Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

/----/ Being denied $5 billion for the wall is proof the president DOES NOT control spending. Same with the tax cuts. It's all handled by Congress. You went off on a tangent.

Donald Trump cut 3 trillion dollars for the rich ...
there were never 5 billion dollars allocated for the wall ... stop lying ...
/——/ I know, Moron. That’s my point. Trump couldn’t get the money because Congress said no. So, blaming Trump for deficit spending is wrong.
Now learn something.
You just don’t get it … he cut taxes for the rich those taxes he cut cause a 7 trillion dollar deficit … I’ve said this more then once … you cut taxes to programs to pay for his tax cut to the rich … those taxes he cut becomes a debt you moron…you just don’t have a clue how government works ..
You just don’t get it … he cut taxes for the rich those taxes he cut cause a 7 trillion dollar deficit … I’ve said this more then once … you cut taxes to programs to pay for his tax cut to the rich … those taxes he cut becomes a debt you moron…you just don’t have a clue how government works ..
/——-/ Only Congress can cut or raise taxes. Not a president.
Learn civics.
/——-/ Only Congress can cut or raise taxes. Not a president.
Learn civics.
. now let me see you tap dance around this post ... I know you will try ...trump wanted taxes cut for the rich people who made over 400,000 dollars... yes or no ... then the House passed legislation to pass a tax cut bill for the rich ...yes or no ... the republicans never allocated money for the wall, not the Democrats ... Yes or no ... by doing this 3 trillion dollar tax cut caused 7 trillion dollars of debt... yes or no ... put up or shut up ... I know civics 10 time better then you will ever know ... you just keep playing this game only congress can raise taxes bull shit game ... you know damn well I meant Trump had the congress pass these tax cut... you keep playing this game by dodging the issue... that Trump had his congress pass a tax cut for the rich and cause 7 trillion dollars of debt... it was because of the tax bill the House and Senate passed for Trump to sign into law ...it was trump who didn't allocate any money for the wall, not the democrats ...stop beating that horse it... Democrats had nothing to do with not passing 5 billion dollars for his wall that you keep trying to push... the republicans didn't pass it
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. now let me see you tap dance around this post ... I know you will try ...trump wanted taxes cut for the rich people who made over 400,000 dollars... yes or no ... then the House passed legislation to pass a tax cut bill for the rich ...yes or no ... the republicans never allocated money for the wall, not the Democrats ... Yes or no ... by doing this 3 trillion dollar tax cut caused 7 trillion dollars of debt... yes or no ... put up or shut up ... I know civics 10 time better then you will ever know ... you just keep playing this game only congress can raise taxes bull shit game ... you know damn well I meant Trump had the congress pass these tax cut... you keep playing this game by dodging the issue... that Trump had his congress pass a tax cut for the rich and cause 7 trillion dollars of debt... it was because of the tax bill the House and Senate passed for Trump to sign into law ...it was trump who didn't allocate any money for the wall, not the democrats ...stop beating that horse it... Democrats had nothing to do with not passing 5 billion dollars for his wall that you keep trying to push... the republicans didn't pass it
/-----/ "trump wanted taxes cut for the rich people who made over 400,000 dollars... yes or no "
Of course he did, but what does Congress do to the proposed budgets? They pad them with pork spending. Yes or No
Everyone who paid taxes got a cut Yes or No?

3 trillion dollar tax cut caused 7 trillion dollars of debt.. Overspending causes debt, Letting people keep more of their money doesn't.

What happens when Trump vetoed a spending bill. The government shuts down and the media and democRATS attack him relentlessly.
https://www.bbc.com › news › world-us-canada-55510151

you know damn well I meant Trump had the congress pass these tax cut..

A president can only ask, not make Congress do anything. If you really know so much about civics, you'd know that the Executive and Legislative branch are two equal but separate parts of government,

US Congress overrides Trump veto for first time - BBC

The US Congress has overturned President Donald Trump's veto of a defence spending bill, the first time this has happened in his presidency. The Republican-controlled Senate held a rare New Year's ...

Exclusive: In budget, Trump to ask Congress for $8.6 billion for border wall​

March 10, 20191:22 PM CDT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday will ask the U.S. Congress for an additional $8.6 billion to help pay for his promised wall on the U.S-Mexico border to combat illegal immigration and drug trafficking, officials familiar with his 2020 budget request told Reuters.
The demand, which drew swift criticism from Democrats, is more than six times what Congress allocated for border projects in each of the past two fiscal years, and 6 percent more than Trump has corralled by invoking emergency powers this year.

"Congress refused to fund his wall and he was forced to admit defeat and reopen the government. The same thing will repeat itself if he tries this again. We hope he learned his lesson," said the two top Democrats in Congress.
/-----/ "trump wanted taxes cut for the rich people who made over

400,000 dollars... yes or no "
Of course he did, but what does Congress do to the proposed budgets? They pad them with pork spending. Yes or No
Everyone who paid taxes got a cut Yes or No?
No only the people who made over 400,000 got a tax cut
3 trillion dollar tax cut caused 7 trillion dollars of debt.. Overspending causes debt, Letting people keep more of their money doesn't.
When the tax cut for the 3 trillion dollars was made, the money from that tax cut cause programs that was still running to be paid for its the law… so they had to come up with the money for them causing a deficit of 3 more trillion dollars …!nobody under 400,000 dollars got a tax cut…
What happens when Trump vetoed a spending bill. The government shuts down and the media and democRATS attack him relentlessly.
https://www.bbc.com › news › world-us-canada-55510151
As they should … it was against everything what we democrats believe … if you don’t like it tuff…
you know damn well I meant Trump had the congress pass these tax cut..

A president can only ask, not make Congress do anything. If you really know so much about civics, you'd know that the Executive and Legislative branch are two equal but separate parts of government,US Congress overrides Trump veto for first time - BBC
The US Congress has overturned President Donald Trump's veto of a defence spending bill, the first time this has happened in his presidency. The Republican-controlled Senate held a rare New Year's ...
Never said he demanded a tax cut I clearly said he asked for a tax cut and you know it … this is you trying totap dancing around what I said … stop it

Exclusive: In budget, Trump to ask Congress for $8.6 billion for border wall​

March 10, 20191:22 PM CDT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday will ask the U.S. Congress for an additional $8.6 billion to help pay for his promised wall on the U.S-Mexico border to combat illegal immigration and drug trafficking, officials familiar with his 2020 budget request told Reuters.
The demand, which drew swift criticism from Democrats, is more than six times what Congress allocated for border projects in each of the past two fiscal years, and 6 percent more than Trump has corralled by invoking emergency powers this year.

"Congress refused to fund his wall and he was forced to admit defeat and reopen the government. The same thing will repeat itself if he tries this again. We hope he learned his lesson," said the two top Democrats in Congress.
Trump didn’t have them try and pass a money for 2017 tax cut …&his 3 trillion dollar tax cut was in 2017 … two years later after he couldn’t get Mexico pay for it he tried to get the tax payer to pay for his huge waste of taxpayers money and you want to use this pathetic attempt as a reason … nice try…”as we all know trump never admits defeat … the tax cut was a waste of taxpayers money … that trump said the taxpayers wasn’t going to pay for … guess you missed that one too ..
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Gee, do you also have their home addresses? Phone numbers? Names of family members? Shameful thread.
And yet, doing just that to anyone opposing your views is "justified", NOT terrorism and should be defended.
The Left uses this as a staple tool in their arsenal.

It is only a crime if done by anyone opposing your point of view.

That said, since the Right consists totally of cowards never willing to do more than cry more, who can blame the left.
/-----/ "trump wanted taxes cut for the rich people who made over 400,000 dollars... yes or no "
Of course he did, but what does Congress do to the proposed budgets? They pad them with pork spending. Yes or No
Everyone who paid taxes got a cut Yes or No?

3 trillion dollar tax cut caused 7 trillion dollars of debt.. Overspending causes debt, Letting people keep more of their money doesn't.

What happens when Trump vetoed a spending bill. The government shuts down and the media and democRATS attack him relentlessly.
https://www.bbc.com › news › world-us-canada-55510151

you know damn well I meant Trump had the congress pass these tax cut..

A president can only ask, not make Congress do anything. If you really know so much about civics, you'd know that the Executive and Legislative branch are two equal but separate parts of government,

US Congress overrides Trump veto for first time - BBC

The US Congress has overturned President Donald Trump's veto of a defence spending bill, the first time this has happened in his presidency. The Republican-controlled Senate held a rare New Year's ...

Exclusive: In budget, Trump to ask Congress for $8.6 billion for border wall​

March 10, 20191:22 PM CDT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday will ask the U.S. Congress for an additional $8.6 billion to help pay for his promised wall on the U.S-Mexico border to combat illegal immigration and drug trafficking, officials familiar with his 2020 budget request told Reuters.
The demand, which drew swift criticism from Democrats, is more than six times what Congress allocated for border projects in each of the past two fiscal years, and 6 percent more than Trump has corralled by invoking emergency powers this year.

"Congress refused to fund his wall and he was forced to admit defeat and reopen the government. The same thing will repeat itself if he tries this again. We hope he learned his lesson," said the two top Democrats in Congress.

And guess what......

Even IF trump is re-elected, and even IF he gets these things done (he wont), the Left will simply UNDO them again once they regain power. Elections are no longer a means of restoring the Constitution or even Justice.

Some people will never understand that.
The sauce is weak.
And guess what......

Even IF trump is re-elected, and even IF he gets these things done (he wont), the Left will simply UNDO them again once they regain power. Elections are no longer a means of restoring the Constitution or even Justice.

Some people will never understand that.
The sauce is weak.
this is no different than what the right does... everything that the majority of the people 82 % or more the Republicans get into power and try to repeal... look how many times they tried to repeal the ACA.. every chance they get ... look at abortion every year they would hack away to the right to an abortion where finally they got their republican control Supreme court to push it back to the state forcing the state to decide what women can do or not do .... I can go on and on about what Republicans do to laws that the majority of the people want... where the Republicans who are getting donations from the drug companies are against them looking at medications that are cheaper outside this country... they have forced the American people to buy drugs only sold in the US their reason was quality control ... yet no country drugs are being told thsat their drug isn't what is supposed to be ... its money they love don't try and say we democrats repeal laws that the majority of pelople want .. that never happens only you repunblicans do that
/——/ I know, Moron. That’s my point. Trump couldn’t get the money because Congress said no. So, blaming Trump for deficit spending is wrong.
Now learn something.
ok let's look at this statement of yours ... we have programs that are running that were passed and taxes paid for them to work ... so now we get the Republicans a tax cut of 3 trillion dollars that these people get to keep their money, who are people who make over 400,000 ... so now we have 3 trillion taken out of the national budget ... that money is gone so then what happens ??? those programs that have lost their income still get paid for at a deficit because the money in the budget is gone so now that money is gone because they cut taxes and not programs we have a debt that we now have to pay for ... that's what you don't get ...when they cut money out of the national budget but don't cut the bill that money paid for ... do you understand yet what they are doing when they don't cut the program and the tax cut they created debt ...
ok let's look at this statement of yours ... we have programs that are running that were passed and taxes paid for them to work ... so now we get the Republicans a tax cut of 3 trillion dollars that these people get to keep their money, who are people who make over 400,000 ... so now we have 3 trillion taken out of the national budget ... that money is gone so then what happens ??? those programs that have lost their income still get paid for at a deficit because the money in the budget is gone so now that money is gone because they cut taxes and not programs we have a debt that we now have to pay for ... that's what you don't get ...when they cut money out of the national budget but don't cut the bill that money paid for ... do you understand yet what they are doing when they don't cut the program and the tax cut they created debt ...
/——/ Congress needs to cut spending. Problem solved.
Because, if you increase taxes, Congress will only squander it and demand more.
We aren’t 37 trillions in debt because of tax cuts.
There are websites that list government pork spending.
/——/ Congress needs to cut spending. Problem solved.
That’s an opinion not a reality …when democrats past legislation they pass it with its ability to pay for it self … debt accrues when there is not tax allocated to pay for that bill example: no child left behind they passed that bill with no ability to pay for it creating a debt republucans do this all the time …you guys creat these problems not democrats are bills are paid for until you firce a tax cut on us …
Because, if you increase taxes, Congress will only squander it and demand more.
That again is a Republican talking point gettingc children fed before they go to school is not squandering it … just because you don’t like a bill isn’t a case of squandering it … it’s only your opinion not a reality … any time a Republican doesn’t like a bill it’s they are squandering our money and they will want more … that’s nonsense that’s Republican talking points…!
We aren’t 37 trillions in debt because of tax cuts.
Yes we are in debt because of tax cut you keep missing it …cut the money keep the program creates a debt get it!!!
There are websites that list government pork spending i
Of course there is …we all know that …cutting spending with out cutting the program only crests debt not the reduction if money being spent … pork programs need to be cut … not the money cut the program that creates the pork you republicans don’t do that … you cut the money but that the program … if you want the pork gone the cut the program …
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That’s an opinion not a reality …when democrats past legislation they pass it with its ability to pay for it self … debt accrues when there is not tax allocated to pay for that bill example: no child left behind they passed that bill with no ability to pay for it creating a debt republucans do this all the time …you guys creat these problems not democrats are bills are paid for until you firce a tax cut on us …

That again is a Republican talking point gettingc children fed before they go to school is not squandering it … just because you don’t like a bill isn’t a case of squandering it … it’s only your opinion not a reality … any time a Republican doesn’t like a bill it’s they are squandering our money and they will want more … that’s nonsense that’s Republican talking points…!

Yes we are in debt because of tax cut you keep missing it …cut the money keep the program creates a debt get it!!!

Of course there is …we all know that …cutting spending with out cutting the program only crests debt not the reduction if money being spent … pork programs need to be cut … not the money cut the program that creates the pork you republicans don’t do that … you cut the money but that the program … if you want the pork gone the cut the program …
/——-/ You think there is no government waste? Here’s an article you will dismiss without reading:
  • The U.S. government wastes billions of taxpayer dollars every year.
  • The U.S. has lost almost $2.4 trillion in simple payment errors over the last two decades.
  • Oversight reports claim that billions more are being wasted every year on needless and duplicative programs
  • Wasteful spending by the government can have painful consequences to the health of the economy, according to watchdog groups.
How the federal government wastes billions in taxpayer money each year
That’s an opinion not a reality …when democrats past legislation they pass it with its ability to pay for it self … debt accrues when there is not tax allocated to pay for that bill example: no child left behind they passed that bill with no ability to pay for it creating a debt republucans do this all the time …you guys creat these problems not democrats are bills are paid for until you firce a tax cut on us …

That again is a Republican talking point gettingc children fed before they go to school is not squandering it … just because you don’t like a bill isn’t a case of squandering it … it’s only your opinion not a reality … any time a Republican doesn’t like a bill it’s they are squandering our money and they will want more … that’s nonsense that’s Republican talking points…!

Yes we are in debt because of tax cut you keep missing it …cut the money keep the program creates a debt get it!!!

Of course there is …we all know that …cutting spending with out cutting the program only crests debt not the reduction if money being spent … pork programs need to be cut … not the money cut the program that creates the pork you republicans don’t do that … you cut the money but that the program … if you want the pork gone the cut the program …
/——-/ “That’s an opinion not a reality”
Thanks for your opinion. The reality is if you spend $200
more a week than you bring home, you’ll end up $10k plus interest in debt in one year.
What do you do, keep spending at the current rate, or cut spending enough to
pay down the debt, then live within your means?
/——-/ You think there is no government waste? Here’s an article you will dismiss without reading:
  • The U.S. government wastes billions of taxpayer dollars every year.
  • The U.S. has lost almost $2.4 trillion in simple payment errors over the last two decades.
  • Oversight reports claim that billions more are being wasted every year on needless and duplicative programs
  • Wasteful spending by the government can have painful consequences to the health of the economy, according to watchdog groups.
How the federal government wastes billions in taxpayer money each year
never said I didn't think there was no government waste ... stop putting words into my mouth that I never said ... you seem to have a terrible comprehension problem ... you've done it on every post so far ...it's like you see things that I never said ...go back read my whole post... then read it again... then read it for a third time ....then come back here and tell me where I said there was no government waste in it ... it's like you want to post your web page as if it's important ... I already posted what's importantly.... your website is probably a right-wing website that means nothing that I haven't already said ...as I thought... the national budget is 6 .3 trillion dollars this year ...247 billion dollars are a drop in the buckets as a percentage of waste .... its 1.54 % of the national budget ... just thought I'd point that out to you ... yes there's waste just how much of a percentage of that waste is the real thought here ...or is it something for you to rag about ... it appears its somemthing for you to rag about thats what you Repub-lie-clowns seem to love to do ... rag about the little stuff ,,,
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never said I didn't think there was no government waste ... stop putting words into my mouth that I never said ... you seem to have a terrible comprehension problem ... you've done it on every post so far ...it's like you see things that I never said ...go back read my whole post... then read it again... then read it for a third time ....then come back here and tell me where I said there was no government waste in it ... it's like you want to post your web page as if it's important ... I already posted what's importantly.... your website is probably a right-wing website that means nothing that I haven't already said ...as I thought... the national budget is 6 .3 trillion dollars this year ...247 billion dollars are a drop in the buckets as a percentage of waste .... its 1.54 % of the national budget ... just thought I'd point that out to you ... yes there's waste just how much of a percentage of that waste is the real thought here ...or is it something for you to rag about ... it appears its somemthing for you to rag about thats what you Repub-lie-clowns seem to love to do ... rag about the little stuff ,,,
/——/ Another example is the billions we have given to Ukraine. How much more are you willing to pay in taxes to keep that scam going? 5%, 10%, maybe 25% more in income taxes?
/——/ Another example is the billions we have given to Ukraine. How much more are you willing to pay in taxes to keep that scam going? 5%, 10%, maybe 25% more in income taxes?
If they need a trillion, or 2 trillion, 10 trillion, they will get it … it’s not a case of them wasting money… it’s a case where they are trying to stop the Russians from taking their country … if you don’t like that then buddy leave this country… we don’t need any more commie lovers like you … get it !!! You dumb son of a bitch … leave !!! we don’t need you here … bye bye hit the road you commie lover … I’m sure Russia needs you …
If they need a trillion, or 2 trillion, 10 trillion, they will get it … it’s not a case of them wasting money… it’s a case where they are trying to stop the Russians from taking their country … if you don’t like that then buddy leave this country… we don’t need any more commie lovers like you … get it !!! You dumb son of a bitch … leave !!! we don’t need you here … bye bye hit the road you commie lover … I’m sure Russia needs you …
/——/ And if you don’t think that money is being laundered and lining the pockets of politicians there you’re hopelessly naive.
/——/ And if you don’t think that money is being laundered and lining the pockets of politicians there you’re hopelessly naive.
not one dime is being wasted ...you dumb fucks think everybody is out to take you... they are not ... ... they need every dime they can get for weapons ... to waste it on foolishness would cause them to lose their war ... it stupid fucks like you who think everybody is out to take your money ... here thought they aren't ... these people are dying... Their homes are being destroyed by evil Russians who want to take their land... Do you think they want to take this money to make themselves rich ??? you are dumber than I thought

finally, you accuse me of saying there's no government waste ... I asked you to show me where i said there's no government waste ... you make these accusations then go off on the Ukrainians on trying to get rich on our taxpayer's money with no proof that they are ... stop you incisive lying... is that all you republicans know how to do ... still waiting on your accusation on me saying there's no government waste

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