Election Expert Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in GA in front of Judge USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

Trump was right, again! Time to got back to paper ballots, that for some reason were able to be counted within hours not days to determine the winner.

As usual the Pundit is lying. There was no such demonstration in the courtroom, and the "expert" is a paid conspiracy theorist who was paid to write a report in defence of those seeking to install Donald Trump as President.

Get back to us when INDEPENDENT scientists, not part of the MAGA Grift, make a similar finding.
As usual the Pundit is lying. There was no such demonstration in the courtroom, and the "expert" is a paid conspiracy theorist who was paid to write a report in defence of those seeking to install Donald Trump as President.

Get back to us when INDEPENDENT scientists, not part of the MAGA Grift, make a similar finding.
Independent? Hahaha
We were discussing election fraud and you started jerking off and asking stupid questions so I mocked you for it, vermin. That's what it has to do with election fraud

I'm not confused about election fraud, but if the topic is the bizarre shit in your head then I'm confused and completely indifferent to it, vermin

Tell us you're a mindless idiot without saying you're a mindless idiot.

Vermin, vermin, vermin. Keep on proving you have no mind but Trump's.
You changed the subject to the riots in summer 2020.

All I did was point out that Trump and his allies used the mere allegation of voter fraud to justify widespread disenfranchisement.

They never had any proof, but that didn’t prevent them from trying it anyway.

As for your constant claims of a double standard, it doesn’t exist. Our party has not ever behaved like the Republican Party under Trump. Not even close. It’s so obvious that large sections of your own party recognize this. More would say it openly, but your party punishes those who dare speak the truth.

Thanks for the double standards I referred to in my last post to drive home my point, vermin
Thanks for the double standards I referred to in my last post to drive home my point, vermin
Please do explain this mysterious double standard.

No democratic candidate has ever attempted to use mere accusations of fraud to disenfranchise millions of voters. That’s new.
Please do explain this mysterious double standard.

No democratic candidate has ever attempted to use mere accusations of fraud to disenfranchise millions of voters. That’s new.
Your ignorance is the evidence
I'll bet you believe the tobacco industry scientists who said smoking doesn't cause cancer.

We already know you believe the climate change deniers, and the election deniers.
Oh Canada where our dictator loves us
MAGAts should learn to actually read these links....

Our report explains how attackers could exploit the flaws we found to change votes or potentially even affect election outcomes in Georgia, including how they could defeat the technical and procedural protections the state has in place. While we are not aware of any evidence that the vulnerabilities have been exploited to change votes in past elections, without more precautions and mitigations, there is a serious risk that they will be exploited in the future.
MAGAts should learn to actually read these links....

Our report explains how attackers could exploit the flaws we found to change votes or potentially even affect election outcomes in Georgia, including how they could defeat the technical and procedural protections the state has in place. While we are not aware of any evidence that the vulnerabilities have been exploited to change votes in past elections, without more precautions and mitigations, there is a serious risk that they will be exploited in the future.
The judge was an eyewitness or did you ignore that fact?

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