Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Nope. Not some other thing

THAT thing

How would YOU characterize that attack on the Capitol

Go for it
Well that’s obviously not accurate since 140 cops were injured and dozens were hospitalized and there were chants of Hang Mike Pence and MAGArats roaming through the Capitol searching for the Speaker of the House
Obviously NOT peaceful
Try again jackass
More peaceful than BLM riots all across the country. Try being honest. Vermin.
140 cops injured

Dozens of cops hospitalized

Hundreds convicted of assaulting cops and smashing through doors and windows

You aren’t serious when you claim it was a peaceful protest

Try again jackass
Mostly peaceful, Simp. Just like this...

So you refuse to respond

So far we’ve gotten claims that it was a peaceful protest (and that’s obviously not accurate)

And silence

I wonder why they can’t respond
So you are unable to support your nonsense claims.

Your silly, ''there was an insurrection because I say so'', is sloppy.
You analogy fails, because in this scenario there is no dead body, Dumbass.:auiqs.jpg:
The point is, idiot, that criminal charges aren't the beginning of someone's criminal activity, it is the beginning of them being held to account for their criminal activity. Logically, crimes have to be committed before someone is charged for them and so there are criminals before there are criminal charges. That logic should lead you to conclude that the absence of criminal convictions for insurrection are not evidence that there are no insurrectionists. It's embarrassing for you that have to explain this shit to you. It's basic.
Mostly peaceful protest. Of course it's irrelevant, you fucking lousy nasty vermin. You're the enemy.
Well that’s obviously not correct and it’s absolutely relevant.

If it wasn’t an act of insurrection what was it?

You do realize that there were quite a number of MAGA assholes convicted of seditious conspiracy right?

Look up sedition. It has to do with rebellion
Well that’s obviously not correct and it’s absolutely relevant.

If it wasn’t an act of insurrection what was it?

You do realize that there were quite a number of MAGA assholes convicted of seditious conspiracy right?

Look up sedition. It has to do with rebellion
They aren't Trump. Trump is your target. Vermin.
How are you still confused about the facts that there were no charges of insurrection brought against any individual and no court convictions of any individual for such a charge?

Not really my problem you don't know the legal ramifications of precedence.
Part of my evidence is contained in the Dinesh D'Souza 2000 mules film.
Also, unlike the Democrats, I studied just the states that were part of the problem.
Some of the infected states took very few votes to tip the scale, to Biden or to Trump
Some took no more than some thousand votes and others were a lot closer.
I also took into account that every rejection of the Trump fan suits was based on them not having standing and the courts never studied the facts presented.
Trump was only involved in 2 of the suits and he had standing. But even his suits were not tried for facts, but were still rejected.
When a non trial happens, and trials are triers of fact, you know there has been a gigantic fuck up.
As it turns out all the infected states in sum total were no more than 200,000 votes and I mean every state contested.

Trump was president. What to you mean install himself?
Give up with the “2000 fools” (describing the idiots who fell for that hoax)
Well that’s obviously not accurate since 140 cops were injured and dozens were hospitalized and there were chants of Hang Mike Pence and MAGArats roaming through the Capitol searching for the Speaker of the House
Obviously NOT peaceful
Try again jackass
When compared to the BLM/Antifa riots where bricks, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails and fireworks were hurled at police and Secret Service personnel?
None of which were used on January 6th by protesters, except for the D.C. Police that used tear gas, pepper spray, flash bangs and stun grenades liberally in the crowds before and during the so called "insurrection".
Nope. Not some other thing

THAT thing

How would YOU characterize that attack on the Capitol

Go for it

Well at this moment, unless the SCOTUS overturns the Colorado Supreme Court, Trump is disqualified from running in the Republican primary in that state. And guess what happens should the SCOTUS uphold the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling? G'head, take a guess.... :badgrin:
Part of my evidence is contained in the Dinesh D'Souza 2000 mules film.
Also, unlike the Democrats, I studied just the states that were part of the problem.
Some of the infected states took very few votes to tip the scale, to Biden or to Trump
Some took no more than some thousand votes and others were a lot closer.
I also took into account that every rejection of the Trump fan suits was based on them not having standing and the courts never studied the facts presented.
Trump was only involved in 2 of the suits and he had standing. But even his suits were not tried for facts, but were still rejected.
When a non trial happens, and trials are triers of fact, you know there has been a gigantic fuck up.
As it turns out all the infected states in sum total were no more than 200,000 votes and I mean every state contested.

Trump was president. What to you mean install himself?

2000 Mules proved there were no mules at all.
When compared to the BLM/Antifa riots where bricks, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails and fireworks were hurled at police and Secret Service personnel?
None of which were used on January 6th, except for the D.C. Police that used tear gas, pepper spray, flash bangs and stun grenades liberally in the crowds before and during the so called "insurrection".
More evidence that the through line with 1/6 is the racist great replacement.

Buh…Buh… the blacks did it too!

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