Election fraud is a right wing myth

The AP reported in August 2018, "The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday."

And you tools want millions of mail in ballots floating around?
It just keeps coming!
The AP reported in August 2018, "The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday."
Since ballots have no names assigned to them thats no surprise since they investigated AFTER THE FACT.

There is in fact WIDESPREAD cheating.
She was caught. She will be prosecuted. 200 votes would not swing an election for animal control. Voter fraud is nothing but a scam and is being perpetuated by Pubs to discredit the upcoming elections.

Elderly in Florida vote by mail in ballots when they can’t make it to the polls. Trump votes by a mail in ballot. The military votes by mail in ballot. Mail in ballots have never been called into question until Trump made an issue of them and his minions fell in line like the lemmings they are.

There were 491 instances of voter fraud out of over 2,000,000,000 votes cast.

Voter fraud as a major problem is lie. The OP title is right. Election fraud is a right wing myth.

They vote by absentee ballot, moron, which is not the same as the kind of "mail-in" ballots being proposed. A voter has to specifically request an absentee ballot. These so-called "mail-in ballots are sent out wholesale to anyone on the voter roles, which have been shown to be quite inaccurate. The means that millions of ballots will be delivered to voters who don't exist. That's a situation rife for fraud.
Elderly in Florida vote by mail in ballots when they can’t make it to the polls. Trump votes by a mail in ballot. The military votes by mail in ballot. Mail in ballots have never been called into question until Trump made an issue of them and his minions fell in line like the lemmings they are.

Voting by mail would be fine IF every municipality had a reliable system to purge the voter rolls. As it stands today, Democrats, for obvious reasons, demand that no one is purged from the voter rolls. That is a HUGE problem. With everyone receiving a mail-in ballot, tens of millions of dead people would receive ballots. How is that good for anyone?
Not only dead people, but people who have moved and college students could recieve two ballots: one where they live and one where they go to school.

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