Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

Yes, they did not want to force people to buy something they didn't want to buy. That's not freedom.
no, that Republican Judgers ruling from the bench ... the only reason it got pulled was this Supreme Court that the Republicans forced 2 of them on us wrote their idea of what is the law ... there is nothing against the constitution against mandates ... its used all the time ...
like I said instead of responding with a credible response you respond with your stupidity of what's going on ...it's republicans cutting programs that are already paid for... it's not a case of money we don't have as you tried to imply here ... they are taking the money out to make them fail ... whether you like the idea of the money being paid these programs are paid for not a case of money we need more of ...its a case of money being taken out of to make them fail ... you asked for examples I've shown them and like I said you make stupid remarks ... programs need to be paid for with the money already there
/----/ We're 33 trillion in debt. Cut spending. Stop your whining. You'll be the first to complain about the debt when Trump is reelected on day one.
Yes, they did not want to force people to buy something they didn't want to buy. That's not freedom.
one other thing this bull shit that's not freedom ... taking women's right away because of the Supreme Court's religious beliefs is not freedom... in this next election republicans are going to pay big on losing seats you watch ...
no, that Republican Judgers ruling from the bench ... the only reason it got pulled was this Supreme Court that the Republicans forced 2 of them on us wrote their idea of what is the law ... there is nothing against the constitution against mandates ... its used all the time ...
name another mandate? I predict you'll respond with you already posted it!!!LOL haahahahahaaha
like I said instead of responding with a credible response you respond with your stupidity of what's going on ...it's republicans cutting programs that are already paid for... it's not a case of money we don't have as you tried to imply here ... they are taking the money out to make them fail ... whether you like the idea of the money being paid these programs are paid for not a case of money we need more of ...its a case of money being taken out of to make them fail ... you asked for examples I've shown them and like I said you make stupid remarks ... programs need to be paid for with the money already there
all a bunch of gibberish with no program again identified! loser!!!!
/----/ We're 33 trillion in debt. Cut spending. Stop your whining. You'll be the first to complain about the debt when Trump is reelected on day one.
the 33 trillion dollar debt is caused by the Republicans cutting programs ... the money is owed, you take it away by cutting taxes ...the debt is still there... you republicans caused this 33 trillion dollar debt... we had it paid for, then you cut the taxes the program keeps running but at a debt that Republicans caused ... they complain about this 33 trillion dollars and can't seem to figure out why we have it ... I don't care how you think, you take the money away to a program it becomes a debt ... then you complain about the debt that republicans caused ... just because you cut taxes doesn't stop the debt it causes .....
the 33 trillion dollar debt is caused by the Republicans cutting programs ... the money is owed, you take it away by cutting taxes ...the debt is still there... you republicans caused this 33 trillion dollar debt... we had it paid for, then you cut the taxes the program keeps running but at a debt that Republicans caused ... they complain about this 33 trillion dollars and can't seem to figure out why we have it ... I don't care how you think, you take the money away to a program it becomes a debt ... then you complain about the debt that republicans caused ... just because you cut taxes doesn't stop the debt it causes .....
/----/ "the 33 trillion dollar debt is caused by the Republicans cutting programs ..."
That is the most idiotic statement ever. You eliminate debt by cutting spending. And no matter how much taxes Congress seizes, it will never be enough.
name another mandate? I predict you'll respond with you already posted it!!!LOL haahahahahaaha
real easy one heres three mandates Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid ...you are forced to pay for it out of your paycheck... does that answer your stupid question ... republicans for years have been trying to repeal that one ... it forced on us its not freedom you say bull shit ... trump is running on he is going to repeal it .. I hope he tries if he wins you republicans will lose just about every seat you have ...
/----/ "the 33 trillion dollar debt is caused by the Republicans cutting programs ..."
That is the most idiotic statement ever. You eliminate debt by cutting spending. And no matter how much taxes Congress seizes, it will never be enough.
no you eliminate debt by cutting programs, not the money that pays for them ...you idiot!!! they are already running ...you cut the money that the program still running and has to be paid for you, moron... programs don't stop running because there's no money to pay for them they become a debt that has to be paid for ...
/----/ "the 33 trillion dollar debt is caused by the Republicans cutting programs ..."
That is the most idiotic statement ever. You eliminate debt by cutting spending. And no matter how much taxes Congress seizes, it will never be enough.
are you saying programs don't take money to run them??? look at no child left Behind. There 's a program that is running with no money passed to make it run ...so it keeps creating a debt every day that it's run ... one of the Republican's great ideas... hey let's create a program but we don't allocate money to pay for it ...the idea will make us look great ...acept its a program that mandated to run ...so it cause some of that trillion dollar debt that you republicans keep cutting taxes every chasnce you get ...
one other thing this bull shit that's not freedom ... taking women's right away because of the Supreme Court's religious beliefs is not freedom... in this next election republicans are going to pay big on losing seats you watch ...
what special rights do women get again? BTW, the SCOTUS is the judicial branch and don't write law. You should learn what our constitution is.
no, that Republican Judgers ruling from the bench ... the only reason it got pulled was this Supreme Court that the Republicans forced 2 of them on us wrote their idea of what is the law ... there is nothing against the constitution against mandates ... its used all the time ...
Not mandates to purchase goods and services. I don't have to buy auto insurance if I don't own a car. I don't have to buy homeowner's insurance if I don't own a home. I don't have to buy life insurance, and on it goes. Under obamadon'tcare, we HAD to buy health insurance whether we wanted to, could afford to, or not, or face penalties.
one other thing this bull shit that's not freedom ... taking women's right away because of the Supreme Court's religious beliefs is not freedom... in this next election republicans are going to pay big on losing seats you watch ...
That wave has already crested, and people are back to living life. Giving the states back the freedom to legislate the way the people want to legislate is indeed freedom, very much so. Now, again, give us program names and numbers. It's painfully clear that you've never looked them up and have no intention of ever looking them up, and are doubling down on, "Because I say so!!!". I don't know if you've noticed, but that doesn't fly in the real world.
like I said instead of responding with a credible response you respond with your stupidity of what's going on ...it's republicans cutting programs that are already paid for... it's not a case of money we don't have as you tried to imply here ... they are taking the money out to make them fail ... whether you like the idea of the money being paid these programs are paid for not a case of money we need more of ...its a case of money being taken out of to make them fail ... you asked for examples I've shown them and like I said you make stupid remarks ... programs need to be paid for with the money already there
Name the programs and give their budget numbers year over year to show which are doing with less.
No, they shouldn’t. The proper place to petition your government, state, or federal, for the redress of grievances, is AT the government, not at their homes. In other words, picket the courthouse…but their homes should be off limits.

Besides, their neighbors shouldn’t have to suffer a mob shouting for hours on end because of something a judge did.

No, I think it should go through the appeals process and work through the system legally. Protesting outside of someone’s home isn’t killed going to have any affect other than to galvanize them.

I understand playing the lefts game the same as they do, but not at someone’s house…

If they follow the constitution, this should be overturned easily ..
I think ALL of these "Protests" should be met with Firehoses ,Tear gas ,and Dogs.
what special rights do women get again? BTW, the SCOTUS is the judicial branch and don't write law. You should learn what our constitution is.
are you really this stupid ??? I can't believe some of the stupidest questions you ask ... the abortion law that was repealed by this Supreme Court... a right that women had FOR 50 YEARS... it was repealed because of religion and not health reasons ...that every constitutionalist scholar has said that Alito's opinion was the biggest joke that any judge can give ... it had nothing to do with the constitution ... it was about religion ...then they are going after the day after pill ...as if they had the right to say that that pill does harm ... THEY HAVE NO BUSINESS LOOKING INTO THE SAFTY OF MEDICATION ... NONE BUT ALITO THINK HE DOES... it's not me that has a problem with what the Constitution says it is you who has a problem ... you have no idea what it says none ...
That wave has already crested, and people are back to living life. Giving the states back the freedom to legislate the way the people want to legislate is indeed freedom, very much so. Now, again, give us program names and numbers. It's painfully clear that you've never looked them up and have no intention of ever looking them up, and are doubling down on, "Because I say so!!!". I don't know if you've noticed, but that doesn't fly in the real world.
I'm not going to do that.. not with a stupid person like you who wouldn't understand it... you're too stupid...I listed the names of the programs if that's not good enough for you the go fuck your self ... go find the programs in a post site like this... nobody does that, nobody!!!!

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