars? So when should fox get their money back
Because Fox News personalities lied through their teeth about Dominion and admitted as much in their private communications.
Any voting machine can be hacked because it just an electronic gadget. If you leave it unsecured

There are numerous ways to cheat

Still ballot manipulation by nefarious means has been around since they started voting

They just need 24/7 security for voting machines whether with video or guards or both

then you have to worry about mail in votes

Bribe voters to vote

Phony ballots

voter ID

if you don't vote then someone may vote for you
However that's not what was being reported dominion machines were safe
Setting the Record Straight: Facts About Dominion - Dominion Voting Systems

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