Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

The point is, idiot, that criminal charges aren't the beginning of someone's criminal activity, it is the beginning of them being held to account for their criminal activity. Logically, crimes have to be committed before someone is charged for them and so there are criminals before there are criminal charges. That logic should lead you to conclude that the absence of criminal convictions for insurrection are not evidence that there are no insurrectionists. It's embarrassing for you that have to explain this shit to you. It's basic.
The way America is suppose to work is that you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. But you Bidenista Cultists have shit all over the Constitution from Day 1, this the latest example is now surprise to anyone.
Well that’s obviously not correct and it’s absolutely relevant.

If it wasn’t an act of insurrection what was it?

You do realize that there were quite a number of MAGA assholes convicted of seditious conspiracy right?

Look up sedition. It has to do with rebellion
It was a...............

Then its impossible for Biden to be corrupt, isnt it? By your logic he hasn't been charged or convicted of corruption therefore he is absolutely not corrupt. Fail Logic! 😄
See, Single Digit IQ Goatfucker just changed his rules again.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
When compared to the BLM/Antifa riots where bricks, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails and fireworks were hurled at police and Secret Service personnel?
None of which were used on January 6th by protesters, except for the D.C. Police that used tear gas, pepper spray, flash bangs and stun grenades liberally in the crowds before and during the so called "insurrection".
But then that comparison is just stupid.

Two unrelated events neither excuses the other
I believe it says quite clearly “found to have engaged in”.
That has been done.

The more I'm thinking about this, the more I'm thinking Trump fucked up royally challenging the Colorado ruling. By doing so, he's putting his entire political future on the line. That's quite the gamble. He prolly would have been better off just letting the Colorado decision stand. Then at worst, he wouldn't have been on the ballot in only one state. A state he's gonna lose in the general election anyway. Now he's risking being banned by all 50 states.
Neither is he. Which is why he couldn't point to where the 14th Amendment requires a conviction for insurrection.
Hey Stupid, the 14th spells out the ramifications for someone guilty of insurrection.

Despite what you Dimtards have tried to pull since Tater took office.............Americans are still innocent until proven guilty in this country. This can be found in the Due Process clause of the 5th Amendment.

Nowhere does the 14th say it supercedes, or negates, the 5th Amendment.
Hey Stupid, the 14th spells out the ramifications for someone guilty of insurrection.

Despite what you Dimtards have tried to pull since Tater took office.............Americans are still innocent until proven guilty in this country. This can be found in the Due Process clause of the 5th Amendment.

Nowhere does the 14th say it supercedes, or negates, the 5th Amendment.


The word, "guilty," is not actually in there. Your lie just exposed how weak and desperate your position is.

Ok(sigh)… I’ll ask YOU

How do you characterize the attack on the Capitol that happened on Jan 6?
It wasn't an attack on the capitol, you lying fucktard.

Leftards are completely full of bullshit.
And I pointed out the only place he has been tried for insurrection found him innocent, Dumbass.


So? He doesn't have to be tried OR convicted for the 14th Amendment to apply. He might have an out if it's determined the 14th doesn't apply to the president, but if it does, he's fucked. And not by Stormy Daniels this time.
So you refuse to respond

So far we’ve gotten claims that it was a peaceful protest (and that’s obviously not accurate)

And silence

I wonder why they can’t respond
They are responding.

Loud and clear.

They're calling you a lying sack of shit, and YOU can't respond cause you know it's true.
Aww, now you're lying. The last defense for a loser. I made no false claims.

You made the claim repeatedly about some insurrection you insist took place but can't provide any information about charges or convictions.

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